Joint Statement – Five Eyes nations defence ministers

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace yesterday evening took part in a videoconference of defence ministers from the Five Eyes nations.

Dstl’s new counter-terrorism facility opened by The Queen

The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Cambridge, officially opened Dstl's new state-of-the-art Energetics Analysis Centre and met specialist scientific staff.

How defence is rising to the sustainability challenge

Today the Government issued its response to the Committee on Climate Progress Report to Parliament, which was published in June this year.

Public asked not to gather at the Cenotaph for Remembrance Sunday due to coronavirus 

For the first time, the annual Remembrance Sunday service will be a closed ceremony due to the coronavirus pandemic

UK and Qatar commit to a stronger defence relationship

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and his Qatari counterpart have committed to strengthening the UK-Qatar defence relationship during a joint visit to RAF Coningsby today.