£550m F-35 missile contract signed

A £550 million contract for new surface-attack missiles will secure hundreds of UK jobs and provide unrivalled lethality for the UK’s F-35B Lightning jets, Defence Minister Jeremy Quin announced today.

Over 5,000 Armed Forces deployed in support of the Covid response

Armed Forces personnel are working on 70 different tasks ranging from schools testing to the rollout of vaccines.

Carrier Strike Group hits important milestone

The UK’s Carrier Strike Group (CSG) has achieved a major milestone ahead of its first operational deployment this year.

Over 5,000 Armed Forces deployed in support of the Covid response in the biggest homeland operation in peacetime

Over 5,000 Armed Forces personnel are currently deployed to support the response to the Coronavirus across the UK, working on 70 different tasks ranging from schools testing to the rollout of vaccines.

Government opens further COVID-19 testing locations for hauliers heading to France

COVID-19 tests available at haulier information advice sites around England.