Tag Archives: Labour


Jeremy Hunt’s speech failed to address the crisis in social care, created by this Government – Keeley

Barbara Keeley MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Social Care, commenting on Jeremy Hunt’s speech to the Conservative Party Conference, said:

“In his speech Jeremy Hunt failed to address the crisis in social care which his Government has created.

“Tory cuts to local authority budgets have led to falling care quality, cuts to care services and people stuck in hospitals because there is no care available for them in their community.

“The next Labour government will deal with the crisis by investing £8 billion in this Parliament, with £1 billion up front this year, and further develop our plans to build a National Care Service.“

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Delay in publishing this report is more evidence of a Government that is all talk and little action – Dawn Butler

Dawn Butler MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, commenting on Theresa May’s trail of next week’s publication of the Government’s audit of public services to reveal racial disparities, said:

“The delay in publishing this report is yet more evidence of a Government that is all talk and little action. Theresa May promised to publish the findings of this audit before summer 2017, but has instead sat on the data for months.

“I am glad the data I requested from the Prime Minister three months ago when Parliament was sitting will finally be published, but Theresa May has questions to answer on why it he taken so long to shine a light on the “burning injustices” she promised to address over a year ago.

“This morning, the Prime Minister said the audit’s findings would prove difficult reading. When the report is published, it must be in a full and transparent manner and proposals must immediately be brought forward to tackle racial disparities. We cannot wait another year.”

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Seven years of Tory rule has been catastrophic for both nurses and patients – AshworthJonathan…

Seven years of Tory rule has been catastrophic for both nurses and patients – Ashworth

Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, responding to Jeremy Hunt’s announcement at Tory party conference, said:

“Seven years of Tory rule has been catastrophic for both nurses and patients.

“Our NHS faces a 40,000 shortfall of nurses because of reduction of training places, seven years of capped pay, and the scrapping of the nurses’ bursary. On top of this record of failure, Theresa May’s shambolic handling of Brexit means more EU national nurses could leave the NHS.

“Today’s announcement won’t reverse the damage this Government has already done.

“Our NHS needs what Labour pledged in our manifesto – bring back the nurses’ training bursary and give nurses the pay rise they deserve.”

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The Government’s announcement on transport is undermined by their record of delayed, downgraded and cancelled investment – McDonald

Andy McDonald MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, responding to the Government’s announcement about investment in road and rail in the North of England and the Midlands, said:    

“The Tories have undermined their own boasts of investment in transport infrastructure across the UK by huge disparities in spending by region and a record of delayed, downgraded and cancelled investment.

“By scrapping electrification this summer, the Transport Secretary has condemned much of the country to second-class transport networks, denying passengers in the Midlands, Wales and the North the modern, electric services they were promised and derailing plans for a Crossrail for the North. The Tories seem to think that slow, polluting and unreliable bi-mode trains are good enough for some parts of the country.

“Labour is committed to ensuring each area gets its fair share of investment, including upgrading the rail network across the country and at least a £10 billion commitment to Crossrail for the North. This would reverse decades of underinvestment that has undermined the economic potential of the North of England and would help to deliver 850,000 new jobs by 2050.”

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Hammond is clinging to an old economic model that fails the many – McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, responding to Philip Hammond’s speech at the Conservative Party conference today in Manchester, said:

“After 40 wasted minutes speaking, and seven wasted years of Tory economic failure the country expected to see the Chancellor change course. But instead, after a year, in the job he is continuing down the path of his predecessor and clinging to an old economic model that fails the many. It was a speech that contained more baseless smears on Labour than Tory policy announcements. But it betrays how fearful the Tories are of the challenge posed by Jeremy Corbyn.

“There was nothing of real substance on infrastructure, on tackling the housing crisis, the funding shortfall in our NHS and care system, and nothing at all for hard working families who are struggling to keep up with rising prices.

“The Chancellor this morning admitted he will borrow £10 billion for a housing policy that will only help a few, and which is derided by many of his predecessors even in his own party. Yet he will do nothing for the low paid struggling under the Tories Universal Credit mismanagement, or hard pressed public-sector workers. Real wages are lower today than when the Tories first came to power.

“On infrastructure spending, he has no plans to end the north-south divide on infrastructure spending. Philip Hammond has announced a mere drop in the ocean compared to what has already been cut, with government investment spending £19 billion lower than in 2010. Communities in the North of England will not be fooled when this Government plans to invest in transport just one-fifth in the North of what it will spend in London.

“The next Labour government will bring an end to the Tory economy built on debt, and create a country of high wage, high skill jobs, for the many not the few.”

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