Labour MPs call on the Government to lower voting age to 16

Labour MPs call on Government
to lower voting age to 16

Tomorrow, Friday 3 November, Labour MPs will be supporting Jim
McMahon MP’s Private Member’s Bill to reduce the voting age to 16. This reform would
enfranchise 1.5 million people, enabling them to
participate in politics and have a say in the decisions that affect their lives
and futures.

Votes at 16 has cross-party support, from the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, and some senior
Conservative politicians.

The Bill
would also introduce a requirement on Returning Officers to ensure steps are
taken to register new voters and ensure schools teach pupils
about democracy and citizenship.

McMahon, MP for Oldham West and Royton, said:

“The fact there is cross-party
support to lower the voting age shows that the political appetite for change is
there. It has been discussed in the past, but now the time has come to make it
a reality.

“This is the right
thing to do to strengthen our democracy, and I will be working tirelessly
with other MPs and young people to make sure we take this historic step

Cat Smith MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Voter Engagement and
Youth Affairs said:

“It is ridiculous that 16 year olds living in Scotland can vote in
local elections, but are denied the right to vote in UK General Elections. With
the Welsh Labour Government also looking to extend the franchise to young
people, the UK Government must act now.

“It is vital that politicians listen to the voices of young people.
That is why Labour is supporting Jim McMahon’s campaign to extend the franchise
to 16 and 17 year olds.”


John McDonnell response to Bank of England decision to raise interest rates to 0.5%

McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, 
responding to the decision today
by the Bank of England to raise interest rates to 0.5%, said:

decision by the Bank of England reflects the deep pessimism of many economists
about the underlying state of the British economy after seven years of Tory
policies, with productivity forecasts also likely to be downgraded by the
Office for Budget Responsibility later this month.

Tories’ failure means real wages are lower today than in 2010 and still
falling. The government must bring forward the investment needed to
secure well-paid jobs, and follow Labour’s call for a £10/hour Real Living Wage
to end poverty pay.”

Amber Rudd admits crime is rising but police numbers are still being cut – Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, speaking today at the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners’ and National Police Chiefs’ Council’s Partnership Summit 2017, said:

“The Tories have been in denial about rising crime, but Amber Rudd yesterday admitted there is a genuine increase in violent crimes.

“Crime is up, yet the Tories continue to cut police numbers, which are now at a 35-year low. Instead of listening to police chiefs and crime commissioners, the Tories continue to insist that the police are not over-stretched. The reality is very different. Serious crime is rising, police numbers are falling, and the arrest rate is down.

“Labour in government will increase police numbers by 10,000. We will begin to address the real shortfall in resources. The Tories will continue with their internal crises. Labour will tackle the real problems facing ordinary people.”

Today’s statistics about families affected by the Tories’ benefit cap are deeply concerning – Debbie Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and
Pensions Secretary
commenting on the benefit cap statistics released by the Department for Work
and Pensions today, said:

“It is deeply concerning that nearly
70,000 families are now being affected by the Tories’ benefit cap. 

“Seven in every ten of those are single
parent families, struggling to give their children the best life chances in the
face of falling real wages, the spiralling cost of essentials and inflexible,
low quality childcare.

“The courts recently ruled that a benefit
cap was discriminatory and unlawful for nearly 30,000 families with children
under two. Often these are women fleeing domestic violence.

“Labour has stood against the reduction
of the benefit cap. We will transform the social security system so that, like
the NHS, it is there for us all in our time of need.”

Today’s figures expose the Government’s hollow promises on nurse recruitment – Jonathan Ashworth

Jonathan Ashworth MP,
Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary
, commenting on the latest Nursing and Midwifery Council data
showing a further fall in numbers on their register, said:

“The new figures from
the NMC expose the Government’s hollow promises on nurse recruitment. Far from
delivering the staff needed to keep patients on wards safe, nurse numbers are
now in fact falling in our NHS. It’s
staggering that numbers are falling when all the evidence shows we need more
nurses in the NHS, not less.

“The truth is that the
Government has totally failed in its planning of the NHS workforce. The
disastrous pay cap has pushed staff to the brink and the end of bursaries has
led to a fall in places on nursing degrees. Now Theresa May’s chaotic approach
to Brexit is directly impacting staffing levels in the NHS.

“With winter coming it is
essential the NHS can get enough staff in place to deliver safe services for
patients. The Government needs to get a grip and come up with a sustainable
long term plan for the NHS which deals with the staffing crisis and gives the
NHS the funding it needs.”