Tag Archives: Labour


Sue Hayman responds to reports Government are considering new taxes on plastic waste

Sue Hayman MP, Shadow Secretary for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, responding to reports that the Government are considering new taxes on plastic waste, said:

“This looks like another U-turn by a Conservative Government in chaos. While we support initiatives to decrease the use of non-recyclable materials, the slump in recycling figures and significant increase in litter and dumped rubbish under this Government requires a far more strategic approach.

“One of the hallmarks of Tory austerity Britain is the very visible rubbish and fly tipping blighting our communities due to unprecedented cuts to cash-strapped councils and the lack of clear overarching objectives and policies from central Government.

“Ministers must now explain how they intend to invest in developing new packaging materials as well as enhancing recycling processes and infrastructures to deal with this further up the supply chain.

“Despite their warm words on the environment, the Government chose to vote against crucial environmental amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill last week. There is still an opportunity for the Government to get behind the remainder of Labour’s amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill to ensure all environmental law is fully transferred to the UK after Brexit.”

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Jeremy Corbyn reaction to Scottish Labour leadership announcement

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, responding to the Scottish Labour leadership announcement, said:

“I would like to congratulate Richard Leonard on being elected the new leader of the Scottish Labour Party, and Anas Sarwar for his energetic campaign.

“After being written off time and again, the General Election showed that our Party is capturing the mood both in Scotland and across the rest of the UK.

“There is much to do to continue our party’s revival in Scotland and many who still need to be persuaded to put their trust in the Labour Party. But Richard’s campaign offered a challenge to the rigged system that has benefited a wealthy elite and showed how he will lead Scottish Labour to transform society. This can be a turning point in Scottish politics and our party will now come together, united to challenge Tory and SNP austerity that has held Scotland back.

“I am confident that under Richard’s leadership, Labour will once again be a real force for change in Scotland. I look forward to campaigning with him in Scotland next week as we build a movement that will help our party win in Holyrood and Westminster, to transform our country for the many not the few.”

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Government should apologise to those affected by benefits pay out mistakes – Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, commenting on the news that mistakes in benefits claims could cost the taxpayer up to £500m, said:

“This is yet another example of the total failure of this Government to provide people with the support they need.

“From the chaotic introduction of Universal Credit to the quiet pushing back of the state pension age of 1950s women, it’s been one disaster after another from the Department of Work and Pensions.

“The Government must act immediately to provide the support people are entitled to and apologise to all the people who have struggled to heat their homes and put food on their table.”

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Feeble measures like this will not build the affordable homes the country needs – Healey

John Healey MP, Shadow Housing Secretary, responding to reports that the Government is looking at giving councils limited additional flexibility to build new homes, said:

“Ministers tried tinkering with council borrowing rules four years ago and it hasn’t worked.

“Feeble measures like this will not build the affordable homes the country needs, or even make up for the nearly 200,000 council homes lost over the last seven years.

“Ministers should back Labour’s plan to let councils build by giving them the funding and full borrowing flexibility they need.”

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Quick-fire sale of Network Rail’s assets is shameful – Rachael Maskell

Rachael Maskell MP, Labour’s Shadow Rail Minister, commenting on the announcement that Network Rail is to sell £1billion worth of public assets, said:

“This quick-fire sale of Network Rail’s assets is a shameful attempt by the Tories to plug a gap in the company’s cash flow by sacrificing its capital assets. Selling-off the family silver to compensate for a budgetary shortfall is the completely wrong approach.

“Flogging assets doesn’t solve the underlying problems with our railways: a fragmented, privatised railway system that drives up costs and a Government which squanders money through a failure to plan investment.

“The Government should instead prioritise improving Network Rail’s efficiency and ensuring necessary funding is delivered.”

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