Theresa May’s lack of action compounds a failed and incoherent energy strategy, clumsily lurching from crisis to calamity – Long-Bailey

Long-Bailey, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
commenting on Theresa May’s visit
to Copeland said:

Prime Minister today failed to assure that the UK is committed to the NuGen
nuclear plant at Moorside in Cumbria.

an equity share as Labour has called for would ensure this vital power station
built. Theresa May’s lack of action compounds a failed and incoherent energy
strategy, clumsily lurching from crisis to calamity.

supports new nuclear and the growth of renewable energy, but the Tories appear
hell bent on preventing either, rushing us out of the Euratom nuclear
partnership and slashing low carbon energy support.

Tories’ failure is forcing up energy bills and threatening jobs.”


to Editors

1     Labour
tabled multiple amendments to the recent Article 50 Bills to seek continued
membership of Euratom (the European Atomic Energy Community) including NC192.
The government rejected those attempts to keep the UK inside the nuclear
research and trade community, despite strong calls
from the nuclear industry

Leaving Euratom will have significant
and disruption
for the nuclear industry, and may affect
the construction of Hinkley Point C

as to whether leaving the EU necessitates the leaving Euratom.

Labour has come out in
support of new nuclear

The Government has greatly rolled
back on support
for low carbon energy to international

It is months
late in its publishing of the legally required Emissions Reduction Plan

And risks
missing it’s legally required Carbon Budgets
as laid out in the Climate
Change Act 2008.

3.     Significant
disruptions in financial flows to the energy infrastructure makes projects more
risky, driving up the cost of capital and impacting bills payers.

Government must now act to stop the growing pressure on low and middle income families – Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Work
and Pensions Secretary
, commenting on today’s Labour Market Statistics,

“We welcome the overall increase in
employment, but are concerned that wide regional differences in the numbers of
people in work remain.  

“It is also worrying to see that rising
living costs are quickly catching up with wage growth. If this trend continues,
the Government’s abysmal record on living standards will get even worse. 

“With wages set to be lower in 2021 than
before the Tories came to power, they must now act to stop the growing pressure
on low and middle income families. 

“That’s why Labour is urging the
Government to reverse cuts to in-work support that could see some working
families worse off by £2,600 a year.”

Workers and investors need confidence that automotive industry will be robustly supported by Government – Long-Bailey

Long-Bailey, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on reports that General Motors is in talks to sell its European arm
Opel, which includes the UK’s Vauxhall, said:

“In light
of plans by General Motors to explore the option of selling Vauxhall and Opel,
the Government should be pushing protection of our automotive sector right to
the top of their agenda.

and investors need confidence that this industry will be robustly supported by
Government for many years to come so that jobs are secure and investors are
able to make long term decisions.

“I would
also urge General Motors to work very closely with trade unions in progressing
any deal to ensure that jobs are protected.”


It is not acceptable to run a prison with insufficient staff, where prisoners can take drugs and threaten staff – Burgon

Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary,
commenting on press coverage of
problems at HMP Northumberland, said:

conditions in HMP Northumberland will shock many people, it should come as no
surprise to this Tory Government – Labour has repeatedly warned them that this
is what is happening in prisons on their watch.

Justice Secretary must set out the terms of the investigation she is conducting
into the running of the prison by Sodexo. She needs to set a clear deadline for
Sodexo to prove they can run HMP Northumberland effectively and warn that if
they fail to do so, HM Prison and Probation Service will.

is not acceptable to run a prison with insufficient staff, where prisoners can
take drugs and threaten staff, and where core security functions don’t work and
where fences are cut and alarms fail.”


It is not acceptable to run a prison with insufficient staff, where prisoners can take drugs and threaten staff – Burgon

Burgon MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary,
commenting on press coverage of
problems at HMP Northumberland, said:

conditions in HMP Northumberland will shock many people, it should come as no
surprise to this Tory Government – Labour has repeatedly warned them that this
is what is happening in prisons on their watch.

Justice Secretary must set out the terms of the investigation she is conducting
into the running of the prison by Sodexo. She needs to set a clear deadline for
Sodexo to prove they can run HMP Northumberland effectively and warn that if
they fail to do so, HM Prison and Probation Service will.

is not acceptable to run a prison with insufficient staff, where prisoners can
take drugs and threaten staff, and where core security functions don’t work and
where fences are cut and alarms fail.”