This is an extreme and unacceptable executive bonus payment while home-buyers struggle – John Healey

Responding to the resignation of the chair of housebuilder Persimmon following a reported £100m remuneration package for the chief executive, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, John Healey MP said:

“This is an extreme and unacceptable executive bonus payment while home-buyers struggle with high housing costs.

"Since 2010 the Conservatives’ have outsourced responsibility for building the homes Britain needs to big developers which has inflated profits and reduced the number of new affordable homes.

"Labour would make continuation of Help to Buy conditional on a tough new government deal with the housebuilders, including on executive pay.”

Nobody wants to see Uber replacing local bus services except Chris Grayling – Andy McDonald

Andy McDonald MP, Labour’s Shadow Transport Secretary, responding to comments made by Chris Grayling about bus services being replaced by services like Uber, said:

“For many people, especially the young and the elderly, those living in rural areas and those who do not own a car, bus services are a lifeline.

“But rather than addressing the buses crisis, Chris Grayling’s solution is to say let them take taxis.

“This is a dim-witted approach from an out of touch Transport Secretary who hasn’t lifted a finger to stop bus routes being withdrawn and funding for buses being slashed.

“Nobody wants to see Uber replacing local bus services except Chris Grayling.”

Theresa May must put country before party in Brexit talks – Jeremy Corbyn

Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party,
responding to confirmation that Brexit talks can now
move onto the second phase, said:

“It is
welcome that the European Council has at last agreed to move to the crucial
second stage of the Brexit negotiations.

“However, this should have happened months ago. The truth is that the
Government’s chaotic handling of the Brexit talks has hindered
progress, fuelled uncertainty and risked economic damage.

“Theresa May must learn from her mistakes, put the needs of the country before
her party and prioritise negotiating a future relationship with the European
Union that puts jobs and the economy first.”


For too long the UK steel industry has been neglected by this Government – Gill Furniss

Gill Furniss, Shadow Steel Minister, commenting on the
publication of the Government’s study into the ‘Future Capacities and
Capabilities of the UK Steel Industry’, said:

“For too long the UK steel industry has
been neglected by this Government. Their Industrial Strategy merely paid lip
service to industry whilst failing to provide any tangible solutions or to
respond to the Steel Sector Deal proposal. The opportunities outlined in
today’s report can only be harnessed with full Government backing and support.

’’Labour will create a level playing field for the UK steel industry so it can
compete globally and take full advantage of the opportunities on offer’’.

Debbie Abrahams comments on Written Ministerial Statement on Employment and Support Allowance

Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, commenting
on the Written Ministerial Statement on Employment and Support Allowance, said:

“It is a damning indictment of this Government and their incompetence
that 75,000 people in receipt of ESA were underpaid between 2011 and 2014 and
this information has only now been put in the public domain.

“The statement spells out a litany of failures by officials and
Ministers. Ministers have known about this issue for nearly a year, but
chose not to inform Parliament immediately. The Secretary of State must come
before Parliament to explain how such a huge error was not rectified sooner and
to outline in detail how he will ensure all those affected will receive the
payments they are due.” 
