John McDonnell responds to news of Google’s tax bill only amounting to just £36.4 million

McDonnell MP Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, responding to news of Google’s tax bill
only amounting to just £36.4 million, said:

revelation only further proves that Philip Hammond and Theresa May are more
interested in cutting Google’s taxes, than making sure they are paying their
fair share.

seems that the so called “successful” tax deal with Google that George Osborne
boasted about last year has meant that they are still not paying their fair
share under his successor Philip Hammond. We urgently need clarity on HMRC’s
relationship with Google and what reassurances have been provided to the

is a national disgrace that by paying just £36 million in tax Google could have
an effective tax rate lower than many working families in our country. And it
exposes the complacency at the heart of this Tory Government, which is
allowing this to still continue despite last year’s scandal.

time that the Tories got a grip of big corporations not paying their way,
instead of going ahead with £70 billion in tax giveaways to big business and
the super-rich, while cutting in-work benefits for the low paid, and
threatening to turn our country into a tax haven.

truth is that the Tories have no interest in standing up for working people,
only Labour with our Tax Transparency and Enforcement Programme will bring in
full, public, country-by-country reporting.

Government must be realistic about the need for transitional arrangements for Brexit – Corbyn

Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, commenting on the European Council’s draft
negotiating guidelines, said:

welcome that Donald Tusk has softened the EU’s opposition to talks on trade
taking place before the terms of withdrawal are agreed.

sides must be realistic about the scale of the task ahead and the common need
to avoid ending up without agreement. Securing a good deal for Britain’s future
must be the Government’s priority and we must be realistic about the need for
transitional arrangements.

European Council President has reiterated the need for a ‘close
partnership’ in the future and it is essential to achieve that. But the Prime
Minister’s comments about trading off security cooperation and failing to
guarantee the rights of EU citizens are not a good start.

unhelpful for either side to speculate over the scale of any payments.
There are obligations on both sides, which must be fairly settled.

is clear that we must fight for a deal which prioritises jobs, the economy and
workers’ rights. And the Government must guarantee that dumping of regulations
covering environmental protections, social and employment rights will not
happen. People didn’t vote to live in a low wage tax haven which undercuts our
neighbours on standards and protections.”


Diane Abbott responds to analysis suggesting that major police forces are failing to investigate more than 50 percent of burglaries

Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary
, commenting on analysis
suggesting that major police forces are failing
to investigate more than 50 percent of burglaries, said:

figures are deeply troubling. The Tories are in denial about the effects of
their broken promises on police numbers, police effectiveness and the fight
against crime.

only is there more crime under this Government, but falling numbers of officers
have meant that the police are becoming less effective at fighting crime.”

Paul Blomfield responds to reports that EU nationals are finding it difficult to get mortgages agreed by UK lenders

Blomfield MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Exiting the European Union
, commenting on
reports that EU nationals are finding it difficult to get mortgages agreed by
UK lenders, said:

many more reports like this does the Government need before it realises it is
committing a huge act of self-harm by not granting non-UK EU citizens

nationals, many of whom have been here decades, will simply vote with their
feet if they can’t secure jobs or homes here.

would spell disaster for our economy, our public services and our communities.

beyond time for the Government to see sense.”

For too long the bus industry has put profit before passengers. Labour will change that – Jeremy Corbyn

will overturn the Government’s ban on council-owned bus companies as part of a
wider strategy to put the public back into buses and deliver affordable,
greener, and accessible transport.

unveiled its bus strategy to put people not private profit first after figures
revealed that passenger journeys in England outside London have declined by 39
percent and by 53 per cent in English cities since 1986. But over the same
period in London, which kept regulation of bus services, passenger journeys
increased by 99 per cent.

policy includes a commitment to low emissions vehicles, Wi-Fi enabled buses,
improved joint and through ticketing schemes, mandatory disability and equality
training, and a commitment to introduce a national strategy for local bus
services, setting out objectives, targets and funding provisions, including
considering concessionary fares for 16-19 year olds.

Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party
, said:

will create the freedom for councils to run first class bus services which the
public are proud of. The Tory legacy brought rising fares, plummeting passenger
numbers and too many areas where pensioners have a bus pass but no bus.

wants to see local communities empowered to determine their own priorities and
reverse the decline in bus services. Labour will extend franchising powers to
all areas that want them and will overturn the ban on new community bus
companies, allowing Local Authorities to replicate the successes of the
country’s best performing operators.

too long the bus industry has put profit before passengers. Labour will change

McDonald MP, Labour’s Shadow Transport Secretary
, said:

are by far the most important mode of public transport, connecting communities,
places of education and businesses like no other.

supporting local economies, combatting climate change, addressing air quality
and tackling social exclusion, the importance of buses cannot be over-stated.
Yet funding for buses across England and Wales has been cut by 33 per cent
since 2010 and thousands of routes have been downgraded or cut altogether,
meaning passengers across the country have to put up with sub-standard

want to see clean, hi-tech fleets of buses running accessible and reliable
services that meet passengers’ needs. For this to happen, we need to give
communities the power to reform bus services to make them work for passengers,
as well as ensuring the funding and strategy is in place to ensure no
communities are left behind.”

policy would:

Create freedom for local authorities to form their own bus companies by
removing the Government’s ban.

Extend the powers to re-regulate local bus services to all areas that want them
– not just to combined authorities with an elected mayor.

Require all new buses to meet the low-emission requirements set out by the
Government-sponsored Office for Low Emission Vehicles.

Require new vehicles to be equipped with Wi-Fi, and install Wi-Fi on existing

Introduce a national strategy for local bus services, setting out objectives,
targets and funding provisions. This would include consideration of a reduced
fare scheme for young people aged 16-19.

Require all bus drivers and staff at bus terminals to complete approved
disability equality and awareness training, including mental and physical
disabilities, by a specific date.

Ensure bus services in England make adjustments for any disabled passenger on
the bus including policies for priority wheelchair spaces. 

leader Jeremy Corbyn and shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald are in Tees
Valley today (Friday) promoting Labour’s bus policy.