The Tories’ promises to deal with energy bills should be taken with a huge pinch of salt

Gwynne MP, Labour’s Campaigns and Elections Chair,
in response to the Sunday Times
splash, said:

Tories don’t stand for working people, their record is one of failure and
broken promises, letting ordinary people down at every turn.

the Tories working people have picked up the bill while those at the top have
has tax breaks. Wages have stagnated while in work support has been slashed.
And public services have suffered huge cuts, leaving our NHS in crisis with
longer waiting times, overcrowded ‎A&E departments and staffing

"The Tories’ promises to deal with energy bills should be taken with a
huge pinch of salt. Time and again they’ve promised action but when it comes to
it they broke those promises. Under them energy bills have soared. At the last
election when Labour promised action the Tories opposed it, putting themselves
on the side of protecting the big energy companies’ profits rather the interest
of working people.

Labour can be trusted to deliver a country for the many rather than just the
few. All the Tories offer is broken promises and a record which has seen working
people worse off.”

John McDonnell responding to Treasury announcement that it has sold all of the public’s stake in Lloyds Banking Group

McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, responding to the Treasury announcement that it has
sold all of the public’s stake in Lloyds Banking Group, said:

“Two days after the Chancellor shamefully admitted that he will be
unable to sell RBS at a profit, he is now trying to claim the handling of
Lloyds as a success despite having had to scrap his earlier proposed retail
sale because returns were so poor.

"Philip Hammond needs to stop ignoring the elephant in the room of
Britain’s biggest banking failure and get to grips with RBS. Only Labour will
put in place the tough measures needed to reign in our banks instead of Tory
tax giveaways on the bank levy and bankers’ bonus tax.”

R&D is vital for the UK’s future prosperity yet this Government have cut funding  – Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long Bailey MP, Shadow Secretary of State for
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy,
commenting on the Government’s
announcement of
Industrial Strategy Challenge
Fund investments, said:

is simply a re-commitment of R&D funding announced at last year’s Autumn

is vital for the UK’s future prosperity yet this Government have cut funding
since 2010  and the UK remains significantly behind the OECD average of
2.4% of GDP in public and private investment in R&D.

is committed to bringing the UK in line with our international counterparts and
will raise total public and private investment in R&D to 3% of GDP.”


Kate Osamor responds to Theresa May announcement on spending 0.7 per cent of GNI on international development

Secretary of State for International Development, Kate Osamor
, responding to Theresa May
announcement on spending 0.7 per cent of GNI on international development,

Tories have been cutting the aid budget by stealth for years, and they are now
arguing over whether to go even further by abandoning the international
definition of aid.

Prime Minister needs to end this speculation immediately by confirming that the
Tories would continue to abide by the definition set out by the OECD.
Abandoning the globally recognised standard would undermine the purpose of the
0.7 per cent commitment and send a terrible signal to the rest of the world.

“The UK’s
commitment to help the world’s poorest is vital and should not be being called
into question in this way.”

Theresa May’s refusal to commit the Tories to maintaining the pensions triple lock only further proves the Tories are abandoning older people – John McDonnell

McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, responding to Theresa May failing to
commit the Tories to maintaining the pensions triple lock if she wins the
general election, said:

four days into the Tory campaign and Theresa May has refused to commit to
maintaining the pensions triple lock, just as Philip Hammond refused to commit
to it on Tuesday.

May’s refusal to commit the Tories to maintaining the pensions triple lock only
further proves the Tories are abandoning older people. It’s now clear pensions
protections are now in jeopardy.

will stand up for older people by maintaining the pensions triple lock and by
keeping the winter fuel allowance and free bus passes so that the elderly can
go about their lives with the dignity they deserve.”