Instead of preparing for failure the Government should be putting all their efforts into getting a Brexit deal that works for Britain – Starmer

Keir Starmer, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, responding to David Davis’s comments on the Andrew
Marr Show said:

“Labour has been clear that no deal is not a viable option as
it would be catastrophic for British trade, jobs and security. The sooner David
Davis realises this, the better.

“Instead of preparing for failure the Government should be putting all their
efforts into getting a Brexit deal that works for Britain – that means putting
jobs and the economy first and dropping the no deal mantra.”

Jeremy Corbyn statement on the evacuation of tower blocks in Camden

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the
Labour Party
commenting on the evacuation of tower blocks in Camden, said: 

“My thoughts are with all
those residents affected by the evacuation of tower blocks in Camden. This is a
disruptive and worrying time for them. The council has taken a difficult
decision on the advice of fire safety experts, but the safety of residents must
always come first.

"Tower blocks across the
country have now failed fire safety tests in the wake of the Grenfell tower
disaster. This is now a nationwide threat – and the Prime Minister needs to get
a grip and lead a national response, including convening the Cobra committee to
coordinate government and public action.

"I urge the government to
make sure all necessary support – including, crucially, financial support – is
urgently made available to councils across the country so they can deal swiftly
and effectively with the scale of the fire safety challenge.”

It is essential that the details of any agreement with the DUP are made public – John McDonnell

John McDonnell MP,
Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, has today written to the Chancellor, Philip
Hammond MP, calling on him to
make public the cost of any secret deals the Government are making with the

Calling it
“essential” that the details of any agreement are made public, the Shadow
Chancellor lays out a number of questions that Hammond must answer around
additional spending as well as the Barnett Formula implications of any
potential deal.


from Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP to Chancellor Philip Hammond MP:


am writing to call on you, in the interests of transparency, to publish the
financial consequences of any electoral deal reached between the Conservative
Party and the Democratic Unionist Party.

has been speculation in the media about possible additional infrastructure and
NHS spending for Northern Ireland, or reductions in Northern Ireland rates of
corporation tax, VAT and/or Air Passenger Duty.

is essential that the details of any agreement are made public, including any
costing calculations and evidence for measures which are agreed, and how
additional spending or reduced tax revenue will be affected by Barnett Formula

will any additional spending or tax cuts offered to Northern Ireland be offset
through reductions in the Northern Ireland block grant and if not how will
additional spending be paid for?

you clarify whether any additional spending will be funded from general UK-wide
taxation, or by increased borrowing, or by some other means?

your Spring Budget there has already emerged a ‘black hole’ of £2bn as a result
of the Government’s U-turn on increasing Class 4 National Insurance
contributions. Can you inform us how you are planning to plug this gap: with
further spending cuts, tax rises, or additional borrowing? I note that this
comes in the context of Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts for an
increase in Public Sector Net Borrowing this year.

look forward to receiving your reply,

McDonnell MP

Shadow Chancellor

Jeremy Corbyn speech to UNISON annual conference

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, speaking at the UNISON
annual conference, said:

you for inviting me here today to your annual conference.

is a great pleasure to be back in Brighton for the first time since the
election. Not only did the Labour Party increase our majority in Hove from just
over 1,000 to almost 19,000 but we also gained Brighton Kemptown.

brilliant Lloyd Russell-Moyle turned a Tory majority of almost 700 into a
Labour majority of 10,000, the biggest majority that any MP of any party has
ever had in that constituency.

in the South-East overall, Labour increased its vote by a fantastic 63 per
cent, a figure only beaten by the South West of England where we increased our
vote by 73 per cent. These are figures which show that there are no unwinnable
seats for Labour now: from recent gains like Canterbury and Kensington to our Labour
heartlands in the North

can I say how glad I am that we have numerous new Labour Members of Parliament
who are from Unison, such as your former regional secretary, Eleanor Smith who is now MP for Wolverhampton South West: a black woman elected in the
seat once held by the Conservative MP, Enoch Powell.

May and the Tories are now weakened and divided. The Prime Minister called an
election to win a landslide and lost her majority and her political authority.

weeks after the general election she has still been unable to stitch together a
deal with the DUP to stay in office, while we have been strengthened across
every part of the country in our drive to form a  Labour government,
deliver real change and transform people’s lives.

Labour did not win the General Election, there is no question that it was a
real advance and success for the Labour Party and for working people across the
United Kingdom.

the predictions of the experts, that was achieved by putting our manifesto and
our popular policies centre stage. A message of how the country could be if it
was governed for the benefit of the many not the few, we showed that the
politics of hope can always trump the politics of fear.

by doing so we have created a movement: a movement of people of all ages, all
religions, all ethnicities and all backgrounds. Our strength is our unity, our
determination is to change this country for the better and to win the next
election and form a Labour government.

of this will be possible without the huge support we get from the Trade Union
movement and your members. Indeed, we would not be where we are today if it
were not for Trade Unions such as Unison giving us fantastic support every step
of the way. It is vital you get the recognition that you deserve for being the
bedrock of our party, in the knowledge that it is only a Labour government and
not a Tory government that will protect and deliver for your members.

the election campaign whilst roughly half of all the money the Labour Party
raised was from private individuals giving on average 20 to 30 pounds wanting
to help our national campaign. The other half came from Trade Unions.

other parties rely on huge private donations and handouts from corporations, the
Labour Party relies on smaller donations from ordinary people and the
generosity of the democratic Trade Union movement to keep going and keep
representing people the concerns and needs of the people of Britain.

it is not only the financial contributions but also the practical help and
participation which I must thank this union for.

Unison campaign, led by your General Secretary, Dave Prentis, and managed by
Liz Snape and Lucie Hyndley gave a massive boost to the overall Labour

it was articles or adverts in newspapers highlighting the need to care for our
NHS and end the dangerous cuts to community policing. Or if it was your social
media campaign and Facebook advertising seen by over 8 million voters. Or just
your targeted campaign on the ground, knocking on doors, listening to people’s
concerns and letting people know about how a Labour government would end Tory
austerity to benefit them and their families.

So my thanks to everybody
from Unison for all that you did to support our campaign and for all I hope
that you will continue to do to ensure that a Labour government is acknowledged
by all clearly to be now within our reach.

Theresa May and the
Tories are clinging to power by the skin of their teeth and at the pleasure of
the Democratic Unionist Party, but Labour will oppose this weak Conservative
minority government, both in Parliament and outside of it, every step of the

We are in Opposition but
we are also now a government in waiting.

We are ready for another
election at any time to finish the job of beating the failed and clapped out
Tories and form a government that works for all.

The last week has shown
why how necessary it is to do this as soon as we can.

The Grenfell Tower fire
should never have happened. Every single death could have been avoided.

From Hillsborough, to the
child sex abuse scandal, to Grenfell Tower the pattern is clear. Working class
voices are ignored by the powerful and their concerns are repeatedly dismissed.

Grenfell Tower residents themselves had raised concerns about the lack of fire
safety in the block. The Grenfell Action Group had warned: “It is a truly
terrifying thought but the Grenfell Action Group firmly believes that only a
catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of our

So not only should more
have been done to prevent these tragic deaths but the Prime Minister has now
had to publicly apologise for her government’s pitiful response in helping
those who had lost their homes and lost their loved ones in the disaster.

A tower block in flames
due to poor building quality. A heroic response from the fire and rescue
service who are dangerously overstretched and understaffed  and a
government and local government response that has left victims sleeping on the
street and under bridges as they have nowhere else to go.

Make no mistake about it,
this is the brutal reality of austerity economics that has failed in its own
terms and leading to falling living standards, rising inequality and disasters.
We have always known that austerity was a choice, a choice made by those at the
top which has harmed the lives of the many to maintain the privilege of a few
but has had absolutely devastating and frankly inhumane consequences for those
at the very bottom.

Of course, now the
government offers warm words about the bravery of our firefighters and the
commitment of public sector workers who have worked around the clock to
organise a response to Grenfell fire and other recent terrorist attacks.

Only this week we have
again seen the brilliant role by the emergency services in dealing with the
terrible attack in my own constituency as well as the resilience and strength
of our communities who refuse to be divided and set against each other.

But it is not good enough
to be grateful to our public sector workers only at moments of crisis and

You deserve dignity at
work and the public deserves the dignity of well-funded public services.

It is the police and
PCSOs that make our communities safer and it is their knowledge of their
communities and local intelligence gathering  that helps prevent
terrorism. Terrorism is not defeated by tearing up our human rights or by
dividing our communities.

There are now 20,000
fewer police officers than there were when the Tories took office in 2010 but
when the Police Federation raised this with Theresa May when she was then Home
Secretary she accused them of crying wolf.

It is this attitude, the
same attitude that we always see when this government dismisses unions such as
Unison when you raise concerns about the brutality of austerity and the dangers
of public sector cuts that have left us in the position that we are now in.

That is why Labour’s
manifesto for the recent election, ‘For the Many, Not the Few’,
committed us to a fresh approach to policing: 10,000 more police officers to
work on community beats under a Labour government, equivalent to an extra
officer for every neighbourhood in the country.

Whereas the Conservatives
have cut the number of firefighters and closed dozens of fire stations, Labour
would recruit 3,000 more.

This is the only way to
keep people safe and ensure that current firefighters are not demeaned by being
run into the ground with physical and mental exhaustion by excessive shifts.

This is the investment
that Britain needs: investment yes to create jobs and give people opportunities
but also essential investment to keep people safe in their homes. You cannot
protect people’s lives on the cheap.

Not only do we need more
money to be spent on our vital public services but we need more money to be
spent on our vital public servants too.

A future Labour
government will scrap the public sector pay cap. It is a disgrace that NHS
nurses are paid 14 per cent less today in real terms than they were in 2010.

In Britain, in 2017, we
have nurses and other public sector workers being forced to go to food banks,
along with one million other people whose chances have been crushed in the name
of austerity.

When this was put to the
Prime Minister she said that there are ‘complex reasons’ for people having to
use foodbanks.

Well I hope the Prime
Minister is listening today when I say that there are not complex reasons for
people having to use foodbanks: the only reason is that this government refuses
to ensure people have enough income to feed themselves.

So ending the pay cap is
a necessity.

And, as our fully costed
manifesto set out, our new spending commitments would be paid for asking the
top five per cent to pay a small amount extra in tax, still with a lower tax
rate than under most of Mrs Thatcher’s reign, and by asking big business to pay
a little more but still a lower rate than any other country in the G7.

More funding would then
be available for our children’s schools and for our NHS, this country’s
proudest achievement, as well as its most socialist one offering universal
healthcare for all on the basis of need: free at the point of use.

This is a sacred
principle for the overwhelming majority of people in this country. But is one
that the Tories have seriously put under threat through chronic defunding and
creeping privatisation.

Labour is committed to
ending this. We will halt the dreaded and much derided ‘Sustainability and
Transformation Plans’ and would instead put over £30 billion in extra funding
over the course of a five year Parliament.

This is absolutely
essential to ensure that NHS staff have the conditions which they deserve and
everyone has the NHS services they deserve.

We would protect people
by introducing legislation and imposing legal requirements for minimum staffing
levels in the NHS.

Labour is also committed
to re-introduce nurses’ bursaries and funding for health related degrees to
encourage more people to train, as well as immediately guaranteeing the rights
of EU nationals protecting the tens of thousands working in our health and
social care sector.

Yesterday the Prime
Minister put down her first offer in Brussels on the rights of EU nationals
after Brexit but as our Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer has said people
should not be used as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations.

And what she has floated
falls far short of the full guarantee Labour would make. That isn’t just the
right thing to do, it’s also the best way to guarantee the rights of British
nationals living in the EU.

Just as the 1945 Labour
government created the National Health Service out of post-war ruin. The next
Labour government will lay the foundations for a National Care Service in the
aftermath of the ruinous austerity of the Conservatives.

We would ensure that all
care workers were paid a real living wage, reaching £10 an hour by 2020.

Improving social care is
so essential in providing dignity to people in old age and giving independence to
those who are vulnerable or have a disability or a mental health condition.

Only a universal approach
will be sufficient to tackle the problem. The election showed the Tories for
what they really are: how they desire to introduce a dementia tax, to take
people’s homes away from them purely because they have the misfortune of having
to rely on social care.

Losing so many seats at
the General Election has forced the Conservatives into abandoning their social
care plans, abandoning their plans to bring back grammar schools and to scrap
free school meals for children. 

The election showed that
the public is with us. People know from their experience that privatisation has
failed, that austerity has failed. It has damaged services and held people

The Labour Party and the
Labour movement exist so that working people’s voices are heard.

Them dropping so many of
their proposals shows they have heard us, and now the Conservatives need to
hear us on declining living standards,  falling wages, public service
cuts, from the NHS to schools to social care.

But if this election,
with increased turnout, was about people’s voices being heard we must ensure
that the next election is people’s cheers of hope.

Hope for the better
society that is possible.

Hope for the better
country that we could be.

Hope for a Labour
government that will bring equality, opportunity, and prosperity.

Together we can make that
happen, the Labour Party and the labour movement, united for the many not the

The Prime Minister’s offer is too little too late – Starmer

Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement on EU
nationals, said:

has been clear that people should not be bargaining chips in the Brexit
negotiations. The Prime Minister’s offer is too little too late and falls far
short of the full and unilateral guarantee Labour would make.

“We believe there must be a clear commitment that there will be no change to
the status of EU nationals in the U.K. This is not only the right thing to do,
but it will also help deliver a reciprocal agreement for the 1.2 million U.K.
Nationals living in the EU.”
