Tag Archives: Labour


The Government’s announcement of an inquiry into contaminated blood is long overdue – Sharon Hodgson

Sharon Hodgson, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Public Health, commenting on the news there is to be an inquiry into how thousands of people were infected with contaminated blood transfusions, said:

“The Government’s announcement of an inquiry into contaminated blood is long overdue. Labour will be working with campaigners to scrutinise the announcement and make sure this inquiry finally delivers justice for the families of the victims of this appalling tragedy.

“The inquiry should deliver full disclosure of documents relating to the disaster, through a process managed by the victims and should compel parties involved in the scandal to participate fully. It must investigate not just the events leading up to individuals’ infection, but the aftermath as well.

“There are a number of recent allegations about the conduct of public officials and the treatment of the victims which need to be fully and transparently addressed. The victims and their families have suffered for too long and the Government should provide every possible support to them in their quest for truth.”

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The Taylor Report was a huge missed opportunity to tackle the growing problem of insecure employment – Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, commenting on the Taylor Report, said: 

“The Taylor Report was a huge missed opportunity to tackle the growing problem of insecure employment.

“In Labour’s manifesto ‘For The Many Not The Few’ we set out a 20 point plan to transform the workplace and protect and improve workers’ rights. By abolishing Employment Tribunal fees, scrapping zero hour contracts and giving rights to all workers from day one, we would halt and reverse the spread of exploitation in the Gig Economy.

“Theresa May says she wants parties to contribute ideas. But when we asked her Government to give its support to Labour’s Queen’s Speech amendment to give millions of public sector workers a much needed pay-rise, the Conservatives voted against it. 

“Only yesterday Theresa May delivered a slap in the face to hard working teachers by giving them another real term cut by maintaining the 1 per cent pay cap.

“The Prime Minister now heads a zombie government that has no ideas, no answers and no leadership. Her premiership has run out of steam and she will soon have to deal with her own insecure employment.

“Only a Labour Government can deliver for the many not the few.”

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Anne Marie Morris’ comments are outrageous and totally unacceptable – Andrew Gwynne

Andrew Gwynne MP, Labour’s Co-National Campaign Coordinator, commenting on remarks made by Anne Marie Morris, said:

“Anne Marie Morris’ comments are outrageous and totally unacceptable. While the Conservative Party has tabled a debate on Wednesday to apparently discuss and condemn abuse of candidates in the General Election, these comments prove their hypocrisy. 

“Theresa May once spoke about changing the Tories’ ‘Nasty Party’ tag. If she’s serious about that, she will admit it’s not enough for the Tories to ‘investigate’ and will apologise and act immediately. If that means withdrawing the whip, that’s what they should do.”


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We should all celebrate the huge contribution music makes to our economy – Tom Watson

Tom Watson, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, commenting on UK Music’s Wish You Were Here 2017 report, said:

“We should all celebrate the huge contribution music makes to our economy. But we mustn’t take it for granted. Without the right Brexit deal it could be harder for overseas visitors to come and experience live music here in the UK, and harder for artists to tour.

“Our music industry wouldn’t be what it is today without the contribution of smaller music venues – the ones that are struggling the most, but are crucial for nurturing up-and-coming talent. We need to make sure they’re protected. Labour’s cultural capital fund would invest in upgrading existing music venues and creating new ones, to make sure that our live music industry remains a success story.”

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Emily Thornberry response to High Court’s ruling that UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia are legal

Emily Thornberry MP, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, responding to the High Court’s ruling that UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia are legal, said:

“This is a frustrating setback, but that is all it is. It will not for one second stop us fighting for justice on behalf of the thousands of civilians killed by Saudi air-strikes, and working for peace on behalf of the millions of ordinary Yemenis currently living in fear of violence, famine and cholera.

“In particular, we must first redouble our efforts to force the UK Government to support an independent, UN-led investigation into alleged violations of international humanitarian law by the Saudi coalition, one the Government will not be able to circumvent through the presentation of secret evidence in closed sessions of court.

“And second, we must continue to demand that the Government brings forward the peace plan that the UN has been waiting for Britain to present for the last nine months, and does not treat today’s judgement as a green light to continue pushing for a military solution which can only bring more death, misery and hardship to the people of Yemen.”

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