Inflation has reached its highest level in five years following Tory economic failure – Peter Dowd

Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Chief
Secretary to the Treasury,

responding to today’s inflation figures by the ONS, said:

has reached its highest level in five years, while real earnings are still
lower than in 2010, following seven years of Tory economic failure.

Labour will deliver a £10 per hour Real Living Wage, investment in
infrastructure, and an effective industrial strategy to raise living standards
and build an economy for the many, not the few.”

Rise in hate crime is unacceptable – Diane Abbott MP

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, responding to today’s Home Office figures on
hate crime, said:

 "This rise in hate crime is unacceptable, especially after a drop
in police referrals has seen a fall in prosecutions.

 "The Tories have made great claims about tackling burning
injustices. But they are clearly not tackling the great injustice of being
attacked simply because of your religion, your sexuality, the colour of your
skin or your disability.

 "Labour will hire 10,000 extra police to ensure there are
sufficient officers working in the community who can help tackle crimes like
this. The Tories continue to make police cuts and, in their own words,
they have created a ‘hostile environment’ for migrants. Amber Rudd needs
to urgently come to Parliament and explain what the Government’s response will
be to address this serious failing.“

The derisory offer made by the Chancellor to prison and police officers last month was in reality a…

The derisory offer made by the Chancellor to prison and police officers last month was in reality a pay cut – John McDonnell MP

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on the TUC report on public sector pay, said:

“This report by the TUC confirms that the derisory offer made by the Chancellor to prison and police officers last month was in reality a pay cut, as Labour pointed out at the time. It also lays bare in detail the cruelty of the Tories’ public sector pay cap across our public sector, at a time when wages continue to fail to keep up with prices.

“The next Labour government will ensure that our dedicated public sector workers are truly recognised for what they do for their communities by ending the Tories’ public sector pay cap for all public sector workers.”

The boundary review must benefit our democracy, not just the Conservative Party – Cat Smith MPCat…

The boundary review must benefit our democracy, not just the Conservative Party – Cat Smith MP

Cat Smith MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Voter Engagement and Youth Affairs, commenting on the Boundary Commission’s proposals, said:

“Labour stands ready to work with all parties to ensure that a boundary review can go ahead in a way that benefits our democracy, not just the Conservative Party. However it has been clear from the start that the Tories have only been interested in their own political advantage rather than what is in the best interests of the country.

“To lose 50 MPs at a time we are repatriating powers from Brussels as we leave the European Union risks leaving the UK Government struggling to keep up with the day to day requirements of legislation.

“They need to drop their unfair, undemocratic plans, as well as ensuring the review is based on the most up-to-date register and that there is appropriate flexibility to take into account community ties and geography.”

A no deal Brexit will hit family budgets – Jenny Chapman MPJenny Chapman MP, Labour’s Shadow Brexit…

A no deal Brexit will hit family budgets – Jenny Chapman MP

Jenny Chapman MP, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Minister, commenting on the report by the Resolution Foundation and Sussex University’s UK Trade Policy Observatory on a “no deal” Brexit scenario, said:

“This report is further evidence of how a no deal Brexit will hit family budgets and the potential dire consequences of the Government’s chaotic handling of the Brexit negotiations.

“Britain crashing out of Europe without a deal is simply not a viable option. No deal risks price hikes in the shops as a result of extra charges on everyday items, such as food and drink. And yet, the only solution Ministers have offered to this potential crisis is ‘dig for no deal’.

“Theresa May must use this week’s EU Council meeting to end the deadlock in Brexit negotiations and protect Britain from an economic cliff edge. That means agreeing strong transitional arrangements within the single market and a customs union”.