The killing of Ali Saleh by his former Houthi allies ‎represents a dangerous new turn in this conflict – Emily Thornberry MP

Thornberry MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
commenting on today’s reports from Yemen, said:

“The killing of Ali Saleh by his former Houthi allies ‎represents a
dangerous new turn in this conflict. An already multi-sided regional conflict
now faces even greater violence between Saleh loyalists and Houthi militias,
which will only plunge the millions of malnourished, embattled civilians in
rebel-held areas into ever more desperate danger.

“Now, more than ever before, we need an urgent UN-led effort
to halt the violence on all sides, allow Yemen’s civilians to receive the
humanitarian relief they need, and work towards a political solution to the
conflict. We renew our calls on the UK government to play their part in that
effort by bringing forward the draft ceasefire resolution for which the UN
Security Council has now been waiting for more than a year.

“Even before today, hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children
in rebel-held areas were already facing death from famine, disease and the
Saudi air strikes and blockade. On top of all that, the creation of a new front
of the civil war within their own cities and towns is another unconscionable
cruelty, and the whole world needs to act now to stop their suffering before it
is too late.”

Jeremy Corbyn – Real reason for today’s failure is grubby deal Government did with the DUP

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, responding to the joint press conference with Theresa May and Jean-Claude Juncker, said:

“The real reason for today’s failure is the grubby deal the Government did with the DUP after the election.

“It is disappointing that there has not been progress in the Brexit negotiations after months of delays and grandstanding.

“Labour has been clear from the outset that we need a jobs first Brexit deal that works for the whole of the United Kingdom.

“Each passing day provides further evidence that Theresa May’s Government is completely ill-equipped to negotiate a successful Brexit deal for our country.”

Staff and patients are being failed by Government neglect of NHS workforce – Ashworth

Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, responding to new NHS Improvement data showing at least 36,000 nurse vacancies in England and new UCAS data showing a fall in the number of students starting health degrees, said: 

“These new figures are stark evidence of the Tory Government’s complete mismanagement of the NHS workforce and it is patients paying the price once again for understaffed wards. 

“Cuts to training places and the self-defeating pay cap have meant hospitals just can’t get enough staff in place to provide safe levels of care. These figures blow apart ministers’ claims to prioritise patient safety.

“And understaffing is likely to get worse in the coming years, because the Government’s decision to remove the NHS bursary has led to a fall in the number of new students starting nursing degrees. Ministers have no excuses because they were warned all along by students and nursing representatives that this would be the outcome. 

“The Government urgently needs a long term, sustainable solution to get the right numbers of nursing staff in place to keep patients safe. Staff and patients alike are being failed by this neglect of the NHS workforce.”

Andy McDonald comment on Sustrans walking and cycling study

Andy McDonald MP, Labour’s Shadow Transport Secretary, commenting on a new study from Transport charity Sustrans which has analysed the Government’s walking and cycling targets, said:

“The Government should match Labour’s commitment to raise spending on cycling and walking to £10 per head and back our calls for a new Clean Air Act. Illegal levels of air pollution in the UK have escalated out of control into a public health emergency on this Government’s watch, contributing to an estimated 50,000 deaths every year.

“The Tories’ neglect of sustainable transport is leading to a failure to tackle the air pollution crisis. Since 2010, rail fares have soared above inflation, bus services have been cut and our towns and cities haven’t received the investment needed to encourage cycling and walking.

“In failing to support sustainable transport now, the Conservatives are storing up problems for future years and are falling short of their legal obligations to tackle the UK’s air pollution crisis.”

It is appalling that DVSA senior managers and ministers have allowed this dispute to escalate – Rachael Maskell

Maskell MP, Labour’s Shadow Rail Minister, commenting on the driving examiners
strike, said:

is appalling that DVSA senior managers and ministers have allowed this dispute
to escalate, meaning thousands of driving tests are having to be cancelled.

examiners have told me they have serious and genuine concerns about the safety
of the new test and we support the PCS union’s call for it to be suspended to
allow for further analysis.

of stoking disputes like this and demonising unions who raise concerns, the
next Labour government will work with staff, their representatives and
employers to protect working conditions while improving standards.”