Communities are losing out under Conservatives’ right-to-buy  – John Healey

Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing,
responding to new statistics on the
replacement of homes sold under the right-to-buy, said:

figures show only one in five council homes sold under the right-to-buy has
been replaced, despite the Conservatives promising one-for-one replacement.

desperately need more genuinely affordable homes, but the Conservatives’
right-to-buy means council homes are being sold off and communities are losing
out. Too often these homes become buy-to-let investments rather than family
homes, with higher rents costing the taxpayer millions more in housing benefit.

will invest in the biggest council house building programme in more than 30
years, and to ensure that areas can build and retain council homes for local
people we will suspend the right-to-buy, allowing councils to reinstate it only
if they can prove a plan to replace homes sold one-for-one and like-for-like.”


ONS statistics show many will struggle this Christmas – Debbie Abrahams

Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary
, commenting on the
ONS Labour Market Statistics today, said:

figures are further evidence of Tory economic failure, only a day after
inflation rose to its highest level in over five-and-half years.

employment and real wages are falling while the price of household essentials
balloons, leaving millions of people worse off than they were in 2010.

million people in working households live in poverty, and many will struggle
this Christmas as a direct result of this government’s austerity policies.

will protect living standards by introducing a £10 an hour real Living Wage,
scrapping the public sector pay cap and reforming the government’s failing
Universal Credit programme.”


Good causes are losing out while Camelot continues to win the jackpot – Tom Watson

Watson, Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport,
commenting on new NAO report that
finds significantly reduced income for good causes from the National Lottery,

report should set serious alarm bells ringing for those who are supposed to act
as stewards for the National Lottery.  

“The point
of the Lottery is to maximise returns for good causes not maximise returns for
the company holding the operating licence.

Camelot have seen their shareholder profits from the Lottery rocket since 2010
the amount going to good causes over the same period has risen by a measly 2%,
and the 15% drop in good causes income in the last year is particularly

“If money
for good causes is being hit by consumers moving towards scratchcards and away
from lottery draws then Camelot needs to act to address this, not hide behind

“It’s now
clear that good causes are losing out while Camelot continues to win the
jackpot. The Government must act urgently to ensure Camelot does better- and

Good causes are losing out while Camelot continues to win the jackpot – Tom Watson

Watson, Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport,
commenting on new NAO report that
finds significantly reduced income for good causes from the National Lottery,

report should set serious alarm bells ringing for those who are supposed to act
as stewards for the National Lottery.  

“The point
of the Lottery is to maximise returns for good causes not maximise returns for
the company holding the operating licence.

Camelot have seen their shareholder profits from the Lottery rocket since 2010
the amount going to good causes over the same period has risen by a measly 2%,
and the 15% drop in good causes income in the last year is particularly

“If money
for good causes is being hit by consumers moving towards scratchcards and away
from lottery draws then Camelot needs to act to address this, not hide behind

“It’s now
clear that good causes are losing out while Camelot continues to win the
jackpot. The Government must act urgently to ensure Camelot does better- and

For the Grenfell Inquiry to deliver truth and justice, Grenfell residents must have full confidence in it – Richard Burgon

Burgon, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Justice,
on Theresa May’s refusal to create a Grenfell Inquiry panel as requested
earlier today by survivors and their bereaved families in a petition handed in
at Downing Street, said:

the Grenfell Inquiry to deliver truth and justice, Grenfell residents must have
full confidence in it. To tackle the obvious current lack of trust, Theresa May
should use her powers under the Inquiries Act to deliver a diverse Inquiry
panel as demanded by the survivors and bereaved families. This would
ensure that the Inquiry reflects the range of backgrounds and experiences
of those affected by the Grenfell fire. Theresa May needs to take
responsibility for this decision and stop passing the buck.”