Tag Archives: Labour Party


Jeremy Corbyn letter to Theresa May calling for her to withdraw offer of State Visit to Donald Trump

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, calling on Theresa May to withdraw her offer to Donald Trump of a State Visit, said:

“Let no one be in doubt that I will oppose, and the Labour Party will oppose, all those who fan the flames of fear at home and abroad.

“I support the demand of millions of British people: Donald Trump should not be welcomed on a state visit to this country while he continues to propagate his anti-women, anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican policies.

“This world defeated segregation, we defeated Apartheid and we will defeat this nasty policy created to sow division and hatred.

“His invite should be withdrawn until the executive orders are gone and every element of them repealed.

“History judges us by the actions we take in opposing oppression.

“I am proud that during the 1980s and 1990s I stood with Labour party members, trade unionists and faith leaders opposing the racist regime of South Africa.

“I was there on the day Margret Thatcher opened her door to P.W. Botha while Nelson Mandela languished in a prison cell.

“Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party were on the wrong side of history then just as Theresa May and her Conservative Party are on the wrong side of history today.

“The Labour party stands unequivocally with those demonstrating today and will do so until we are victorious.

“I have written to Theresa May to demand that she withdraws her offer to Donald Trump of a State Visit.”

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John McDonnell responds to a report from The UK in a Changing Europe, ‘A successful Brexit – four economic tests’

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on a report from The UK in a Changing Europe, ‘A successful Brexit – four economic tests’, said:

“This is an important and detailed piece of work which should be looked at seriously by everyone involved in the Brexit negotiations.

“It is vital for the good of the country that we can hold the Government to account using a series of tests like this, but to do so we will need much greater openness and transparency than the Government has shown so far.

“That’s why Labour’s amendments to the Bill in Parliament this week will seek to require regular progress reports from the Government and full Parliamentary scrutiny.”

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Theresa May would be failing the British people if she does not postpone the state visit and condemn Trump’s actions – Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, commenting on President Trump’s potential state visit to the UK, said:

“Donald Trump should not be welcomed to Britain while he abuses our shared values with his shameful Muslim ban and attacks on refugees’ and women’s rights.

“Theresa May would be failing the British people if she does not postpone the state visit and condemn Trump’s actions in the clearest terms. That’s what Britain expects and deserves.”

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Theresa May should have stood up for Britain and our values and condemned President Trump

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party , responding to Theresa May’s press conference in Turkey, said:

“President Trump’s executive order against refugees and Muslims should shock and appal us all. 

“Theresa May should have stood up for Britain and our values by condemning his actions. It should sadden our country that she chose not to.

“After Trump’s hideous actions and May’s weak failure to condemn them, it’s more important than ever for us to say to refugees seeking a place of safety, that they will always be welcome in Britain.”

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Theresa May must be willing to tell President Trump that he is wrong – her failure to do so is shameful

Responding to the joint press conference held between Theresa May and President Trump, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry has said:

“The Prime Minister promised to speak frankly to President Trump, and tell him where she disagreed with him, but we heard nothing of the sort.

“She appears only to have discussed those issues on which we already know they agree: trade and security. But we heard nothing about climate change, about respect for human and reproductive rights, about war crimes in Syria, about the nuclear deal with Iran, or about the illegal settlements in the West Bank. 

The Prime Minister referred to a special relationship based on our shared history and interests, but she has to realise that it is also a relationship based on shared values, and if the President is going to discard those values, whether by embracing torture or ignoring climate change, then she must be willing to tell him frankly that he is wrong.

“Her failure to do so today – even behind closed doors – was nothing less than shameful.”

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