Tag Archives: Labour Party


The reality is that the crippling cuts have demoralised and damaged the capacity of child protection services to protect vulnerable children – Abbott

Diane Abbott, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, commenting on the Government’s announcement of measures to protect children and young people from sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking, said

“This Government’s hypocrisy is startling.  Councils will face a £1.9 billion funding gap in children’s services by 2020 and whilst this £40 million injection is welcome, it barely scratches the surface.

“The reality is that the crippling cuts have demoralised and damaged the capacity of child protection services to protect vulnerable children.

“Coupled with the shambolic handling of the Inquiry into Historic Child Sex Abuse, the treatment of the victims of child sex abuse and vulnerable children is inadequate and irresponsible.

“We must ensure children are safe and it is unclear how the Government can prove they take this task seriously with their planned £1.9 billion funding gap.”

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Labour will deliver a real living wage so that every worker earns enough to really live – Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on the release of the list of employers who have failed to pay the national minimum and living wage, said:  

“It is frankly disgraceful that a record number of employers have failed to pay their workers the basic minimum wage and hopefully the repercussions of being publicly named and shamed will act as a deterrent for other unscrupulous employers.

“However, the fact remains that the current so-called National Living Wage is that in name only. The Chancellor even announced a cut in the rate at the Autumn Statement last year, leaving 2.7 million people over £1,300 worse off by 2020.

“Labour will deliver a real living wage so that every worker earns enough to really live.”

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Children deserve more from this Tory Government – Rayner

Angela Rayner, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, commenting on the letter from Core Cities UK to the Education Secretary, said:

“Schools are facing unprecedented cuts to their budgets and all the Tories have to offer are warms words about how they will help them make the savings.

“When headteachers are faced with the choice of keeping the lights on or letting go of teachers, this is galling to say the very least.

“Children deserve more from this Tory government who have created a school funding crisis, chronic teacher shortages and super-sized classes.”

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Today’s productivity figures again confirm the Tories’ failure on productivity growth – Peter Dowd

“Today’s productivity figures again confirm the Tories’ failure on productivity growth, a crucial component of rising living standards.

“This is yet more worrying news given figures this week showing inflation rising and wage growth slowing, squeezing household incomes.

“The ONS says productivity growth “remains weak”, and Philip Hammond has previously admitted that the UK’s productivity gap is “shocking”. Yet the Tories have no plan to tackle the problem.

“Only Labour can end the Tories’ rigged economy with a serious plan to invest in our future to raise our productivity, and create the high wage, high skill economy of the future.”

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Actions matter, and this Government has done nothing to show it will actually support the UK steel industry – Gill Furniss

Gill Furniss MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Steel, Postal Services and Consumer Protection, commenting on reports that Tata steelworkers have voted to accept Tata’s new pension scheme deal, said:

“This was always going to be a tough decision but we should recognise the fantastic work trade unions have done in getting the deal that has been accepted today. Thousands of steelworkers at Port Talbot now have job security for the next five years and they deserve the certainty that today’s result brings.

“Steel is a vital foundation industry for the UK. That is why it is important that today we have got a way forward for the Port Talbot steelworks, and that is why Labour will keep pressing the Government to give the steel sector the support it deserves.

“That means not marking steel ‘low-priority’ in the Brexit negotiations and not giving steel just one mention in the whole industrial strategy green paper. Actions matter, and this Government has done nothing to show it will actually support the UK steel industry.”

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