Tag Archives: Labour Party


David Hodge’s resignation makes the need for full disclosure from the Government more pressing – Teresa Pearce

Teresa Pearce, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, commenting on the news that Surrey County Council Leader David Hodge is standing down as the Local Government Association’s Conservative group leader, said: 

“It appears that the row around the Tory sweetheart deal for Surrey Council has claimed a victim with the resignation of David Hodge as the man responsible for standing up for all Tory councils. Perhaps that’s unsurprising given the accusations he colluded with the Government over a favourable deal not available to other councils.

“This doesn’t put the matter to bed however. Theresa May has failed to come clean about the terms of the deal offered to Surrey, failed to apologise for her Government’s misleading suggestion that there had been no such deal and would not give the assurance that other local councils will get the same treatment.

“David Hodge’s resignation makes the need for full disclosure from the Government more pressing.  What we need from the Tories is a long term sustainable plan for funding social care, rather than cosy deals for Tories councils.”

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Jonathan Ashworth responds to news that three more trusts have been put into financial special measures

Jonathan Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, commenting on news that three more trusts have been put into financial special measures by NHS Improvement, said:

“The Government’s inept mismanagement of the NHS is pushing hospital finances to the brink. NHS Providers have already warned this week that delivering services within the current financial settlement is “mission impossible”. The news today that another three hospital trusts have been forced into financial special measures just illustrates the deepening financial challenge facing the health service.

“Theresa May can’t keep on forcing hospitals to choose between balancing the books and providing safe patient care. By underfunding the NHS for so long, the Prime Minister is putting patients at risk. The Government needs to set out a long-term, sustainable financial settlement for the NHS which allows hospitals to provide the top quality health services which Britain’s patients expect.”

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The astonishing amounts paid by NHS for locum doctors is another example of woeful workforce planning by Conservatives – Justin Madders

Justin Madders MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister, commenting on new figures which show that hospitals have flouted caps on locum pay, said:

“The astonishing amounts paid by the NHS for locum doctors is yet another example of the woeful workforce planning by the Conservative Government. There isn’t just a shortage of permanent medical staff, there’s now a shortage of available locums to plug the gaps.

“Patients want to know that taxpayers’ money is being spent on patient care, not padding out the profits of employment agencies. Jeremy Hunt needs to explain what he’s going to do to deliver a long term, sustainable workforce plan for the NHS.”

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The Road Investment Strategy was insufficiently planned, poorly thought out and unrealistically costed – Pat Glass

Pat Glass MP, Labour’s Shadow Transport Minister,  responding to the National Audit Office (NAO) report into the Government’s Road Investment Strategy, said:

“This report shows that the Government has made a huge error of judgment. The Road Investment Strategy was rushed out by George Osborne and David Cameron as a gimmick for the 2015 election. It was insufficiently planned, poorly thought out and unrealistically costed.

“This has raised expectations with motorists and businesses that Labour warned at the time could not be met and it is clear that the Department for Transport has questions to answer.

“The Government needs to seriously reconsider their plans, so that these crucial infrastructure projects are delivered on time and in budget.”

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After seven years of Tory failure on the economy, it’s the super-rich who’ve gained at the expense of the rest of us – John McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on the revelations by Equality Trust that the average FTSE chief executive earns 386 times more than a worker on the national living wage, said:

“These shocking figures show that after seven years of Tory failure on the economy, it’s the super-rich who’ve gained at the expense of the rest of us.

“It also exposes the Tories’ rigged economy, where despite real earnings still being lower than before the crash and public services like the NHS experiencing their worst-ever crisis, they are handing out £70 billion in tax giveaways to the super-rich and big corporations. At the same time the Tories are cutting in-work benefits to the low paid.

“Only Labour will deliver a fair economy that doesn’t hold people back by introducing a £10 an hour Real Living Wage, a fairer taxation system, and by tackling excessive boardroom pay with fairer distributions of rewards within companies.”

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