Tag Archives: Labour Party


The decision to extend the pay cap for another year is totally self-defeating and unsustainable – Justin Madders

Justin Madders MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister, commenting on the annual NHS pay announcement, said:

“The decision to extend the pay cap for another year is totally self-defeating and unsustainable. By squeezing pay for years on end the Government is driving an NHS workforce crisis, forcing people out of health professions and putting others off starting in the first place. Hospitals are already forced to pay huge sums for temporary staff to plug the gaps and there is still no sign of how the Government plan to deal with the NHS workforce implications of Brexit.

“The NHS Pay Review Body say the Government’s pay policy is “under stress” and make clear the pay cap cannot last in the longer term. The Review Body say that workforce issues are “being neglected” nationally and that there is a “piecemeal and short-term” approach to pay. It is clear that the Government’s mismanagement of NHS workforce strategy has reached its limit.

“It’s time that the NHS pay cap was lifted so that the nursing staff, paramedics, midwives and other key workers who care for us when we need it most are paid at a level which recognises the skill and dedication which they bring to their jobs.”

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Keir Starmer responds to Tory calls for a ‘root and branch’ review of EU regulations

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, responding to Tory calls for a ‘root and branch’ review of EU regulations, said:

“The report that Iain Duncan Smith cites describes basic employment rights as costly regulations.

“On the eve of triggering Article 50 it is increasingly clear that rights and protections are seen by many senior Tories, including in the Cabinet, as an “expensive” luxury that British workers and consumer consumers can do without.

“That is why one of Labour’s six tests for the Brexit deal is that it defends hard fought for rights and protections and doesn’t lead to a race to the bottom.

“The Prime Minister must stand up to the growing voices in her Party that see Brexit as a once in a generation opportunity to dismantle the rights and protections that underpin our economic model.”

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Our Armed Forces & their families deserve the very best support, it’s time for the Government to treat them with the respect that they deserve – Nia Griffith

Nia Griffith MP, Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary, responding to the Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body 2017 Report, said:

“This report highlights the serious effect that changes to pay and conditions are having on our Armed Forces. According to the report’s authors, rent rises and changes to tax and benefits have created a “perfect storm” that is putting real pressure on service personnel and their families. 

“We have known for some time that Conservative cuts to our Armed Forces have had a crippling effect on morale, but this report issues the stark warning that these pressures must be dealt with, otherwise there will be a widespread effect on recruitment and retention, which could in turn threaten operational effectiveness.

“It is clear from this report that personnel feel overlooked in favour of cost-cutting by the MoD. Our Armed Forces and their families deserve the very best support, it’s time for the Government to treat them with the respect that they deserve.”

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There is a continuous need to modernise the police but caution is required with these plans – Diane Abbott

Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, commenting on new Government plans that would allow civilians to compete for chief constable jobs, said:

“Caution is required with these plans. There is a continuous need to modernise the police, making it more diverse and representative of society as a whole, but many able officers will now wonder whether their own career paths could be blocked.

“This Tory Government have already reduced officer numbers by over 20,000 and broken their pledge to protect police funding in real terms.

“Neither the police nor the public will want to see people recruited from outside the service simply because of their willingness to implement further swingeing cuts.”

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The Government must act to close the funding gap in local services so that people are able to travel freely and safely throughout their communities – Teresa Pearce

Teresa Pearce MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, commenting on an Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) report showing that one in six roads in England and Wales are in poor condition, said:

“Up and down the country, motorists, cyclists and passengers regularly have their safety compromised by dangerous and recurring potholes. Whilst councils are doing their utmost to repair these swiftly, huge cuts to local government budgets are making this ever more difficult.

“The Government must act to close the funding gap in local services so that people are able to travel freely and safely throughout their communities. And the utility companies who regularly dig up the roads must also be an active part of the solution to this problem.

“The Tories’ chaotic and cack-handed approach to local government funding is creating a system whereby councils can only afford to provide the bare minimum in statutory social care, safeguarding and homelessness services. Consequently, we are seeing everything else, from libraries to roads, suffer as a result.”

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