This Government’s management of the NHS workforce has been a disaster – Justin Madders

Madders, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister,
commenting on the GP workforce
figures which have been published by NHS Digital today, said:

fewer GPs in place now than in 2015, the Tories are failing on their promise to
recruit more General Practitioners. The end result is that it is getting
increasingly difficult to see a GP, with people facing longer waits for routine
appointments as pressure on A&Es mount.

Government’s management of the NHS workforce has been a disaster. They need to
do much more to address the pressures of working in General Practice and
attract the number of new GPs the NHS needs. Across the country patients are
paying the price for the Tories’ failure to get enough GPs in place”.

Sue Hayman response to Ford’s scrappage scheme announcement

Hayman MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural
responding to Ford’s scrappage scheme announcement,

“This is
welcome news from Ford who are to be congratulated for their initiative and
innovation with this scheme. 

“Not only
do schemes like these help to tackle the air pollution crisis in the UK, they
also help to boost the car industry and our economy.

action from individual manufacturers won’t make up for a lack of leadership
from the Government on air quality. 

nearly 40 million people living in areas with illegal levels of air pollution,
a joined up, strategic approach across the country is urgently needed.”

The Government are publishing bland, non-committal papers as a smokescreen – Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow
Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
, commenting on the Government’s
latest Brexit policy papers, said:

“These papers come months after
the EU published their plans and offer precious little new information or
concrete proposals.

“It is increasingly clear that the
Government are publishing bland, non-committal papers as a smokescreen to mask
their failure to make any meaningful progress on phase one’s core negotiating
issues – including citizens’ rights.

“Instead of preparing the ground
for failure, the Government should focus on reaching an early agreement to the
first stage of talks and make an early commitment to establish strong
transitional arrangements.” 

It doesn’t take a genius to work out the Tories are wrecking the NHS – Madders

Madders MP, Shadow Minister for Health
responding to comments made by Stephen Hawking on the NHS, said: 

doesn’t take a genius to work out the Tories are wrecking the NHS. Professor
Hawking has given us answers to many of the universe’s most challenging
questions and even he can’t work out why Jeremy Hunt is still in his job.”

After seven years of failure, Conservative Ministers have no plan to fix the housing crisis – Healey

Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing
, responding to Resolution
Foundation research showing an increase in the number of second home-owners,

a growing number of people are now second home owners, the prospect of buying a
first home remains a distant dream for many young people and families on
ordinary incomes. The number of home-owning households rose by a million under
Labour but has fallen by almost 200,000 since 2010, with the biggest fall
amongst young people and families aged under 45.

seven years of failure, Conservative Ministers have no plan to fix the housing
crisis. The number of affordable homes to buy and rent has fallen to the lowest
level in 24 years as Ministers have cut back housing investment.

“A Labour
government will build 100,000 discounted FirstBuy Homes targeted at first-time
buyers on ordinary incomes and give councils the power to put local people
first in line for new homes built in their area and build 100,000 new council
and housing association homes per year by the end of the Parliament, so the
housing market works for the many not just the few.”
