Royal British Legion lunch in Sulhamstead

It was a pleasure to attend the annual Burghfield Royal British Legion lunch today as their guest and to say a few words to them. I thanked all involved in the work of the Legion who do so much for veterans and their families, and keep alive the story of the wars so we can learn from it.  I explained why remembrance is so important. The two world wars of the last century, with 750,000 and 400,000 UK dead afflicted every family and changed our country. The  victory  of two young generations of service personnel upheld democracy and self government, and ended a brutal genocide. We are right to remember the ultimate sacrifice of those who died, and the sacrifice of those who returned from fear and privation to lead more normal lives.

I also spoke about next week’s events to commemorate the launch of Operation Overlord 75  years ago to liberate the European continent from German Nazi tyranny. On my main blog I am writing about our relationship with the USA and  NATO, our main defence partner. I also raised this in my speech.

I would like to thank the organisers of the lunch for a most enjoyable occasion.

Update on leadership election

I have now heard from  members of the Wokingham Conservatives about the leadership by email and through my meeting on Friday with members at a party reception. I will continue to consult.

I  will now rule out voting for those candidates who want to delay our exit, and who have unrealistic plans to re open the Withdrawal Agreement and renegotiate bits of it, when the EU has said they will not do so.

I have heard enough to know Mr Stewart’s positions do not offer us a way forward that is likely to work. He was one of the three  foremost advocates of the Withdrawal Agreement which went down to the most spectacular defeat the Conservative party has ever experienced in the Euro elections, when it was the only proposition the official Conservative machine put forward. The failure with Mrs May  to sell it to more than 90% of the public should rule him out as a future leader of the party. His stubborn belief that a variant of the Agreement has to go ahead shows he is  completely out of touch with the electorate.

This Agreement is toxic, hated by both Leave and Remain voters. The Cabinet made a mighty mistake in going along with it, with some Cabinet members trying  trying the hard sell on it for weeks on end long after it was clear the public did not want it.

Invite Nigel Farage to help with an early many deals WTO exit

Now Nigel Farage leads the largest UK and largest EU wide single grouping of MEPs the next UK Prime Minister should work with him to secure an early exit from the EU. He should be invited to Downing Street as soon as the new PM moves in  to discuss the details of our departure on or before 31 October this year. The government should invite the Brexit party MEPs to assist in presenting our case for a smooth WTO exit, adding to government work on ensuring working arrangements are agreed for the main issues in an exit of many deals. Much of the work is already completed and agreed, including customs, transport and government procurement, but more could be offered and supported in the European Parliament as well as in further bilateral discussion between the UK government and the EU. Both the Brexit party and the government should accept that the Withdrawal Treaty is a no go for the UK, as the Brexit party made clear to achieve their win in the European election. The resounding defeat for Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement, commanding only 9% of the vote, should be decisive. There is no way we should sign that Treaty or anything like that Treaty, for the reasons often set out here.

Facts4eu run my views on a Brexit bonus budget

The website Facts4eu which has some good material has run a piece adapted from this website today. It can be seen on <a href= ” june redwood on brexit opportunities”>

I can’t get the link to work so just type in and it gets you to their site.

“We don’t believe you” continues to interest

The Independent says they will be running the first chapter of the book next week on austerity economics as part of an article.

Someone wrote in and said there are no more tickets for my IEA talk based on the book on June 11th at 6.15pm. The IEA assure me that whilst there is strong demand there are still a few tickets left for those interested.

They are on 0207 799 3745 usual business hours Monday to Friday

The book is available on Amazon

“We don’t believe you  Why Populists reject the establishment”   ISBN 9781095 254950