HSL: Slips and Trips-Falls Prevention – Buxton, 31 Oct 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Slips and Trips – Falls Prevention.

31 October 2017


Slips, trips and falls are the leading cause of major injuries in the workplace. These injuries can be devastating for the individual involved and they generate a huge financial burden on industry. Almost all slips and trips can be prevented, often with simple inexpensive interventions.

Slips and trips can happen for a number of reasons, but all too frequently people jump to conclusions about why they happen rather than looking for the true cause, or assume that it is ‘just one of those things’ and do nothing.

The biggest challenges when trying to reduce slips in the workplace are knowing where to get reliable information on flooring, understanding the ins and outs of cleaning, and knowing how to select footwear. Understanding the science behind slips and trips makes it easier to identify the true cause of a fall and prevent future incidents.

This course will help you understand the causes of slips, trips and falls, and highlight successful interventions that offer a great starting point for organisations looking to reduce falls. It is delivered by experts in accident investigation and has a practical focus on understanding the causes of slips, trips and falls and reducing the risk of future incidents.

Previous attendees of our slip, trip and fall training courses have reported a reduction in incidents of up to 50%.

Course includes

  • Why people slip – the slip potential model
  • Characterising flooring, which tests work, which don’t and why
  • The role of contamination in slip accidents
  • The effect that good and bad cleaning techniques can have on slips
  • How footwear can help in reducing slip accidents
  • Preventing trips
  • The causes of stair falls and how to reduce the risk

There will also be an opportunity to visit the Falls Prevention Team laboratory and see slip testing in action.

Who should attend

Anyone who is involved in managing slips and trips, particularly those responsible for selecting flooring or footwear in their business. Employees involved in critical operations such as cleaning.

The course can also be tailored to suit all businesses and employees. Bespoke versions of this course for specific organisations can be developed on request.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk


The cost of this course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSL: Machinery Series – Designing & Specifying Safety Related Control Systems – Buxton, 14 Sept 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Machinery Series – Designing & Specifying Safety Related Control Systems.

14 September 2017


Control systems for machinery, whether electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic or combinations there-of, are often required to perform safety-related functions. There are regulatory requirements for these control systems and established approaches for dealing with their design, which are laid out in European Standards. This course will help delegates understand how to specify and design safety related control circuits which comply with the requirements of both the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC) and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. It explains how these, and other regulations and standards are applied to real-life situations, through the use of examples of how to and how not to do it. The course provides methods and templates developed at HSL to help engineers comply with the relevant requirements effectively and efficiently.  The course concentrates mainly on the approach laid down in EN ISO 13849-1:2008, but also gives objective advice on the relevance of other standards such as EN ISO 13840-2: 2012, EN 62061:2015, and other Safety of Machinery standards, such as EN ISO 14119: 2013 on interlocking devices.

The course will also explain the changes in the recently updated standard EN ISO 13849-1: 2015.

Course includes

Who should attend?

Electrical, control and project engineers, whether they be original equipment manufacturers or users involved in specifying control systems on customized machinery / assemblies or significantly modifying control systems on existing machinery / assemblies.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk


The cost of the course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSL: Machinery Risk Aseessment Essentials – Buxton, 12 Sept 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Machinery Series – Machinery Risk Assessment Essentials.

12 September 2017


The ability to carry out a detailed machinery risk assessment has, for some time, been a key skill required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs. Machinery risk assessment is also now explicitly required by the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008. However many people still struggle to know what is suitable and sufficient to satisfy these regulations.

This training course gives delegates practical hands-on experience of conducting a machinery risk assessment using structured techniques which demystify the process given in BS EN ISO 12100: 2010.
This course assumes a basic level of understanding of machinery safety such as that given in the machinery safety basics course that takes place on the previous day. Anyone who also needs a thorough understanding of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regs should take this course in combination with the Machinery Safety Basics course held on the previous day. Anyone who needs a thorough understanding of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regs, should take this course in combination with the designing and selecting safe machinery course held on the following day.

Course includes

  • What is the difference between hazard and risk and other definitions
  • Hazard Identification process and techniques
  • Risk Estimation process and techniquesCPD Logo
  • Risk evaluation, what does ALARP mean in practice
  • Assessment, handling and control of hazardous substances
  • Reasonably foreseeable misuse, an introduction to human factors
  • Machine interventions
  • Risk assessment practice

Who should attend?

This course is aimed primarily at machinery users, maintenance engineers, designers and project engineers who need to learn how to carry out risk assessment of existing machinery in use or new machinery in the process of being specified, supplied or under development. This course will also be of benefit to safety professionals who are familiar with the concepts but need to know how machinery risk assessment differs from other workplace safety or risk assessments.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk


The cost of this course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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HSE: PUWER-Machinery Safety Basics – Buxton, 11 Sept 2017

Book Course

HSL is to run a 1 day course on Machinery Series – PUWER.

11 September 2017


Machinery is used in many sectors to fabricate, handle and package industrial and consumer products. Everyone who works with machinery, whether directly or indirectly, need to understand the basics of machinery safety but not everyone needs to know all the details relating to the design. This course covers those activities regulated by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and provides delegates with a thorough knowledge of this legislation.  The course will also give practical advice on how to evaluate the safety of existing machines and how to measure and evaluate noise and vibration risks. This course can be taken in combination with the machinery risk assessment essentials course that takes place on the following day.

Course includes

Who should attend?

This course is aimed primarily at machinery users, maintenance engineers, safety officers and project engineers who may find themselves responsible for purchasing machinery or needing to make minor modifications to improve the efficiency or change the use of existing machinery. This course would also benefit anyone who needs a thorough understanding of the provision and use of work equipment regulations.


The course will be run at the HSL laboratory in the spa town of Buxton. Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at www.visitbuxton.co.uk.



The cost of this course is £450 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Please note the invoice option is not available within 4 weeks of the course date, or for overseas customers.  If you are selecting the invoice option for payment, it will be mandatory to input a purchase order/reference number as we are unable to process booking forms without this.

For further dates and additional information email: training@hsl.gsi.gov.uk or contact the Training & Conferences Unit
at HSL directly on +44 (0)1298 218806.

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Birmingham Working Well Together Group – Free Harness Awareness Training – various dates available

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