Tag Archives: HM Government


Press release: Foreign Secretary visits Tobruk, Libya

The Foreign Secretary met Agila Saleh and Ahmied Homa, the President & second vice-President of Libya’s Parliament – the House of Representatives. In this meeting, Mr Johnson emphasised the importance of Libya’s legitimate political institutions working together to break the impasse and restore security, stability, and prosperity in Libya.

After this meeting, the Foreign Secretary visited Tobruk Commonwealth War Cemetery, which is the final resting place of over 2,000 Commonwealth soldiers. Mr Johnson also laid a wreath at the Cemetery’s memorial and visited the Cemetery’s Guest room, which contains artefacts commemorating Britain’s role in Libya during the Second World War.

Today’s visit followed the Foreign Secretary’s meetings in Tripoli yesterday with the Libyan Prime Minister Fayyez Al-Serraj and Foreign Minister Mohamed Siala. He also met with Abdurrahman Swehli the President of Libya’s High State Council.

Speaking after the visit to Tobruk, the Foreign Secretary said:

In my meetings in Tobruk I have stressed to the Presidency of Libya’s House of Representatives the importance of working with Prime Minister Serraj and Libya’s High State Council to break the political deadlock and bring renewed hope for the people of Libya.

A more secure, stable and prosperous future for Libya can only be restored when their leaders choose to work together in the interests of the Libyan people.

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News story: Use the Charity Commission website to answer your query

Our online guidance and services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How to change your correspondence or email address

Use our online service to change your charity’s details.

How to request a new password

If you are an established, registered charity you can request a new or replacement password online. You’ll need to enter your charity number and the password will be emailed to the address we have on file.

If you are applying to register a charity and need a new password, you can request it through our online service

How to get a copy of a governing document

You should contact the charity first. Some charities may provide governing documents on request or through their website.

If you are a trustee, professional advisor or a member of the charity you can ask for a copy of the governing document. All members of the trustee body should be given a copy as part of normal governance processes.

If you can’t get a governing document from the charity you can use our general enquiry form to request one.

How to submit an annual return

The annual return service for the financial period ending in 2017 will be available on this website in the summer.

You can read our guidance to help you submit your annual return.

Response times for general queries

If you have sent a query to the Charity Commission we will aim to respond within 15 working days.

Our contact information and opening times are available on the homepage.

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Press release: New air quality plan published for consultation

Options open for consultation to reduce nitrogen dioxide in our towns and cities.

The government today published a draft plan to improve air quality by reducing nitrogen dioxide levels in the UK.

The options now open for consultation on reducing nitrogen dioxide in our towns and cities are designed to reduce the impact of diesel vehicles, and accelerate the move to cleaner transport.

Local authorities are already responsible for improving air quality in their area, but will now be expected to develop new and creative solutions to reduce emissions as quickly as possible, while avoiding undue impact on the motorist.

The government is consulting on a range of measures that could be taken to mitigate the impact of action to improve air quality.

In line with the timetable directed by the Courts the government is seeking views on these proposals in advance of preparing its final plan for publication by 31 July. All final decisions will be taken by the incoming government.

This consultation will run until 15 June.

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