Tag Archives: HM Government


News story: Statement on Grenfell Tower: 14 June 2017

A Downing Street spokesperson gave a statement on the Grenfell Tower fire.

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

“The Prime Minister is deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life in the Grenfell Tower and is being kept constantly updated on the situation.

“She has asked for a cross-government meeting at the Civil Contingencies Secretariat to take place at 4pm to co-ordinate the response and ensure the government is ready to assist the emergency services and local authorities as necessary.

“The Prime Minister’s thoughts are with all of those affected by this terrible incident and the emergency services, who are working tirelessly in very difficult circumstances.”

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News story: Future manufacturing and materials: apply for funding

As a UK business you can apply for a share of £15 million to develop solutions to the challenges of future manufacturing and materials.

Up to £15 million will be made available by Innovate for UK businesses to work on innovative projects in the manufacturing and materials sector.

Creating a competitive advantage

New manufacturing processes and materials can be a source of global competitive advantage. The UK already has a strong position. It is the ninth largest producer in the world with an output of $247 billion. This competition aims to support manufacturing and materials as enablers of product innovation.

We are looking to fund projects that tackle identified technical and commercial challenges. These should lead to increased productivity, competitiveness and growth for UK small and medium-sized enterprises.

Focus areas

Applications should focus on innovations in:

  • manufacturing systems, technologies, processes or business models, such as new product introduction processes or remanufacture
  • materials development, properties, integration or reuse. Materials could include nanomaterials, ceramics, metals and inter-metallics, polymers, composites, coatings, smart materials and joining of dissimilar materials

Competition information

  • the competition is open, and the deadline for registration is midday on 12 July 2017
  • project should range between £50,000 and £2 million and last between 6 months and 3 years
  • projects must be led by a business and involve at least one SME
  • projects longer than 12 months or with costs of more than £100,000 must involve 2 or more businesses
  • businesses could attract up to 70% of their total project costs, depending on their size
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Press release: Labour Market Statistics

Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland:

I welcome today’s Labour Market Statistics, which demonstrate continued stability in the Northern Ireland economy.

The unemployment rate is down to 5.4 per cent, the lowest since the great crash in 2008 and those claiming unemployment related benefits has fallen again, with a drop of 52 per cent since the series peak in 2013.

Almost 10,000 new jobs were created in Northern Ireland over the year, meaning more people with the security of a job and a regular pay packet for themselves and their family.

Political stability is a fundamental basis for economic success and securing devolved institutions in Northern Ireland is vital to keep this momentum going as we continue to build an economy that works for everyone.

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News story: Enforcement Landscape Review: tender specification

The IPO is inviting fresh bids for research into the effectiveness of the UK’s enforcement framework.

The Intellectual Property framework provides a number of different protections and remedies for creators and rights holders. The IPO is commissioning research which aims to construct a snapshot of the current UK enforcement framework for each IP right. It is important for rights holders to have the necessary means to protect their IP and this is reflected in the commitment made in the IPO’s Enforcement Strategy

We are now inviting fresh bids for this research into the effectiveness of the UK’s enforcement framework. We have split the research into distinct parts:

  • Part A will focus on developing evaluation criteria to assess the processes needed to enforce IP rights and the consequences of infringement.

  • If taken forward Part B will focus on identifying recommendations for changing the enforcement framework.

We are inviting bids from stakeholders interested in undertaking Part A only at this stage. The decision to proceed with Part B of the research will be taken after the results from Part A have been considered.

An open meeting to discuss the research tender will be held at the IPO’s London Office on 5th July at 2pm. Teleconference facilities will also be available. If you are interested in attending please contact enforcement@ipo.gov.uk by close on 3rd July.

The deadline for receiving completed applications is 5pm on Wednesday 26th July. If you have any questions or to receive the tender document please contact Robert.Mould@ipo.gov.uk

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