Press release: Brokenshire: NI public voted for strong voice at Stormont

Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland said:

The Prime Minister and I will meet the five main Northern Ireland political parties in Downing Street tomorrow to build on the political discussions that restarted on Monday in Belfast.

The UK government is offering whatever support we can, working alongside the Irish government, as appropriate, honouring our respective commitments in the Belfast Agreement to serve the interests of the whole community in Northern Ireland.

There is very little time left. An agreement to restore devolved power-sharing government in Stormont must be reached by the 29 June deadline.

Ultimately, I think the parties understand people voted in the March Assembly elections for a strong voice at Stormont. Northern Ireland’s political leaders now have it in their hands to take control and shape a brighter future for everyone in Northern Ireland.

News story: Minister supports police action to tackle knife crime

The Home Office hosted an event for police forces across the country to try to break the cycle of knife crime.

At the briefing, minister Sarah Newton encouraged more forces to join the Operation Sceptre week of co-ordinated police action on knife crime in July.

There are currently 29 police forces expected to take part, the largest number since it launched 2 years ago.

Sarah Newton MP, The Minister for Vulnerability, Safeguarding and Countering Extremism said:

Knife crime has devastating effects on victims, families and communities. I am hugely encouraged that a record 29 forces have signed up to be part of next month’s Operation Sceptre and I hope more join in the next couple of weeks.

We must break this cycle of violence and address the perception of young people who say they need to carry a knife to protect themselves. Let me be clear – knives have no place on our streets – and the Government is committed to working with the police to tackle this issue.

Operation Sceptre is an ongoing series of weeks of intensified action on knife crime, including targeted stop and searches, weapon sweeps, test purchases of knives from retailers, and the use of surrender bins. During a previous week of the operation in October 2016:

  • 21 police forces across the country took part
  • more than 1,200 weapons were seized
  • more than 300 arrests were made
  • more than 720 knives were placed in amnesty bins

The event at the Home Office was held in conjunction with the National Police Chiefs Council and the Metropolitan Police. In a speech to attendees, Sarah Newton set out the government’s approach to tackling knife crime. This approach included:

  • working closely with police and law enforcement, including by supporting Operation Sceptre
  • tightening the legislative framework, for example through the introduction of mandatory minimum custodial sentences for repeat convictions and a ban on zombie knives
  • working with retailers to prevent the sale of knives to under 18s
  • promoting and providing early intervention by working with voluntary sector organisations

The minister stressed that she is keen to support and encourage initiatives that work directly with young people. She also highlighted that a mix of agencies working together is key to tackling the issues around knife crime.

The next Operation Sceptre week of action will begin on 17 July.

Government response: Give safely to support those affected by Grenfell Tower Fire

We are saddened to hear of the tragic events in West London. There are many registered charities on the ground doing what they do best to assist those who have been affected. We are urging members of the public that wish to make donations to check that they give to a registered charity in order to best support those affected, and also importantly to check with those charities what support they need – whether that is money, time or other essential supplies.

News story: Crime news: checking the police station representatives register

Register sits with Standard Crime Contract 2017 documents and you can review your details using the Defence Solicitor Call Centre Online.

We have moved the police station representatives register to sit with the Standard Crime Contract 2017 documents and this will continue to be updated monthly.

This register contains the names of probationary and accredited representatives being used for police station advice.

If you think the list is not 100% accurate you will need to make changes through the Defence Solicitor Call Centre (DSCC) Online.

You can do this by updating the details yourself or by email using the online contact option in the right hand menu on the front page of the portal.

It is the responsibility of all solicitors and representatives using DSCC to make sure all the information being held on the online systems is correct.

Secure online access

Direct and secure online access is available to all providers with registered advisers – see below. You can view and make real time amendments to the records held by DSCC for all advisers attached to your firm. This includes:

  • rota slots
  • acceptance rates
  • DSCC records accepted by your firm in past year

It is also possible to perform duty swaps.

Further Information

Standard Crime Contract 2017 – to view police station representatives register

Defence Solicitor Call Centre Online – secure access to DSCC records for providers with registered advisers

News story: Typhoon support solutions

For the past six years, we has been working closely with the Typhoon In-service Delivery Team to provide cost effective alternative support solutions to avoid unnecessary costs and extended lead times on replacement Typhoon items. We have worked together to produce repair schemes where items could be repaired not replaced, work that originally focused around cables, but is now expanding into aircraft components.

Similarly, we have produced calibration solutions after the Delivery Team identified issues with the existing supply chain. With the signing and launch of the new Typhoon Total Availability eNterprise (TyTAN) contract, we are well positioned to continue to offer further innovative solutions contributing to significant cost savings as well as improving equipment availability.

Here Derek and I explain specific examples where we have provided best value for defence.

Typhoon headset cable modification

We have carried out modifications to Typhoon headset extension lead cables to support MOD operational requirements.

This important modification enabled improved communication between pilot and ground crew helping to ensure effective aircraft release.

Our reverse engineering skills enabled our team to produce electrical schematic drawings that ensured the Test Equipment Product Lines department could modify the cables.

Just two days after receiving the equipment at DECA, 41 squadron successfully tested an initial modified cable at RAF Coningsby. On proof of concept, further cables shortly followed with the final consignment hand delivered to the Typhoon Support Centre at RAF Coningsby.

In a letter D Rhodes, from the Typhoon Support Centre in Coningsby, said,

On behalf of the Typhoon Support Centre I want to take the time to express my appreciation for the exceptional service provided by the DECA Engineering Development Team during the development and delivery of this requirement for Typhoon.

Typhoon generator test stand

Currently Typhoon power generator testing is undertaken by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). To overcome extended turn-round-times a new test facility has been commissioned by the MOD and is located at DECA. This compliments the existing Power generator test and repair capability allowing the filter bench testing of Typhoon generators.

Key milestones already achieved:

  • Typhoon Generator Test Rig arrived at DECA in February
  • purpose built facility ready for installation and commissioning
  • first Integrated Drive Generator stripped and re-built to prove tooling, DECA capability and procedures

Repair-not-replace test equipment cables

Over the past four years, we have provided consultancy support to the Typhoon In-service Delivery Team in developing repair solutions for test equipment cables. The portfolio has increased to 84 different cable types resulting in over 720 cable repairs. This includes fibre optic repair capabilities as well as cable production and manufacture.

On-Shore special-to-type test equipment calibration

DECA has provided calibration consultancy expertise to Typhoon for many years. This has resulted in the development of in-house calibration solutions for over 75 different line items in our Tri-service calibration laboratory including a managed service to sub-contractors.

TEMPEST and Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) capability

We supported the Typhoon In-service Delivery Team to overcome an operational issue and improve the solution for aircraft cryptographic data fill cables.

As part of this, we developed a relationship with the Communications Electronic Security Group approved Test House for Tempest and EMC testing.

After successful Tempest/EMC testing and In-service Delivery Team approval of the prototype cables, DECA are now manufacturing cables to support the Typhoon fleet.

Typhoon maintenance platform inspection contract

We have recently won a contract to provide routine maintenance to Typhoon adjustable maintenance platforms at RAF Coningsby.

The contract will involve on-site inspections of the equipment that is vital for the maintenance of Typhoon. Maintenance will be carried out to meet Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations ensuring the compliance and safety of the platforms. Under this contract, the RAF has agreed that our team will now service all of these platforms at the Coningsby site.

Typhoon composite cylinders inspection and test

The DECA Airborne Bottle Bay has begun to inspect composite cylinders in support of Typhoon following on from the successful work carried out in support of Tornado by our team at Stafford.

The specialist cylinders, which carry nitrogen and air, are smaller and lighter than the steel cylinders traditionally used and require our specialist support capabilities. The cylinders are sent to us for inspection, examination, hydrostatic test to BSEN 11623:2002 and BSEN 1802:2002 standards and pressure tested up to 6526 psi before being prepared for dispatch to front line Typhoon units.

The Airborne Bottle Bay is UKAS accredited and is able to perform hydrostatic testing up to a massive 10,000psi!

Bespoke container provides storage solution for Typhoon 18CWT hoist

DECA Carpentry and Lifting Tackle teams have designed and provided a bespoke container solution for the Typhoon 18 CWT hoist.

The Typhoon airframe teams found that separating the hoist arm from the winch to store had the potential to lead to problems with over-winding. The Typhoon teams approached us for a storage solution to enable the hoist arm to remain attached to the winch mechanism for storage preventing this from occurring.

We designed a specific-to-content-container to accommodate the hoist arm, adding internal furniture to ensure the hoist fitted in its entirety into one container together with any accessories. The team also ensured the design was weighted in such a way that the container was balanced throughout the whole length overcoming any issues when moving the container given the considerable weight of the winch!

DECA Head of Account Management Derek Underwood concluded by saying.

Through this work, we are providing real and tangible cost savings to MOD as well as significantly reducing turn -round-times. This benefits Typhoon operations both in the UK and worldwide by increasing the availability of the Typhoon platform.

These recent increases in the our portfolio prove the growing confidence that the customer and industry have in our capability to support Typhoon. This reinforces DECA’s involvement in the new TyTAN supply chain.

Aled Evans Project Manager for Typhoon Avionic Test equipment also said,

I have, over the last few years, worked with DECA developing innovative support solutions which has included calibration of test equipment, manufacture and repair of associated cables. This service has provided improved turn-round times along with value-for-money solutions.

Flexibility of the service has seen DECA provide support to the Typhoon at various locations in the UK and overseas. Recent initiatives have included providing EMC and TEMPEST clearance for newly designed cryptographic cables and a soon to be installed Typhoon Generator Test Stand to provide a test and repair service for various generators. DECA continues to provide a responsive, flexible and cost saving service, which will continue under the new TyTAN contract.