News story: Webinar – 11 July – Meet the Buyer – The Department for Work and Pensions

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is the largest government department in the United Kingdom, and is responsible for welfare and pension policy. In this webinar, hear from Claire Thomas and Zara Carter on how to sell your products and services to the work & health category of DWP, with a particular focus on mental health and wellbeing.

Join us to understand:

  • How and where DWP advertises contract opportunities
  • Spending trends on wellbeing and mental health
  • Top tips on securing work via frameworks
  • How to come to the attention of government buyers at DWP

Click here to register.

News story: Start date announced for negotiations with European Commission

The first round of talks that will see Britain leave the European Union will start on Monday June 19, officials have confirmed.

Following discussions in Brussels today, both sides agreed that the formal negotiations under the Article 50 process can now start.

In a joint statement issued today, officials said: “Michel Barnier, the European Commission’s Chief Negotiator and David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, agreed today to launch Article 50 negotiations on Monday June 19.”

News story: Lord Ahmad appointed FCO Minister for the Commonwealth and UN

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon has been appointed as Minister for the Commonwealth and the United Nations at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. His responsibilities also include the Overseas Territories and the Caribbean.

I am honoured to have been appointed and look forward to representing the UK’s interests across the world.

It will be a privilege to continue the UK’s work internationally in support of our shared human values, promoting international peace, security and prosperity – all of which are in the vital interests of our country. I am also committed to promoting the UK’s leading role on global issues such as countering violent extremism and the protection and safeguarding of human rights and religious freedoms.

I am also honoured to have been appointed as the Prime Minister’s Special Representative on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict.

As the UK prepares to host the Commonwealth Summit next year I also look forward to visiting and meeting with Commonwealth leaders and representatives across the world.

News story: Advocate General appears in first sitting of UK Supreme Court in Scotland

The Advocate General for Scotland, Lord Keen of Elie QC represented the UK Government in two UKSC hearings in Edinburgh this week. This was the first time the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) has sat outside London. The move was an historic occasion for the Court and well received by the legal profession in Scotland. On Monday 12 June 2017, Lord Keen represented the interests of the Secretary of State for the Home Department in the UKSC case of Sadovska and another v Secretary of State for the Home Department in relation to a sham marriage. On 21-22 June 2017, Lord Keen represented the interests of the Secretary of State for Justice in the UKSC case of Brown v The Scottish Ministers relating to the rehabilitation of extended sentence prisoners. Judgments for both hearings will be issued in due course.

News story: Karen Bradley welcomes DCMS Ministers

The ministerial team is as follows:

Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport:

The Secretary of State has overall responsibility for strategy and policy across the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

The Department’s main policy areas are:

  • arts and culture
  • broadcasting
  • creative industries
  • cultural property, heritage and the historic environment
  • digital economy
  • gambling and racing
  • libraries
  • media ownership and mergers
  • museums and galleries
  • The National Lottery
  • Office for Civil Society
  • sport
  • telecommunications and online
  • tourism
  • broadband and mobile connectivity
  • broadcasting
  • creative industries
  • cyber security
  • data
  • Digital Charter
  • digital economy
  • digital skills and engagement
  • digital technology
  • internet governance
  • media
  • online safety
  • spectrum
  • telecoms markets and resilience

Tracey Crouch MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Sport and Civil Society:

  • gambling
  • horse racing
  • Office for Civil Society
  • sport
  • The National Lottery and society lotteries

John Glen MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Arts, Heritage and Tourism:

  • arts
  • culture
  • heritage
  • public libraries
  • museums
  • National Archives
  • tourism

Lord Ashton of Hyde, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State:

  • ceremonials
  • DCMS business in the Lords
  • First World War commemorations