News story: Re-cast EU Insolvency Regulation comes into force

The Insolvency Amendment (EU 2015/848) Regulations 2017 come into force on 26 June 2017 and facilitate the functioning and operation of the EU Insolvency Regulation in the UK.

The re-cast EU Regulation introduces changes to the existing rules on jurisdiction, cooperation, and the recognition and enforcement of insolvency proceedings across the EU.

Further Guidance (PDF, 293KB, 5 pages) on the re-cast regulation is available.

Press release: DVLA takes home top digital prize

The category for Digital Public Service Innovation of the Year recognises a public sector product or service that has shown an innovative approach and has seen measurable impact and outcomes.

Last night (Thursday 22 June) DVLA won the category for their online medical service.

This service allows drivers to tell DVLA online about a health or medical condition that could affect their ability to drive. Drivers can now report more than 200 single conditions such as vision, diabetes, and epilepsy by using the service, helping to reduce the processing times for licensing decision for those driving with a medical condition.

This is the second year that DVLA has taken home the title of Digital Public Service Innovation of the Year at these awards. Last year the agency received the award for its Share Driving Licence service which allows customers to share their details easily and safely.

DVLA, which has some of the government’s flagship digital services, is aiming to become a hub for digital motoring, creating online services for customers that make things simpler, better and safer.

Oliver Morley, DVLA Chief Executive, said,

“I am tremendously proud of the work done across DVLA to provide more choice for our customers. To take home one of the top awards at Digital Leaders DL100 is a significant achievement and recognises the innovate approach we take to deliver new and improved services.

“We’ve made significant progress in developing digital services in recent years and I look forward to the opportunities ahead of us.”

Notes for editors:

  1. Digital Leaders is an initiative that has created a shared professional space for senior leadership from different sectors promoting effective, long-term digital transformation. For more information on what they do, visit:

  2. The DL100 Awards honour the highest achievements from the past year, celebrating teams and individuals who are blazing a trail within the digital space.

Press enquiries:

All press enquiries should be directed to:

Press release: Oxford flood alleviation scheme online consultation opens up

The Environment Agency is calling on communities to have their say on benefits and features that will make up the £120 million project to reduce flood risk to all homes and businesses in Oxford.

The consultation will be open from 22 June to 20 July 2017, and will allow the public to input into design features; ranging from the 7 bridges along the route of the scheme, to options for benches and cycle racks on footpaths. The scheme is a major project which will involve lowering parts of Oxford’s floodplain to increase capacity for floodwater, as well as widening and deepening some of the rivers and streams that run through it.

Speaking ahead of the launch of the consultation, Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, said:

The Oxford flood alleviation scheme will be a major feat of engineering and is one of the biggest projects we are working on across the country. I am very proud of our partnership approach, which is so important to building the scheme and keeping this iconic city moving during times of flood, for businesses, commuters and communities of Oxford.

Cllr Yvonne Constance, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, added:

This is a really important issue for people in Oxford and beyond. The plans for the flood alleviation scheme are now very advanced and we want to hear what our residents think.

As the lead local flood authority, Oxfordshire County Council strongly supports the Oxford flood alleviation scheme and we encourage local communities, residents and businesses to take this opportunity to get involved in the consultation.

The project team spoke to over 200 members of the public at drop-in events throughout Oxford in May, where they shared information about the progress of the scheme and the many benefits it will bring. You can go online from 22 June to 20 July to view this information, see how they’ve been progressing with the scheme and to complete the consultation.

The project team will be available to help members of the public who don’t have access to the internet to complete the online consultation at the following libraries:

  • Kennington Library, OX1 5PG: 2pm to 7pm on Friday 30 June
  • Oxford Central Library, OX1 1AY: 12pm to 6pm on Thursday 6 July
  • Botley Library, OX2 9LP: 9:30am to 2pm on Tuesday 11 July

The Environment Agency is working with local partners: Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, Vale of White Horse District Council, Thames Water, the Oxford Flood Alliance, Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, and the University of Oxford, on the scheme to reduce flood risk to all homes and businesses in Oxford, as well as to major transport routes into the city.

For further information please visit:

Oxford FAS web page



or contact the project team at

News story: Home Secretary and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg discuss the online terrorist threat

Today the Home Secretary and Culture Secretary met Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer at Facebook, to discuss progress on an industry-led forum to tackle terrorist content online, end-to-end encryption and working with law enforcement.

Following the meeting the Home Secretary said:

Today was a useful opportunity to discuss the efforts Facebook are making to tackle terrorist and extremist propaganda online. I welcome their commitment to take serious action and to play a leading role in the industry forum announced in March after my last meeting with internet companies.

This is a problem that transcends borders and a truly global effort is needed to make a real difference. The Prime Minister has urged fellow EU leaders to help to rid terrorist material from the internet in all our languages, and gained support for the forum at the G7. We have launched a joint action plan with France and I will be discussing the issue with colleagues from the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand next week.

Press release: Environment Secretary Michael Gove sets out new approach for UK fishing

Scottish fishermen will have their say on developing a new approach for the fishing industry, Environment Secretary Michael Gove pledged at his first visit to Peterhead.

The Fisheries Bill, announced in the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday, offers a chance to take a fresh look at the UK’s fishing industry for when we leave the European Union and become fully responsible for access and management of our waters and setting quotas.

In the coming months and years, the government will be working with the industry and marine scientists, as well as the devolved administrations, to preserve and increase fish stocks for their long-term sustainability, and secure prosperity for fishermen across the UK when we leave the European Union.

While visiting Peterhead’s bustling harbour and famous fish market, the Secretary of State met skippers and industry representatives from the whitefish, shellfish and pelagic sectors.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

The UK is a proud fishing nation and this industry is crucial for many coastal communities around the Scottish coast and Northern Isles.

That is why I made sure one of my first visits as Environment Secretary was to Peterhead, famous for its fishing heritage, to hear directly from fishermen about what their real priorities are in the upcoming negotiations.

As we negotiate our exit from the European Union, I am determined to secure the best possible deal, making sure we have a sustainable and profitable industry for today’s fishermen and the next generation.

The Secretary of State also met Bertie Armstrong, Chief Executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, to discuss the future of fishing for Scotland once we have left the European Union, upcoming negotiations and what the Fisheries Bill could mean for fishing in Scotland.

Bertie Armstrong, Chief Executive of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation said:

We are delighted with the commitment made to taking back the beneficial control and management of our rich and sustainable seafood resources.

Jimmy Buchan, Business Manager at the Scottish Seafood Association said:

We’re delighted to see the appointment of Michael Gove as Environment Secretary due to his strong connections with Scotland, Aberdeenshire and the processing sector. We look forward to working with him to make sure we get a good deal out of Brexit – that means a thriving fishing industry, with a processing sector that supports the communities we live in.

Starting this summer, there will be a period of engagement on the Fisheries Bill with the devolved administrations, fishermen, trade organisations, fish processors and the public to make sure we deliver a deal that works for the whole of the UK, and over time develop an approach which delivers the best outcome for the UK industry.