News story: VMD’s Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS) 5th Anniversary

The VMD’s Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS) has now been running for 5 years since its launch on 25 May 2012.

AIRS was developed in response to the general public’s concerns about buying veterinary medicines over the internet. The aim of the scheme is to provide assurance to the public and professional keepers of animals, that by purchasing their veterinary medicines from an accredited internet retailer they are:

  • buying the medicines from a reputable, UK-based retailer
  • at less risk of buying unauthorised, inappropriate or ineffective medicines for their animals
  • confident that the retailer meets the requirements of the Scheme and the law

There are now 41 accredited websites operated by 32 businesses and further applications are in the pipeline. Companies whose websites have been accredited are diverse and include some well-known organisations.

An up to date list of accredited retailers is available.

We have worked closely with retailers to explain the assessment criteria and what changes they need to make to their websites for compliance with both AIRS and the Veterinary Medicines Regulations. Whilst doing this, the VMD has built some very good working relationships with retailers and has gained a better understanding about how internet businesses operate. We have used this information to develop our guidance and to help applicants understand how to meet the accreditation standards.

With the aims of the scheme in mind, we reviewed its requirements in 2016 and made a number of changes, in particular:

  • Accreditation is now focussed on the retail supply of authorised veterinary medicines (classes POM-V, POM-VPS and NFA-VPS) only
  • Non-medicinal products are no longer included in the assessment. Instead, applicants have to declare that they do not make medicinal claims for non-medicinal products on their websites
  • Applicants have to acknowledge that continued accreditation is contingent on a commitment to promptly correct all non-compliances brought to their attention

We believe that these changes have simplified the accreditation process whilst maintaining the appropriate controls on the sale of medicines by internet retailers.

AIRS is open to all UK-based registered veterinary practice premises, registered pharmacies and approved SQP retailers that supply POM-V, POM-VPS and NFA-VPS veterinary medicines online. Membership is voluntary and its free.

Retailers who meet the accreditation criteria display the special ‘VMD Accredited Retailer’ logo with their unique accreditation number [image of logo]

If you wish to apply to become an AIRS member, application forms and other guidance is available

News story: Digital Outcomes and Specialists 1 expires on 2 September 2017

If you’re a buyer and you published requirements on the framework before 24 February 2017, you need to award the contract to the successful supplier before 2 September.

You’ll need to use the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 1 call-off contract.

You’re not affected by the expiry of Digital Outcomes and Specialists 1 if you published requirements on the Digital Marketplace before 24 February and have signed the contract with the successful supplier.

If you published your requirements on the Digital Marketplace on or after 24 February, you will continue to award your contracts using the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 2 call-off contract.

Email if you have any questions.

Press release: Ciarán Maxwell sentencing

Speaking after the sentence was delivered, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP said:

I pay tribute to the police and other agencies in successfully bringing this case before the courts. This has undoubtedly saved lives.

A large volume of dangerous material was seized and this significant jail sentence is an indication of the harm that this individual posed.

News story: Merchant ordered to pay £4,700 for buying fish while unregistered

Lancashire company pleads guilty to buying fish without appropriate MMO registration

Representatives of Dockside Ltd, a company that owns a wet fish shop in Fleetwood, Lancashire, were ordered to pay £4,715.27 by Blackpool Magistrates Court on 26 July 2017.

The company pleaded guilty to purchasing first-sale fish directly from a fishing boat other than as a registered buyer, contrary to regulation 8 of the Registration of Fish Buyers and Sellers and Designation of Fish Auction Sites Regulations 2005.

The court heard how the Marine Management Organisation acted after being made aware the company had been purchasing fish from a number of vessels without being a registered buyer with the MMO. Upon investigation marine officers found the company had purchased £18,487 of fish between April 2014 and September 2016 while being an unregistered buyer of first-sale fish.

The company was fined £2,000 and ordered to pay an additional £2,545.27 in costs and a victim surcharge of £170.

The Registered Buyers and Sellers Scheme is designed to help ensure that fish is traceable from net to plate and to monitor and protect fish stocks. The MMO has produced a guide on the regulations for buying and selling fish.

Press release: Foreign Secretary calls for urgent action from Venezuelan government

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

Venezuela stands on the brink of disaster and Nicholas Maduro’s government must stop before it is too late. The country is turning on itself – more than 100 have died already – and democracy and basic rights are in jeopardy. The dubious Constituent Assembly vote has dramatically deepened the problems and ramped up tensions. It is time for the government to see sense and start working with the opposition on a way forward that brings the people of Venezuela back together.

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