Press release: 10 prisons project gathers pace

  • one of a raft of measures to tackle violence and drugs with over £3 million allocated already to 10 of the most challenging prisons
  • part of new approach being piloted to improve standards and security

A new x-ray body scanner has been installed at HMP Leeds as a project to turn around 10 of the most challenging jails gathers pace, Prisons Minister Rory Stewart announced today (Friday 4 January 2019).

The scanner will allow staff to search offenders on an intelligence-led basis for drugs and other contraband concealed inside their bodies. Evidence found on prisoners can be used to support disciplinary action or criminal prosecution.

The scanner will help to break the cycle of violence that is fuelled by drugs and other illegal items, meaning prisoners can start the process of rehabilitation. X-ray scanners at the other jails involved in the ‘10 Prisons Project’ will follow in the coming months.

All 10 prisons have at least 4 metal-detecting wands in place and most of the prisons have trace detection machines that can be used to identify mail that might contain psychoactive substances.

The project was announced in August to tackle the serious problems facing 10 of the most challenging prisons in the country. This was backed up by £10 million of funding.

Other measures implemented so far include:

  • Enhanced leadership and more resources. Each prison now has a number of specialist staff and teams in place, including a drugs strategy manager, additional entry searching staff, and more dog handlers.
  • Changes in the prison environment to improve decency, providing clean and decent sanitation as well as refurbished cells and shared areas.
  • By Christmas, the start of the roll-out of violence reduction training for staff on wings.
  • Nine of the 10 prisons have received a ‘drug diagnostic’ visit to help them understand their drug issues and improve processes and procedures

The work in these prisons will be used as a template for the wider estate and will help to inform priority areas for future investment and development. These 10 prisons are leading the way, with successful interventions being shared widely.

Prisons Minister Rory Stewart said:

These 10 prisons are setting the way for a new approach, a new ethos and a new direction. I am pleased to see the progress being made, and I thank the governors and staff working tirelessly to improve their prisons.

With enhanced physical security, a drive to improve decency, and more training and support for staff, the prisons are showing what a difference can be made on the wings. Ultimately, this will help to prevent further reoffending and keep the public safe.

The project is part of a wider effort to restore stability to the prison estate. This year the government has announced an additional £70 million investment in safety, security and decency.

This included £16 million to improve conditions for prisoners and staff and £7 million on new security measures, such as security scanners, improved searching techniques, phone-blocking technology and a financial crime unit to target the criminal kingpins operating in prisons.

This has come against a backdrop of rising prison officer numbers, with more than 4,300 now recruited and staffing levels at their highest since 2012.

Notes to editors

  • Geographical groups of prisons in Yorkshire, the north Midlands and London have been selected for the project. The prisons are: Hull, Humber, Leeds, Lindholme, Moorland, Wealstun, Nottingham, Ranby, Isis and Wormwood Scrubs.
  • We have allocated £3.3million, with the whole of the initial £10 million due to be spent by the end of this financial year.
  • All 10 prisons now have a Drug Strategy manager, an additional 8 staff for entry searching, 4 extra drug-detection dogs and 2 extra dog handlers.

Press release: Innovative genomics tool guides response to Lassa fever outbreak

For the first time during an ongoing Lassa fever outbreak, scientists have used rapid, portable genomic sequencing technology to identify viruses without prior knowledge of the cause of disease. This enabled researchers to allay fears and direct the public health interventions to limit the spread of the virus and help to protect more people from disease.

The research, conducted during the 2018 Lassa fever epidemic in Nigeria, was carried out by scientists from Public Health England (PHE) (UK), the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) (Germany) and Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH) (Nigeria), in collaboration with the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It was published in the journal ‘Science’ on 3 January 2019.

Lassa fever is caused by a virus carried in the urine or faeces of infected rats. The virus causes fever, weakness, muscle pain and seizures, and is frequently fatal. The Lassa virus occurs endemically in West Africa and while it regularly causes small outbreaks, an outbreak of the virus in the area in early 2018 led to 376 confirmed cases within a few months, more than the combined total for the 3 previous years.

The sudden upsurge in cases raised concerns that a new, highly transmissible form of the virus had evolved, able to pass from person to person more effectively than previous strains.

In order to better understand the reasons for the heightened number of cases, the NCDC, together with the WHO, commissioned the research team to analyse patient samples to understand if the virus had an increased transmission potential. The research builds on work that was carried out by PHE and BNITM during the 2014 to 2016 Ebola outbreak.

The team, working at the ISTH in Irrua, Nigeria, used Oxford Nanopore Technology‘s portable device to rapidly sequence the genetic code of 120 virus samples. Traditionally, genomic assays used in the field required researchers to look at one genetic marker or virus strain at a time. However, this time they used a different approach, in combination with DNA sequencing, and known as metagenomics, which enabled the team to test for multiple different variations of Lassa virus genome, which is known to be highly diverse – speeding up the process of identifying the strains responsible for causing illness in this outbreak.

The approach gives insights into the genetic material of an entire virus population at a specific point in time. The researchers found that the strains in the samples weren’t all closely related, suggesting that there wasn’t a single source of the virus that then spread from person to person. Instead, there were lots of different strains, suggesting multiple different instances of contraction from rodents. These early, rapid results allowed teams on the ground to continue focusing the public health response on community engagement around rodent control, environmental sanitation and safe food storage rather than shifting to solely focusing on addressing person to person spread.

The analysis revealed a great deal of diversity and indicated mixing with Lassa virus strains of the previous year’s outbreaks.

Explaining the results, Professor Stephan Günther, Head of the Virology Department at BNITM, said:

By using this technology to look at the Lassa virus family tree and comparing samples from this outbreak to those from previous years, we were able to exclude human-to-human transmission as the reason for the surge in cases.

Instead, a frequent transmission from animals to humans seems to be the cause of the high case numbers.

Professor Miles Carroll, Head of Research and Development of the National Infection Service at Public Health England, said:

Viruses are constantly changing, becoming more or less infectious and deadly over time. By studying their genetic code, we can better understand where the virus has come from and how it spreads.

Our previous tools to probe viral genomes took over a month to provide insights. Now, we can view results in as little as one day and in a field situation, guiding the public health interventions we deliver and ensuring we can act fast to stop more people becoming ill.

Human-to-human transmission of viruses is something we always want to avoid, but in this instance, the evidence indicated that we also needed to act in other areas for maximum impact.

The Chief Medical Director of ISTH, Prof Sylvanus Okogbenin, said:

The result of the sequencing reassured managing clinicians in ISTH, the main centre for the diagnosis and treatment of Lassa fever in Nigeria. I’d like to congratulate the team for the feat. The institution is very willing to collaborate further to ensure that on-site sequencing is a regular feature of its institute of Lassa fever research and control.

Dr Chikwe Ihekweazu the Director General of NCDC added:

The results from this study, which were made available to NCDC as they became available, were critical in enabling us to provide answers to questions during the outbreak and focus response measures appropriately.

We are proud that all the sequencing was done onsite in ISTH, and will work with our partners to increase capacity for metagenomics in Nigeria.

The real-time, portable DNA sequencing technology used in this study has applications beyond Lassa fever. By being able to look at lots of different pathogen sequences in one go, the technology could be applied to previously unknown pathogens. This is important because international health agencies have predicted that an unknown ‘Pathogen X’ could cause the next major outbreak.

This new technology has the potential to enable scientists on the ground during an outbreak to rapidly study the pathogen genome without necessarily knowing what it is they are looking for.

About Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM)

BNITM is Germany’s largest institution for research, services and training in the field of tropical diseases and emerging infections. The current scientific focus is on malaria, haemorrhagic fever viruses, immunology, epidemiology, clinical research of tropical infections and mechanism of transmission of viruses by mosquitoes. To study highly pathogenic viruses and infected insects, the institute is equipped with laboratories of the highest biosafety levels (BSL4) and a BSL3 insectary.

BNITM comprises the National Reference Centre for Tropical Pathogens and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Arbovirus and Haemorrhagic Fever Reference and Research. Together with the Ghanaian Ministry of Health and the University of Kumasi, it runs a modern research and training centre in the West African rainforest, which is also available to external research groups.

About PHE

PHE will continue to work with NCDC to strengthen their capacity to detect and respond to similar events in the future through the UK Aid funded IHR Strengthening Project.

About Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)

NCDC was established in the year 2011 in response to the challenges of public health emergencies and to enhance Nigeria’s preparedness and response to epidemics through prevention, detection, and control of communicable diseases. Its core mandate is to detect, investigate, prevent and control diseases of national and international public health importance.

Press release: Amber Rudd: West Midlands a standard bearer for helping people into work

Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd will take her UC fact finding tour to the West Midlands today (Friday, 4 January).

The tour forms part of a commitment to review how welfare reforms are impacting people across the country.

Making her first visit of 2019 to the West Midlands, Amber Rudd will be hosted at the Jobcentre Plus in Stoke-on-Trent and Yardley, Birmingham, to meet staff, including the work coaches who’ve helped many of the 65,000 people who’ve moved into work in the last year in the region – delivering record employment in 2018.

Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd said:

Universal Credit can be a huge force for good and has produced positive results here in the West Midlands.

One of these is a programme I’ll see today in Yardley. It provides special training to British Pakistani and British Bangladeshi women to help get them into work for the first time.

So when I talk about making our welfare system work better and fairer for women, the West Midlands is a regional leader in this respect and these are exactly the type of schemes I want to see more of.

Yet I know there is more to do to make sure Universal Credit is right for every single person who uses it so I’m looking forward to meeting local claimants and our brilliant work coaches to hear directly from them about what is and isn’t working for them.

Since 2010 the region has seen 276,000 more people enter work – the vast majority in higher-skilled roles. 128,000 more jobs were created in IT and business services for example.

Since her appointment in November, Amber Rudd has been reviewing the government’s key welfare reform, Universal Credit, which replaces 6 different benefits with one single payment.

While the new system has been shown to get people into work more quickly and stay in work longer, Amber Rudd has committed to ensuring it works for all claimants by getting support to people faster.

While in the West Midlands she will also meet local people using the Jobcentre Plus to get back into work, including women from the British Pakistani and British Bangladeshi communities taking part in a special mentoring programme in Yardley.

This follows her new year commitment to make the welfare system work better for women in particular, as well as helping more people into work and ensuring they get the support they need more quickly.

She will also visit Acacia Training in Stoke – which works with local Jobcentres to help unemployed people get the qualifications they need for jobs in nursing, childcare and social care. 75,000 more people have secured health and education jobs in the West Midlands since 2010.

Yardley – British Pakistani and British Bangladeshi mentoring programme

Employment rates among British Pakistani and British Bangladeshi women are among the lowest in the UK.

That’s why Job Centre staff in Yardley launched a mentoring pilot in September 2018 for women from these communities, identifying the barriers they faced to entering work.

Working with local MP Jess Phillips to help women into the programme, they offered tailored support such as training, opportunities to gain qualifications and confidence-building exercises. Many of the women have since found jobs and the programme is expected to be rolled out further this year.

More information:

Yardley Job Centre in Birmingham has been running Universal Credit for all new claimants since November 2017, followed by Hanley Job Centre in Stoke from June 2018.

Media enquiries for this press release – 0203 267 5109

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Press release: Navy vessel to be sent to the Channel

HMS Mersey will support Border Force and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency in their efforts to patrol the stretch of water, keep the UK border secure and prevent loss of life.

The Navy vessel was tasked to the Channel this evening following discussions between the Home Office and the Ministry of Defence. The cost of the ship’s deployment will be met by the Home Office.

Commenting on the redeployment, Home Secretary Sajid Javid said:

My focus continues to be on protecting the UK border and preventing loss of life in the Channel. For these reasons, the Government has decided to deploy a navy vessel, HMS Mersey, to support our existing efforts. This will be an interim measure while the two Border Force cutters I have redeployed from abroad make their way back to UK waters.

It is vital that we are working on all fronts to tackle this ongoing situation and I am grateful to Border Force and other agencies for the tireless work they have done in response to this activity.

Border Force has 5 cutters and 6 coastal patrol vessels (CPVs) and their deployment is kept under constant review. 2 Coastal Patrol Vessels and 2 cutters, HMC Vigilant and HMC Searcher, are currently deployed in the Channel working as part of an enhanced patrol rotation.

3 cutters, HMC Valiant, Protector and Seeker, are abroad. HMC Protector and Seeker will be returning to the UK shortly. The UK will continue its commitment to the FRONTEX humanitarian mission by retaining a cutter in the Aegean.

Press release: Foreign Office Minister Mark Field visits South Korea

FCO Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific, Mark Field, arrived in South Korea today (4 January) to further strengthen UK-Korea relations. The visit will focus on advancing trade links and discussing regional and international global interests.

Minister Field will start his visit in the capital, Seoul, before taking in Korea’s second city, Busan, and the city of Ulsan, a leading industrial hub.

While in South Korea, Mark Field will meet key Korean figures including Vice Foreign Minister, Cho Hyun, and the Mayor of Ulsan and Vice Mayor of Busan.

Minister for Asia and the Pacific, Mark Field, said:

“I am proud to say that this is my third visit to South Korea since 2017 which shows mine and the UK government’s commitment to the UK-South Korea relationship. It is a long and enduring relationship and as we leave the EU, we are determined to build on our ties with regional powers like South Korea.”

“UK-Korea trade is worth almost £14bn a year and has huge potential to grow still further, in particular in renewable energy sectors such as offshore wind. The UK and Korea have also long stood shoulder-to-shoulder to defend our shared values – including during the Korean War – and our cooperation will be important for the continued security and stability of the region and the world.”

The Minister will also meet representatives from British businesses operating in South Korea and members of the British community in Busan.

Further information