Speech: #HerPotentialOurFuture: Gender Equality, Fragility and Conflict Affected States

Whenever and wherever a politician makes a speech, it is courteous and prudent for her to begin by telling her hosts how delighted she is to be there.

The truth, of course, is that politics has its ups and downs and that some situations are more delightful than others.

But being here in DC today, among so many impressive people, is beyond delightful. It is inspirational.

You see, to anyone, whether they be a political representative or member of the public, this place is the highest ground.

And it teaches great lessons, for those prepared to learn. The lessons of liberty.

This is where the idea of government of the people, by the people, for the people, took root.

What we see around us is a great city. It is place that belongs to the ages. A home to democracy.

The American people – like my fellow countrymen and women back home – have held to this great tradition of democracy. Despite disagreements, despite fiercely contested elections and fiercely despite referendums our people have abided by the result. The greatest act of patriotism in the last two years in the UK was not the 17.4 million who voted to leave the EU, as I did, but it was the vast majority of those who voted remain, accepted the result. That is what patriotism is. And that is why our nations are strong.

It is the unity of us, of “we the people”.

Eight hundred years ago it inspired the foundations of a great nation.

And two hundred years ago it created a new one.

It’s one of the many reasons why I love the United States of America. That is hardly the most courageous thing that I could say to you, but it’s absolutely true.

I love America as an idea and I love it as a physical reality.

At its core the principle that liberty is for all of us and its denial diminishes all of us.

So I can think of no better setting for a speech about women

Because women’s rights are human rights.

Because we cannot achieve meaningful progress when half the population cannot reach their full potential.

Because International Women’s day is about the fortunes of all of us.

The belief that human beings have an inherent value and must be free to live a full and happy life is part of the very fabric of America. It’s there in your legal texts and it’s there in your blood. It is the guiding principle of your Constitution and the birth right of every American.

And I know that Americans want every part of the world to embrace that same philosophy.

That really matters, because where America leads others follow.

Being a country which others look to for an example may sometimes feel like a burden. Certainly, it is a responsibility. But leadership always is.

You are born with potential, you must be free to reach that potential. The government’s job is simple – to protect and enable human potential.

To ensure that courage, vision, ambition and determination are allowed to flourish.

And just look at how successful it is. America has a proud tradition of civil rights leaders who touched hearts at home and moved minds abroad.

Many of those leaders have been women.

Rosa Parks drew on deep reserves of courage and refused to give up her seat on that Montgomery bus. She worked tirelessly as an activist.

Maud Wood Park encouraged many great women to join the suffrage movement and began the Schlesinger Library in Harvard.

Susan B. Anthony was equally as devoted to women’s rights as she was committed to seeing an end to slavery.

Melinda Gates has shown how effective philanthropy can be, both in helping the most vulnerable people on Earth and in bringing more women into jobs in technology.

We in the UK have spent the last year- the centenary of women’s suffrage in Britain- celebrating our heroines.

100 years ago, women in the UK were unable to run for office, or vote, or even be present in the public gallery in the House of Commons.

They would gather in the attic of and peer through the ventilation shafts where they could view the proceedings below that affected their lives.

Often they would hear men voicing the widely held concerns that if women were given the vote it would be the end of everything, the downfall of the family, society, and the nation.

But those women knew, even then, that the opposite was true, that without their rights being secured, and their lives being fulfilled, family, society and nation could never really thrive.

Those incredible women who fought and suffered and endured.

To secure that right and paved the way for others.

Their rallying cry: Courage calls to courage everywhere.

And as you here in the District celebrate a record number of female members of Congress, we should all learn the lessons of our predecessors who supported each other across the seas to help make progress. They saw it as their duty to secure the rights of other women, and they knew their own fortunes were inextricably intertwined with theirs.

As legislators, as advocates, as human rights defenders we should undertake to work together, support each other’s efforts, and to have each other’s back.

And as we look ahead to the daunting efforts required to achieve gender equality around the world, and deliver the Global Goals, we would do well to reflect on what both our nations have helped achieve for our own citizens and the world over.

Both our countries have a strong record of using aid to help women and girls. And I pay tribute to the leadership of Mark Green and the work of USAID in this area.

Last year in the UK we launched a new National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security. And here in The US you passed a Women, Peace and Security Act in 2017.

I welcome America’s prioritisation of Women’s Economic Empowerment through the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity initiative, which aims to help 50 million women in the developing world advance economically by 2025.

Also welcome is the requirement of USAID to target half its spending to SMEs on activities that support women-owned or managed enterprises.

There have been excellent domestic efforts in America too, including the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act and the recent call on Congress to enact legislation for paid family leave.

Meanwhile the UK has been getting women into better jobs through our flagship Work and Opportunities for Women programme and the Private Enterprise Programme in Ethiopia. We are supporting women owned businesses to participate in international trade through the SheTrades Commonwealth programme.

We have committed to spend at least half our aid budget in fragile and conflict-affected states, and we have in recent years a new focus and strategy on preventing all forms of violence against women and girls, including sexual violence in conflict. Through our What Works to Prevent Violence Programme, we have demonstrated that violence is preventable, even in extremely challenging settings. Our interventions in countries from Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to the DRC reported reductions in violence – up to 50% in just a few years.

Domestically, the UK has introduced the gender pay gap reporting – we are the first country in the world to require all businesses with 250 or more employees to publish their pay gap – with metrics now adopted by Bloomberg in their Gender Equality Index – and a new, broader focus on women’s economic empowerment, not just for those women who are in office or work in an office, but for those women who are cleaning offices too. Marginalised women, older more financially fragile women, women with multiple caring responsibilities, – the invisible women who keep our nations going.

Like you with the women on boards initiative, and today we are announcing new investment vehicles to boost opportunities for women entrepreneurs to attract investment capital – something you have a great track record in over here.

The UK and the USA have collaborated in this space through the G20 Women’s Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, known as WE-FI and the G7’s 2X. Collectively these two programmes are expected to mobilise at least $3 billion of private capital to advance gender equality.

CDC – the UK’s financial institution – is the first Development Finance Institution to have a gender strategy. It has worked with OPIC and other DFIs on the Gender Finance Collaborative and made a welcome commitment to step up support for The BoardRoom Africa – a partnership organisation that aims to double female representation from 14 per cent to 28 per cent in Africa’s boardrooms by 2028.

We are also working to ensure all girls around the world get at least 12 years of education, including those most marginalised, especially girls with disabilities.

But there is much more to do.

And it is the women and girls who need us to deliver for them that motivate me to keep going.

I’m grateful for all of you being here today. I wonder what made you get involved in your respective organisations and this agenda?

What made you want to help? To change things, to make the world a better place?

Were you angry at the injustice?

At girls being denied an education – 63 million as I speak to you today?

Angry that one in three women in the world have experienced physical or sexual violence?

Or that in some conflict zones, that rises to almost all women?

Or that 12 year olds are being forced to marry? Or that young teenagers are expected to become mothers and many are dying in the process?

Angry because still in 15 countries women still need permission from a man to work?

Angry that many who do work often take home less money for the same work?

And that millions of girls around the world, and thousands in our nations are at risk from FGM?

Or that 200 million women with disabilities live below the poverty line?

Or maybe you are angry at how you have been treated

Some of you might be concerned

That the global gender pay gap is widening for the first time in decades.

Or that unless we all help ensure every woman is in control of her own body, how many children she has and when, all our efforts on economic empowerment will be for nothing.

Or maybe you are frustrated at all that talent and potential wasted?

The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that equality in the job market would add an extra 28 trillion dollars to global GDP by 2025.

But what can’t be measured is the lost ideas, the dreams never realised, the businesses never built, and the opportunities missed.

And some of you might be hopeful, I know I am.

When we include women great things happen. When women play an active role in peace negotiations they are one third more likely to last.

When we serve in services or in the armed forces, these organisations become so much more operationally effective.

Whatever your motivation for being here today and for caring about women’s rights and equality, I want to thank you.

Because every human endeavor depends upon that.

And success depends on our two nations, our aid funds, our expertise, our mobilisation of private capital and all we have to offer to create opportunities and enable freedom for all.

The United Kingdom and the USA are friends and allies in this cause.

When our two countries stand together and work together, to protect and enable human potential not only for our own people, but for ALL people.

History shows us that we can do great and enduring things.

In the United States, the women’s suffrage movement adopted tactics such as peaceful protest and parades. It was the same in the UK. And other nations followed.

Recently we have collaborated on tackling HIV and championing gender equality to take its rightful place at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We have joined forces in the global Call to Action to Protect Women and Girls in Emergencies, so that humanitarian aid will reach those who need it most.

And we are united in our determination to end the scourge of modern slavery, the victims of which are overwhelmingly female.

In the last 6 years together we have supported nearly 45 million girls to get an education. This included 2 million of the most marginalised girls in crisis and conflict-affected areas with USAID’s support. And the UK, as part of our girls’ education challenge, is supporting a further 1.5 million girls , including girls with disabilities and those who have left school due to pregnancy or stigma.

Together through Gavi, UK and US support has helped vaccinate over 500,000 girls in the world’s poorest countries against HPV virus, the leading cause of cervical cancer.

And we are currently the leading two donors to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, last year we helped 6 million pregnant women receive preventive treatment for malaria, and provided medicine for nearly 700 thousand HIV + mothers to prevent transmission to their babies.

We have supported millions of women to vote. Specifically, in DRC we have educated 2 million women about exercising their right to vote and trained 9,000 female election observers. In Pakistan, together with Japan, we have (supported 713,000 women to register to vote.

When we work together, we can achieve anything.

Without our support in these areas it is clear we will not achieve the global goals.

The global Women’s movement needs America and it needs the UK.

For my Prime Minister and for your President this has to be a vital cause.

One of the biggest mistakes that a legislator can make is to assume that progress inevitably marches on.

But it won’t. And it could get worse.

Technological innovation can make us richer and amplify our voices, but it also carries enormous risks, particularly for women and girls.

War and crises are major catalysts for extreme poverty and women and girls are often the most impacted.

Climate change has the potential to wipe out development gains, with women and girls being the most vulnerable in the event of such a catastrophe.

And there are political challenges too in both our democracies.

So, what can we do to keep making progress?

We need to consider each and every aspect of women’s rights.

That means working to end violence against women and girls, enabling girls to access at least 12 years of quality education, empowering women economically, protecting women and girls in conflict and crises, and promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights.

We can work together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and true equal rights. That is the right thing to do and it is the smart thing to do.

The UK wants to broaden and deepen such partnerships. If organisations such as the DFIs, the World Bank, bilateral donors, NGOs and women’s movements can collaborate and share resources and best practice, they will have a far greater impact.

This means creating new alliances for challenge and change.

At every moment and in every place, we need to do all we can to uphold the rights of women and girls.

Their right to be safe, to have choice, to organise.

This means reversing shrinkage in the civic space by supporting women’s rights organisations and movements. Women – and especially those of us who already have a voice – must use our combined power to change and track progress.

And we need more men to help.

You’ve heard of MAGA

Now meet MACA

Men As Change Agents, a programme from the UK women’s business council which sees male CEOs demonstrating leadership in this area.

MACA’s dynamic membership know you don’t have to be a victim of injustice, to want to fight it.

Lincoln wasn’t a slave.

John F Kennedy had his civil rights.

Melinda and Bill Gates have never been denied basic services.

Yet they all stepped up because others did not have what they enjoyed.

Because it was both the right and the smart thing to do.

This agenda needs men to support it.

And it needs America.

Without American leadership, the life chances of women and girls around the world are diminished.

Without American leadership, the life chances of humanity itself are diminished.

Our partnership on this fundamental issue, is not sufficient

But it is necessary.

And so, on International Women’s Day I urge both our great nations, the bastions of liberty not to retreat but to recommit to this agenda.

The lessons of liberty are clear.

Liberty is for all of us and its denial diminishes all of us.

And that it is our job is to protect and enable human potential.

When we work together, we can achieve anything.

Yesterday I met Ivanka Trump and asked that we work more closely on all these issues. I gave her a necklace made by a young woman being supported by the UKaid-funded Eden project in Myanmar.

The project helps rescue women and girls trafficked into the sex trade or being sold as brides in China, work to help them recover from immense ordeals, often supports them through pregnancies resulting from rape into motherhood and gives them skills and a trade and many of them chose to work in manufacturing and design. She had designed the motif of an arrow and there’s a movement from dark to light. To the girl who created it , It represented her personal journey, moving forward, from despair to hope, but I think it is a symbol that can also represent the fight for women’s equality.

I hope that in today’s world there is a lot more light than there has been, but too many women – in the UK, the US and around the world- still find themselves without. We must move them through our leadership…

Whether they find themselves in the dead of night, or the twilight…

into the radiance they need…

to be all they can be.

Press release: ‘Reckless’ skip company boss ordered to pay almost £25,000

Owner/operator Robert Walker of Bob’s Skips in Basildon, Essex, failed to check the legitimacy of a haulier who claimed to be working for a genuine haulage company. The driver did not work for the company and was using fake waste transfer notices. The waste was later found fly-tipped at 4 different locations in Essex.

Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court heard today that the rogue trader had made a cold call to Walker’s company looking for something to fill his lorry for a return journey.

Mrs Sarah Dunne, prosecuting for the Environment Agency, told magistrates that Walker, 54, of Whitmore Way, Basildon, arranged 4 of these deliveries.

She told the court that Walker had asked for waste transfer notices but made no further enquiries about the legitimacy of the company and failed to notice the forms were not filled in properly.

He also had no idea where the waste was being taken nor did he check that it had arrived at its destination – all part of his duty of care. Due to the inaccurate nature of the paperwork, it was not possible to trace the lorry or the driver.

Mrs Dunne said Walker had been reckless and breached the duty of care he had when managing waste.

This unlawful waste disposal could have been prevented if the code of practice had been followed.

By breaching his duty of care, he avoided the costs and taxes involved in sending waste to a permitted site.

After the hearing, Environment Agency officer Tom Pickover said:

We hope this sends out a clear message to waste operators that they cannot take a cavalier approach to its disposal.

The duty of care rules are there to protect the environment and legitimate traders who want to do a good job of disposing of waste properly.

Walker was fined £10,000, ordered to pay £8,300 towards the costs of the clean-up of the fly-tipped rubbish and £6,532 in costs. There was also a £30 victim surcharge.

The defendant pleaded guilty to: Between 1 January 2018 and 31 January 2018 you failed to comply with the duty of care imposed by section 34(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in that, being a person that disposes of controlled waste, namely, a skip full of mixed waste, did fail to take such measures as were reasonable in the circumstances to prevent any contravention by any other person of section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 contrary to section 34(1)(a) and (6) Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Between 1 February 2018 and 28 February 2018 you failed to comply with the duty of care imposed by section 34(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in that, being a person that disposes of controlled waste, namely, a trailer full of mixed waste, did fail to take such measures as were reasonable in the circumstances to prevent any contravention by any other person of section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 contrary to section 34(1)(a) and (6) Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Between 1 January 2018 and 31 January 2018 you failed to comply with the duty of care imposed by section 34(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in that, being a person that disposes of controlled waste, namely, a skip full of mixed waste, did fail to take such measures as were reasonable in the circumstances to prevent any contravention by any other person of section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 contrary to section 34(1)(a) and (6) Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Between 1 February 2018 and 28 February 2018 you failed to comply with the duty of care imposed by section 34(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in that, being a person that disposes of controlled waste, namely, a trailer full of mixed waste, did fail to take such measures as were reasonable in the circumstances to prevent any contravention by any other person of section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 contrary to section 34(1)(a) and (6) Environmental Protection Act 1990.

News story: Apprenticeships take centre stage

NAW2019 video

The annual awareness week, now in its 12th year, brings together apprentices and employers from across the UK to celebrate the success of apprenticeships. It encourages people of all ages to choose an apprenticeship as a pathway to a great career.

Running until 8 March, NAW 2019 theme of ‘Blaze a Trail’ highlights how apprentices bring new energy and passion into organisations.

The NDA group has supported around 2,000 apprenticeships and hundreds more are currently employed, training in the latest skills which include cyber, design, ICT, scientific, mechanical, electrical, project management and even firefighting.

Between now and 2021, the NDA group aims to support increasing apprenticeships in the nuclear sector from 2,000 to 4,000 per year. It will also focus on projects between civil and defence nuclear sectors.

Apprenticeships at supply chain firms will also increase by 20%, particularly at smaller companies.

The value of apprenticeships has long been championed: they providing students with vital on-the-job training as well as the chance to earn while they learn. They also form a crucial part of the NDA’s commitment to the Nuclear Sector Deal which sets out the need to have a skilled workforce capable of tackling the future challenges of the nuclear industry.

Jacq Longrigg, Head of Skills at the NDA, said:

Apprenticeships are absolutely vital for us when it comes to making sure that we have the right skills in place to be able to complete the challenge of decommissioning our nuclear facilities.

Apprenticeships play a key role in bridging our nation’s skills gap and play a part in our commitment to the Nuclear Sector Deal and the work of the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group.

Find out more about Nuclear Skills Strategy Group

Find out more about the Nuclear Sector Deal

Apprenticeship guide

Speech: Exchequer Secretary speech: Royal Bank of Scotland

Good morning.

Thank you RBS for hosting us. It’s great to be back in Manchester and wonderful to see the buildings and the cranes and the sense of energy.

International Women’s Day is a chance for us to celebrate the brilliant women who have shaped the modern world.

And it makes sense to mark the occasion in Manchester.

This, after all, is the home of Emmeline Pankhurst, Marie Stopes, Elizabeth Gaskell…

And today, some of our best businesswomen – Carol Kane of Boohoo, Angela Spindler of N Brown, Anastasia Kenyon, who, at just 24, founded Palette, the app that helps you find a make-up artist.

But it’s also a Day to think about where we need to keep improving.

And business and entrepreneurship is one of those areas.

The UK is one of the best places to start and grow a business.

We have the lowest corporation tax in the G20, an encouraging regulatory environment, and the strong capital markets of our financial services industry – not just in London, but in cities like Manchester also.

Today, there are nearly six million businesses in the UK, a 25% increase since 2010. A new one is created every 75 seconds.

But women are not playing an equal role in this success story.

In the North West, the spiritual home of female empowerment, women make up just over a quarter of those starting businesses.

And across the country, only one-fifth of businesses are run by women.

That’s despite the fact that there are almost one million more women than men living in the UK.

A report we commissioned from the British Business Bank last year revealed some shocking findings.

89% of UK VC deals involved founding teams with no women.

And for every £1 of VC investment in the UK, all-female founder teams get less than 1p.

This is a lost opportunity for those women. And having run businesses I know what an empowering and hugely rewarding life an entrepreneurial path is.

It Is also a great lost opportunity for the economy.

The best estimates suggest we may be missing out on more than a million new enterprises and billions of pounds of economic activity…

…not to mention new inventions and innovations that would improve our lives.

And if anyone remotely thinks the economy is a zero-sum game, where you can only have so many enterprises…

We have to remind them that people said the same thing when women started entering male-dominated workplaces in the early 20th century.

In fact, it is a hundred years since my great grandmother became deputy manager of the Robertson jam factory here in Droylsden. She took a man’s job during the war and turns out she was better than him.

The effect across the economy back then was simply to increase wages and productivity for everyone, In just the same way, increasing the number of female entrepreneurs will be a rising tide that lifts all boats.

But progress will not happen automatically. We must take positive action.

That’s why we commissioned Alison Rose – CEO of commercial and private banking at the Royal Bank of Scotland – to lead a review into the challenges that women face in starting and growing their own business.

Alison’s work will help us understand how we can assist women in all sectors and all parts of the country to realise their dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

She’s found obstacles at all stages of the entrepreneurial journey.

  • women have less of an appetite for risk, and less confidence in skills and ideas
  • they have less time, with women setting aside 60% more of their day on childcare than men
  • they have lower access to finance, with women’s average starting capital 50% lower than men’s
  • finally, they have a lack of connections and role models, with fewer women than men knowing an entrepreneur

Alison’s report has shown that each of these is a barrier to progress.

But while each is a reason for concern, we need to work across the private and public sector to address them.

I’m proud to say that the Treasury will play a leading role in this.

We’re working with UK Finance to establish a new Treasury code, called Investing in Women, which asks banks, VC and other organisations to report – for our annual publication – the gender split of their investment.

I encourage all relevant financial institutions to sign up, so that we can all track annually how we are doing, benchmark themselves against the best in the business, and work out how to improve funding for female entrepreneurs.

I want this to be a mark that all want to have and entrepreneurs look out for.

I’m also going to be supporting a taskforce of private investors that will seek to drive more funding to female entrepreneurs.

If we had just a 50% increase in the number of female entrepreneurs, we would have an additional 600,000 female businesswomen, each bringing new ideas and energy to old markets.

And so today the PM has set that as our government ambition. Of course, it’s stretching – but then the size of the prize ahead of us is huge.

And to grab it, all of us here have a role to play to make Britain more enterprising, innovative and prosperous.

Thank you Alison for your contribution.

News story: CoRWM and Radioactive Waste Management meeting with Waseda University

The Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) and Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) met with a research team headed by Prof. Shunji Matsuoka from Waseda Resilience Research Institute (WRRI) of Waseda University, Tokyo, on 12 February 2019.

The Institute has conducted research on the social acceptance of High-Level Waste treatment and disposal activities since 2015.

The purpose of the meeting with CoRWM and RWM was to:

  • discuss previous experience in the UK in engaging with the public and communities on these subjects
  • understand the emerging approach for future engagement and consensus building through communications
  • understand also citizen participation in the site selection of a geological disposal facility in the UK

RWM presented the history of higher activity waste management and siting process for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF), including outreach events and outputs from the National Geological Screening exercise.

The group discussed the importance of communication and challenges associated with public awareness and engagement around the GDF project.