Press release: New campaign warns ‘it only takes one accident’ to start a fire

A new eye-catching campaign highlighting the everyday accidents that can cause fire in the home has been launched by the Home Office today.

Overloading electrical sockets, leaving a frying pan on the hob unattended and putting an electrical heater too close to laundry are among the hazards shown in the revamped Fire Kills campaign.

Advertising will run across England on television, radio and online.

Minister for Policing and the Fire Service, Nick Hurd, said:

This hard-hitting campaign shows us how it only takes one small accident to start a devastating fire in your own home.

Knowing the safety risks, the little mistakes we can all make, is key to preventing fires.

Fire Kills has a long history of helping protect people from fire and we are proud to re-launch it.

The campaign, developed with the help of the National Fire Chiefs Council, also urges the public to test their smoke alarms. Previous Fire Kills campaigns focused on the importance of detecting fires, but the new advertising also places emphasis on prevention by highlighting fire risks around the home. As this video demonstrates:

Fire Kills: It only takes one accident [captioned]

National Fire Chiefs Council Chair of Prevention, Neil Odin, said:

The National Fire Chiefs Council has worked with the Home Office to ensure the Fire Kills campaign is delivering wider safety messages to the public. As part of our commitment to the campaign, we will be working with all fire and rescue services across the UK. This is to ensure we are working together to target people who are at a higher risk of fires in their home.

By making a few simple changes, people can reduce the risk of fire, or by sharing this national advice with friends and family, we can all make a real difference in highlighting risks and reducing the number of fires in the home. I am pleased that the campaign has been extended to wider fire safety messaging, and I look forward to seeing the results and evaluation.

According to the latest Home Office analysis of fires, most accidental fires start with cooking appliances (48 percent), usually by a grill or chip pan catching fire or something flammable being left too close to the cooker, such as a tea towel.

While the majority (90 percent) of homes now have at least one working smoke alarm, 23 percent of people say they never test them. It is recommended that a fire alarm is fitted on every level of your home, and tested monthly.

You can also view the campaign’s online portal

Speech: Conclusion of the UK’s Chairmanship of the Community of Democracies

The UK is delighted to have been Chair of the Executive Committee of the Community of Democracies (CoD) for the past six months.

On 29 January, the UK hosted the 29th meeting of the Governing Council in London, at which we welcomed representatives from Member States, Civil Society and observer states to participate in discussions around protecting and promoting democratic values.

The UK would like to thank the Secretary General and the Permanent Secretariat for their invaluable support during the Chairmanship.

Lord Ahmad, Minister of State for the Commonwealth and the UN at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office commented;

“The UK is honoured to have been Chair of the Executive Committee and I was particularly pleased to open the meeting of the Governing Council in January and discuss with esteemed colleagues from member states the importance of democratic participation. The UK will continue its commitment to the Community of Democracies through membership of its Executive Committee and its Working Groups. We will also be giving financial support towards the Community of Democracies’ fact-finding missions with an aim to encourage political resilience in emerging democracies, as agreed by the Governing Council. The UK warmly welcomes Poland as the next Chair of the Executive Committee.”

News story: Flags flown at half mast for New Zealand victims

Flags on Downing Street and Foreign Office Buildings will be flown at half mast on Friday 15th March 2019 as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives and all others that were affected by the attacks in New Zealand on Friday. Flags will also be flown at half mast at overseas posts in the South Pacific.

Speech: Damian Hinds speech at the Association of School and College Leaders’ annual conference 2019

This morning I woke up to news of a terrible attack in New Zealand. In the never-ending battle against hate, education plays a leading role in tackling intolerance and teaching mutual respect. My thoughts and prayers are with those in New Zealand.

Good morning everyone and thank you Rachael for that welcome.

I am very pleased to be here, joining you for a second year. When I stood up this time last year, I had been in the job for just two months.

I told you then how pleased I was at the prospect of working with you, and how I was acutely aware of the enormous weight of responsibility this job carries. It is a responsibility to you and all those school and college leaders like you, as well as the teachers, the support staff, the governors and of course the children, young people and families we all serve.

One year on, I can say for certain that the best part of my job is getting out to visit as many of those schools and colleges as possible. In the last few weeks I have heard that I’m not meeting headteachers. This came as a bit of a surprise to me.

I’m visiting schools, nurseries and colleges week in week out and I’ve heard from hundreds of headteachers about their ambitions for their students and the challenges they face. You couldn’t do this job without talking to headteachers.

And I can reassure you that I have heard the message on funding loud and clear and before I go any further – I want to address this directly.

I understand that there are real concerns on funding, that finances are challenging for schools and that many of you have had to make, and are having to make very hard choices. I know that rising costs from suppliers to supply agencies add to these pressures, alongside the particular pressures in High Needs.

On Wednesday the Chancellor announced the next spending review, which is when Government sets out spending allocations for the year ahead. I will take that opportunity to make the strongest possible case for education. For me, its not only a moral argument about our priorities – though that can’t be overstated.

From a hard-headed point of view, for a strong, highly skilled, productive economy clearly we need the right level of investment in our schools. And so too, to deliver the revolution we need in technical education we need investment in our colleges.

I stood on this stage last year and said that I would back head teachers.

Since then, when I was challenged to ban mobile phones in every school, I backed heads to make that judgement because you are best placed to make decisions in your schools.

When I have been challenged to intervene to centrally direct behaviour policy, I’ve backed heads to know what is right for their schools, their staff and their pupils.

And as we approach the next spending review, I will also back heads to have the resources they need to deliver a world class education.

Of course there will be competing demands on the public finances, as there always are, but ours is a very strong case, because so much else relies on what you in our schools and colleges do.

It is our education system that will shape the doctors, police and nurses of the future. It’s our education system that will produce the engineers, builders and lawyers of the future. And it’s our education system that will give us the teachers of the future.

I want to work with you on this just as we’ve worked together in other areas – in particular on recruitment and retention.

I’d like to say a special thank you to ASCL here, for their contribution and to Geoff in particular. And I’m also very grateful to the heads on our expert advisory group: Maura Regan, Jo Heaton, Vijita Patel and Lesley Powell.

Making sure that teaching is a profession that attracts and retains top talent is our shared priority, and the strategy sets out a clear plan to put this into practice.

Ultimately, a school can only be a great place for pupils to learn if it’s also a great place for teachers to teach.

Clearly, it’s school leaders like you that shape a school’s working environment, its ethos. But it’s my responsibility to support headteachers to create great cultures in their schools. Critical to this is enabling you to be able to hire the best teachers possible and to keep them in post.

You know that teaching can be an incredible career. But you also know it’s often a challenging and tiring one as well as one where you get to spend every day working with inspiring and inquiring young minds.

I’m well aware that many of the people in this room regularly put in a working week which is just too long. The pressures that you and your staff face are not good for your quality of life and your families. This is why I made a promise to you last year that I would take an unflinching look at workload and its causes.

Its why, for example, I asked Professor Becky Allen to take a hard look the issue of data and the burdens it creates. Our workload reduction toolkit, published in July, has been downloaded more than 95,000 times.

We have just updated it with a new section on reducing workload linked to behaviour management and advice for governors in response to recommendations in Professor Allen’s report.

And today we are also publishing updated guidance helping schools to reduce the workload and data collection burdens that often go with the pay and appraisal processes.

But to make lasting progress on workload, we also need to do more to set up a system that works for both teachers and leaders.

At the heart of this systematic approach – and as set out in the recruitment and retention strategy – are our reforms to the accountability system. Children only get one shot at an education so accountability is vital – and I know that you recognise that.

But I do recognise that the current system can have unintended consequences that add unnecessary burdens, especially for schools in some of the most challenging circumstances.

So we are radically simplifying the system to reduce the pressure on school leaders. As part of this we intend to make “requires improvement” the sole trigger for an offer of support – replacing floor and coasting standards.

School accountability needs to be simpler and more supportive. Heads should have complete clarity on the way the system works, the distinct role that each actor plays within it and the support available to them.

Central to this is the new Oftsed framework, Amanda Spielman and I are totally aligned on the need for an active focus on teacher workload, supporting and recognising leaders in managing this well alongside a commitment to reduce data burdens.

Amanda and her team have been working hard to combat the myths about ‘what Ofsted wants’. And more broadly, this new inspection framework will – rightly – rebalance inspection towards the substance of what happens in a school.

I recognise that workload is a tough one to crack. For many years now teachers have been reporting working excessive hours, but I hope we may now, with will and concerted action from all the actors in the system, be at a turning point. And what is making the biggest difference by far is what headteachers and principals are doing.

From surveys we know that now virtually all schools – over 90% – have taken specific action on workload reduction. We’ve published some great examples today in the workload toolkit, from King Charles I School, and Ascent Trust, among others.

Tackling workload is one of the ways we can build a supportive culture in schools. Another is to ensure that we’re providing our teachers with a proper professional pathway. The way in which teachers enter and progress in the profession must enable staff to achieve the things that brought them into teaching in the first place: inspiring children and ensuring they can fulfil their potential. This is already the case for many, but not yet for enough.

You’ve all had talented teachers, who have decided they no longer want to do the job.

It is a sad fact that more than 20% of new teachers leave within two years and 33% within five. And this problem is most acute, as you’ll know, in areas of disadvantage, where schools can least afford that kind of professional churn. They are hit particularly hard by high turnover in some subjects, like maths and science.

The great tragedy of this situation – and it is a tragedy – is that teachers all come into the profession with such a burning vocation, such optimism – they want to change lives; they are passionate about their subject and sharing their knowledge.
Retaining teachers in the first years of their practice is now the biggest challenge we face in the teaching profession.

That’s why at the heart of the Recruitment & Retention Strategy is the Early Career Framework, the most significant reform to teaching since it became a graduate-only profession.

Today, not enough early career teachers receive the high quality professional development they need to build the foundation for a successful career. We’ll change this by putting in place a fully-funded, two-year package of support for these teachers, linked to the best-available research evidence.

The Early Career Framework will provide much needed structured support for all teachers at the start of their career. The headteachers were extremely clear during the creation of the Recruitment & Retention strategy that for the career framework to work, additional funding was required. We heard you.

So by the time the framework is fully in place we will back it up with substantial extra investment and we expect to be spending at least an extra £130 million every year on its delivery.

The framework covers the key areas that will form the building blocks of any teacher’s career: behaviour, management, pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and professional behaviours; and it underpins an entitlement to support and training in these areas for all new teachers, including a strengthened mentoring offer.

To enable this, we are extending the induction period from one year to two and we are guaranteeing that every new teacher will have more time to consolidate what they are learning – with a fully funded 5% off-timetable in their second year.

And our vision for the framework isn’t just to transform the experience for early career teachers joining the profession. We want the framework to become the key link that brings together professional development at all stages of a teacher’s working life. This covers everything from the reformed ITT core content, to the development of specialist NPQs that support those teachers who don’t want to go into leadership to continue to develop and progress.

I want to enable more teachers at every stage of their careers to benefit from a clear, coherent professional pathway.

Similarly, as people’s working patterns change, so it is increasingly important that schools are able to adapt their working practices, so that teachers are able to have the greater flexibility that is becoming more and more important throughout our country. Although more teachers are now working part time, it is still a smaller proportion than the working population as a whole.

I appreciate that this can be a real challenge in schools which is why we are taking steps to help you make it more achievable.

We will be creating a new jobshare matching service to support teachers who are looking for a potential jobshare partner. We have also launched a competition among EdTech providers to come up with innovative solutions to enable schools to accommodate more flexible working patterns, including through timetabling tools.

In developing the R&R strategy, teachers told us that they don’t mind working hard when they can see the difference they are making. But their wellbeing is not something that we can take for granted or ignore.

Today I’m announcing the creation of an expert advisory group on wellbeing. Among the experts who have agreed to take part are Paul Farmer, of Mind, Peter Fonagy, from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Nancy Hey, of the What Works Wellbeing Centre and other leaders in the field. I am pleased to say that ASCL and other representatives of the school and college sector will also be involved, as well as serving teachers and leaders.

The group will provide expert advice and work with us to look at what government, local authorities and academy trusts can do to promote wellbeing.

I know there is a lot of excellent work already being done by schools and colleges involving charities such as the Education Support Partnership and I want to build on that.

Of course, motivated, well-supported teachers are more likely to have motivated pupils in their classrooms.

This point – that the success of teachers is inextricably linked to the success of their students – shapes my entire approach to education. It’s an idea formed through countless conversation with the people in this room and with the terrific teachers who work for you.

I began this morning by talking about the sense of responsibility that I feel in this job. But it’s teachers and school leaders that shape the lives of their pupils – and in turn the future of our country. My job in government is to do everything I can to support you.

We have made good progress on the Recruitment and Retention Strategy, the accountability framework and CPD. Make no mistake though, I see these efforts as a work in progress and something we must continue to shape together.

I know that each one of you will continue to work tirelessly on behalf of your staff and students. In return, you can expect me to back your right to be the ones making the decisions in schools, and doggedly determined in working to ensure we have the resourcing we need for our schools.

I very much look forward to seeing you again this time next year and to seeing the progress I know we are going to make between now and then.

Press release: Drivers to receive greater protection against rogue private parking operators

  • Parking (Code of Practice) Act 2019 ends unfair parking fines by rogue private parking firms
  • Private parking firms will need to follow new Code of Practice
  • Drivers will be able to challenge unfair fines through new independent appeals service

Motorists across Britain will have greater protections against bogus parking fines as new measures to clamp down on rogue private parking firms become law.

The new Parking (Code of Practice) Act, which has received Royal Assent today, will bring in greater regulation of the private parking industry. Drivers will be able to more easily challenge unfair parking tickets through a new independent appeals service, and all private parking operators will also have to follow a new industry backed Code of Practice.

A new single Code of Practice will ensure parking is consistent, transparent and easier to understand. If private parking firms break it then they could be barred from asking for motorists’ information from the DVLA to enforce tickets. The new independent appeals service will also give drivers greater support to challenge unjustified parking tickets.

Local Government Minister Rishi Sunak MP said:

Millions of us use private car parks every day, but for far too many drivers slapped with unjust fines this largely unregulated industry feels like the Wild West.

Too often, I hear of awful treatment at the hands of dodgy parking firms, from problems paying for parking to intimidating demands for payment and baffling appeals processes.

From today, we’re able to cut out the rogue operators by creating a single Code of Practice and giving drivers greater protection through a new appeals service.

The government and motoring groups, including the AA and the RAC, back the law changes and will now begin work to write the Code of Practice.

Stakeholders have welcomed the news.

Steve Gooding, Director of the RAC Foundation, said:

Sir Greg is to be congratulated for his success in uniting MPs and peers alike to deliver the Parking (Code of Practice) Act the private parking industry so clearly needs.

The Act will tackle an issue which our figures show affects millions of motorists each year.

We look forward to supporting the Local Government Minister Rishi Sunak as he now moves to put in place the code of practice, appeals and scrutiny mechanisms that the Act provides.

Andrew Pester, the British Parking Association’s Chief Executive, said:

We are delighted that Sir Greg Knight’s Parking (Code of Practice) Bill has achieved Royal Assent which will deliver our call for a single standard setting body, single code of practice and a single independent appeals service.

This framework will enable greater consistency and consumer confidence. As a not-for-profit association we will continue to work closely with government and others, including consumer groups, to help develop a single Code of Practice that provides a fair outcome for motorists, landowners and parking operators alike.

Nicholas Lyes, the Head of Roads Policy at the RAC, said:

Motorists will warmly welcome this new Act. For too long, some unscrupulous private parking operators have made drivers’ lives a misery with some questionable practices which has sent levels of trust in the sector plummeting.

The code will create more consistent standards across the board which should eliminate dubious practices and create a single, independent appeals process. The RAC has long called for changes to the way the private parking sector is regulated and this new code will undoubtedly make the lives of drivers easier.

The Act builds on action the government has already taken to tackle rogue private parking firms, including banning wheel clamping and towing and stopping over-zealous parking enforcement by councils and parking wardens.

The Parking (Code of Practice) Bill 2017-19 has today (15 March 2019) received Royal Assent so it is now law.

The Parking (Code of Practice) Bill was a Private Members Bill introduced by Sir Greg Knight MP, supported by the government.

The Parking (Code of Practice) Bill will cover England, Wales, and Scotland – creating consistency for motorists everywhere in Britain.

Currently there are two parking trade associations, the British Parking Association and the International Parking Community. Each has a Code of Practice that their members are required to abide by, but there is no single set of rules, so motorists are vulnerable to bad private parking practices such as deliberately poor signage and unfair parking fines.

The new Code of Practice will be drafted later this year with industry stakeholders, and will provide the clarity of a single set of rules for private parking, with clearer processes of appeals.

The Secretary of State will also have the power to raise a levy on the sector to fund the production, publishing and enforcement of the code. That levy will also cover the costs of appointing and maintaining a single appeals service.

A single code is intended to set a higher standard across the sector, especially in the area of appeals against parking tickets.