News story: Economic talks to further strengthen UK-China relations

The tenth Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD) between the UK and China will be held in June in London, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond announced today (25 April 2019).

The announcement comes as the Chancellor is in China attending the second Belt and Road Forum, hosted by President Xi. At the Forum, the Chancellor will set out how the UK is a natural partner for quality global infrastructure initiatives due to the world class talent and expertise this country has to offer. The Chancellor will also make the case for ensuring that projects meet international standards on governance, debt sustainability, and environmental impact.

Over the last ten years EFDs have secured billions of pounds worth of commercial deals for UK companies, boosting investment and jobs. They have also established the UK as the leading financial services partner for China with, for example, an agreement to set up the UK-China stock connect, expanding market access for UK Financial Services firms, and establishing London as the leading global centre for RMB trading.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond said:

Working with partners across the world to boost jobs, businesses and prosperity at home is key to our post Brexit future. The UK’s world-leading financial sector, along with our unrivalled expertise in areas such as design, engineering, financing, and legal services, mean we are natural partners for global infrastructure initiatives. And our leadership on high standards and the sustainable development agenda put us at the forefront of responsible investing.

The forthcoming Economic and Financial Dialogue in June will continue the golden era of relations between China and the UK. By deepening our cooperation on financial services, trade, and investment with international partners, we can ensure Britain’s global future.

Economic and Financial Dialogues are held with a number of key partners; and the ninth UK-China EFD took place in December 2017 in Beijing. The tenth UK-China EFD will see the Chancellor host Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and a Chinese delegation in London for a series of events to showcase the UK’s world leading financial service sector.

As well as speaking at the Belt and Road Forum, the Chancellor will hold meetings with a number of international partners. Also representing the UK at the Forum are Baroness Fairhead, Minister for Trade and Export Promotion, and Sir Douglas Flint, the Treasury’s Professional and Financial Services Envoy for the Belt & Road Initiative.

News story: UK delivers world’s most accurate weather satellite instrument

Using high-performance infrared detectors made in Southampton, the new device will improve short-range weather forecasts by monitoring atmospheric instability and cloud structure. It will also analyse the content of the Earth’s atmosphere, detecting and tracking pollutants around the globe.

Dr Graham Turnock, CEO UK Space Agency said:

The UK space sector is an export success story, generating a third of its income from international trade and creating growth and jobs across the country.

As this programme demonstrates, the strong working relationship between the British and French space industry is successfully turning future technology into reality.

The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer New Generation (IASI-NG) instrument is an example of outstanding international collaboration between Leonardo, Airbus Defence & Space, and the UK and French space agencies. It’s first flight is scheduled for 2022, aboard the European satellite MetOp-SG-A.

The UK Space Agency invested around £8.5 million in the detector programme supporting Leonardo to further develop the technology capability involved and secure participation in a major space programme for the first time in a decade.

Alain Gleyzes, Head of Earth Observation Projects, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) said:

Thanks to cooperation between UKSA, CNES and the French industry, the socio-economic benefits of the innovative IASI-NG instrument will be substantial.

As a pioneer in Earth Observation, CNES is utilising expertise in atmospheric sounding to provide a new standard in atmospheric measurements and to support development of applications based on space data.

A Leonardo spokesperson said:

This international project consolidates the success of the working relationship forged between UKSA, CNES, Airbus and Leonardo to deliver a powerful weather monitoring solution.

Looking to the future, Leonardo wants young people to raise their ambitions to be part of the future of space technology, and that means spreading the message of the remarkable impact that Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) has today in programmes such as IASI-NG.

The UK is a world leader in Earth observation technologies, which are growing at a rate of 25% each year and currently support around £92 billion worth of industrial activities. As part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy, the UK Space Agency is building on this strength while growing our share of the global space market.

Earth observation is becoming more accessible, and future opportunities will arise with the advent of new technologies and uses, with ever increasing amounts of data being produced.

In March the UK Space Agency revealed that every £1 of public spending generates up to £4 in value for the recipients in the space industry, with additional benefits to the UK economy.

News story: Armed Forces mark Anzac Day at Cenotaph service

A service at the Cenotaph in London has marked Anzac Day, the annual day of remembrance for armed forces personnel from Australia and New Zealand.

Representatives of the UK armed forces have paid tribute to the service and sacrifice of Australian and New Zealand personnel at a Dawn Service and during commemoration ceremonies at the Cenotaph and Westminster Abbey.

Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir Nick Carter stands at the Cenotaph during the service

Held annually on 25 April, Anzac Day also marks the anniversary of the first major military action by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. The two countries’ forces landed on Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 and the day soon became a time of remembrance for Australians and New Zealanders.

In the UK Anzac Day is marked with a traditional Dawn Service at the Australian War Memorial on Hyde Park Corner in London. There are also services at the Cenotaph on Whitehall and at Westminster Abbey.

Representatives of New Zealand and Australian armed forces stand at the Cenotaph

Armed Forces Minister Mark Lancaster laid a wreath at the Cenotaph during the Anzac Day service, which was also attended by Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir Nick Carter.

The High Commissioners for Australia and New Zealand also laid wreaths at the Cenotaph to commemorate the sacrifices made by the armed forces in their countries.

Speech: Mims Davies speech: Gambling Commission’s new strategy

I am delighted to be here today at the launch of the Gambling Commission’s new National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms.

This event is another milestone in a year of strong policy developments that this Government has led. It provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the progress made to date and to think about our vision for the future.

Protecting people from harm should be at the heart of every gambling business, working with a strong regulator.

It’s been three years since the Gambling Commission’s advisers published the previous Strategy.

It is right to recognise there have been changes in technology, changes in consumer behaviour and changes in attitudes to gambling.

Some have led to positive developments, such as greater understanding and awareness of gambling-related harm, and innovative new ways to protect people and enforce rules.

However, changes have also increased concern about what the future of the gambling industry may hold – on both sides.

When I took this role, my first words at the GambleAware Conference were that we don’t want to stop people having fun, but we need the right balance between freedom and protections.

Government’s Gambling Review included strong measures to boost protections across gaming machines, online gambling and gambling advertising. And analysed what support is available for people who experience harm. I’m pleased to see this approach reflected in the new Strategy’s two vital pillars of prevention and treatment.

This new Strategy builds on the vision from the last, and this is a good thing. It shows that we are heading in the right direction, and positive progress is being made.

So what has changed? It is our joint ambition about how much can be achieved, and how quickly. Now this overarching strategy is published, we are keen to see swift progress on the implementation plan, to turn words into further action.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Gambling Commission for the engagement I have had with them and the excellent work they do day to day, much of which is reflected in this new Strategy.

As the statutory regulator, the Gambling Commission’s role is to ensure industry is strongly regulated and accountable – and that people recognise this.

The Commision has the key role in preventing harm, through the extensive powers it has to set and enforce licence conditions, its understanding of the industry and its leadership.

I know that there are concerns about online gambling and my honourable friend Richard Graham raised some of these yesterday in the House. I want to assure him and colleagues across the House that I am listening, the industry is listening, the Commission is watching and we understand those concerns.

The growth of the internet and mobile technology has changed every aspect of our lives. It has made many of our transactions smoother, such as banking and online shopping.

This is also true of gambling – it is now available at any time, anywhere, to those with a smartphone. The market has evolved and we see new types of games and bets.

But online also offers an opportunity for strong protections. There is more data available to understand customers, detect vulnerabilities and intervene. People can be reached directly through their devices.

It is important the Gambling Commission ensures its regulation keeps pace with technological change. It has the power to respond to changes in the market. It has taken strong action to tighten rules around identity and age verification – these come into force next month.

For people in need of support, there are also digital tools that make it easier to take control, seek help or stop gambling. Vitally, GAMSTOP helps people self-exclude from all operators. The new identity requirements will make the system much more robust.

I was delighted to meet the innovators, Gamban, whose software has led to a further step change in protections with the ability to block gambling sites and apps. It is available free to all users of GambleAware services. Netline, the webchat service run by GamCare, is easily accessible too.

This is not to diminish the importance of human interaction. Sometimes we all need to talk to somebody about what is going on in our lives.

GamCare’s National Gambling Helpline has teams working 8am to midnight – I always like to give the phone number, which is 0808 8020 133. GamCare is working with operators to better link up their customer services teams with advisers at the Helpline, and I welcome this.

Now to focus on the Gambling Act. It gave the Gambling Commission strong powers to change requirements as needed, as gambling evolves. And the pillars of the Act – to keep gambling fair, free from crime, and to protect people from harm – are the key tenements today, as they rightly were when it was written.

So let’s turn to now. I am very clear – protecting vulnerable people is a priority.

Government will intervene and act where there are dangerous products and evidence of harm – as we did on B2 machine stakes in betting shops.

The Commission will support this, as it did recently in ensuring the spirit of the new regulations was adhered to. The only industry I want to see is a responsible industry.

To achieve this, collaboration with industry is essential. I am pleased this new strategy identifies collaboration as key to achieving our goals.

Operators are in a unique position to deliver early interventions, before harm occurs, and preventative work will benefit greatly from industry expertise.

I understand that excellent progress has already been made through the Remote Gambling Association on operator-led projects. And I’ll say more about our own positive engagement with operators later.

Meanwhile industry must recognise why the debate on gambling has become so divided. Of course we want to see a responsible industry that generates enjoyment, employment and investment.

But problem gambling can destroy the lives of people, their families and even their communities. Industry must mitigate those risks with appropriate protections.

Other businesses engaging has great power to prevent harm, beyond just the gambling industry. The Secretary of State and I met major and challenger banks recently. We recognise the excellent work taking place to develop tools customers can use to block spending on gambling.

The stigma of talking about gambling problems must be removed. We need to explain the potential risks. I want better awareness of where to find help if it is needed. And I want us to talk about what healthy gambling looks like.

I’m pleased to see the Strategy acknowledge the important role for those with lived experience to contribute.

Key partners such as GamCare and GambleAware have also initiated projects to reach out to young people, including programmes for schools. We are working with Ministerial colleagues to see what advice we can give to parents.

I’m pleased GambleAware has launched the ‘Bet Regret’ advertising campaign, as set out in the Gambling Review. This is a fantastic initiative that resonates with the target audience.

GambleAware has also established partnerships with organisations such as Citizens Advice to try to reach people earlier and intervene before serious harm occurs.

Prevention is crucial, but we must also make sure those with gambling problems can get the right help.

The whole of government is committed to this and I want to use our departmental relationships for good, bringing all our interests together.

In particular, we committed in the Review to working closely with the Department for Health and Social Care, and I will continue to work with the Minister for Suicide Prevention in particular. This is one of her key priorities as well.

I’ve spoken about stigma. A gambling addiction or compulsion is an addiction like any other. So I am very pleased we are expanding specialist support in the NHS Long Term plan.

Supporting action on gambling-related harm is now a priority for Public Health England. This a really important step. And their evidence review will help to inform action on prevention and treatment.

I’m keen that future work builds on the strong arrangements already in place for coordinating and commissioning treatment.

We have a national network of counselling services. And GambleAware funds existing NHS gambling services – such as the National Problem Gambling Clinic in London – as well as the GamCare helpline.

I saw first-hand the vital frontline work both carry out, providing support to those who need it.

GambleAware has long held an ambition to expand its treatment services, and I look forward to the formal opening of the new NHS Leeds clinic later this year.

70% of GamCare clients complete their treatment plans successfully, showing significant reduction in harms and improved quality of life.

I’ve been listening to concerns around funding, and taking action. Just yesterday, Secretary of State and I had a constructive meeting with chief executives of a number of gambling companies yesterday. We set out very clear expectations from Government and consumers. We will meet again very shortly.

As the minister, I want to see further and faster progress on protecting those vulnerable to harm, including by increasing funding for research, education and treatment.

The voluntary system does work and continues to have support from government and industry. GVC has already announced today that it will donate 1% of its gross gambling yield.

We believe the voluntary system is capable of delivering sustainable funding to meet the increased targets that will be set as evidence of needs emerges. I encourage the Gambling Commission to support this and will look forward to the detailed Implementation Plan.

Let me be clear, if it turns out that the voluntary system is not capable of meeting current and future needs, we will look at alternatives. Everything is on the table.

Strong evidence must underpin all action and debate. The Strategy sets out innovative new ways to collect this, some of which are already in progress, such as a data hub and new research partnerships.

I look forward to seeing progress and working with my colleagues, business and others to make sure the good work taking place continues under Gambling Commission’s new Strategy.

It is absolutely right that gambling-related harm is recognised as a serious issue and that it is given the same attention as other addictions.

There is a lot of work being done by a range of bodies and it is important that we acknowledge their good will and commitment as well as recognising that more must be done.

News story: Second birthday celebrations for the Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network

From impacting positively on the uptake of apprenticeships in the Black Asian Minority Ethnics (BAME) community to supporting learners with learning difficulties and disabilities – including mental health – the Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network (ADCN) has much to celebrate as it reaches its second birthday.

The ADCN is proud to be celebrating having over 70 members, made up of committed apprentice employers, spanning in size and sector, and representative of British business today. ADCN members champion apprenticeships and diversity amongst employers, by encouraging more people from underrepresented groups to consider apprenticeships.

The work of ADCN members, including Persimmon Homes, Lloyds Banking Group, Bristol City Council and Health Education England, is designed to ensure a fairer, more diverse apprenticeship landscape.

An addendum to the ADCN first year report has been published to highlight some of the achievements from the past 12 months. This includes information on the many projects ADCN members have undertaken to improve apprenticeship diversity in their communities.

Highlights from the past 12 months include:

  • an increase in BAME uptake, increasing to 11.24% representation in apprenticeships and closing the gap between the start point of the apprenticeships reforms programme, and the government target of a 20% increase by 2020
  • growth in learners with learning difficulties and disabilities, increasing to 11.24% representation, up from 10.29% last year – this puts the nation on target to achieving a 20% increase by 2020
  • expanding to include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender+ (LGBT+) as one of its core focuses and ensuring that LGBT+ apprentices are provided with a safe and supportive environment to work in by their employers
  • recognising people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds that are less likely to progress into higher-wage fields, or further into leadership roles and ensuring the apprenticeships offer is open to this group
  • being passionately committed to improving female representation in historically male-dominated sectors and improving representation of women at more senior levels, whilst realising there is more to do for women who are still extremely under-represented in STEM subjects – representing only around 11.3% starts in STEM subjects.

ADCN member Paul Broadhead, Head of Community Investment & Education Outreach at Rolls Royce said:

At Rolls-Royce we are committed to inspiring and equipping a future generation of innovators & pioneers. Every child whatever their background, gender, ethnicity deserves the opportunity to explore the world of STEM and understand how it might be for them.

Talent is equally distributed across our young people. Opportunity is not and we are committed to changing this.

Chair of the ADCN, Helen Grant MP, added:

The work of ADCN members is to ensure a fairer, more diverse apprenticeship landscape and I am so proud of what we have achieved in the past two years. Our membership is steadily growing as we welcome new employers with a real commitment to diversity in apprenticeships.

Our progress shows what can be achieved with the ambition and determination to open up apprenticeships to the communities that are sadly, under represented. I am confident that as the network continues to go from strength to strength, through the continued dedication from our members, that we will continue to see more diversity in the uptake of apprenticeships and from the employers who offer them.

I am delighted to have been part of the network that has opened doors for so many apprentices who didn’t believe fulfilling their dreams was possible.

Apprenticeship and Skills Minister Anne Milton concluded:

It’s fantastic that our Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network has achieved so much in two years. No one should be denied the opportunity to learn new skills and go on to have a great job and career. It’s great work like this that is helping to open up opportunities for all.

We’ve completely overhauled apprenticeships in this country and have made sure progress – it’s encouraging to see the proportion of people from BAME backgrounds starting an apprenticeship in 2017/18 has remained at the seven year high of 11.2%. However, there is much more to do to make sure people from all backgrounds do not miss out – our Apprenticeship Diversity Champions are leading the way.

More information on the ADCN can be found on GOV.UK.