News story: Skipper rescued off Salcombe ‘had done all the right things’

Joe Dudley ran into difficulty when his fishing vessel Peace N Plenty had a fire on board six miles off Salcombe just before 6.30pm on 30 April. He called HM Coastguard reporting the problem and said he had abandoned to a life raft with a handheld VHF radio and EPIRB (emergency position-indicating radio beacon).

Both RNLI lifeboats from Salcombe were tasked and the skipper brought back to shore. Navigational warnings were issued for the abandoned vessel but the fire has now burned out and the boat is being towed back to harbour at Brixham. It will be inspected by a Maritime & Coastguard Agency surveyor.

Joe Dudley has recently completed a sea survival course. He said: ‘It’s incredible when you realise the things that you don’t think you’ve absorbed have actually gone in and you do all the safety things you need to.

‘I’d say to anyone thinking about doing a sea survival course to do it and to listen seriously because it could save your life.’

Tago Mcleod, from HM Coastguard based at Falmouth said: ‘This was a man who did everything right from the moment he realised he had a problem. He had a fully registered EPIRB which he activated right away, he was wearing a lifejacket and made ready his lifeboat. The EPIRB helped us establish his position to within a few metres. At the same time he called a family member who then was able to liaise with us.

‘We are always on hand in an emergency to rescue people who have called us on their VHF radio or calling 999 and asking for the coastguard, but this was someone who had understood the need to take responsibility for his own safety and did everything right to make the job of finding him easier.’

Press release: Report 03/2019: Train dispatch accident at Elstree & Borehamwood station

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At around 14:03 hrs on 7 September 2018, a passenger and her dog were involved in a train dispatch accident at Elstree and Borehamwood station. The dog’s lead became trapped in the closed doors of a departing train, dragging the dog off the platform and leading to its death. The passenger was not injured but was very distressed.

The accident happened because the train driver did not observe the passenger in close proximity to the train, both before he decided to close the train doors and before he decided it was safe to depart from the station. An on-train CCTV system is provided to allow the driver to monitor the side of the train and the adjacent platform edge during the dispatch process.

The design of the door obstacle-detection system was such that a thin object, such as the dog’s lead, could not be detected. As a result, the train was able to depart with the dog’s lead trapped in the closed door.


As a result of this investigation, the RAIB has made two recommendations. The first is made to Govia Thameslink Railway. It relates to the development of suitable guidance to drivers on the time needed to safely observe the platform-train interface before and after closing the train doors, and enhancing its driver management processes by routinely monitoring the safety of train dispatch. The second recommendation is made to the Rail Delivery Group, in consultation with RSSB and train operators. It relates to investigating technologies to better assist train dispatch staff to detect people or items which may become trapped in train doors.

Notes to editors

  1. The sole purpose of RAIB investigations is to prevent future accidents and incidents and improve railway safety. RAIB does not establish blame, liability or carry out prosecutions.
  2. RAIB operates, as far as possible, in an open and transparent manner. While our investigations are completely independent of the railway industry, we do maintain close liaison with railway companies and if we discover matters that may affect the safety of the railway, we make sure that information about them is circulated to the right people as soon as possible, and certainly long before publication of our final report.
  3. For media enquiries, please call 01932 440015.

Newsdate: 1 May 2019

News story: Civil/crime news: amendments to legal aid eligibility legislation

We have amended legal aid legislation to ensure that claimants of the Windrush compensation scheme are not disadvantaged in applying for legal aid.

What has changed?

As of the 1st May 2019 amendments will come into force which change the following legal aid regulations to enable such payments to be disregarded from both civil and criminal legal aid eligibility assessments:

  • The Civil Legal Aid (Financial Resources and Payment for Services) Regulations 2013
  • The Criminal Legal Aid (Financial Resources) Regulations 2013
  • The Criminal Legal Aid (Contribution Orders) Regulations 2013

These amendments will ensure that the receipt of such compensation payments will not affect an individual’s eligibility for legal aid or liability to pay contributions.

Further information

Disregard of Windrush compensation scheme payments guidance – full information for legal aid providers

Windrush compensation scheme guidance – for full details regarding the scheme

Speech: Education Secretary sets out plan for international education

Good evening everyone. I am delighted to welcome you all here to discuss the huge opportunities of International Education.

Around the world our schools, our universities, our teaching, are all bywords for excellence. We have the best stable of brands in the business, complemented by the gift of the greatest IP asset in history: the English language.

Few can claim to compete with the extent and longevity of our great educational institutions or the depth and breadth of our cultural heritage. Every year, as we celebrate Saint George’s day we also celebrate the birth of Shakespeare.

I’m always in the market for ideas from other countries; there is no practical limit to what we can learn from each other and so others look to learn from us too. Education ministers from around the world want to know about our success with phonics, with school autonomy, and the turnaround story of our state schools especially in this city, London.

If you look at governments around the world, a good number of those holding public office have had a British education – like Pakistan’s prime minister Imran Khan who studied at Oxford; while Yemi Osinbajo, the vice president of Nigeria studied at LSE and the incoming emperor of Japan, Prince Naruhito, who also studied at Oxford.

It is a truly extraordinary statistic: the British Council estimates that one in four countries have leaders who have been educated here at some point.

But the thing about excellence is that you have to keep working at it, and as you raise your game, remember others are raising theirs.

In higher education, according to the QS World University Rankings, we have 4 in the top ten; 18 in the Top 100, and a position 2nd only to the US.

It is vital that we are welcoming of International HE students to the UK. The government’s 2018 immigration white paper sets out a number of positive changes to the visa offer for international students.

But sometimes we talk as though visas are the only issue to work on. In QS’ International Student Survey, 2018, student visas came 7th as a factor in terms of international students’ decision making. An institution’s reputation, how welcoming it is to students, and employment prospects, all scored more highly.

In higher education we are still gaining volume, but we are losing share, as we have grown around 5% from 435,000 students in 2013/14 to 458,000 in 2017/18. We do have quite a reliance on one source market – albeit a very big one: China. We should look to develop both existing markets but to diversify and develop new and sustainable opportunities too, for example continuing to grow the Indian market, and countries from South East Asia and Africa too.

The International Education Strategy looks to increase the number of international higher education students to 600,000 by 2030.

International students make a vital contribution to the UK economy. In 2016 they brought in almost £12bn through tuition fees and living expenditure alone.

But international students mean far more to us than the financial benefits they bring.

They bring greater cultural diversity to university and college campuses, and enrich the experience for all students who study there, as well as the wider communities. They stimulate demand for courses and add to the UK’s impressive research capacity.

In the longer term, they offer cultural, political and commercial links, an enduring part of Global Britain

Growing the UK’s in-country transnational education, at both school and HE levels, is an area ultimately with even greater potential. It enables UK education institutions to reach a much broader and more diverse cohort of international students than ever before.

I know there are barriers to overcome to make transnational education sustainable, and worthwhile.

There are specific actions in the strategy designed to support this.

For example by engaging in dialogue with countries with recognised export potential and working to resolve regulatory barriers through international agreements and the work of the Education Champion we are planning to appoint.

The latest available data, for 2016, show that international schools contributed £900m in export revenue to the UK. Early years provision has become established in China for example, and a number of British schools are now operating successfully overseas, like Dulwich which has seven international schools in the Far East.

Now, to be truly international and outward-looking we have to address some things much closer to home. We have never been world famous for our language skills, but this took a dive in 2004 when the decline of modern languages in schools began.

Global Britain needs more – a lot more – children learning a language, at least one language, and that means we need a lot more language teachers, too.

Our Mandarin Excellence Programme is on track to ensure 5,000 students in state-funded schools are working towards fluency in Mandarin Chinese, alongside 100 newly qualified Chinese teachers, to be trained by the end of the programme in March 2020.

And the Spanish Visiting Teachers Programme, run in partnership with Spain’s Ministry of Education and Vocational Training looks to support state-funded schools in England to recruit MFL teachers by providing access to a pool of qualified teachers from Spain. But we need to do more.

In January I announced a new £2.5million programme to enable thousands more young people to take part in international exchanges and visits.

Schools in England can now apply for grants to take pupils aged 11 and above to visit partner schools around the world, giving them the chance to experience different cultures, improve language skills and build independence, character and resilience. And the programme focuses particularly on children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

We need to talk about Education Technology too. This is a flourishing business sector for the UK, with a steadily growing export market. We already have the largest EdTech market in Europe and some of the fastest growing EdTech companies in the world but have more to do to maximise our position.

We know that domestic market development and export success are closely linked, so we will support UK EdTech businesses in both.

Specifically, this means:

  • defining 10 new “EdTech challenges” to galvanise industry action on some real-world issues faced by the education sector where technology has strong potential to drive progress;
  • helping to forge new connections between technology innovators and their users, through the creation of testbed schools and colleges; and
  • supporting more effective procurement practice for both suppliers and users. For example, through support for BESA’s LendED platforms – a try-before-you-buy service linking EdTech companies and educators.

Distance and remote learning have much potential. Just last week, indeed on the same day we were celebrating both Shakespeare and St. George, the Open University, a world leader in distance learning, marked its 50th anniversary. Their approach exemplifies this potential for technology to support learning beyond traditional classroom environments, widening access to higher education for thousands, and we want the UK to harness opportunities provided by technology in the coming years.

It has been said before, but UK education is punching above its weight, but below its potential. The strategy is here to support you, the education sector. I want to finish by thanking you for all your hard work that’s put the UK in such a strong position across the educational export sector. We are here to work together to help drive our success in the future.

It has never been more important for us to be globally-minded, outward looking and ambitious. The competition has never been fiercer. But the opportunities have never been greater. They are there to be taken.

Press release: Gove delivers legislation to ban wild animals in circuses

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has today (1 May) announced a new Bill to ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses.

Some of the animals which currently perform in circuses include reindeer, zebras and camels. The use of wild animals in travelling circuses has no place in modern society and does nothing to further the conservation or our understanding of wild animals.

The Wild Animals in Circuses Bill means that circus operators in England will no longer be able to use wild animals as part of a travelling circus.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

Travelling circuses are no place for wild animals in the 21st century and I am pleased that this legislation will put an end to this practice for good.

Today’s announcement follows other measures we have taken to strengthen our position as a world leader on animal protection. This includes our ban on ivory sales to protect elephants, and delivering Finn’s Law to strengthen the protection of service animals.

Animal Welfare Minister David Rutley said:

I am pleased that today’s legislation will deliver on the ban that many welfare charities and parliamentarians have been calling for.

The general public can still enjoy a trip to the circus, but it is good to know that wild animals will no longer be a part of that experience.

Today’s announcement follows a commitment in February 2018 to introduce a ban by the time the existing interim licensing regulations expire in January 2020.

A number of animal welfare charities have also been campaigning for a ban and welcomed today’s news.

Dr Chris Draper, Head of Animal Welfare & Captivity at the Born Free Foundation said:

After years of waiting for this issue to be resolved, Born Free is delighted that Mr Gove will now bring this Bill forward. The use of wild animals in travelling circuses is outdated and unpopular, and this legislation will bring England into line with a long and increasing list of countries which have banned this practice. Born Free and its supporters have campaigned for a long time for this outcome and we look forward to the swift progress of the Bill through Parliament.

David Bowles, Head of Public Affairs at the RSPCA said:

We really welcome the Government introducing a Bill to ban the outdated practice of using wild animals in circuses.

We’ve campaigned against having wild animals in circuses for many years. They have complex needs that cannot be properly met in a circus environment. It’s high time keeping wild animals in circuses is consigned to the history books and we look forward to the day that it is banned for good in England.

Jan Creamer, President of Animal Defenders International (ADI) said:

We are delighted and relieved that the UK Government is bringing in its promised legislation to ban wild animals in circuses. Animal Defenders International has documented suffering and abuse in UK circuses for more than 20 years and this long-awaited measure will stop circus suffering in England, and take us another step closer to the UK-wide ban the public want and the animals need.

Simon Doherty, BVA President, said:

We are delighted to see this coming into law following a long and sustained campaign and a huge groundswell of public support. While this issue may not affect a great number of individual animals, a ban is emblematic of how we should be treating animals in modern world.