News story: OPG wins Mind workplace wellbeing award

OPG was awarded the prestigious Gold award by Mind at a ceremony on Tuesday 30 April.

The Gold award is the highest that an organisation can receive. It’s only presented to organisations that have shown they have the right long-term policies and practices in place to support the wellbeing of employees.

Paul Farmer, CEO of Mind, said he was “impressed that (OPG) achieved the Gold award in (its) first year of taking part in the Mind index”.

OPG was also named the highest-ranking government organisation in the Mind workplace wellbeing index and awarded third place for staff participation out of 106 employers across public and private sectors.

In receiving the award, Public Guardian and chief executive Alan Eccles said: “In October 2016, we signed the Time to Change employer pledge, and promised we would provide a supportive environment for our staff. I am delighted that the work we have put in to create the right work environment has been positive for everyone who works at OPG. I am very honoured that we have been recognised in this way.”

OPG is also one of the few civil service organisations to hold the Workplace Wellbeing Charter, the national workplace wellbeing accreditation standard. In addition, OPG staff are well supported by mental health first aiders and mental health allies along with other internal networks which make the agency a great place to work.

Press release: Foreign Secretary: UK backs Nigeria in fight against extremism

The Foreign Secretary today visited the North East of Nigeria to show that the UK remains committed to supporting Nigeria and its neighbours in the fight against Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa. The UK has repeatedly called for the release of all those abducted by Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa and the protection of all civilians.

Jeremy Hunt visited the WFP (World Food Programme) warehouse in Maiduguri on the third day of his week-long trip to Africa, where he spoke to people providing life-saving support to millions who have fled their homes following attacks by terrorist groups. He also met with the UK Military Liaison and Support Team which is working with the Nigerian military.

Speaking in Maiduguri, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:

People are being forced from their homes by the evils of extremism and terrorism. Boko Haram and Islamic State are the antithesis of the values we all hold dear, and we will continue to support Nigeria in the fight to give people secure, prosperous and happy lives.

The UK is providing a substantial and increasing package of security, humanitarian and development support. This includes training and capacity building for Nigerian armed forces deploying in the North East. The UK has trained over 30,000 Nigerian troops in recent years.

As the second largest humanitarian donor, the UK government was one of the first to respond to the crisis, investing £300 million in live-saving aid over five years to reach over 1.5 million of the most vulnerable people. UK support is also addressing root causes of the conflict, helping the Nigerian Government to deliver for its citizens in the longer term, including in health and education.

The UK-Nigeria Security and Defence Partnership, signed during the Prime Minister’s visit to the country in 2018, will increase the UK’s co-operation in the fight against terrorist groups and other security challenges.

Nigeria needs to plan for civilian-led stabilisation and development in areas where the military has ousted the terrorist groups. Together with international partners, the UK will continue supporting Nigeria and its neighbours to tackle threats to regional stability.

Video message from Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in Maiduguri

Foreign Secretary’s video message from Maiduguri

Further information

News story: Civil/crime news: webchat service now available for IT queries

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If you experience technical issues using CCMS, CWA or E Forms you can now use our webchat service to get help, particularly portal password resets or error messages during assessments and billing.

The Webchat service is available between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. During busy periods you will still be able to get help with your query using our other services.

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The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt. Hon Karen Bradley MP, today announced that she has appointed Lindsay Todd as Chair, Mark McBride as Independent Member and Paddy Mackel as Employee Representative Member to the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC). In the absence of Northern Ireland Ministers, these appointments were made possible by the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Act 2018.

These appointments will take effect from 1 May and will ensure that NILGOSC can continue to operate the Local Government Pension Scheme for Northern Ireland.

The Secretary of State said:

“My absolute priority is to see the restoration of the Executive at the earliest opportunity.

In the interim my responsibility is to ensure good governance and stable public services in the best interests of the people of Northern Ireland.

I am therefore pleased to make these appointments so that the Committee can continue to maintain what is one of the largest fully funded public sector pension schemes in the UK.”

NOTES FOR EDITORS The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) was established in April 1950 to operate a pension scheme for the local councils and other similar bodies in Northern Ireland. The pension scheme is a defined benefit pension scheme. NILGOSC is the corporate body responsible for the administration of the Scheme and is a non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Communities.

Terms of appointment The position of Chair attracts remuneration of £13,580 per year, plus travel and subsistence allowances, for a minimum commitment of 25 days per year. The member positions do not attract a salary but are eligible for a daily allowance of £123 for a minimum commitment of two days per month. These appointments have been made for a term of four years.

Biography of Appointees Lindsay Todd – Mr Todd has lengthy experience in the pension fund industry and was, until his retirement, a partner in PWC, the professional services firm. He currently serves on the NI Judicial Appointments Commission, for which he receives £294 per day, the advisory committee to the NI Central Investment Fund for Charities and is a member of the Development Board at Marie Curie NI. He is a member of the Investment Committee at Queen’s University Belfast, a member of the Northern Ireland Investment Fund Scrutiny Board and the Disciplinary Panel of the Chartered Accountants’ Regulatory Board in Ireland.

Mark McBride – Mr McBride is the Head of Finance and Performance at Belfast City Council. He is also a Council Member and Trustee of the Association of Accounting Technicians, having previously served as the Chair of its Resources Board and Remuneration Committee. He has experience in setting and implementing long-term plans and strategies, whilst supporting a range of stakeholders within the Council by the provision of information to support decisions reached. Mr McBride has responsibility for the payroll service in the Council, and brings this experience to the Committee.

Paddy Mackel – Mr Mackel has been a long-term trade union representative for the Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance (NIPSA), where he has responsibility for leading a team of Negotiating Officials who provide a service to thousands of members, and is a Trustee of NIPSA’s Pension Scheme. He has experience of lobbying political parties, establishing campaign groups and leading in negotiations. He is a current member of the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and has been President of the Belfast and District Trades Union Council since 2010. He has been a member of the Management Committee of the Belfast Unemployed Recourse Centre (BURC) for the past 20 years and has been Treasurer of BURC for the last 4 years.

CPANI Code of Practice The appointment process for the appointment of Chair and Vice Chair has been regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointment NI (CPANI) and the appointments have been made in accordance with the CPANI Code of Practice.

Political Activity All independent appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, CPANI requires the political activity of appointees to be published. The appointees have had no political activity during the last five years.

Statutory Requirements Provision for NILGOSC is set out in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Administration) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009. In October 2018, the Secretary of State for NI introduced legislation in Parliament; the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Act 2018 received Royal Assent on 1 November. This legislation provides for the appointment to a number of public offices by the Secretary of State. The NI (Ministerial Appointment Functions) Regulations 2019 came into force on 18 February 2019. This Instrument provides for further critical appointments, including that of NILGOSC.

Press release: New Holocaust Memorial design revealed

Revised designs for the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre have today (1 May 2019) been unveiled, the Communities Secretary, the Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP confirmed.

This follows comprehensive consultation and discussion with local residents, Holocaust experts, survivors and other victim groups, Westminster city council, Historic England, Royal Parks and statutory consultees.

The revised plans drawn up by architects Adjaye Associates, Ron Arad Architects and Gustafson Porter + Bowman feature:

  • a revised design for the entrance pavilion
  • revised design for the entrance courtyard and surrounding landscaping
  • reduced basement footprint

Communities Secretary, the Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP said:

Over 70 years on, the Holocaust and the lessons it teaches about society and its institutions continues to shape us.

I’m proud to be leading a programme that will provide a national space of remembrance and education in the UK, right next to our Parliament.

Having the Memorial adjacent to Parliament will provide a permanent reminder to political leaders and policy makers of the continued need for vigilance in challenging bigotry, division and hatred wherever and whenever it may occur.

The Memorial will stand as a reminder of the horrors of the past and will encourage reflection on their implications for British government and society, both at the time and subsequently.

We are clear that this is the right place for such a Memorial. The striking revised designs follow comprehensive consultation and discussion with local residents, Holocaust experts and survivors and in addition we are taking a wide range of measures, to preserve and enhance the local park and ensure that it remains fully accessible to the public.

The United Kingdom Holocaust Memorial is dedicated to the 6 million Jewish men, women and children murdered in the Holocaust and all other victims of the Nazis and their collaborators.

It will honour and remember all victims and survivors of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides and educate future generations on the importance of fighting prejudice and persecution in all its forms.

The designs were first unveiled in October 2017 and have since undergone further development through discussion with Holocaust experts, survivors and other victim groups, and local residents, Westminster City Council, Historic England, Royal Parks and other statutory consultees. The United Kingdom Holocaust Memorial Foundation has also worked closely with other organisations and experts on the contents and approach of the co-located Learning Centre.

The proposals have been developed with great sensitivity to the existing context and character of Victoria Gardens. The vast majority of the park’s green space will be retained and enhanced and views over Parliament and the river Thames will be improved with a range of accessible seating and a new boardwalk along the embankment.

After an international competition, with 92 entries in total and 10 finalists, Adjaye Associates, Ron Arad Architects and Gustafson Porter + Bowman were selected unanimously as the winning team, by a jury including the then Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Mayor of London, the Chief Rabbi, experts from architecture, art and design, and both first and second-generation Holocaust survivors. The announcement was made on 24 October 2017.