Press release: The Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2019

96 people have been recognised in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List for their outstanding contributions to the education and children’s services sectors, or for improving social mobility. The list includes headteachers, governors, teachers, principals, foster carers and many who work with the most disadvantaged in society.

Both Nigel Carrington, Vice-Chancellor of University of the Arts London, and Jon Coles, CEO of United Learning Multi-Academy Trust, have been honoured with the highest accolade and have both been bestowed with a Knighthood.

The key to improving social mobility is giving children and young people confidence by helping them fulfil their potential and the other recipients on this list have all contributed in some way to this from across the education and children’s sector. From Anna-Marie Morrison who has contributed to the apprenticeships agenda, Jane Lees, the lately Chair of the Sex Education Forum and her lifelong work in developing personal, social and health education to Georgios Meliniotis and his 40 year career in teaching A level physics to name but a few.

Education Secretary, Damian Hinds said:

I would like to congratulate all the recipients on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List awards, who have been recognised for their outstanding service to education, or children’s social care, and who are driving social mobility in our society.

Social mobility starts with giving young people the confidence to achieve amazing things and cope with the challenges life brings – something I have been championing through my 5 foundations for building character.

This list highlights the many committed professionals who are working tirelessly across education and children’s services to deliver better outcomes for young people and students across the country, and I want to personally thank them for their dedication.

Jonathan Slater, Department for Education Permanent Secretary, said:

I send my congratulations to all those who have received an award in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, especially those recognised for their services to children’s social care, driving social mobility and of course education.

The contributions of those who appear on this list have made a remarkable impact on the lives of children in education and care, opening them up to opportunities and giving young people the chance to reach their potential.

For more information on the nominations, please contact the Department for Education Press Office on 02077838300.

Nominating someone for an award

If you know someone working to improve education, children’s services, or social mobility who deserves an honour, please contact the Honours Team at:

Honours page on GOV.UK

Press release: 2020 May bank holiday will be moved to mark 75th anniversary of VE Day

  • Date of next year’s early May bank holiday is to move to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day on the day itself
  • only the second time ever that the early May bank holiday has been moved – the first was in 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of VE Day
  • commemorative events across the country to honour the incredible sacrifice men and women made during the Second World War

The early May bank holiday in 2020 will move from Monday 4 May to Friday 8 May to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day which takes place on 8 May, and enable people to pay tribute to those who served in one of the most significant events in our country’s history, Business Secretary Greg Clark announced today.

The occasion will remember the contribution of British, Commonwealth and Allied armed forces personnel; those who contributed to the war effort and safeguarded the Home Front. As well as marking the Allies’ victory in 1945, the bank holiday will serve as an opportunity to pay tribute to those who have served and continue to serve in the UK Armed Forces and their families.

Commemorative events will take place over the 3-day weekend across the country, including:

  • the Nation’s Toast, where over 20,000 pubs will encourage patrons to raise a glass to the Heroes of World War II
  • bagpipers playing the traditional Battle’s O’er at the top of the 4 highest peaks in the UK – Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England, Mount Snowdon in Wales, and Slieve Donard in Northern Ireland
  • bells in churches and cathedrals across the country joining forces in a special Ringing Out for Peace
  • local street parties and celebrations across the 3-day weekend

Business Secretary Greg Clark said:

VE Day marked an historic moment in not only our nation’s, but the world’s history and it is important that we commemorate this great occasion on its 75th anniversary. Honouring those who did their duty – whether on the battlefields of Europe or through their efforts and sacrifices here at home.

Moving next year’s early May bank holiday to VE Day itself is a right and fitting tribute. It will ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to remember and honour our heroes of the Second World War and reflect on the sacrifices of a generation.

VE Day was first celebrated on 8 May 1945 when Allied Forces formally accepted Germany’s surrender.

Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt said:

As we’ve seen over the past week with the D-Day commemorations, the British people truly appreciate the sacrifice made by those who fought for our freedom throughout the Second World War. Moving next year’s Bank Holiday will give us the opportunity to come together to remember and honour those who gave so much to secure our freedom and liberty.

Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR, Pageant Master of VE Day 75, said:

This amazing event taking place on 8-10 May 2020 provides the perfect opportunity for the United Kingdom to come together to celebrate and commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe. It will involve local communities, youth and voluntary organisations, faith groups and individuals paying tribute to the millions who sacrificed so much to secure the freedom we all enjoy today.

Sir Andrew Gregory, CEO of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity said:

Acknowledging 75 years since VE Day with a commemorative bank holiday is absolutely fitting. It is our duty to keep the events of the past alive in collective memory, including future generations – this is how we ensure that such a conflict never happens again. It is our hope that the nation takes a moment to reflect on the significance of this date, as a milestone that changed the course of history for the whole world.

SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity was proud to have been there supporting men, women and families during the Second World War, and is still here now for the whole Forces community – whenever they need us. We’re honoured to be the official charity partner for VE Day 75 and call on everyone to remember the men and women that fought to defend our freedom.

Early May bank holiday will move in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Bank holidays are a devolved issue in Scotland.

Moving a bank holiday is achieved by a Royal Proclamation under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971.

News story: Scots recognised by Queen’s Birthday Honours 2019

The Queen has recognised a long list of Scots in her Birthday Honours list this year.

Very many congratulations to all of Scotland‘s honours recipients. People from all walks of Scottish life have been recognised for their contributions to their communities and to our country.

I could not be more pleased that Boyd Tunnock has been awarded a knighthood. Sir Boyd has made a huge contribution to Scotland’s economy over many years. His iconic Scottish products are not just much-loved by people across Scotland, but are an international success story. Throughout his long career Sir Boyd has made a huge contribution to Scottish life, never failing to stand up for Scotland. There could not be a more worthy recipient of this honour.

Shelley Kerr’s MBE recognises her services to women’s football, boosting the success and popularity of the sport across the UK. I look forward to seeing her lead the Scottish team to victory on Sunday in France in their World Cup campaign.

George Bell’s OBE recognises the enormous contribution he has made to the lives of young people. Through his successful property maintenance company, the Bell Group, he has trained more than 1,000 apprentices, giving those young people skills and confidence and setting them on the course for prosperous and successful futures.

I offer my sincere congratulations to all the Scots who have been recognised by Her Majesty.

Speech: Queen’s birthday celebration 2019 in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ambassador’s speech

Ladies and gentlemen, Dame i gospodo, dobrodošli u britansku rezidenciju, welcome to the British Residence, on this beautiful, dry day.

My sincere thanks to all of you for joining us today to celebrate the birthday of a remarkable woman. Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth the Second is turning 93 years of age. Devedeset tri godine! Ona je naša najdugovječnija vladarica.

Since taking to the throne in 1952, she has witnessed the birth of the modern world. Theresa May is her 13th Prime Minister. And Donald Trump is her 11th US President. Sve je vidjela.

This Queen’s Birthday Party we mark a special anniversary in the relationship between the UK and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Danas obilježavamo posebnu godišnjicu.

It is 25 years since the UK first opened a full diplomatic presence in this country. During those 25 years, countless Britons have come to serve their country in this country. Neki su tu službu platili svojim životima. There is a memorial to our fallen soldiers in this very garden. More recently, we have said goodbye to another solider, the one and only Lord Paddy Ashdown. Doživotnom prijatelju Bosne i Hercegovine.

U tih dvadeset pet godina prijateljstva i partnerstva, malo toga bi se postiglo da nije bilo neumornog rada i kreativnosti naših bh. uposlenika u ambasadi i Britanskom savjetu. Mnogi od njih, bivši i sadašnji, su danas ovdje. They have heard this speech many times before, ali i dalje imaju osmijeh na licu. In the case of Senad Žoljić, who was there when the first office opened, 25 times. I have a certificate from our Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt to prove this.

Please join me, on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, in showing our appreciation to all of our staff .

In my first Queen’s Birthday Party, I want to take the chance, on behalf of myself, Martina and our family, to thank you for the extraordinarily warm welcome. Drago mi je što je tako veliki broj poznatih i prijateljskih lica danas ovdje.

The reason we feel so lucky to be here in this country, is because we believe in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mi vjerujemo u građane ove zemlje. Ono što vidimo, kao i ono što građani rade da bi imali bolju, pravičniju i otvoreniju zemlju – daje nam inspiraciju.

Of course we have and will make mistakes. Ko radi, taj i griješi. As anyone who follows me on social media knows.

And we almost made it to the end of the speech without mentioning Brexit.

Anyone who has met me, seen my interviews, read my blog, or bumped into me in the shops, will have heard that the UK is doing more not less in BiH. Napuštanje EU to neće promijeniti, i neće nas spriječiti da i dalje budemo blizak prijatelj i partner BiH.

This year we have seen the return of BBC to BiH. We have contributed more troops to EUFOR – vojnika, ne špijuna. We hope soon to have a direct flight again. We are doing more business together.

We have major investors such as Eastern Mining, and our main sponsor today. We continue to bond over our love of drink, thanks today to Banjalučka Pivara, Stock, Boreas-Stanić and Coca-Cola. I hope you will enjoy your leaving gift today courtesy of Stanogradnja, just one of the Tesco range now available in Bingo supermarkets. Svi mi u ambasadi smo uzbuđeni zbog mogućnosti koje su pred nama u ovoj godini. We are committed partners in creating opportunities and a future here. No one should have to leave this wonderful country to fulfil their potential. A, inspiriše nas prilika što ćemo raditi zajedno sa svima vama.

I would ask you to raise your glass, in marking 25 years of the UK in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Obilježavamo dvadeset pet godina Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva u Bosni i Hercegovini. And in toasting Her Majesty The Queen. Njenom veličanstvu Kraljici. Cheers. Živjeli.

News story: Government review confirms local authorities will continue to commission public health services

The review, conducted by the Department of Health and Social Care, recommends that the NHS work much more closely with local authorities on public health so that commissioning is more joined-up and prevention is embedded into a wider range of health services.

Speaking at the 2019 Jephcott Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine on Thursday 6 June, Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed that the departmental review found that local authorities take an active and efficient approach to commissioning services. He also praised local councils for their work in commissioning public health services and confirmed they will continue to lead on this important work. 

He acknowledged that many local authorities have taken steps to improve and modernise the services they commission, including through digital delivery, such as online STI testing.

He also set out further recommendations from the review, including a shift towards councils working jointly with the NHS to co-commission services specifically for sexual health. 

As part of the NHS Long Term Plan, the government committed to reviewing commissioning arrangements for some local authority-commissioned public health services.

The Department of Health and Social Care will be seeking views in a forthcoming prevention green paper about how action can be taken forward.

Speaking at the Jephcott Lecture, Matt Hancock, Health and Social Care Secretary, said:

Day in, day out, local authorities continue to provide excellent public health services. Whether that’s local action to reduce HIV transmissions or experimenting with innovative ways to reach people for sexual health services – such as offering online access to testing for thousands of people.

We are committed to supporting and encouraging joined-up commissioning of these services by local government and the NHS.

Our prevention green paper, which we will publish soon, will give people an opportunity to let us know their views on how we achieve this and build on the excellent local practice happening across the country.

Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive of Public Health England, said: 

This review recognises that local government are best placed to lead on commissioning local public health services and the invaluable skill and expertise they bring to this.

The best services are always those commissioned collaboratively with the NHS and this review emphasises the importance of this for every part of England, as does the NHS Long Term Plan, including making the best use of shared resources.