Speech: The Queen’s birthday celebration 2019 in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan: Ambassador’s speech

Vice-Minister Vassilenko, your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to our celebration of the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Thank you very much to our sponsors: Shell Kazakhstan, Diageo, the Aniri Group, JCB, and the London Stock Exchange Group.

Her Majesty the Queen and the other members of the Royal Family continue to be a focus for national identity, affection and unity in British public life.

Since the Coronation 67 year ago, British society has changed immensely, but for more than two generations, Her Majesty has been a symbol of stability and unity, and perhaps above all, has provided continuity in times of change.

And as those of you who follow British politics will know, the theme of continuity and change is very relevant to the United Kingdom at the moment. Tomorrow, Prime Minister Theresa May will resign as leader of the Conservative Party and a leadership election will take place.

Until Mrs May’s successor is chosen, the business of government will continue as before. In July, we will have a new Prime Minister, who will take on the task of delivering Brexit, which has been described as the biggest peacetime challenge the United Kingdom has ever faced. So we have big political changes happening in the UK at the moment.

But the thought I want to stress tonight is the importance of continuity. Whatever happens, the United Kingdom will continue to be an outward-looking, confident and internationally engaged country, deeply committed to our values. Values such as respect for the rule of law, human rights, democracy, free trade, and the importance of the rules based international system.

We are committed to developing our partnerships with our friends and allies around the world, including of course with Kazakhstan.

Here, as you know, we are also witnessing an important moment of change ahead of the presidential election on Sunday – the first such election in the country’s history without First President Nursultan Nazarbayev as a candidate.

In Kazakhstan too, we can see the value of continuity. The United Kingdom supports the peaceful leadership transition that is under way, and the message of continuity and stability which that sends, for this country and the wider Central Asia region.

There is much evidence of our strong strategic partnership with Kazakhstan: the hundreds of British companies who invest and do business here; our project work in various fields; our growing defence cooperation. Our educational and cultural links are flourishing – thanks to the British Council who this year celebrate 25 years of working in Kazakhstan. Many thousands of Kazakhs choose to study in the UK. In 2018 the UK issued 1,156 student visas for Kazakhstani citizens – over 100 a month, and more than we did for Brazil or Australia.

It has been a busy and successful year. We were pleased to have three productive ministerial visits to Kazakhstan, as well as the first visit from our Prime Minister’s trade envoy. We also had the pleasure of hosting you, Mr Vice-Minister Vassilenko, for our annual strategic dialogue meeting in London.

It was not all success, however. I am sorry to say that, on 21 March, Scotland were comprehensively beaten 3-0 by Kazakhstan in the opening qualifier of the UEFA Euros championship here in Nur-Sultan. The return match will be on 19 November in Glasgow. Good luck to both teams.

Tonight we have a fantastic selection of British food and drink for you, from all parts of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

If you are British, please do help us explain to our Kazakh and international guests what haggis is, and why chicken tikka masala is really an English dish.

Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy the evening.

News story: Government ushers in new era of green commutes with e-bike Cycle to Work scheme

  • push to increase use of e-bikes to help tackle congestion, speed up commutes and cut travel costs coincides with the launch of Bike Week
  • refreshed government guidance will make it easier for employers to provide cycles and equipment including e-bikes worth over £1,000
  • employers encouraged to get their workforces cycling through loan and pooled cycle schemes, as part of government plans to encourage more active travel

Commuters will have more opportunities to boost their health, benefit the environment and speed up their journey to work, thanks to updated Cycle to Work guidance.

Cycling Minister Michael Ellis has announced a refreshed scheme today (9 June 2019), which could help many more commuters turn to greener journeys using e-bikes, 70,000 of which were sold in the UK last year.

E-bikes have an integrated motor that helps a cyclist pedal, allowing them to reach speeds of up to 15.5 mph in the UK. They are seen as a game changer for their potential to make it easier for older or less fit people to make cycling a part of their commute.

The refreshed guidance will make it easier for employers to provide bicycles and equipment including e-bikes worth over £1,000, by making it clear that FCA authorised third party providers are able to run the scheme on their behalf.

Michael Ellis, Cycling Minister, said:

Cycling is a vital and easy way to improve air quality, reduce pollution and create vibrant towns and cities.

Making sure that bikes are easily available is crucial to helping more people make the switch to greener modes of transport. Ensuring people of all abilities and fitness levels can cycle together is a key part of this.

I want everyone to feel empowered to make cycling a part of their everyday lives, and our refreshed guidance provides many incentives to help people do this.

First introduced by the government 20 years ago, Cycle to Work schemes have helped thousands of people clean up their commute.

They promote cleaner, healthier journeys to and from work by allowing employees to save money on a new bike or accessories via a salary sacrifice scheme.

As well as boosting air quality and reducing emissions, the refreshed guidance announced today could also make daily commutes cheaper. A recent survey of 2,000 commuters (commissioned by Evans Cycles) estimated that by switching from car, bus, tube or train to e-bikes, commuters could save an average of £7,791 over 5 years.

The Cycle to Work guidance is the latest development in the government’s plans to get more people taking up active travel options.

Through the Cycling and walking investment strategy, the government will invest around £2 billion on active travel over the course of this Parliament – doubling spending per head compared to the last Spending Review period.

The government is also working to drive down emissions across all modes of transport, committing to end the sale of new conventional diesel and petrol cars and vans by 2040, investing in hybrid trains, doubling investment in cycling and walking since 2010, and launching the £2.5 billion Transforming Cities Fund which will develop innovative public transport schemes in some of England’s biggest cities.

News story: Home Secretary and French counterpart discuss illegal migration

Home Secretary Sajid Javid spoke with French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner on Friday (7 June) to discuss the two countries’ ongoing efforts to tackle illegal migration via small boats leaving France seeking to get to the UK.

During a productive conversation, both Ministers welcomed the close and ongoing cooperation between the two countries and agreed to continue to explore options to reinforce the efforts already being made.

Minister Castaner suggested to look at ways to enhance the aerial surveillance already being undertaken by helicopter and by drone along the French coast line, potentially with additional use of drones at night to assess its impact on numbers being stopped from crossing the channel.

Minister Castaner confirmed that in addition to looking at surveillance, he was ensuring mobilisation of additional coastal patrols.

The two Ministers agreed that their teams should continue to discuss methods to disrupt and return migrants seeking to enter the UK illegally via dangerous small boat crossings.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid said:

I would like to thank Minister Castaner for a productive conversation.

The suggestion from Minister Castaner to mobilise additional coastal patrols and explore aerial surveillance options is exactly the type of action which will build on the progress we have already made.

Both myself and Minister Castaner are in agreement that our countries’ continued close working is crucial in finding solutions to the issue of men, women and children risking their lives in dangerous Channel crossings.

Friday’s conversation builds further on work already underway to tackle the issue of small boat crossings. This includes agreeing a Joint Action Plan in January 2019, as well as working closely with France to return more migrants who have entered the UK by small boat.

Since January, over 35 people who entered the UK illegally on small boats have been returned to Europe. Additionally, since April 2018, Immigration Enforcement have disrupted 57 organised crime groups involved in people smuggling.

Press release: New laws to guarantee payment for solar homes providing excess electricity

  • Fee will not be added to consumer bills as part of the UK’s transition to a subsidy-free, cleaner and greener energy system under Smart Export Guarantee
  • current tariffs and SEG payments to boost renewables sector as UK aims to become a net zero emissions economy – a key part of our modern Industrial Strategy

New solar homes and businesses creating and exporting electricity to the grid will be guaranteed a payment from suppliers under new laws to be introduced by the government this week (Monday 10 June).

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) will ensure small-scale electricity generators installing solar, wind or other forms of renewable generation with a capacity up to 5MW will be paid for each unit of electricity they sell to the grid – tracked by their smart meter.

Residential solar panels are now over 50% cheaper than in 2011. SEG will build on the previous government subsidy scheme, which drove the installations of 850,000 small-scale renewable projects, but without passing on the cost to consumers.

Encouraging suppliers to competitively bid for electricity will give households the best market price for their energy, while providing the local grid with more clean, green energy, as the UK bids to become a net zero emissions economy.

Energy and Clean Growth Minister Chris Skidmore, said:

The future of energy is local and the new smart export guarantee will ensure households that choose to become green energy generators will be guaranteed a payment for electricity supplied to the grid.

We want the energy market to innovate and it’s encouraging to see some suppliers already offering competitive export tariffs to reduce bills. We want more to follow suit, encouraging small-scale generation without adding to consumer bills, as we move towards a subsidy-free energy system and a net zero emissions economy.

SEG will place a legal obligation on energy suppliers with over 150,000 customers –covering more than 90% of the retail market – to introduce export tariffs by 1 January 2020. Some energy suppliers, including Octopus and Bulb, are already offering new smart tariffs, with some exceeding those offered under the previous subsidy scheme. At peak, solar has provided more than a quarter of the UK’s energy demands.

Chief Executive of Octopus Energy, Greg Jackson, said:

These smart export tariffs are game changing when it comes to harnessing the power of citizens to tackle climate change. They mean homes and businesses can be paid for producing clean electricity just like traditional generators, replacing old dirty power stations and pumping more renewable energy into the grid. This will help bring down prices for everyone as we use cheaper power generated locally by our neighbours.

The previous Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme closed to new entrants from 31 March 2019, following consultations in 2015 and 2018, to reduce the costs to consumers as the price of installing solar panels came down.

SEG is designed to continue to grow the small-scale renewables export market by supporting local generation. Combined with existing technologies, like smart meters and battery storage, SEG will help bridge the gap to a smarter and more efficient energy system of the future.

The government is keen to support households and businesses in being able to store energy in batteries in their homes, which consumers will monitor on their smart meters, respond to price signals and choose the most economical times to charge their electric cars and sell their electricity back to the grid. In turn, this will help cut consumer bills, reduce the strain on energy networks, and give consumers more control of their energy use.

The new solar scheme comes as the government will unveil the winners of the latest round of the Energy Entrepreneurs Fund this week. One of the winners, Brill Power, has been awarded £686,000 in grant funding to explore further boosting the lifetime of lithium-ion battery packs for household energy storage and to bring down their cost for consumers.

  • Further details of the Smart Export Guarantee
  • legislation enacting the SEG will be laid in Parliament on 10 June with an implementation date of 31 December 2019 for mandated suppliers. The government response setting out final policy design will also be published on 10 June
  • to encourage innovation, suppliers will be free to choose the form of the tariff they offer, and are encouraged to try different approaches – provided they meet the minimum requirements of the SEG
  • the obligation under the SEG only applies to low carbon electricity exporters – however, the government recognises that smart systems may take various forms and the SEG therefore provides suppliers with the flexibility
  • Ofgem will prepare an annual report on the provisions made by suppliers for smaller scale exporters, including the range, nature and uptake of SEG tariffs. The government will review this to monitor whether the market is delivering an effective and competitive range of options for small exporters
  • The Energy Entrepreneurs Fund is a competitive funding scheme to support the development of technologies, products and processes in energy efficiency, power generation and storage
  • government investment in clean energy is at the heart of its world-leading modern industrial strategy, with the Clean Growth Strategy pledging more than £2.5 billion investment in low carbon innovation by 2021
  • the government is continuing to support communities who want to generate energy locally, by providing £15 million of funding for feasibility studies with community schemes already powering the equivalent of 67,000 homes in England and Wales. Earlier this month the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund provided £51m to four projects around the UK with the aim of providing smarter local energy systems can deliver cleaner, cheaper energy and a smarter grid for the whole of it

Speech: Amanda Spielman at National Governance Association

Thank you for inviting me here today. I’m not in the least surprised to see so many governors out at the weekend. I was a governor myself for 7 years and I really understand the commitment, the thought, the amazing energy that goes into the work that you do. I’m looking forward to going back into the world of being a governor one day.

A big thank you for engaging so fully with our recent consultation, and for the thoughtful and comprehensive NGA (National Governance Association) response. Today I hope to expand on some of the issues you highlighted and unpack some of the detail for you.

It’s been a few weeks since we published the final framework and handbooks. I hope that some of you have had a chance to look at them, as they lay out how we’ll inspect and what we’ll be looking at on inspections from this coming September.

This was the biggest consultation we have ever done, with just north of 15,000 responses. I’ve been greatly encouraged by it, as it showed very strong support for the direction we are moving in.

It also included more than 100 face-to-face events, and I’m grateful to NGA for inviting some of my Ofsted colleagues to talk about what we’re doing and listen to the views of governors at the events that you held.

As part of developing the framework, we’ve also been carrying out pilot inspections – actually the biggest pilot programme we’ve ever done. By September, we’ll have done more than 250 pilots in all kinds of education providers.

And we’ve been training all our inspectors in the run-up to this framework, building their knowledge and their understanding of what feeds into the new judgements. We’ve involved them in our curriculum research, we’ve held training conferences, sent them on pilots, and run workshops. Coupled with the 5-day training package for inspectors this summer, this will equip all of them to inspect consistently under the new framework. I should say here that this is an education framework that goes all the way through – from childminders and nurseries to post-16. But today I know that your focus is schools.

Getting to the heart of it, this new framework is about 2 things: substance and integrity. It puts the real substance of education, the curriculum, back at the centre of inspection and supports leaders and teachers who act with integrity. To put it another way, we want to help people put as much time as possible into the things that make the most difference for children.

And we want governors and trustees to be able to support their schools well, and to be able to ask the right kind of strategic, big-picture questions without getting dragged down into the weeds.

Four judgements

As I’ve said before, the new framework represents an evolution, rather than a revolution. But it is rebalancing what we look at on inspection. Let me run through the 4 judgements we’ll make.

Quality of education judgement

First, we’ve introduced a quality of education judgement. This has the curriculum at its core; the education that a school offers to all its pupils. For a number of years, the curriculum had only a very small place, under the leadership and management judgement, and apart from teaching, assessment and standards. Now it is a core part of the first judgement. It’s about what the school chooses to teach. And it’s about how they teach it; how well this curriculum is ordered and structured. It’s also, of course, about standards. Standards matter. So, the quality of education does also consider how well pupils are doing in national assessments and qualifications. These should be the reflection of what children have learned, not the totality.

Personal development

Our second judgement is personal development. It’s about what the school does for children’s broader development. It’s about the school playing their part – along with parents and others – in children learning to be good citizens, confident and resilient, able to take on the challenges of the future. I should say, with personal development, that we’re not attempting to judge the outcome. We’re looking at what schools are putting in to it and how they’re approaching it.

Behaviour and attitudes

Our third judgement, behaviour and attitudes, is about getting the environment right. Is this a school in which pupils can learn? It’s about creating a calm, ordered environment where children can flourish and achieve their potential. It’s about how the school responds effectively to low-level disruption and bullying. It’s essential: if a level of bad or disruptive behaviour is normalised, then children have less chance to learn.

Leadership and management

And our fourth judgement, is leadership and management, essentially the same judgement as it is now. This is about the way that leaders – and of course governors and trustees – support and help their people, and about how they work with them to improve their subject knowledge and their teaching, including the essential behaviour management. And it’s about integrity: recognising those who do the right thing for their pupils, and who resist the temptation to take short cuts. It’s about doing the right thing.

The role of governance

And that leads me neatly on to where you come in. What do we mean, exactly, by governance and the roles of governors and trustees?

The governance landscape has evolved in recent years. It isn’t the neatly defined thing it once was when every school stood alone and had its own board of governors. We have many different structures now, with academies and community schools and voluntary-aided schools and sprinklings of many other types. The split between the roles of the executive and the non-executives can be different in different structures. What’s a management task in some schools or groups is part of governance in others. We’ve bent our minds to this evolving landscape and what it means for inspection.

Coming from a MAT background myself, I know how frustrating it can be when the rest of the education system doesn’t recognise where responsibilities actually sit. So it mattered to me to make sure we really captured this in the new handbooks. Accountability mechanisms like inspection should match the world as it actually operates, not an idealised world that’s neat and convenient but doesn’t reflect the way things work on the ground.

So we’ve changed the handbook quite a bit to reflect the evolving governance landscape. And the feedback from NGA was that you liked this.

And I need to say another big thank you for helping us to train our inspectors on the different leadership and governance models that schools, and especially MATs, operate with. You have certainly helped to bring clarity. But in the new framework, governance is still considered in the leadership and management judgement. Inspectors will still explore how governors carry out their responsibilities, and the contribution you make to the oversight and direction of schools.

You already know the purposes that DfE sets out in its governance handbook. There are 3 of them:

  1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Hold executive leaders to account for educational performance and staff performance management.
  3. Oversee financial performance and make sure that money is well spent.

And, of course, you have to check compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.

But I’d like you to think about that first, really important purpose – ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

What is a good curriculum?

It was great to see in the NGA response the statement that a curriculum reveals a lot about a school’s ethos, priorities and values.

The curriculum is absolutely something that you as governors and trustees should be thinking about and talking about with school leaders. As you have that curriculum conversation with them, what do you need to consider? There isn’t and there won’t be an Ofsted-approved curriculum and indeed, the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage, as well as the specifications for GCSEs, A-levels and other qualifications, should do much of the heavy lifting here.

So, what do you need to understand about what makes a good curriculum?

We did some of the curriculum research in different phases over the past couple of years. The second phase of our curriculum research clearly showed that it’s possible to educate well with different approaches. Our framework is clear about the need for coherence and good sequencing, putting the right things in the right order. But it doesn’t prescribe a model.

What should form the basis of your discussions with school leaders? Well, what does your school want children to know and to be able to do? You may want to think about what fits with your ethos. What is going to help the children in later life – whether that’s academic or vocational qualifications, a broad curriculum with plenty of arts education and PE, or something else that helps with their wider personal development.

What will help children develop cultural capital? This is described in the national curriculum as:

the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

When inspectors make a judgement about the quality of education, they’ll consider how much schools are giving pupils the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

In the second phase of our curriculum research, we looked at a small sample of schools that were invested in the curriculum. We found that leaders in those schools tended to talk about giving their pupils the knowledge and skills that were lacking from their home environments as a core principle for their curriculum.

Crucially, school leaders need to have a good understanding of where children are starting from and a clear concept of what the end point needs to be – for all children. A curriculum that gets them from A to B that is clear, coherent and well sequenced minimises the likelihood of children coming adrift. But we don’t believe schools have to start developing a curriculum from scratch. We say that you can “adopt” a curriculum, and many do.

Some the schools we looked at used ongoing assessment sensibly so that they could check pupils’ understanding of the main curriculum elements and respond appropriately through teaching. The curriculum, in a sense, was never complete for them, and they recognised the need for continual review and renewal. But filling those gaps in knowledge, skills and understanding was central to their thinking, because of the aspirations they had for their children. One of my research colleagues observed some girls in a year 7 mathematics class who were struggling to add up in hours and minutes. This had obviously never even been taught by their primary school.

Disadvantaged children

Crucially, the schools we looked at in our sample didn’t put disadvantaged pupils onto a stripped-back curriculum. Instead, most of them made strong links between reading and curriculum access. Two secondary school leaders in areas of high deprivation had included Latin and philosophy as subjects at key stage 3. Primary school leaders had also enriched their schools’ quality of education with well-planned regular trips to the local area and beyond that were tightly linked to their curriculum.

That said, our research also found that in a few schools, the local context appeared to lead to low expectations about what leaders believed their pupils could achieve. For instance, in one school with a large cohort of pupils from deprived areas, leaders were more concerned with ‘pupil engagement’ than with curriculum content and so they’d chosen English texts that they thought catered to pupils’ interests, rather than deepening and widening their knowledge and so enabling their progression through the curriculum. That just isn’t the right thing to do for children.

I know from the NGA response that many of you have raised concerns about providing a range of rich experiences because of money pressures. Schools are not all equally funded. As I said in a letter to the Public Accounts Committee last October, school leaders have had to work harder to balance their budgets in recent years and we see this leading to some difficult choices. The fact that we haven’t seen the effects flow through into inspection outcomes, or not yet, reflects the efforts your schools have put in to maintain standards of education. And of course, I am aware of the wider context of cuts to local authority children’s services.

But our quality of education judgement will make it easier for us to recognise and reward the good work done by schools in areas of high disadvantage, by tackling the perverse incentives that we know can undermine schools. Rebalancing inspection so that it complements performance tables – rather than intensifying pressure on them – means we can really look at how results are being achieved. Good results should flow from strong education for all children. This will empower schools to put children first always and actively discourage negative practices like ‘off-rolling’, teaching to the test and narrowing the curriculum.

Special educational needs and disabilities

While it is for school leaders to make sure that good teaching is happening every day, the governing body has a strategic role in making sure the curriculum meets the needs of all children in a school. That obviously includes children with special educational needs and disabilities.

This idea and our approach to evaluating the quality of education are so important for these children and young people. It is this group of pupils, perhaps more than any other, who need the curriculum to be sequenced coherently and taught well. The decisions leaders make about what is taught and how it is taught have a profound impact on them. For many, learning can be really hard and they simply can’t afford for leaders to get it wrong.

That’s why the curriculum conversation needs to be about all children, not just the ones who will move smoothly through. Inspectors will be considering very carefully throughout inspection which children benefit from the school’s curriculum and which children miss out. Is it always the same children?


I’d now like to move on to thinking about your second purpose – holding leaders to account for educational performance. And of course, this is one that can happen in different places with different structures.

We’ve talked a lot over the past 6 months about data and our plans to shift the focus on inspection away from it. We found in our curriculum research that an over-reliance on data was bending things out of shape and driving some unhelpful practices in some schools: cramming, teaching to the test, narrowing the curriculum. We received a mixed response to our proposal not to use internal progress and attainment data on inspection, with 42% of respondents in favour and 43% against. Headteachers were somewhat opposed whereas teachers and parents were in favour.

Some of the concerns really don’t stand up to close examination, like the idea that this would have inspectors put more weight on SATs or GCSE results when the core principle of this new framework is that we are thinking about what pupils have learned and how they have achieved high standards – or not.

That’s not to say that we’ll ignore external exam results. External exams are rigorously developed, tested and moderated and therefore comparable across schools. At secondary, GCSEs obviously matter a lot to children themselves. We’ll continue to consider outcomes, but in the context of what is being taught. It’s worth asking yourself this: are these the results of a well-taught curriculum or the result of cramming, teaching to the test and a narrowed curriculum? If a broad and balanced curriculum is well taught, the exam results should almost take care of themselves.

Other concerns are more understandable, and some of you may share them. Let me put your minds at rest. Even though we won’t be looking at it, schools can still collect and use assessment information – that’s up to your school – but it should be done for its value for education, not done for Ofsted.

Assessment of course has many uses, but it doesn’t have to result in mountains of data in order to have value. Regular low-stakes testing, like quizzes, can be helpful for consolidating learning without any need to record scores or report them upwards. Knowing how well pupils are understanding and remembering what they are taught is also helpful for teachers in planning and adapting their lessons, for leaders reviewing the curriculum more broadly.

Internal data that your school uses certainly shouldn’t be collected in a way that puts undue pressure on teachers’ time. If someone shows you a great big spreadsheet, you might want to ask who pulled it together and for what purpose. Who does the data help? Does it add value beyond what you’d get from talking to a teacher or head of department? Was it worth the time taken out of the teacher’s day to enter all those numbers?

You may be aware of the DfE’s Teacher Workload Advisory Group report, ‘Making data work’, published last November. It recommends no more than 2 or 3 data collection points a year and recommends that data collected should be used to inform clear actions.

So, if your school is using more than those 2 or 3 points each year, they should set out clearly how they will interpret the data they have collected, and what actions will flow from it. If we find that a school’s system for data collection is disproportionate, or inefficient or unsustainable for staff, we’ll reflect this in our inspection report, and it could affect the grade that is given. But we are certainly not prohibiting the use of data.

Predicted grades and pupil premium

And please tread carefully with predicted grades. You need to think about how, and on what basis, they have been compiled. Has the school made these predictions based on a careful understanding of where a child is with a particular subject – what they know and what they’re able to do? Or has the school just pulled through the SATS results from primary school? And is it even helpful to be asking schools to predict? An overblown interest in predictions can drive schools away from the substance of education. I can understand the superficial attraction, but it’s sometimes allowing the wrong things to happen.

As Professor Becky Allen says in her blog, “there isn’t any research out there that can tell you the impact of using target grades, predictions or flightpaths.”

And just because a number is written on a spreadsheet doesn’t make it gospel, and predictions are at least as likely to be wrong as they are to be right. So please let’s put a little less faith in them. We’re not saying you can never use them, but do remember they can do more harm than good. It is possible to do them well, but what purpose do they serve, and where else could that time and effort be used?

I have similar misgivings about flight paths. The progress children make when they learn a subject is not necessarily linear. Progress should be measured by how much a child has learned of the curriculum, rather than when or whether they are hitting a particular target.

Similarly, with the pupil premium, we know that you have a responsibility to oversee how it is spent and we’ll certainly look at your rationale for how it’s spent and what your school wants the impact of that funding to be. But all we’re doing is making sure you do what the DfE is telling you to do.

We won’t be asking for any specific document or plan other than looking at your school’s pupil premium strategy. And we certainly won’t need any further school-generated data relating to individual students or to closing gaps within classes or within the school. The data just isn’t particularly helpful here because the numbers of pupils are usually too small – another point made in ‘Making data work.’

So instead of looking at spreadsheets, inspectors will go into the classroom, talk to pupils and teachers and look at examples of work to see the impact of assessment on the curriculum.

For those charged with overseeing strategic vision and ethos, and holding schools to account for education performance, it’s about having the right conversations with school leaders. These conversations should encompass the themes of substance and integrity – which means looking at the curriculum and doing the right thing for children. And please do speak to parents and pupils.

I hope the new framework will enable you to lift your eyes up to the big, strategic picture that you need to be involved in, rather than drawing you down towards reams of data, or thinking you need to spend time in the classroom observing individual lessons or looking through books.

Inspector training and MATs

There’s another matter I’d like to pick up on – how and when inspectors will speak to governors and trustees on an inspection.

As we know, MAT trustees sometimes delegate some of their powers to a local governing body or committee at school level. If inspectors are told that a local governing body has delegated responsibilities, they will establish clearly which powers reside locally, which sit with the trustees, and which are with the leaders of the MAT, and make sure that their inspection activities and reporting reflect this.

Inspectors need to speak to those responsible for leadership and governance during an inspection and the lead inspector will confirm arrangements for those meetings. They’ll be guided by the school as to who they need to meet in the structure of a MAT. They’ll arrange a meeting with the chair of the governing body, or the chair of the board of trustees and as many governors or trustees as possible. Inspectors will also ask the school to invite governors or trustees to attend the final feedback meeting.


We have had some queries from NGA members on safeguarding, which is the responsibility of governors. Let me reassure you again. As governors and trustees, you are responsible for making sure that safeguarding procedures are properly followed in schools. But that doesn’t mean you have to go through your school’s central record yourself. You need to make sure the overarching culture is right. What is your school doing to identify children that may be at risk of harm? How is your school helping those children and fulfilling its duties? This, too, is when it’s more helpful to look up at the big picture, rather than down into the detail.

So finally, I commend the work that you do. You are all volunteers who give up your time, your energy and your skills to help schools and to give back to your communities. But you also, through the NGA, influence and improve the way we work, and you have a voice at the heart of government. We are all part of education – not outside of it. We’re in this together for the good of children and young people.

Thank you.