Government statement on National Audit Office report

Responding to today’s publication of the National Audit Office report into the effectiveness of Official Development Assistance expenditure, a government spokesperson said:

The UK is recognised globally as a leader in development, from responding to diseases, like Ebola and malaria, to tackling climate change and conflict. We are determined to spend aid where it is most needed and deliver the very best value for money.

We are drawing on skills and expertise from across government so we are better prepared than ever to tackle the growing challenges the world faces. Our investment helps the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, while also protecting and promoting Britain’s national security, economic goals and influence.

We welcome the scrutiny of the National Audit Office, and are already addressing some of the key points raised in its report.

Aid spending departments work together to share best practice on project design and delivery, and transparency, and DFID and the Treasury are developing a system to more effectively track how aid is spent across the whole of government.

CV30 report published

Our report on the fatal man overboard from the yacht CV30 during a round the world race on 18 November 2017, is now published.

The report contains details of what happened, the subsequent actions taken and recommendation made: read more.

Press enquiries

Justice and accountability for Darfur

Thank you Mr President and let me also thank the Prosecutor for her 29th report on the situation in Darfur, pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1593 and for her briefing to the Council today. And I would particularly like to commend the Prosecutor and her staff. Their continued dedication and their hard work on the investigations in Darfur.

Mr President let me take this opportunity at the outset to reaffirm the United Kingdom’s strong support for the work of the International Criminal Court, both as a State Party to the Rome Statute and as a member of this Council. We take note of the judgment of the ICC Appeals Chamber in this case on the 6th of May dismissing Jordan’s appeal against the Pre-Trial Chambers findings of non-cooperation for its failure to arrest former President al-Bashir. And the United Kingdom renews its call to all State Parties to cooperate with the ICC in this case, as of course must Sudan.

Mr. President I’ll focus my intervention on two issues, the situation in Darfur and the wider situation in Sudan and its relevance to justice and accountability for Darfur.

The situation in Darfur was the first case to ever be referred to the ICC by this Council. In the 14 years since our referral, the situation in Darfur has shown signs of improvement. In particular the United Kingdom welcomes the reduction in large scale conflict between armed movements and Sudanese security forces. Despite that improvement we should not forget the reasons for our referral. A conflict, which the United Nations estimates left 300,000 dead and 2.5 million people displaced. We must not overlook the concerns that remain in Darfur today. As we’ve heard from the Prosecutor, violence targeting displacement of civilians continues in Dafur, particularly in the Jebel Marra area. Moreover as we heard from Assistant-Secretary-General for Human Rights Andrew Gilmore last Friday, the human rights situation in Darfur has been alarming in recent months with increased reports of killings, abductions and burning of villages. And Mr President today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, let us not forget that sexual violence continues to be perpetrated at alarming rates in Darfur, often by state security forces and I’m afraid often with complete impunity.

In addition to these worrying trends, there have also been negative impacts on the security situation in recent months. UNAMID has verified the deaths of at least 17 people during an incident of intercommunal violence in Central Dafur, reportedly involving militia and the Rapid Support Forces or RSF. Humanitarian supplies in UNAMID headquarters in West Darfur have been looted. The United Kingdom urges all actors to respect international humanitarian law and allow unfettered humanitarian access. Sustainably addressing the situation in Darfur requires commitment and investment. And for our part the United Kingdom is committed to ensuring long term peace in Darfur including through development and humanitarian assistance.

Mr President as the Prosecutor highlights her briefing comes at a time of political uncertainty in Sudan. The United Kingdom condemns the brutal attacks of violence by the Sudanese security forces against peaceful protesters in the streets of Khartoum. These attacks are not the actions of responsible and credible authorities and they do not represent the will of the Sudanese people. In this regard let me reiterate what I’ve said in my recent statements on Sudan which is indeed at a crossroads. The Transitional Military Council has a choice. It has a choice to build a new future for Sudan, backed fully with long term and extensive support from the international community, including for strengthening institutions, resolving conflict and dealing with a legacy of long term economic mismanagement. The Transitional Military Council should take the right choice, which would bring an end, as well, to the brutal cycle of violence which the people of Darfur have been subject to. And the United Kingdom stands with the people of Sudan in calling for a swift and inclusive transfer of power to civilian leadership.

Mr President, we know from conflicts and post-conflict situations across the world that accountability is a key element of ensuring sustainable peace and of giving people confidence in the institutions that are then developed. So we remain hopeful that Sudan’s political transition will result in a civilian administration which is committed to ensuring justice for the crimes committed against the people of Darfur, which referred to the Court by this Council. We stand ready to support a civilian administration as they seek to build rule of law across Sudan and ensure the horrors experienced by the people of Sudan are never experienced again.

Mr President let me conclude by again thanking the Prosecutor and her Office for their dedication to this case and their pursuit of justice for the victims in Darfur. Thank you Mr President.

IFST Lecture – Ultra-processed foods: The science and the policy

The IFST Lecture 2019 will take place in London on 2 July 2019 and will be presented by guest speaker Professor Mike Gibney from University College Dublin. The title of the talk is ‘Ultra-processed foods: The science and the policy’.

Mike Gibney is Professor of Food and Health at University College Dublin (UCD) and Director of the UCD Institute of Food and Health and one of Europe’s leading authorities on human nutrition. Before taking up this position he was Professor of Human Nutrition in the Department of Clinical Medicine at Trinity College Dublin and he is a past President of the Nutrition Society.

With more than 350 peer reviewed papers under his belt, Mike has shared his expertise in this field over many years. He has served on several high-level international advisory committees with bodies such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Health Organisation. His research portfolio extends across public health nutrition and molecular nutrition and he has served as Principal Investigator on several large EU-funded projects in the area of personalised nutrition.

Mike’s published work includes ‘Nutrition, Diet and Health’, ‘Something to Chew On: Challenging Controversies in Food and Health’ and ‘Ever seen a fat fox: human obesity explored’.

The event is by invitation, more information can be found on the IFST website.

This lecture is sponsored by the UK National Measurement Laboratory, which supports the work of the Government Chemist.

For more information about the Government Chemist work contact:

Information and events for British citizens in France

The British Embassy in Paris has been holding meetings across France to update British citizens working and living in the country and answering their questions regarding Britain’s departure from the European Union. In our team’s continuous effort to reach as many British expats in France as possible, we will be announcing further outreach meetings below.

Upcoming virtual citizens outreach meetings across France

You can read more about what it looks like to attend an event on Microsoft Teams.

If you cannot connect or have other issues, you can check whether your system or platform supports Teams Live events.

If you don’t seem to be able to register from Eventbrite, reply to your confirmation email and you will be directed to our support team.

Facebook Q&A

We are running regular Q&As on our Facebook page. Follow us for updates.

Our Facebook Q&A sessions take in questions every Monday evening (6pm-8pm) for a personal answer by the following Thursday – except in the week of the online outreach.

If you have asked us a question on Facebook and not had an answer, do please check when you posted it. We regret that we are only able to answer questions asked between 1800 – 2000 on Mondays when we are running a Q&A session.

If you have missed this window, please wait until the next event – or, if it is urgent, remember that you can send in your question 24/7 via our webform.

Previous citizens outreach meetings across France


Date Location
26 January virtual
24 February virtual
18 March virtual
13 April virtual
18 May virtual
24 June virtual
20 July virtual


Date Location
14 December 2020 virtual
25 November 2020 virtual
21 October 2020 virtual
27 February Agen
February Facebook Q&A
11 February Civray 2pm
11 February Civray 6pm
13 February Paris


Date Location
6 November Paris
6 November Marseille
14 October Vannes
14 October Quimper
14 October Paris
11 October Bergerac
10 October Périgueux (1) & (2)
9 October Bourg-en-Bresse
24 September Lyon
22 September Facebook Q&A
18 September Orléans
16 September Paris
12 September Caen
5 September Nanterre/Boulogne-Billancourt
4 September Lille
30 July Alençon
16 July Nice
15 July Aix-en-Provence
13 July Avignon
11 July Montpellier
10 July Perpignan
5 July Brest
4 July Gouarec
1 July Facebook Q&A
25 June Périgueux
14 June Le Havre
27 May Grenoble
16 May Laval
16 May Limoges
29 April Paris
22 April Facebook Q&A
25 March Facebook Q&A
19 March Marseille
18 March Paris
13 March Poitiers
26 February Paris
25 February Facebook live Q&A
25 February Nantes
21 February Lille
19 February Monaco
12 February Clermont-Ferrand
11 February Annemasse
4 February Paris
4 February Lorient
31 January Cannes
28 January Auxerre
24 January Parthenay
23 January Facebook live Q&A
22 January Rouen
17 January Reims


Date Location
18 December Facebook live Q&A
10 December Dijon
3 December Annecy
20 November Saint-Malo
19 November Saint-Germain-en-Laye
15 November Aix-en-Provence
7 November Chantilly
19 October Bordeaux
4 October Toulouse
5 September Perpignan
11 July Montpellier
3 July Cahors
26 June Nîmes
18 June Narbonne
28 May Périgueux
15 May Limoges
20 April Carcassonne
18-19 April Rennes/Dinan/St Jacut de la Mer
17 April Strasbourg
9 April Paris
12 March Calais
6 March Caen
15 February Montauban


Date Location
12 December Bergerac
11 December Poitou-Charentes
6 December Paris
27 November Gouarec
23 November St-Raphael
7 November Nice
12 October Toulouse
1 October Angers
21 September Tours
18 September Strasbourg
13 September Lyon
1 July Bordeaux

If you have attended one of our meetings, we would appreciate your feedback (please note that if you have responded to one of our paper surveys, we ask you not to fill out another online one).

For questions concerning your rights as a British citizen in France, contact us. If you have any suggestions for other towns and places that could host our citizens outreach meetings, please email

For press enquiries, contact us here.

Published 20 September 2018
Last updated 6 September 2021 + show all updates

  1. New outreach event added: Tuesday 7 September, 6pm to 7:30pm.

  2. Added details of online outreach event on Tuesday 20 July 2021

  3. New date for online outreach events in May and June

  4. New virtual outreach events added

  5. Updated with next virtual citizens outreach meeting: Wednesday 24 February

  6. February 2020 Facebook Q&A added

  7. New events added in La Rochelle and Agen

  8. New Facebook Q&A announced

  9. New outreach event in Paris

  10. New events added

  11. New events added in Paris, Marseille, Civray

  12. New outreach events added in Vannes, Quimper and Paris

  13. Bourg-en-Bresse event added

  14. New dates

  15. Events added in Bergerac and Périgueux

  16. Events in Orléans and Lyon added

  17. Nanterre/Boulogne-Billancourt event added

  18. Q&A date and time added

  19. New outreach meeting in Lille

  20. New events announced in Paris and in Caen in September

  21. Date change for event at Alencon

  22. New meeting in Alençon

  23. New citizens outreach meeting announced in Nice on 16 July 2019

  24. New citizens outreach meetings announced in: GOUAREC (4/07), BREST (5/07), PERPIGNAN (10/07), MONTPELLIER (11/07), AVIGNON (13/07), AIX-EN-PROVENCE (15/07)

  25. NEW Citizens outreach meeting announced in Périgueux (24) on 25 June 2019.

  26. New citizens outreach meeting announced in Le Havre on Friday 14 June.

  27. New meeting added

  28. New Citizens Outreach meeting announced – Grenoble 27 May 2019

  29. New citizens outreach meeting announced in Laval (Mayenne) on 16 May 2019.

  30. NEW citizens outreach event announced in Limoges on 16 May 2019.

  31. New Facebook Q&A announced on 22 April

  32. We have announced a new meeting taking place in Paris on 29 April at 6:30PM.

  33. EU Exit update: We are taking questions on Facebook on Monday 25 March from 4pm to 8pm. We will provide individual answers by Friday 5pm.

  34. New citizens outreach meetings in Poitiers, Paris and Marseille

  35. New outreach meeting in Paris on 26 February

  36. New citizens outreach meetings announced for: Clermont-Ferrand 12/02 Monaco 19/02 Lille 21/02 Nantes 25/02

  37. Two new citizens outreach meetings announced in Lorient (4 Feb ) and Paris (4 Feb).

  38. New citizens outreach meetings announced in Reims, Rouen, Parthenay, Auxerre, Cannes and Annemasse. We will also be hosting another Facebook live Q&A on 18 January.

  39. New date published: Facebook live Q&A on 18 December

  40. New meetings announced in Aix-en-Provence, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Saint-Malo, Annecy and Dijon.

  41. New British citizens outreach date announced: 7 November 2018 in Chantilly.

  42. First published.