AAIB report: Beagle B121 Series 2 Pup, loss of engine power

UK energy statistics: statistical press release – June 2019

Energy Trends and Energy Prices publications are published today 27 June 2019 by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The publications cover new data for the first quarter of 2019. Energy Trends covers statistics on energy production and consumption, in total and by fuel, and provides an analysis of the year on year changes. Energy Prices covers prices to domestic and industrial consumers, prices of oil products and comparisons of international fuel prices.

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UK Youth Mobility Scheme 2019 for Hong Kong SAR passport holders

The UK/Hong Kong Youth Mobility Scheme is now in its sixth year and allows young people aged between 18 and 30 to live, work or study in the United Kingdom for up to 2 years. The second ballot for the Youth Mobility Scheme 2019 for Hong Kong SAR passport holders will be opened in July 2019. Unlike previous years the selection criteria has changed to a lottery based system managed by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). There will no longer be the requirement to provide a Certificate of Sponsorship.

There are 1,000 places in total available to HKSAR passport holders in 2019. A total of 500 applicants were selected for the first ballot managed by the Hong Kong Labour Department in April 2019. The second ballot in July 2019 will be opened for the remainder of places. If your application is successful you will be able to live, work and study in the UK for up to 2 years.

How to apply

If you would like to apply for the scheme you should send one email (only) to: HongKongYMS2019.ballotrequest@fco.gov.uk between Wednesday 24 July 2019, 12:00 pm (Hong Kong time) to Friday 26 July 2019, 12:00 pm (Hong Kong time). The email header or subject line must contain your name, date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) and passport number as shown in your passport. This must be written in English only. For example: WONG Janet – 31/01/1985 – Passport123456789.

In the main text of your email you should include the following and must be written in English:

  • Name;

  • Date of birth;

  • Passport Number;

  • Mobile phone number.

The email account will be open for 48 hours only and all emails received within this timeframe will be sent an automated reply confirming receipt.

When the email account has closed, the remaining amount of applicants will be chosen at random by UKVI. A second email will be sent to you on Friday 2 August if you have been chosen to apply. This email will confirm acceptance and further instructions on how to make an appointment, along with documentary evidence required to apply for your entry clearance.

Please note successful applicants must prepare on-line applications and on-line credit card payments no later than 30 September 2019. Failure to submit your payment on-line by this date will automatically remove your name from the list and your allocation will be retracted. After you have paid on-line you have 90 days to submit your paperwork for consideration.

If you are a Hong Kong SAR passport holders living overseas you can also apply following the instructions above, and if you are chosen to apply you will be able to do so in your country/territory of residence. Applications cannot be submitted for the Youth Mobility Scheme 2019 in the UK. An email will be sent to unsuccessful customers on Monday 5 August to inform them they have not been chosen and that no further action is required.

Information on the Youth Mobility Scheme can be found here. Any enquiries relating to the application process, on-line application forms and questions in general should be directed to the UKVI International Enquiry Line.

Further information

British National (Overseas) passport holders are already eligible to apply for a visa under the Youth Mobility Scheme to the UK and are not subject to any quota or sponsorship requirements.

See 2019 Youth Mobility Scheme Q&A

UK studios present designs for Poland’s Solidarity Transport Hub

A terminal with a transparent dome; a green terminal; a terminal with a suspended bridge for passengers; one with key-shaped roofs; or an X-shaped terminal. These are just some of the ideas that six leading architecture studios from the UK proposed to investors of Poland’s future Solidarity Transport Hub. The projects will serve as inspiration for the Hub’s master plan, which will be commissioned at the beginning of next year.

The workshop, which took place on 18 June, is a joint initiative of British Embassy Warsaw and the Solidarity Transport Hub. The aim of this experiment was to get to know the ideas of world-class architects before creating a draft concept of the Hub. Six leading UK architecture studios took part in the workshop: Benoy, Chapman Taylor, Grimshaw, Foster+Partners, Pascall+Watson, and Zaha Hadid Architects.

Dariusz Sawicki, member of the Solidarity Transport Hub management board, commented:

We invited the most important architects to work with us because they have a huge amount of knowledge, experience and creativity. It was a good idea.

The contrast between the brave concepts and the investors’ expectations turned out to be deeply inspiring, at times opening our eyes to unusual solutions, which we hadn’t taken into account before. It brought us to a new phase of planning of the airport.

The investor isn’t obliged to use any of the proposals. However, ideas presented during the workshop will be a source of inspiration during the preparation for the completion of the project.

British Ambassador to Poland, Jonathan Knott, said:

Only the best of the best participated in these workshops. I sincerely hope that their work will be useful and inspiring for the company which is building the new airport in central Poland. I am happy that we could help facilitate the contact between the Solidarity Transport Hub and the architecture industry.

UK becomes first major economy to pass net zero emissions law

The UK today became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050.

The target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, compared with the previous target of at least 80% reduction from 1990 levels.

The UK has already reduced emissions by 42% while growing the economy by 72% and has put clean growth at the heart of our modern Industrial Strategy. This could see the number of “green collar jobs” grow to 2 million and the value of exports from the low carbon economy grow to £170 billion a year by 2030.

Energy and Clean Growth Minister Chris Skidmore said:

The UK kick-started the Industrial Revolution, which was responsible for economic growth across the globe but also for increasing emissions.

Today we’re leading the world yet again in becoming the first major economy to pass new laws to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050 while remaining committed to growing the economy – putting clean growth at the heart of our modern Industrial Strategy.

We’re pioneering the way for other countries to follow in our footsteps driving prosperity by seizing the economic opportunities of becoming a greener economy.

The UK’s 2050 net zero target — one of the most ambitious in the world — was recommended by the Committee on Climate Change, the UK’s independent climate advisory body. Net zero means any emissions would be balanced by schemes to offset an equivalent amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, such as planting trees or using technology like carbon capture and storage

The government is hosting Green GB Week on 4 November to encourage all corners of the country and sectors of society to play their part in meeting these ambitious targets.

For more information about what the government is doing to tackle climate change, please visit the Green GB Week website.