Life in the UK test contract awarded

Following a fair, open and rigorous procurement process the Life in the UK contract has been awarded to PSI Services.

The Life in the UK test is a computer-based test taken by people who are applying for settlement or British citizenship. It is designed to support cultural integration.

It helps to make sure that those who wish to make the UK their home, or become British citizens, understand British values. As part of the test, individuals are also required to show they have a sufficient grasp of the English language.

PSI Services are the current provider of the test and through the procurement process they demonstrated that they offered the best value for the taxpayer and expertise to deliver a high-quality service.

Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes said:

Knowledge and understanding of British values is vital for those who wish to make the UK their home.

This new contract will make sure people continue to demonstrate these values, whilst also providing the best value for taxpayers.

We remain committed to reviewing how the Life in the UK test can give greater prominence to British values and will bring forward these proposals in due course.

The new contract will last for 3 years, with the option of an extension of up to 24 months, and is expected to be in place by the winter of this year.

Approximately 177,000 people take the test each year and tests will be available at around 41 locations across the UK.

The Home Office is continuing to look at reforming the Life in the UK test to give greater prominence to the British values and principles expected of those wishing to call the UK their permanent home.

Generating good growth in the Thames Estuary


Thank you very much Teresa [O’Neill]. It is a genuine pleasure and privilege to be here this afternoon.

Again, as we look at that continuing work to ensure that we see the Thames Estuary, this area of opportunity, does truly fulfil its potential.

And as we have heard from other speakers, I certainly agree with them that I do not see this as an either/or. It is about ensuring that we have that growth across the country. Through the Northern Powerhouse, through the Midlands Engine, through the Oxford-Cambridge Arc as well as the Great South West.

But also, very firmly, seeing that this area that has so much potential, that I think has been recognised over so many years, how we haven’t in the past managed to unlock this.

Now I think we do have that chance, that opportunity, indeed that duty, to see that we do.

And it has been over a year since we met across the river at Purfleet for the launch of Thames Estuary 2050, where Sir John Armitt and his fellow commissioners unveiled their exciting vision for this unique part of the world.

  • 1.3 million more jobs,
  • £190 billion in extra growth,
  • and at least one million new homes to support that growth by 2050.

These are big ambitions, yes.

But as I said last year: when it comes to harnessing the incredible, untapped potential of the UK’s most important waterway, our ambitions for the Thames Estuary should know no limit.

And I’m not just saying that because this is, yes, my manor in terms of having represented constituencies both on the north and south sides of the Thames.

But because, from the Romans who established Londinium to the present day, the Estuary continues to be a vital economic gateway to the rest of the UK and beyond.

To our biggest export markets in mainland Europe and the rest of the world – something we’ll want to capitalise on even more powerfully after Brexit.

That, plus, its world-beating expertise on ports and logistics, successful creative hubs, outstanding natural landscapes and the fact that it boasts 30% of the brownfield land in the south east, I think adds to a wealth of potential just waiting to be unlocked.

Just think: the Estuary is home to nearly 4 million people.

It covers an area of comparable size and opportunity to the likes of the Northern Powerhouse, the Midlands Engine or the Oxford-Cambridge Arc.

And so I’m delighted to see the new vision for the Estuary matching this enormous promise for the benefit for all its places and people.

But on that score, it’s clear there is more to do.

Unemployment, skills, growth and productivity are all weaker here than in other parts of the country.

It’s therefore right that the vision for the Estuary’s future is rooted in the River Thames as a catalyst for growth and jobs – for unleashing opportunity and prosperity for everyone living and working in the Estuary.

And for me, that really come down to 3 things: people, purpose and place.


There’s no question that people – the Estuary’s talented, hard-working, unique people – remain its greatest asset.

People who deserve the opportunity to go for the high-skill high-wage jobs of the future – which means equipping them with the skills for the future.

The Estuary’s international airports, sea ports, growing universities, and world-leading industries are great assets in this regard.

Digital skills, too, are an essential part of the mix. And I’m pleased the south east is 1 of the 6 pilot regions for our Local Digital Skills Partnership.

It’s one of the many ways we’re seeking to give people opportunities to succeed – from the introduction of a world-class technical education system and the T-Level, to our first 12 Institutes of Technology.

Indeed, one of these Institutes will be at Barking and Dagenham College – an endeavour I hope will set many people on the path to great jobs and great careers.


Jobs and careers that speak to a sense of purpose, my second theme, and confidence in the future – that make the Thames Estuary a place where people want to stay – and where others want to be.

First and foremost, this involves making the most of economic growth.

A good example of this is work being undertaken by the Department for International Trade with 23 Export Champions in the area to help boost exports and encourage more businesses to come.

But purpose is about much more than just growing – it’s also about how we grow.

And I’ve been really pleased to see the scale of ambition from partners in the Thames Estuary Production Corridor – helping the area become a world-class centre for production with a focus on the creative and cultural industries.

You’ll soon be able to see that creativity in full flow down the road, where Berkeley Homes’ new modular construction factory will produce the homes of the future.

And also through the work we’re doing to support a year of cultural activities for the Estuary.

Because it’s that powerful combination of people and purpose – better jobs, smarter growth and, yes, building the homes we need – that forms the bedrock of strong, vibrant places in the Estuary and elsewhere.


Housing, in particular, is, on so many levels, the key to unlocking a better life. And that does firmly take me to place.

It is why it’s one of our top domestic priorities – and why it’s good to see that Ebbsfleet Development Corporation has now delivered 1,500 new homes in Ebbsfleet Garden City, a place where I have even greater ambitions.

But as I’ve said, many times before, this isn’t about building more homes.

It’s about building communities – which is why we’re also investing in the transport links, infrastructure and vibrant high streets that are essential to helping communities thrive.

We’ve announced £4.85 million to local partners to support development of low-cost transport options between Abbey Wood and Ebbsfleet.

We’re progressing with the Lower Thames Crossing – the largest single road investment project in the UK since the completion of the M25.

We’re investing over £290 million in 41 projects across north Kent and south Essex, through the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, to generate the jobs and growth this area needs.

And we’re revitalising town centres across the country through our £675 million Future High Streets Fund – and in that context I note that Chatham and Dartford have been shortlisted for funding.

But as we build more homes and grow new communities, we need to think not just about today’s priorities, but about the legacy we’re leaving for our children and their children by respecting the Estuary’s outstanding natural beauty – by leaving it cleaner and greener than we found it.

That entails securing biodiversity net gain from new development – enhancing the environment for wildlife and people alike.

And also bolstering the defences of communities against weather-related emergencies through initiatives such as the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan – which aims to protect 1.3 million people – including £275 billion worth of property and infrastructure – from the increasing risk of tidal flooding.

My thanks do go to the Environment Agency for their work in this area.

Next steps

Because that’s what this project is all about: making the Estuary a great place to live and work for generations to come.

And it’s important we recognise, that while substantial government efforts will of course be required to meet our ambitions for the Estuary, local people and local businesses here in Kent and Essex must remain in the driver’s seat.

That’s why we are taking steps to strengthen governance in the region. At Autumn Budget we announced a £10 million fund to support local areas delivering development through innovative models such as Development Corporations.

In March I announced our commitment to explore locally-led development corporations where areas are looking to grow.

Today I want to make clear again that where there are innovative ideas for major housing and regeneration projects – especially in places of high housing need – we will back them.

Our door is always open to offer support to local areas with ambitious growth and housing plans.

And to give local authorities more clarity on the scope of their powers and encourage a more proactive approach to development, I can today announce that we’ve published guidance on the compulsory purchase powers of New Town Development Corporations.

Realising the full potential of the Thames Estuary Vision will require careful coordination and collaboration between the government and local partners across the region.

It’s for this reason that the government is also setting up the Thames Estuary Board responsible for shaping one shared strategic vision for the region and driving progress towards it.

I’m pleased to see the strides we’ve made towards this – with more than £1 million going towards getting the Thames Estuary Board off the ground to support the Thames Gateway Strategic Group’s plans.

Recruitment for an independent Chair of the board – a strong champion to lead the next phase of this work – is now also live.

And when it comes to next steps, the role of this champion, working with a new Cabinet-level ministerial champion – who can co-ordinate this agenda across government and drive growth at pace – will be key to providing stronger governance and keeping up the momentum.

All of us – central and local government, businesses, those engaged in voluntary partnerships – have a stake in the Estuary’s future – particularly those on the ground.

And I want to see local stakeholders really come together to advocate for the Estuary with one voice at a regional level and support the new independent champion once they’re appointed in the autumn.

You all have different roles to play as levers of growth and different areas in the Estuary will have different needs.

The government has set out plans to…

…realise the potential of the Lower Thames Crossing and unlocking housing,

…carry out regional labour market analysis,

…understand how we can protect and enhance the Estuary’s natural environment,

…and celebrate all it has to offer in a communications campaign…

…will have a greater impact as they get underway over the next two financial years.

But the success of these plans, and our broader work to make our vision for the Thames Estuary a reality, will depend on a coordinated effort across the region.

By acting as one, we can together ensure that our work will have a greater impact as it gets underway over the next 2 years.


Having lived both north and south of the river, I know just how much the Thames Estuary and the remarkable people who live here, and the remarkable places we all know well, have got going for them.

And I’m determined to see them playing to their strengths and reaping the rewards of better jobs, skills, housing, connectivity and growth as we chart a positive new course for our country.

That means not being afraid to think big – to be bold in our ambitions, to lead and collaborate with a clear and strong sense of purpose and pride on behalf of the communities we all serve.

From Greenwich to Gravesend, Southend to Rochester, I know the Thames Estuary – and our great country – has a positive future ahead of it.

And I look forward to working with all of you to make sure that we fully grasp that potential and turn that vision of our Thames Estuary into a reality.

Thank you very much.

Effort swap proposal consultation open

Stakeholders have until August 17 2019 to respond to the consultation questions covering the proposed trade in effort days.

The proposals are that British scallop fishermen receive an increase in the total time they can fish in FAO area VII from the Netherlands in exchange for demersal Western Waters effort for the Dutch fleet in the same area.

The Government has been asked to consider authorising the swap and will make a decision based on the evidence and views provided by stakeholders during the consultation.

Take part in the consultation here

High streets open doors to community projects

Empty shops are turning into vibrant community centres under new plans to take back control of vacant high streets as a government-backed scheme goes live in 5 towns across the country.

The Open Doors project supports landlords and communities to transform empty shops into vibrant community hubs  making the high street a space to address the issues that matter to them.

Working with Meanwhile Space, an organisation bettering unused spaces for communities, the scheme has matched public and private landlords of commercial properties, with community groups offering vital services to local people. Opportunities range from well-being classes, to business support sessions, to mentoring for social enterprises. The sites are available free of charge to local community groups to use.  

Former retail units taking part in the scheme are located in Stoke-on-Trent, Bradford, Rochford, Kettering and Slough. This week, community hubs have opened in Stoke-on-Trent, Bradford and Kettering.

The launch follows the UK’s second ever Great British High Street Week, held last week, which celebrated the high street and people working to revive, adapt and diversify town centres. The pilot scheme is part of a wider agenda of tackling social problems which are linked to declining high streets such as crime, unemployment and loneliness.

High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP said:

With landlords, organisations and the government working together, we have given unused spaces a boost and created fresh opportunities for projects which benefit local communities.

Local hubs and social projects bring people together and can play an important role in tackling the social and economic challenges we face, like loneliness and unemployment.

The Open Doors project is just one of the ways the government is working to transform our high streets. We are committed to helping local high streets adapt to the challenges they face and want communities to engage, to thrive and to enjoy their vibrant town centres and high streets.

Chief Executive of Meanwhile Foundation,  Emily Berwyn said:

The Meanwhile Foundation exists to support community groups to bring facilities and services into more visible spaces on an interim basis.

This process can be daunting, but Open Doors is showing how supporting community meanwhile uses on high streets all over the country can bring vibrancy to underused spaces and a reason for people to come together and enjoy activities.

Funded by Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Open Doors is a pilot scheme taking place in 5 areas, matching landlords struggling to find tenants for their empty properties with community groups looking for space.

Each site chosen as part of the pilot has undergone remedial works, interior design, and the provision of flexible furnishings to ensure they are fit for purpose as community hubs.

The pilots are directly managed by the independent charity, Meanwhile Foundation in partnership with Meanwhile Space CIC, chosen for its existing work and experience in operating a brokerage service matching vacant premises with community groups looking for spaces to work.

The spaces are available free of charge to local community groups. Applications to use the spaces are being accepted on a rolling basis throughout the pilot period.

The government has launched a new forward-thinking High Streets Task Force supporting local leaders to revitalise high streets and town centres, on 2 July 2019.

On 1 July 2019, the government announced that 4 local communities are to receive a funding boost of a share of over £100,000 to create Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) that will deliver additional local services and transform commercial areas. The successful applicants to the BIDs Loan Fund are: Armley, Leeds; Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire; Christchurch, Dorset; and Digbeth, Birmingham

The government also recently announced £9.75 million to local authorities in England to champion community-led clean-ups of high streets and town centres across the country, ensuring they look their best.

Image by diaper licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Bereaved families to receive funeral payments quicker

Families grieving the loss of a loved one will find it easier to get help to meet upfront funeral costs, as a result of a new change to speed up Funeral Expenses Payment claims.

Previously, a Funeral Expense Payment claim could not be processed without a confirmed date for the funeral to take place, which could lead to longer waiting times for payments to be processed.

But following an important change, families will now be able to make a claim with an estimated funeral date, providing that other key information is supplied. The ability to use an estimated date in a claim is set to significantly speed up the process and payment.  

DWP Minister Will Quince said:

These important changes will make the very difficult time of planning a funeral or cremation that bit easier for bereaved families.

Helping families access Funeral Expenses Payments sooner and more quickly means they can focus on the much more important task of arranging a proper send-off for their loved one.

Around 800 claims are received each week by the Department for Work and Pensions Bereavement Support team.

This new move to speed up the Funeral Expenses Payment process is in addition to a recent change in the evidence required to process a claim. Recent improvements mean that instead of a final invoice – which is usually received after the funeral – families can instead supply a funeral director contract as an indication of funeral cost. This evidence can be submitted to the Bereavement Support team in advance of a funeral, therefore ensuring earlier access to financial support.

Media enquiries for this press release – 020 3267 5108

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