Linking technologies to better detect disease: apply for funding

doctor looking at images of a brain on sceveral screens

The lives of many patients could be improved with better and earlier diagnosis of disease and the development of improved treatments that exactly meet their needs.

Businesses and researchers in the UK are being encouraged to work together to look at how diagnostic systems could be integrated to improve detection and diagnosis of disease and to deliver more personalised medicine.

This competition is part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund’s £120 million Data to Early Diagnosis and Precision Medicine Challenge.

The challenge aims to fund researchers and industry to combine data and real-world evidence from UK health services and create new products and services that diagnose diseases earlier and more efficiently.

Innovate UK and the Medical Research Council, as part of UK Research and Innovation, have up to £17 million to invest in collaborative consortia developing integrated diagnostics. Cancer Research UK has a further £3 million to invest in cancer-related projects.

Competition aims to build on recent investments

This competition is looking for projects that build on recent investments in new healthcare technologies. They should deliver new diagnostic systems by integrating across technologies, data, care pathways and systems.

Disease areas could include cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke, inflammatory disorders including autoimmune disease, metabolic diseases, neurogenerative diseases including dementia, and paediatric and maternal-foetal.

Themes could include:

  • building on strengths in digital imaging or pathology, genomics and other technologies
  • improving data integration, analysis, interpretation and visualisation for early diagnosis and precision medicine
  • accelerating industry research and development in integrated diagnostics
  • designing and evaluating solutions in context
  • building and growing lasting collaborations across business, NHS and academic researchers for UK benefit
  • addressing the specific challenges of co-morbidities
  • supporting industry and the NHS in developing and planning for future, comprehensive diagnosis systems and pathways
  • delivering significant healthcare impact and/or economic impact
  • considering the opinions of the patient and public

Competition information

  • the competition is open, and the deadline for applications is at midday on 23 September 2019
  • businesses of any size may apply, and consortia must include at least 1 NHS or academic partner and 1 SME
  • we expect projects to range in size up to £10 million
Published 22 July 2019
Last updated 24 July 2019 + show all updates

  1. The link to the Cancer Research website has been corrected.
  2. First published.

State-of-the-art technology creates smoother journeys for drivers

Highways England is taking an innovative approach to reconstructing a 10-mile stretch of the A1(M) southbound carriageway between Leeming and Ripon interchange.

The environmentally friendly method will see around 100,000 tonnes of tarmac being laid in a faster manner than usual, with 60% less waste going to landfill.

The technology – a machine called a cold repaver – grinds up the road to be recycled, combining it with fresh bitumen and cement before laying it back down immediately.

Cold repaver video

Highways England project manager Ted Chamberlain said:

We used this method last year on the northbound carriageway and it was a great success. The machine allows us to reconstruct bigger areas of road much faster. The wagons don’t have to make anywhere near as many trips, and the new road lasts a lot longer, meaning we won’t need to repeat the process for up to 20 years.

This technology was rolled out in 2016 when we resurfaced a stretch of the A1 in Northumberland, and the lessons we learnt from that work gave us the chance to refine the process and provide an even smoother journey for drivers.

The resurfacing is due to start on Monday 29 July, and is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Two lanes will remain open in both directions for the duration of the scheme and a speed limit will be in place for the safety of road workers and drivers.

From Monday 22 July there will be a week of lane and carriageway closures overnight so the team can install a contraflow, where both north and southbound traffic will travel on the northbound carriageway. During this work clearly signed diversions will be in place.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Derbyshire eco-furniture business heads to Beijing

Derbyshire-based sustainable furniture company, Full Grown, will be exhibiting some of its furniture at the Beijing Expo 2019 as a permanent pop-up.

The UK Garden has received almost 450,000 visitors, including business and government leaders from across China. This presents a great opportunity for Full Grown’s founders Gavin and Alice Munro to seek out buyers in this blossoming luxury furniture market.

Full Grown shape and graft bespoke, sustainable furniture from trees to sell to individuals, galleries and museums. Officially founded in 2012, the company soon realised its product range, which now encompasses chairs, lamps, tables and sculptures, had strong appeal outside of the UK.

The business started working with the Department for International Trade in 2016 and now exports to 10 countries including France, Germany and Norway, as well as locations further afield such as Hong Kong and the US.

Gavin Munro, founder at Full Grown said:

We were introduced to the Beijing Expo 2019 through a DIT reception with Liam Fox at Lancaster House in December. We have since been discussing exhibiting our products at the expo for some time and DIT are kindly supporting our appearance at the expo.

The expo will provide us valuable opportunities to show our products to a new audience in China – and allow us to publicise our company and products at the UK Garden and Pavilion that shares the same cause that we do: innovating for a greener future.

Richard Burn, DIT’s HM Trade Commissioner for China said:

China is the perfect market for Full Grown to explore. Chinese consumers currently purchase a third of global luxury products and have an increased awareness of eco-friendly goods.

The UK’s Garden and Pavilion will provide the perfect setting to showcase these organically grown lamps and chairs. Not only do they represent the creativity and innovation found in UK companies that make us a world leader in low carbon development, but they also resonate with our core theme of ‘Innovating for a Greener Future’. I hope visitors to the Expo can come and enjoy these innovative products amidst the tranquil surroundings of the UK Garden.

Further information

DIT Press Office +44 (0)20 7008 2000 Follow us: @tradegovuk |

Notes to editors

The Beijing Expo 2019

The Beijing Expo is the largest event taking place globally this year, running from 29 April to 7 October 2019. The theme for the UK Garden and Pavilion is ‘Live Green, Live Better’.

Over 100 countries and international organisations are participating in this horticultural expo, alongside Chinese provinces, municipalities, commercial organisations and scientific and academic institutions. It will be hosted by the Chinese government and the Beijing Municipality.

It will be the biggest Horticultural Expo the world has seen with over 16 million visitors expected, of which 20% will be international, to the 500-hectare site.

The Department for International Trade

The Department for International Trade (DIT) secures UK and global prosperity by promoting and financing international trade and investment, and championing free trade. We are an international economic department, responsible for:

  • Bringing together policy, promotion and financial expertise to break down barriers to trade and investment, and help businesses succeed
  • Delivering a new trade policy framework for the UK as we leave the EU
  • Promoting British trade and investment across the world
  • Building the global appetite for British goods and services
  • Between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2019, more than 230,000 jobs were created and safeguarded as a result of foreign direct investment projects supported by DIT and its predecessor. Source: DIT Inward Investment Results 2018 to 2019
  • Between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2019, DIT and its predecessor has helped UK businesses export goods and services worth around £99 billion. Source: DIT Annual Report 2018-19
  • Using analysis by the Institute for Economic Affairs, it is estimated that this could potentially generate around £32 billion for the Exchequer *To date, the UK has signed or agreed in principle agreements with countries that account for 63% of the UK’s trade with all the countries with which the UK is seeking continuity for a potential No Deal.

Crime news: changes to crime contract because of new parole rules

Amendments to the 2017 crime contract are now live on GOV.UK to take account of the new right to challenge parole decisions outside the courts.

This new right is exercised through a ‘reconsideration mechanism’ which came into force on 22 July 2019.

In addition to amended contract documentation we have published guidance which details the new arrangements which have now taken effect.

What are the contract changes?

The amendments we have made confirm that work carried out:

  • on behalf of a prisoner during the ‘reconsideration’ process will be covered by criminal legal aid

  • connected to applications for ‘reconsideration’ will be a continuation of the existing Parole Board matter

Advocacy assistance fee

A separate advocacy assistance fee will be claimable if the Parole Board directs the matter for a reconsideration hearing.

There may be circumstances where clients have not received advice and assistance or advocacy assistance connected to their Parole Board case.

Advice and assistance can be provided when making applications for reconsideration for such individuals.

Further information

Standard Crime Contract 2017 – amendments to chapter 12 of the Contract Specification now available covering the new rules from 22 July 2019

Parole Board Rules 2019 – to view details of the new rules effective from 22 July 2019

Criminal Bills Assessment Manual – amendments to reflect the changes in the contract.

Guidance for Reporting Crime Lower Work – amendments to introduce a new reporting code for Parole Board Reconsideration Hearings.

UK to deploy 250 troops to Mali on peacekeeping operations

In recognition of the increasing instability in the Sahel region, the UK Government has authorised a large-scale British peacekeeping deployment to Eastern Mali. Based in Gao, 250 personnel will deploy in response to a UN requirement and will address a key capability gap for the UN Mission.

Initially deploying for three years as part of a 12,500 strong international force, the UK contribution will assist the UN mission as it seeks to deliver long-term and sustainable peace in Mali.

UK personnel will operate alongside troops from more than 30 countries, and will deliver a long-range reconnaissance capability, providing greater awareness of possible threats and contributing to the protection of civilians.

By working to stabilise fragile states and tackling the root causes of conflict, the UK is preventing conflict spilling over to neighbouring states. This deployment will help address the increasing instability in the region, its impact along the West African coast and the threat to Southern Europe.

Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt said:

In one of the world’s poorest and most fragile regions it is right that we support some of world’s most vulnerable people and prioritise our humanitarian and security efforts in the Sahel.

UK service personnel will work with our partners in the region to help promote peace by combating the threat of violent extremism and protecting human rights in Mali.

This targeted contribution will be complemented by UK staff officers in the UN mission headquarters and new training programmes with troops from other partnering nations who will be deploying to the UN operation.

The UK will support the UN’s mandate in Mali, which includes continuous communication with the Malian population and tackling human security issues, such as operating within a zero-tolerance policy on sexual violence and supporting the rights of women and children.

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Minster of State for the Commonwealth and United Nations, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon said:

We should also be proud of our commitment both as a troop contributor and as the 6th largest funder of UN Peacekeeping operations. This deployment follows a highly successful deployment of an engineer task force to South Sudan, where our ongoing commitment, in which our engineers are building and developing infrastructure in the mission, will complete as pledged in 2020.

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the UK is dedicated to promoting the role of peacekeeping across the globe by demonstrating our own commitments, as well as championing reform to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of existing and future operations.

The UK currently has around 600 personnel deployed on peacekeeping operations and is the 6th largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget. The UK is the lead contributor to the UN mission in Cyprus and in 2020 we will conclude a 4-year troop deployment to South Sudan.

As part of the wider package of support offered to the region, the existing commitment of three UK Chinooks and accompanying personnel deployed in support of the French-led counter-terrorism operation in the Mali have been extended by six months, as announced by the Prime Minister two weeks ago.
Reflecting our continued commitment to multilateralism and international peace and security, the UK continues to support increased engagement in the Sahel under the Governments new strategic approach to Africa. We have committed to reinforcing our support for countries on the front line of instability, including stepping up to the UK’s role in tackling the underlying causes of poverty and conflict in Mali and the wider Sahel region (Mali, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso and Mauritania).

Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt meeting with female UN Peacekeepers