Digital applications to be supported by redesigned portal homepage

Press release

The HM Land Registry portal will have a new look from 30 November to support the move to digital applications by default.

From 30 November 2022 HM Land Registry’s business customers will see a redesigned homepage when they log in the HM Land Registry customer portal.

This will be the first major redesign since the portal was launched in 2009 and this update has been designed to make the portal easier to use and to better support customers in submitting digital applications and managing their applications.

Users of the portal will see:

  • simpler navigation
  • the ability to personalise the shortcuts displayed on the homepage
  • digital application submission by default
  • easier access to the information they need
  • streamlined administration for colleagues across their organisation
  • the same services that exist in portal now

Deputy Director for Digital Services Eddie Davies commented:

As we move to digital by default, we want to ensure that our services are as quick and easy to use as possible.

This redesign will enable our customers to navigate around the portal quicker and to access and use our services in a more efficient way resulting in a smoother and potentially faster workflow.

The updated customer portal will be available starting 30 November. HM Land Registry welcomes direct feedback from our customers and we will use the feedback received to help us to develop our portal further .

Further information on the redesign can be found on our portal guidance page.

Portal is changing MPEG 4

Published 16 November 2022

Permit variation issued for energy recovery facility in Horsham

Press release

Company given strict conditions to protect the environment

Two Environment Agency staff in hi-viz jackets

The Environment Agency carries out thousands of inspections of businesses every year to ensure companies and individuals are protecting air, land and water

On 16 November 2022, the Environment Agency issued an environmental permit variation to add a mechanical sorting and an energy recovery facility to an existing permitted site off Langhurstwood Road, Horsham, which is operated by Britaniacrest Recycling Limited. This decision follows public consultation between 13 May 2021 and 26 June 2022. Having reviewed the responses, the Environment Agency has approved the application.

Michael Turner, area environment manager for the Environment Agency, said:

In deciding whether to issue this permit variation, the Environment Agency considered all relevant factors and legal requirements. The environmental permit sets out stringent conditions for Britaniacrest Recycling Limited. We are satisfied that the appropriate measures are in place to operate the energy recovery facility without causing harm to the environment or human health.

All the comments received during the public consultations have been incorporated into a final decision document.  Further information, including a copy of the permit variation decision document and the permit variation, is available:

The conditions of the permit variation for Britaniacrest Recycling Limited are:

  • Pre-operational conditions detailing the final design of the installation, to protect air quality, groundwater and surface water and to ensure the safe storage, management and disposal of wastes.
  • To minimise the risk of accidents, noise and odour.
  • Maximise energy efficiency.

The Environment Agency regulates the performance of energy from waste facilities in the following ways:

  • Issues permits which say how the facility must be operated, the monitoring that must be done and the limits it must meet.
  • Carries out regular inspections and audits.
  • Requires operators to monitor key emissions using appropriate monitoring standards and to report the results to the Environment Agency.
  • Regularly reviews monitoring techniques and assess monitoring results to measure the performance of the facility and check that it is not exceeding permitted limits.
  • If it identifies that an energy from waste facility breaches any of its permit conditions, we will take the appropriate enforcement action. This may be a warning for minor breaches or enforcement notices to rectify the situation and even prosecution for more serious offences.
  • It puts all the operator’s monitoring reports and records of inspections and audits on the public register.

Please contact Horsham District Council for any enquiries regarding the planning process.

For general information about the Environment Agency’s permitting process please visit:

Published 16 November 2022

PM meeting with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese: 16 November 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the G20 Summit in Indonesia.

The Prime Minister met Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the G20 Summit in Indonesia today.

The leaders welcomed the opportunity to meet in person this week and build on the thriving UK-Australia relationship.

They underlined the importance of the AUKUS partnership for boosting regional security and harnessing the power of our shared values.

The Prime Minister and Prime Minister Albanese agreed to build on our defence and security relationship, with the Prime Minister stressing the importance of the Indo-Pacific region to the UK.

The leaders looked forward to the implementation of the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement and to maximising the opportunities it offers for both of our countries. The Prime Minister also thanked Prime Minister Albanese for his support for the UK’s accession to the CPTPP trading bloc.

The leaders looked forward to expanding the work they do in areas like tackling climate change, both bilaterally and through partnerships with small island developing states.

Published 16 November 2022

Horizon Scanning Case Study: Developing standards for Adeno-associated virus gene therapies

The Issue

Gene therapies are medicines that modify a person’s genes to prevent, treat or cure disease. These innovative approaches fall under the class of medicines called Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products or ATMPs (other ATMP are cell therapies). A gene therapy medicine is composed of a carrier or vector that helps transfer the gene or genetic material into cells. One area of innovation and growth currently is gene therapies based on Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors, which are non-replicative, non-pathogenic single-stranded DNA parvoviruses. However, this field can be challenged by analytical and manufacturing barriers.

Analytical methods to assess the presence of impurities, quality and concentration of a product have been developed, but these are performed without any common point of reference and different analytics measure different characteristics of the product, thereby limiting comparison between products, batches of product and sites of manufacture. Standardisation of AAV products would enable manufacturers to harmonise dosing and the quality of their products thereby increase patients’ confidence in these therapies and ultimately increase the safety of these potentially life transforming innovative medicines.

The change that is needed

In this case, horizon scanning identified a need for standardisation of AAV products to support developers and manufacturers of these therapies, and to enable patients to access these innovative products but to also ensure they are regulated appropriately and are safe and effective. Without a reference material to benchmark their products to it is difficult to establish the concentration (copies or particles per mL), and the particle empty/full ratio of products. To this end, AAV reference materials are required, that are available and used by all, to further advance the field.

What the MHRA did

To help with this issue, we searched the life sciences funding ecosystem for relevant funding opportunities to support the manufacture and characterisation of an AAV reference material. Together with colleagues at the UK Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGTC), we secured funding from the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund (RPF), launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), to support the 6-month project.

The CGTC produced and purified a batch of AAV2 material using their new state of the art bioreactors and facilities at Braintree, which we then analysed by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA), electron microscopy and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). We trialed freeze drying the material, which removes the need for a low temperature-controlled supply chain, so easing future distribution. The materials are now being evaluated by multiple external collaborators, from industrial stakeholders to academic laboratories, and its ‘fitness for use’ as a reference material is being assessed.


Through horizon scanning we identified the need for AAV reference materials to support future standardisation of AAV-based gene therapies, which will increase patient confidence in these therapies and the safety of these innovative medicines, and by securing external grant funding we are moving closer to meeting the objective of AVV standardisation. Through this work we have also developed strong collaborative working arrangements with the CGTC and a network of experts interested in AAV standardisation.

The Scientist Sarah Kempster, who led the work for the MHRA said: ‘Securing the funding from the Regulators Pioneers Fund was critical to making this project happen; it has enabled us to build a network of experts in the field which ensures the MHRA is at the cutting edge of new technologies in gene therapy analytics leading to better patient health’.

Electron micrograph of AAV viral particles

This project has been made possible by a grant from the £3.7 million Regulators’ Pioneer Fund launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).  The fund enables UK regulators and local authorities to help create a UK regulatory environment that unleashes innovation and makes the UK the best place to start and grow a business. The Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult is part of the Catapult Network, which supports businesses in transforming great ideas into valuable products and services. It is a network of world-leading technology and innovation centres established by Innovate UK.

PM meeting with Indian Prime Minister Modi: 16 November 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 Summit in Indonesia.

The Prime Minister met Indian Prime Minister Modi at the G20 Summit in Indonesia today.

The leaders agreed on the enduring importance of the UK-India relationship, and of the living bridge between our countries. The Prime Minister passed on his thanks to Prime Minister Modi for the overwhelming response of the Indian people to his appointment as Prime Minister.

The leaders discussed the range of areas where the UK and India are working increasingly closely and have the opportunity to further develop our links, including defence and security.

They looked forward to the agreement of a UK-India free trade deal, which has the potential to unlock investment and increase jobs in both our countries, as well as expanding our deep cultural links.

The Prime Minister and Prime Minister Modi agreed that the UK and India’s shared values, not least our commitment to democracy, are a huge asset in international forums like the G20 and the Commonwealth.

The Prime Minister welcomed the opportunity to work together on challenges like ending the war in Ukraine and tackling climate change under India’s presidency of the G20 next year.

Published 16 November 2022