Trade Continuity and Future Ambition – The UK After Brexit

Powered by new technologies, the way we live our lives is being transformed. Both the UK and Switzerland are extraordinarily well-placed to benefit from this new industrial revolution: we are open, enterprising economies, built on invention, innovation and competition. Our universities and research institutions are among the best in the world. We have a deserved reputation for being a dependable and confident place to do business, with high standards, respected institutions, and the reliable rule of law.

The UK and Switzerland are both each other’s 7th largest export market. We are a vital part of each other’s economies, with a reciprocal investment stock of almost £ 100 billion, and total trade in goods and services worth over £ 30 billion. We are closely connected through supply chains and transport links, and strong research partnerships. We are also closely connected on a human scale, with over 40,000 British nationals resident in Switzerland, and 14,000 Swiss nationals resident in the UK.

The UK and Switzerland have many industries which are worldleading; from financial services to advanced manufacturing, and from the life sciences to chemicals. We have the two largest financial services centres in Europe, London and Zurich, where tech companies specialising in legal, financial and regulatory technology are rapidly growing. Our Life Science hubs are unparalleled within Europe, with four of the global top ten pharmaceutical companies calling the UK or Switzerland home. And both the UK and Switzerland see Advanced Manufacturing as a strategic focus area, with both of our countries hosting a number of worldrenowned companies and world-class research institutions. UK strengths include marine engineering, space and satellites, defence, data analytics and cloud computing.

For a Swiss business looking to expand into a new market, the opportunities in the UK are manifold. The UK has 65 million potential consumers and is the seventh largest economy in the world. It also attracts more foreign investment than any other European country, and – according to the World Bank – ranks highly for ease of doing business. Hiring in the UK gives you access to an innovative workforce – the UK is ranked 4th in the Global Innovation Index, and is home to 4 of the world’s top 10 universities, with the largest proportion of people educated to degree level or equivalent in western Europe. Businesses in the UK also pay the lowest corporation tax in the G20, have lower labour costs than businesses in Switzerland’s neighbouring countries, and can get tax relief of up to 230 % on research and development costs.

For exporters, the opportunities are diverse. The UK holds a reputation for being a nation of early-adopters, and Swiss innovation will find a receptive audience within large and small British companies. A sophisticated market, there is a strong need for products and services that improve productivity, lower the cost of doing business and create efficiencies. There are requirements for equipment and services relating to safety and security, particularly cyber security. The UK’s commitment to low-carbon targets is driving market demand for products and services in the area of renewable energy, energy effciency, low carbon technologies, smart grid technologies and electronic vehicles. We also have a program of major infrastructure projects in the energy, transportation and water sectors.

Swiss businesses also can be re-assured on trade continuity after the UK leaves the EU. A Trade Agreement has been signed which broadly replicates the existing EU trade agreements with Switzerland. The agreement secures ongoing tariffs preferences, and continuity of non-tariff benefits impacting trade in goods. It also covers government procurement. You can find more information on both the UK and Swiss government websites.

Meanwhile, the UK Government has published its Industrial Strategy, the aim of which is to boost productivity by backing businesses to create good jobs and increase the earning power of people with investment in skills, industries and infrastructure.

We have identified four Grand Challenges facing our society: in artificial intelligence and big data; clean growth; the future of mobility; and meeting the needs of an ageing population. Research and innovation projects around these themes are being supported by investment from the UK’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and are being matched by commercial investment, which we hope will accelerate the global technological revolution.

Unique to the UK is The Catapult Programme. Catapult Centres are a network of world-leading sites designed to transform the UK’s capability for innovation in specific areas and help drive future economic growth. They are a series of 19 not-for-profit, independent physical centres where businesses, scientists and engineers work side by side on late-stage research and development – transforming high potential ideas into new products and services to generate economic growth.

Each Catapult Centre specialises in a different area of technology, but all offer a space with the facilities and expertise to enable businesses and researchers to collaboratively solve key problems and develop new products and services on a commercial scale. Centres exist on:

  • Cell and Gene Therapy
  • Compound Semiconductor Applications
  • Digital
  • Energy Systems
  • Future Cities
  • High Value Manufacturing (a network of another seven centres)
  • Medicines Discovery
  • Offshore Renewable Energy
  • Satellite Applications
  • Transport Systems
  • Batteries Establishing a base in the UK can help you take advantage of all these opportunities.

The UK is a crossing point for the world because of our geographic position, the English language, our strong ties, our openness to ideas and our vibrant culture. We are excited by the future, and invite all Swiss companies to grow their business and create new opportunities with us.

The Department for International Trade helps businesses export, drives inward and outward investment, negotiates market access and trade agreements, and champion’s free trade. A sizeable team based at the UK Embassy, Berne and UK Mission, Geneva can help your business grow and expand; contact us on

This article was first published in the Swiss Export Journal.

Cameroon: Applications for the UK government’s prestigious Chevening Scholarships open 5 August 2019

Applications for Chevening Scholarships to study in the UK are open between 5 August and 5 November 2019, with applications to be submitted via .

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with demonstrable leadership potential who also have strong academic backgrounds. The scholarship offers full financial support for future leaders to study for any eligible master’s degree at any UK university whilst also gaining access to a wide range of exclusive academic, professional, and cultural experiences.

Since the programme was created in 1983, over 50,000 outstanding professionals have had the opportunity to develop in the UK through Chevening. There are more than 1,500 scholarships on offer globally for the 2020/2021 academic year, demonstrating the UK’s ongoing commitment towards developing the leaders of tomorrow.

Head of Scholarships at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Ben Coates, said:

Chevening represents the very best of the UK, welcoming exceptional people from across the world to study, grow, and thrive at some of the world’s best universities. Chevening can be a transformative experience, not just for the scholars, but for their communities and countries as they return and use the benefit of their UK experience to make a positive difference in their chosen field.

Our universities promote the creation and exchange of information and ideas, as well as the building of knowledge and networks. Chevening Scholars find themselves immersed in that world, and leave the UK after their studies having grown academically, professionally, and personally as a result.

Since the programme started in 1983, many of those selected for this scholarship have gone on to become respected leaders across a range of sectors. Being a part of the Chevening network instils a strong sense of pride and responsibility, I have seen this first hand and am consistently impressed by the passion and commitment of the scholars and alumni I meet.

With our world facing countless challenges, the role that the Chevening community plays in building bridges and collaborating across borders to solve big issues is more important than ever.

Chevening’s Head of Programme Management, Louise Thomson, said:

Chevening puts you in control of your experience. You can choose from over 12,000 master’s courses at over 150 different higher education institutions. UK institutions consistently rank highly in global university rankings, so be prepared for an academically challenging and fulfilling experience.

We organise an exclusive programme of events and activities, enabling you to experience Britain’s heritage and history, discuss international policy, and interact with thought leaders at a range of academic, cultural, and social events.

Recently, scholars have visited the UK prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street, hiked up Mount Snowdon in Wales, exhibited art in London galleries, interned at the BBC, volunteered with the elderly, debated current affairs at the Cambridge Union, and sat in the home dressing room at Anfield. Some have even visited the locations where scenes from ‘Game of Thrones’ was shot. All this whilst studying on an intense master’s course.

Chevening doesn’t just open doors, it opens your mind. You will learn so much simply by interacting with people from all over the world, travelling around the UK in your spare time, and getting involved in the communities you live in. Those who get the most out of the experience are the ones who put the most into it.

With so much to learn and achieve, a year goes by faster than you can imagine. But your time in the UK is only the beginning of a life-long journey as a part of an international community of changemakers. Our hope is that you will leave the UK inspired, motivated, and better equipped to bring your own ideas to life.

British High Commissioner to Cameroon and Non- Resident Ambassador to Chad, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, Rowan James Laxton, said:

We are looking for ambitious, professional, and innovative future leaders from any walk of life, who will study hard in the UK, and be open to immersing themselves in the opportunities that arise.

Chevening Scholars are incredibly diverse, so there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ scholar. That said, if you have demonstrable leadership qualities and you have a clear vision for the future you want to help shape, you are very likely to fit in with our community of over 50,000 alumni worldwide.

Our alumni network is full of dynamic influencers who have shared the same experience that you will. They can offer encouragement, mentorship, advice, and contacts. When you return home after your studies you should feel well-equipped to start making a real difference professionally or socially.

There is a lot to potentially gain from submitting a thoughtful application, so if you have what it takes to be a Chevening Scholar, I would encourage you to apply before the 5 November deadline.

The call for new applicants follows the selection of 15 scholars from Cameroon who won an award to study at a UK university this year. Successful applicants have been sharing their stories through the #ChosenForChevening hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

More information

Visit for detailed information on the eligibility criteria and scholarship specifications.


Mireille Djob at or call +237 222 220 545.

UK’s future is bright, PM to tell farmers in Wales

Farmers and food producers will continue to thrive in post-Brexit Britain, the PM will say in a visit to Wales today (30 July 2019).

Boris Johnson will visit a farm in South Wales to meet farmers and workers and hear their hopes for the UK after Brexit.

It is the latest in a number of trips the PM is taking across the United Kingdom, as he pledges to revitalise forgotten communities and renew the ties that underpin the Union.

The farming sector employs more than 50,000 people in Wales, while the food and drink sector is Wales’ largest – contributing almost £1.7 billion to its economy.

Ahead of the visit Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

I will always back Britain’s great farmers and as we leave the EU we need to make sure that Brexit works for them.

That means scrapping the Common Agricultural Policy and signing new trade deals – our amazing food and farming sector will be ready and waiting to continue selling ever more not just here but around the world.

Once we leave the EU on 31st October, we will have a historic opportunity to introduce new schemes to support farming – and we will make sure that farmers gets a better deal.

Brexit presents enormous opportunities for our country and it’s time we looked to the future with pride and optimism.

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns said:

I’m delighted to welcome the new Prime Minister to Wales today. Together we will set out our bold ambition to agree a good deal for Welsh farmers as we leave the EU and generate new trade deals to boost our economy.

We are committed to simplifying processes and setting our ambitions high in order to create opportunities for all communities in Wales.

The Prime Minister has spent his first week in office travelling around the United Kingdom – visiting police officers in Birmingham, giving a speech on a new Towns Fund in Manchester and meeting military personnel at a naval base in Scotland.

Yesterday in Scotland he announced new funding for Growth Deals, including for the Mid Wales region, to help unleash the productive power of every corner of the UK. This is in addition to funding for a deal in North Wales, which is already under negotiation.

Over the next few weeks the government will focus on negotiating a new deal with the EU that will abolish the anti-democratic backstop.

Whilst the PM is confident that he can strike a new agreement with the EU so that we can leave on the best terms, he is also clear that the EU is currently saying that it will refuse to make any changes to the Withdrawal Agreement. As a result, the Government will prepare to leave the EU with ‘no deal’ on 31st October.

Alongside the publication of guidance notices, the UK government is continuing to work closely with farmers, businesses and trade associations across the food and drink sector, from farm to fork, to keep them informed of EU exit preparations.

The Prime Minister will also meet the First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford to update him on his government’s approach to Brexit negotiations.

Red Arrows set to soar across Canada

Final preparations are being made for the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team’s biggest-ever tour to North America, which includes performance or flypasts over 6 Canadian cities.

Aviation fans in Halifax, Ottawa-Gatineau, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Vancouver, and Victoria will have a unique opportunity to see the Red Arrows take flight during the team’s 11-week deployment, which is aimed at showcasing the UK at its best, and supporting trade, business and defence interests.

The first public event of the tour will be a flypast with aircraft from the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) over the historic Halifax waterfront on Sunday, 11 August. This will be followed on 13 August by a flypast of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and an aerobatic display in Gatineau.

After visiting a number of cities in the United States, the Red Arrows will return to Canada to appear at the Canadian International Airshow in Toronto over the Labour Day weekend. Later in September, they’ll return to Canada again for a special flypast over Vancouver Harbour and Victoria, British Columbia.

British High Commissioner to Canada Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque, said:

I am absolutely thrilled to have the world famous Red Arrows in Canada this summer. This tour is an excellent opportunity to not only showcase the Red Arrows’ aerobatic expertise to Canadians from the Atlantic to the Pacific, but also to celebrate the close and enduring relationship between our two countries.

Wing Commander Andrew Keith, Officer Commanding, Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, said:

Tours by the Red Arrows have always been an important role of the team – aiming to demonstrate RAF expertise, helping to highlight UK excellence across a range of sectors and celebrating close connections with friends and allies.

With only days to go before the Red Arrows depart for North America, and with more tour locations now being released, all of us in the team hope people across Canada will be able to join us in the coming weeks and enjoy one of our displays, flypasts or events.

It is the first time the Red Arrows have been to Canada and the US since 2008, with the deployment of the most ambitious tour of North America ever undertaken by the team. With stops across the continent, in addition to the Canadian stops, the tour comprises a combination of nearly 20 aerobatic displays, several iconic flypasts and 100 separate ground engagement activities – from business receptions led by the UK Department for International Trade to sessions aimed at inspiring young people.

Each show in Canada will be a demonstration of creativity, engineering excellence and innovation – not just hallmarks of the Red Arrows and RAF but of the proven capabilities, strengths and skills of the UK.

Moreover, the tour provides the chance to celebrate and enhance international trade between the UK and Canada, which was worth more than £20 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q1 2019, an of increase of more than 17% from the same period in 2018.

Wing Commander Keith said:

The men and women of the Red Arrows epitomise the skill, agility, teamwork and precision of the RAF and we are relishing the opportunity to travel overseas, display in front of hundreds of thousands of people and be ambassadors for a Global Britain.

A key aim of the tour is to inspire people through safe, dynamic and visually-exciting shows. However, we have also planned dozens of ground events, where we hope to meet countless individuals and showcase the importance of science, technology, engineering and maths – the STEM subjects – in our work.

Planning for the North American tour has spanned more than a year, and technical equipment and other resources have already been shipped to key “hub” locations in the US and Canada, in advance of the jets setting off from RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire, in August.

Wing Commander Keith said:

A huge amount of energy has gone into preparing for this tour, involving detailed work by specialists from across the RAF and liaising closely with colleagues from the UK’s Department for International Trade, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and partners in Canada and the United States.

The team’s Hawk jets, which cannot refuel in the air and do not have the range to make the transatlantic crossing in one sortie, will be flown via several stops, including Scotland, Iceland and Greenland, to reach Halifax – the first major location of the tour.

For more information on the Red Arrows tour, follow @rafredarrows on Twitter, like the team’s Facebook page at RAF Red Arrows, view pictures on Instagram @rafredarrows or visit

Use #redarrowstour online to keep up-to-date with the Red Arrows’ tour of North America.



Officially known as the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, the Red Arrows showcase the excellence of the RAF and represent the United Kingdom both at home and overseas. The team consists of 11 pilots, nine of whom fly in the display, and more than 100 support personnel and technicians. Each of the pilots has previous fast-jet, operational experience flying the Tornado, Typhoon or Harrier, enabling the RAF to secure the skies and protect the nation and its interests, 365-days a year. One of the world’s premier aerobatic teams, the Red Arrows had completed nearly 5,000 displays, in 57 countries, by the beginning of 2019. Flying Hawk T1 jets, the team is based at RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire.


Below is the latest list of locations the Red Arrows will visit in Canada. Activities will typically include either a flypast, display or ground engagement – or a combination of these elements. Venues and places are subject to change. More details for each location will be released ahead of each stop and date:


Thursday, August 8 at 6pm & 9pm

Red Arrows: King of the Skies

Get a unique view into the fast-paced world of the Red Arrows. This documentary, part of a six-episode series, provides exceptional access to what happens in the air and on ground as the team’s pilots, ground crew, engineers and support personnel prepare for a high profile season. Each screening will be followed by a Q&A with Red Arrows pilots and engineers.

Location: Dome Theatre, Discovery Centre

Tickets: $20 and available online at

Friday, August 9 to Sunday, August 11

A Great British Weekend: celebrate aviation with the Red Arrows

Join us for a series of events at the UK’s pop-up pavilion on the waterfront as we celebrate the fantastic world of aviation. From past to present, get an up-close look at an iconic Spitfire provided by the Air Show Atlantic and then put on a VR headset and take a ride in the cockpit during a Red Arrows flypast.

The Discovery Centre will also be on-location to explain the science behind flight with interactive demonstrations for all ages. And don’t forget to grab a souvenir photo at the Red Arrows photo booth!

Of course, we also need to have some food and music! Our friends at Pete’s Footique will be sampling fantastic British nibbles and we are happy to present a special performance by the Welsh Tornado Gareth Pearson.

Location: Summit Plaza (next to The Wave)

Cost: Free

Sunday, August 11 at 2pm

Red Arrows Over Halifax

The main event of the Red Arrows visit to Halifax, this unique celebration of the UK and Canada’s longstanding defence partnership will include a special series of flypasts by aircraft from both the Royal Air Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force.

RCAF aircraft scheduled to take part include, CH146 Griffon, CH148 Cyclone and CH149 Cormorant helicopters along with a CC130H Hercules and a CP140 Aurora. From the RAF, an A400M will pass along the waterfront followed by an enhanced flypast by the Red Arrows trailed by their signature red, white, and blue smoke.

Location: Halifax and Dartmouth Waterfronts

Cost: Free


Tuesday, August 13 at 10am

Flypast over Parliament Hill

A special flypast by the Red Arrows of Parliament Hill, to coincide with the changing of the guard ceremony. Further details to be announced.

Location: Parliament Hill

Tuesday, August 13 at 1pm

Red Arrows at Aero Gatineau-Ottawa

The first aerobatic performance of the Red Arrows tour promises to be very British and very exciting with the Red Arrows in their scarlet BAE Systems Hawk T1s putting on a thrilling afternoon display along with performances by the fighter aircraft and trainers from Vintage Wings of Canada and stunning solo aerobatics by Rick Volker in his Sukhoi 26.

Location: Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport



Wednesday, August 28

Red Arrows Flypast

The Red Arrows will fly over the world famous Niagara Falls. Further details to be announced in the coming weeks.


Saturday, August 31 to Monday, September 2

The Canadian International Air show (CIAS)

Witness the Red Arrows perform over Lake Ontario as the Canadian International Air Show (CIAS) celebrates its 70th anniversary.

Location: CNE Grounds Tickets:


Tuesday, September 24

Red Arrows: King of the Skies

Get a unique view into the fast-paced world of the Red Arrows. This documentary, part of a six-episode series, provides exceptional access to what happens in the air and on ground as the team’s pilots, ground crew, engineers and support personnel prepare for a high profile season. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Red Arrows pilots and engineers.

Location: Science World at TELUS World of Science Event Details: to be announced

Thursday, September 26

Red Arrows over Vancouver

Join us for a day of aviation-themed activities as we celebrate the Red Arrows tour including a chance to meet the crew, don a a VR headset for a virtual ride in the cockpit during a Red Arrows flypast, grab a souvenir photo at the Red Arrows photo booth and more! This full-day event will culminate in the enhanced flypast over the iconic Vancouver Harbour at 5pm by the Red Arrows trailed by their signature red, white, and blue smoke. Further details to be announced in the coming weeks.

Science World at TELUS World of Science and H. R. MacMillan Space Centre will also be on-location to explain the science behind flight with interactive demonstrations for all ages.


Thursday, September 26

Red Arrows over Victoria

The Red Arrows continue their visit to Canada’s Pacific Coast with a flypast over British Columbia’s capital. Further details to be announced in the coming weeks.

Location: Upper Harbour


Photographs and videos of the team displaying are available by visiting:

A map of the tour locations, and other content, is also available.


Andrew Morton
Red Arrows Communications Manager


+44 7867 348900

PM meeting with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon: 29 July 2019

The Prime Minister met the First Minister for Scotland Nicola Sturgeon in Edinburgh today.

The Prime Minister said he was a passionate believer in the power of the Union and he would work tirelessly to strengthen the United Kingdom and improve the lives of people right across Scotland.

On Brexit, the Prime Minister said that while the government’s preference is to negotiate a new deal which abolishes the anti-democratic backstop, the UK will be leaving the EU on October 31st come what may. The PM set out the scale of work underway to prepare for our departure and also offered to hold a JMC(P) soon so that he can work with the Devolved Administrations to make sure all corners of the UK are ready to enjoy a bright future outside of the EU.

They also discussed the UK government’s pledge to expand Growth Deals with £300m of new funding. The Prime Minister said he looked forward to working with the Scottish Government to see these deals rolled out to every region of Scotland so that more communities could benefit from the funding.