£350m Typhoon engine support contract

The £346.7 million contract, signed with Rolls-Royce, will provide maintenance support for the EJ200 engine up to 2024 as the Typhoon continues to form the backbone of the RAF’s fighter jet fleet.

Already this year, RAF Typhoon jets have led the fight against Daesh in Iraq and Syria as part of Operation Shader and undertaken Baltic Air Policing mission with NATO partners, with further NATO policing missions planned in Iceland later this year.

Defence Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said:

Not only will this contract help to maintain our world-class jets, it secures 175 jobs across the UK and boosts the skills base our world-leading defence industry relies upon.

Together with our multi-million-pound upgrade programme, this contract will ensure our Typhoon fleet continues to dominate the skies in the decades to come.

An RAF Typhoon being maintained. Crown copyright.

Approximately 175 Rolls-Royce jobs in Bristol, RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire and RAF Lossiemouth in Moray will be supported as part of the contract.

Rolls-Royce will repair and maintain the Typhoon engines as required by the RAF over the five-year period. They will also be responsible for the provision of modules, spares and accessories to support the aircraft fleet, including the transportation of the equipment between RAF bases and the Rolls Royce manufacturing facility in Bristol.

Air Marshal Julian Young, Chief of Materiel (Air), Defence Equipment & Support, said:

Typhoon is a formidable, battle-winning aircraft and the backbone of UK Combat Airpower.

This new deal on EJ200 engine is demonstrable evidence that we remain committed to working with our industrial partners to drive down support costs and at the same time pursue excellence and deliver great equipment to the Front Line.

An RAF Typhoon intercepting a Russian military aircraft. Crown copyright.

The Typhoon force is operationally based at RAF Coningsby, RAF Lossiemouth, the Falkland Islands and Amari Air Base in Estonia, where the aircraft respond to potential threats to UK air space in Quick Reaction Alerts. Since arriving in Estonia on 3rd May this year, the fleet have already scrambled 14 times in response to Russian activity over the Baltic Sea.

The Typhoon fleet has benefited from a £425 million upgrade programme over the last three years. The fighter jets now have deep strike cruise missile Storm Shadow, air-to-air missile Meteor and the precision attack missile Brimstone at their disposal. The RAF have also commenced trials on Typhoon of BriteCloud, a drinks-can sized missile decoy system to protect combat jets from the latest radar-guided missiles.

The Ministry of Defence invested £18.9 billion with UK industry last year, equating to £290 per UK resident, which supported 115,000 jobs.

British Embassy Ashgabat announces opening of Chevening scholarships

Applications for Chevening Scholarships to study in the UK are open between 5 August and 5 November 2019, with applications to be submitted via www.chevening.org/apply

Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with demonstrable leadership potential who also have strong academic backgrounds. The scholarship offers full financial support for future leaders to study for any eligible master’s degree at any UK university whilst also gaining access to a wide range of exclusive academic, professional, and cultural experiences.

Since the programme was created in 1983, over 50,000 outstanding professionals have had the opportunity to develop in the UK through Chevening. There are more than 1,500 scholarships on offer globally for the 2020/2021 academic year, demonstrating the UK’s ongoing commitment towards developing the leaders of tomorrow.

Head of Scholarships at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Ben Coates, said:

Chevening represents the very best of the UK, welcoming exceptional people from across the world to study, grow, and thrive at some of the world’s best universities. Chevening can be a transformative experience, not just for the scholars, but for their communities and countries as they return and use the benefit of their UK experience to make a positive difference in their chosen field.

Our universities promote the creation and exchange of information and ideas, as well as the building of knowledge and networks. Chevening Scholars find themselves immersed in that world, and leave the UK after their studies having grown academically, professionally, and personally as a result.

Since the programme started in 1983, many of those selected for this scholarship have gone on to become respected leaders across a range of sectors. Being a part of the Chevening network instils a strong sense of pride and responsibility, I have seen this first hand and am consistently impressed by the passion and commitment of the scholars and alumni I meet.

With our world facing countless challenges, the role that the Chevening community plays in building bridges and collaborating across borders to solve big issues is more important than ever.

Chevening’s Head of Programme Management, Louise Thomson, said:

Chevening puts you in control of your experience. You can choose from over 12,000 master’s courses at over 150 different higher education institutions. UK institutions consistently rank highly in global university rankings, so be prepared for an academically challenging and fulfilling experience.

We organise an exclusive programme of events and activities, enabling you to experience Britain’s heritage and history, discuss international policy, and interact with thought leaders at a range of academic, cultural, and social events.

Recently, scholars have visited the UK prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street, hiked up Mount Snowdon in Wales, exhibited art in London galleries, interned at the BBC, volunteered with the elderly, debated current affairs at the Cambridge Union, and sat in the home dressing room at Anfield. Some have even visited the locations where scenes from ‘Game of Thrones’ was shot. All this whilst studying on an intense master’s course. ‘Chevening doesn’t just open doors, it opens your mind. You will learn so much simply by interacting with people from all over the world, travelling around the UK in your spare time, and getting involved in the communities you live in. Those who get the most out of the experience are the ones who put the most into it.

With so much to learn and achieve, a year goes by faster than you can imagine. But your time in the UK is only the beginning of a life-long journey as a part of an international community of changemakers. Our hope is that you will leave the UK inspired, motivated, and better equipped to bring your own ideas to life.

Thorda Abbott-Watt, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Turkmenistan, said:

We are looking for bright, ambitious and innovative future leaders from any walk of life in Turkmenistan, who will study hard in the United Kingdom and immerse themselves in the opportunities that a Chevening scholarship offers.

There is no such thing as a typical Chevening scholar, but if you have proven leadership qualities and a clear vision for the future you want to help shape, you will fit in well with our global community of over 50,000 alumni. The alumni network is full of dynamic and influential people who have shared the same experience that you will have. They can offer encouragement, mentorship, advice, and contacts. When you return home after your studies you should feel well-equipped to start making a real difference in your chosen field.

This means that there is a lot to gain from a Chevening scholarship. If you think you have what it takes, I encourage you to apply. You should devote time and thought to your application, making clear how you meet the Chevening criteria and how you will benefit from a scholarship, and submit it before the 5 November deadline.

The call for new applicants follows the selection of four scholars from Turkmenistan, who won an award to study at a UK university this year. Successful applicants have been sharing their stories through the #ChosenForChevening hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

More information

Visit www.chevening.org/scholarships for detailed information on the eligibility criteria and scholarship specifications.


Murad Kakajykov and 363462/64 or Murad.Kakajykov@fco.gov.uk

Notes to editors

Chevening Scholarships are the UK Government’s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations. The scholarships support study at UK universities – mostly one year taught master’s degrees – for individuals with demonstrable potential to become future leaders, decision-makers, and opinion formers.

Chevening began in 1983 and has developed into a prestigious international awards scheme. Chevening Scholars come from over 160 countries and territories worldwide, and almost 1,800 scholarships were awarded in 2019/2020. There are over 50,000 Chevening Alumni around the world who comprise an influential and highly regarded global network.

The name ‘Chevening’ comes from Chevening House in Sevenoaks, Kent – currently the joint official residence of the UK’s Foreign Secretary.

More information is available at www.chevening.org

£2.5 million extra funding for farmers working together on environmental projects

A fourth national round of the popular Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund is today (5 August) opening for applications.

Groups of farmers and landowners will be able to bid for a share of the £2.5 million fund until 4 October. It is expected to support approximately 40 new facilitation groups to deliver large-scale environment improvement in their area over the next three years.

Improvements could include natural flood prevention, enhancing wildlife habitats or planting more trees.

To apply, groups must submit plans showing how they will work together and share knowledge to protect and enhance their local environment, in line with their local Countryside Stewardship priorities.

Successful facilitation groups will also offer invaluable training, support and advice to potential Countryside Stewardship applicants for agreements starting in 2021.

One example of a group already benefiting from this scheme is the Wyre Forest Facilitation Fund, which joined in 2015. Since then the group has grown to include 70 farms spanning 5,138 hectares. Over the past year, the group has delivered 18 training events focusing on upskilling other farmers on woodland restoration and creation, hedgerow and tree planting and natural flood management.

Farming Minister George Eustice said:

We know that more can be achieved by trying to coordinate a landscape scale approach to creating habitats and supporting wildlife.

This fund helps support local clusters of farmers to come together to promote similar interventions and options so that the management on each farm helps to complement a wider effort and we can achieve critical mass as we strive to support wildlife in our countryside.

RPA Chief Executive Paul Caldwell said:

Today’s announcement means that more farmers will have the opportunity to benefit from this funding and deliver long-term improvements for the environment, working with other local farmers.

With this funding, facilitators will be able to amplify the benefits brought by the Countryside Stewardship schemes, as well as reaping the rewards for farmers, land managers and our rural communities.

Through three national rounds and one flood-focused round, we have committed £7.8 million of funding to 98 facilitation groups established since 2015 across England. The groups have supported and endorsed 1,200 new Countryside Stewardship agreements, coordinating action to make positive environmental impact in their local areas.

See the main Facilitation Fund page for more information and how to apply.

Delivering for Welsh-speaking Wales: UK Government launches bilingual communications guidance

Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns has launched new guidance for UK Government departments when planning and delivering bilingual communications activity targeted at audiences in Wales.

The guidance, the first of its kind for the UK Government, was announced at a joint event with Welsh Language Commissioner Aled Roberts at S4C’s pavilion at the National Eisteddfod in Llanrwst on Monday [5 August].

The guidance has been endorsed by the Commissioner’s office along with the Government Communications Service, the professional body for people working in communications roles across government. Included are recommendations and good practice on designing and creating quality bilingual content in areas including events, consultations and campaigns.

The Welsh Language Act places a duty on public organisations to treat the English and Welsh languages equally when providing services to the public in Wales. So far, 11 UK Government departments have implemented their own Welsh language schemes as a result of the Act, with more expected to follow soon.

The new guidance is intended to complement these departmental Welsh language schemes, providing practical examples to ensure communicators raise the quality of bilingual output and enable citizens and businesses in all parts of Wales to engage better with the work of UK Government departments.

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns said:

In Wales, we have a duty to represent the audiences we serve. Welsh is an official UK language and for many people an integral part of their identity, both for fluent speakers but also for learners.

The UK Government is committed to supporting the ambition of one million Welsh speakers by 2050. This guidance will support people working across both governments in Wales and in Whitehall to help us achieve that target, by ensuring the language is visible, audible and above all accessible.

Welsh Language Commissioner Aled Roberts said:

We welcome the work that has been done on this new guideline. It includes examples of good practice and recommendations and hopefully will ensure that the Welsh language will play an integral part when planning and delivering events, promotional material and social media posts targeted at audiences in Wales.


Notes to editors:

Equity investors invited to partner in healthy ageing funding

UK Research and Innovation is looking for UK registered equity investors to partner with us in the Healthy Ageing Investment Accelerator.

This competition aims to deliver innovation in the ‘healthy ageing’ market as part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund’s Healthy Ageing Challenge.

£12 million for healthy ageing innovation

Working in partnership with investors, Innovate UK, as part of UK Research and Innovation, will distribute a share of up to £12 million in grants to micro, small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and social enterprises.

The competition will stimulate private investment in business-led research and development, to grow and bring to market ideas for healthy ageing products and services that have potential to be adopted on a wide scale.

Phase 1

In this first phase of the competition we are recruiting investors to participate. To be selected you must:

  • be a UK registered equity investor
  • commit to identifying a portfolio of healthy ageing technology micro, small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and social enterprises you are willing to invest in
  • demonstrate you have, or can raise on demand, enough capital to equal Innovate UK’s grant and provide the additional follow-on funding

Investors can apply for £1 million to £6 million.

The investor partners we select will work to:

  • identify innovative SMEs working in healthy ageing technology that are suitable for investment but outside your typical risk preference, which might involve changing your target market
  • help those SMEs deliver a healthy ageing project, with 50% of the total eligible project costs grant funded and the remaining 50% from equity investment into the business

Phase 2

In phase 2 our chosen investors will put forward SMEs for funding, by invitation only.

All funded projects will need to show how they tackle one or more of the following essential challenges of older life:

  • sustaining physical activity
  • maintaining health at work
  • design for age-friendly homes
  • creating healthy, active places
  • supporting social connections
  • living well with cognitive impairment
  • managing common complaints of ageing

We expect funded SME projects will have total eligible project costs of between £100,000 and £1.5 million.

Key dates

The competition opens on 19 August. There will be a briefing for potential investors on 10 September. The closing date for investor applications is 6 November 2019 at midday.