North Korea missile test launches: Foreign Office statement

We are deeply concerned by the repeated launches of ballistic missiles by North Korea, most recently on 5 August. These are a clear breach of UN Security Council Resolutions and pose a grave threat to our regional partners and global security.

We encourage North Korea to engage in meaningful discussions with the United States in order to secure complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation. Until this happens UN sanctions must be fully enforced by all states.

PM call with King Hamad of Bahrain: 5 August 2019

The Prime Minister spoke to King Hamad of Bahrain, who congratulated him on his appointment. They recalled previously meeting in Bahrain.

The two leaders discussed the importance of security in the Gulf and the role played by Naval Support Facility Juffair. The Prime Minister emphasised the need to de-escalate regional tensions and reiterated the UK’s commitment to the Iran nuclear deal.

King Hamad underlined the importance of trade between the UK and Gulf Cooperation Council, and his ambition to increase that trade post-Brexit.

PM call with President Zelensky of Ukraine: 5 August 2019

The Prime Minister spoke to President Zelensky of Ukraine, who congratulated him on his recent appointment.

President Zelensky thanked the Prime Minister for the UK’s ongoing to commitment to protecting Ukrainian independence and security, and they discussed the importance of HMS Duncan’s recent deployment to the region.

The President talked about the importance of UK-Ukraine trade and his hope that our two countries would be able to maintain close trading ties when the UK leaves the EU.

The leaders looked forward to seeing each other at the earliest opportunity.

PM call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel: 3 August 2019

The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel.

The leaders discussed the strength of the UK-Israel partnership and agreed to look for new ways to build on this when the UK leaves the EU, including by stepping up our trading ties.

They discussed the need to continue working together to counter Iran’s destabilising activity in the region, to defend freedom of navigation, and to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

The leaders looked forward to seeing each other again at the earliest opportunity.

PM call with President Joko Widodo of Indonesia: 3 August 2019

The Prime Minister spoke to President Joko Widodo of Indonesia.

The leaders welcomed the close ties between our countries.

They agreed on the importance of the trading relationship between the UK and Indonesia and the opportunities to strengthen this when the UK leaves the EU.

They committed to continuing to work together to address challenges such as the Rakhine crisis in Myanmar, and to build on the bilateral links between our countries through the UK-Indonesia Partnership Forum.