Ministers from the Cabinet Office, BEIS, and DCMS meet representatives of business federations to discuss Brexit

Representatives from 19 of the UK’s largest business federations met with Ministers at No 10 this afternoon to discuss how to accelerate business preparedness for leaving the European Union on 31st October with or without a deal.

During the positive and productive meeting, the business federations spoke with the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove, BEIS Minister Jo Johnson, and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Digital and Broadband Matt Warman about the government’s preparation work, and their own plans to be fully prepared for leaving on 31 October. Ministers heard about the issues raised by their members, proposed solutions and how we can work together to reach thousands of businesses with crucial advice.

Ministers outlined how government has stepped up its preparations for our exit from the EU and welcomed views from business federations on what further steps they felt would help ensure a successful departure at the end of October.

PM sets out vision to cement UK as a science superpower

Boris Johnson has instructed the Home Office and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to work with the scientific community to develop a new fast-track visa route for the brightest and best, with a view to launching it later this year.

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said:

Britain has a proud history of innovation, with home-grown inventions spanning from the humble bicycle to the lightbulb.

We were home to the world’s first national DNA database, we discovered graphene, and our cutting-edge scientists should be proud to follow in the footsteps of titans like Ada Lovelace and Nobel Laureates Francis Crick and Peter Higgs.

But to ensure we continue to lead the way in the advancement of knowledge, we have to not only support the talent that we already have here, but also ensure our immigration system attracts the very best minds from around the world.

The fast-track immigration route will be designed to attract elite researchers and specialists in science, engineering and technology, from maths Olympiads at the very start of their careers to the winners of internationally recognised prizes and fellowships.

To ensure the UK is the most attractive country to live in and develop new ideas, options which could be discussed with leading institutions and universities include:

  • abolishing the cap on numbers under the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visas
  • expanding the pool of UK research institutes and universities able to endorse candidates
  • creating criteria that confer automatic endorsement, subject to immigration checks
  • ensuring dependents have full access to the labour market
  • removing the need to hold an offer of employment before arriving
  • accelerated path to settlement

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

We want Britain to be the most prosperous economy in Europe with an immigration system that attracts the brightest and best global talent.

Our new fast-track visa route will be a key part of this – encouraging the world’s top scientists and researchers to our shores.

These gifted minds will bolster the UK’s standing as a hub for science and innovation as we look to introduce a points-based immigration system centred on what people will contribute to our great country.

David Williams, Executive Chairman of leading quantum technology company Arqit, said:

As a British business pioneering the science of Quantum Cyber Security, it is crucial that Britain welcomes scientific talent from around the World so we strongly support the Prime Minister’s initiative.

These changes will complement plans for an Australian-style points-based immigration system, as set out by the Prime Minister when he came into office.

In recognition of the huge value of science to the UK, particularly post-Brexit, in addition to immigration changes to support a reinvigorated research economy, the Government will also provide additional funding for scientists and researchers who have sought EU funding before we leave. This includes schemes delivered by the European Research Council to ensure no-one is disadvantaged.

In the event we leave without a deal, the Government will ensure any Horizon 2020 applications stuck in the approval process when the UK leaves, will instead be automatically reviewed by UKRI – with successful applications provided with funding.

The Prime Minister said:

I want the UK to continue to be a global science superpower, and when we leave the EU we will support science and research and ensure that, far from losing out, the scientific community has a huge opportunity to develop and export our innovation around the world.

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom said:

The UK has a well-earned reputation for world-class research and innovation. From the invention of the World Wide Web to graphene, our scientists have helped to transform the world for the better.

We are at the forefront of international collaborations tackling some of humanity’s greatest challenges, from climate change to critical health and societal issues. And as we prepare to leave the EU on 31 October we will make sure we continue to attract the best talent, reflecting our commitment to making the UK a science powerhouse while creating jobs and growth across the whole country.

Health and social care staff: Brexit preparations update

Home Secretary visits the police hubs leading Brexit preparations

Home Secretary Priti Patel today (Thursday 8 August) visited 2 policing hubs that are at the heart of law enforcement’s preparation for the UK’s exit from the European Union on 31 October.

The International Crime and Coordination Centre (ICCC) went live in February 2019 and has been supported by Home Office funding. It is acting as a centre of expertise to support police forces in making a smooth transition to non-EU law enforcement mechanisms in the event of a no deal.

The Home Office funded the establishment of the ICCC in 2018/2019 and confirmed that the department will continue to resource the unit in 2019/2020.

The Home Secretary was briefed by police leaders on the ICCC’s role and assessment of the ongoing cooperation between UK and EU law enforcement as well as how UK policing is maintaining readiness for Brexit.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

We will be leaving the European Union on 31 October and that is why I am ensuring our law enforcement agencies are ready.

Our police are the pride of Britain and I’m encouraged to see that they are well prepared to keep fighting crime and protecting the public once we leave.

We will continue to work with police forces to ensure they get the support they need for Brexit and beyond.

The Home Secretary also visited the National Police Coordination Centre (NPoCC) and witnessed a demonstration of how the unit will respond to Brexit on 31 October.

The NPoCC was set up in 2013 and coordinates the deployment of police officers and staff across the UK during major events and operations.

Commissioners and providers of social care: Brexit planning update

These letters tell you what to do if there is a no-deal Brexit. This page will be updated if anything changes, including if a deal is agreed.

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The letters ask the adult social care system to ensure business continuity plans are in place so local areas are able to manage the possible implications of Brexit.

They include plans relating to:

  • medicines and consumables
  • non-clinical consumables
  • goods and services
  • the adult social care workforce

The letters were published alongside the Brexit operational readiness guidance for the health and social care system with a covering letter from Sir Chris Wormald.