PM call with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand: 12 August 2019

The Prime Minister received a call of congratulation from the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.

The leaders discussed their shared commitment to an ambitious free trade agreement between the UK and New Zealand at the earliest opportunity.

Prime Minister Johnson and Prime Minister Ardern also discussed other issues of shared importance, including climate change and maintaining momentum in tackling terrorist use of the internet.

Prime Minister Johnson also updated Prime Minister Ardern on developments in the UK’s exit from the European Union. He confirmed that we want to leave the EU with a deal but we are committed to leaving on 31 October whatever the circumstances.

Sentencing review to look at most dangerous and prolific offenders

The work, which begins immediately, will focus on whether violent and sexual offenders are serving sentences that truly reflect the severity of their crimes.

It will consider whether changes in legislation are needed to lock criminals up for longer – by not letting them out automatically part-way through a sentence. It will also look at how to break the cycle of repeat offending.

It forms part of a government overhaul of the criminal justice system to further protect the public – by cracking down on crime, raising prison standards, rehabilitating offenders and cutting the vicious cycle of re-offending.

The government review team will report back directly to the Prime Minister with recommendations this autumn.

Specifically, the review will look at:

  • Sentencing for the most serious violent and sexual offenders;
  • The rules governing when and how these offenders are released; and
  • Sentencing of the most prolific offenders.

Today (12 August 2019) also sees a further £85 million awarded to the Crown Prosecution Service to build capacity and manage caseloads over the next 2 years.

Justice Secretary, Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, said:

Too often the public and victims feel that violent and sexual offenders are being released early and without a proper deterrent to stop their offending.

We must ensure that there is confidence in the system, which is why my department will undertake an urgent review of how and when these offenders are released – to better protect the public and end the cycle of reoffending.

This work is a priority for the Government and will report back to the Prime Minister with recommendations to ensure punishments properly reflect the severity of their crimes.

In addition, today the Prime Minister and Justice Secretary are meeting leaders from the police, probation and prison sectors to discuss how to cut crime and improve the criminal justice system.

It comes as an extra £2.5 billion investment has been announced to create 10,000 extra prison places, starting with the new Full Sutton prison.

This follows announcements to recruit 20,000 new police officers over the next three years and the Home Secretary’s confirmation that all 43 police forces in England and Wales can use enhanced stop and search powers.

Feasibility funding for autonomous vehicle cyber security

The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) is partnering with Zenzic (formally Meridian Mobility) and Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation.

Together we will invest up to £2 million in a maximum of 5 projects to support the development of a connected and autonomous vehicle cyber-security testing facility.

Your feasibility proposal must fulfil 3 requirements:

  • find ways to measure cyber-physical resilience and maintain cyber security for vehicles, roadside infrastructure, supporting services and so on
  • provide input specifications for one or more new cyber test facilities
  • explore opportunities to develop new cyber related services


To lead a project or work alone your organisation must:

  • be a UK registered business, of any size
  • carry out its project work in the UK
  • claim grant funding
  • intend to exploit the results from or in the UK

Key information

  • you can receive grant funding of up to £400,000 for your total eligible project costs
  • any academic institutions or public sector organisations in your consortium can share up to 50% of the total eligible project costs
  • the competition opens for applications on 12 August 2019
  • the closing date is midday on 25 September 2019

Appointments to the School Teachers’ Review Body

Lynn Lawrence and Martin Post will serve as members of the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) for 3 years from 1 September and 1 October 2019 respectively.

The STRB provides independent advice to the government on pay and conditions for teachers and school leaders in England and Wales.

Martin Post

Martin Post has served as the Regional Schools Commissioner for the North-West London and South-Central England region since 2014, stepping down in August 2019.

Martin was previously the headmaster of Watford Grammar School for Boys, a partially selective, Ofsted outstanding secondary school, and has served as a national leader of education.

Lynn Lawrence

Lynn Lawrence currently serves as the professional chair of the Challenge Committee at The Sittingbourne School (Swale Academy Trust), providing educational advice and expertise.

Previously, Lynn has served as a headteacher for 16 years in 3 contrasting primary schools, most recently at Blean Primary and Teaching School Alliance. Lynn has worked as a national leader of education and as an executive headteacher. Lynn has also worked as an advisory headteacher for a local authority and as a team inspector for Ofsted.

CMA completes move to Canary Wharf

After confirming the move in 2018, the CMA’s London office has now moved to Cabot Square, completing its commitment to move its HQ by September 2019.

The CMA’s new London address has changed, and is now:

Competition and Markets Authority

The Cabot
25 Cabot Square

E14 4QZ

Contact details for our offices in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland remain unchanged.

Summer 2019 also marks the completion of the removal of ‘.gsi’ from CMA email addresses.

All emails to the CMA should now use the standard ‘’ address, without gsi, and messages sent to previous versions of email addresses will no longer be delivered.

CMA phone numbers remain unchanged.

Contact the CMA general enquiries team

General enquiries

Competition and Markets Authority
The Cabot
25 Cabot Square

E14 4QZ

We may record phone calls on any of our lines for training and quality purposes.

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Media enquiries

During working hours, please contact the main press office number. For any urgent out of hours media questions, contact the out of hours mobile.