Millions in local investment to support children and young people’s mental health

Thousands of young people across England will benefit from new mental health support including counselling, mentoring and arts programmes in their communities. This will be backed by a multi-million pound government investment this year.

As part of the government’s commitment to transforming mental health care – backed by an extra £2.3 billion a year through the NHS Long Term Plan – Mental Health Minister Nadine Dorries and Public Health Minister Jo Churchill today announce an investment of a further £3.3 million in 23 local community projects across England.

Earlier this year the government pledged to overhaul society’s approach to mental illness through better access to education, training and support across communities. This included a commitment to train all teachers to spot the signs of mental illness in children, making sure they can intervene before issues escalate.

The funding will allow more children and young people aged 25 and under to access local services to support their mental health, with early intervention for those at risk of mental health problems. The projects have an emphasis on improving access to support outside of NHS services, including for groups such as LGBT young people or those from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

Projects receiving funding include:

  • LifeLine Community Projects in Barking and Dagenham will receive over £298,000 to expand their work with young people most at risk of poor mental health, with preventative support to stop problems escalating and reduce pressure on NHS services
  • York Mind will receive £50,000 to expand their Arts Award programme, which connects young people to the arts, enabling them to increase their skills, confidence, sense of identity and reduce isolation, alongside one-to-one support
  • The Proud Trust’s Peer Support Project in Manchester will receive over £23,000 to support more LGBT young people through life-changing events, including discovering their sexuality/gender and coming out

See a full list of all projects receiving funding (PDF, 72.2 KB, 10 pages)

The funding will come from the Health and Wellbeing Fund, part of a programme of government investment in the voluntary sector. The projects will be fully funded through the scheme in their first year and additional joint funding from local commissioners will be agreed for 2 years afterwards.

Mental health services are being transformed through the NHS Long Term Plan so that 345,000 more children and young people have access to mental health support by 2024, including via mental health support teams in and around schools. This will significantly improve early intervention and prevention.

This funding boost follows last summer’s funding increase to the NHS budget, which will see the health service receive an extra £33.9 billion more every year by 2024 to support the NHS Long Term Plan.

Minister for Mental Health Nadine Dorries said:

“We know children and young people today face many pressures at home and in their social and academic lives but giving them easily accessible mental health support at an early age can help them thrive later in life.

“That’s why the government is investing billions every year to transform mental health care, and giving more money to innovative, community-led projects run by people who have chosen to dedicate their lives to supporting young people by providing them with the tools and means they need to manage their own mental health.”

Minister for Public Health Jo Churchill said:

“It’s only right that children and young people are able to access mental health support, not only through the NHS, but in the heart of their communities, schools and homes where they spend the majority of their time.

“The voluntary sector has a hugely important role to play in delivering these kinds of services and our Health and Wellbeing Fund is leading the way in ensuring government plays a role in cultivating the most effective, innovative and successful forms of community support – backed by an extra £2.3 billion a year by 2023/24 to improve NHS mental health services too.”

Kathy Roberts, CEO – Association of Mental Health Providers, said:

“The NHS Long Term Plan made a number of promises for mental health in the next 10 years, including the much-needed scaling up and improvement of support for children and young people.

“The voluntary sector has a key role in transforming mental health care and offers a range support for children and young people. The sector is innovative, has reach into communities, and there is huge potential to expand and scale up its offer. Association of Mental Health Providers therefore welcomes the Health and Wellbeing Fund’s focus on this important area and the funding of 23 exceptional voluntary and community sector projects.”

Inscrições abertas para concurso cultural que vai levar estudantes às Ilhas Falkland

O Governo das Ilhas Falkland e a Embaixada Britânica no Brasil anunciam a abertura de inscrições para o Concurso Cultural que tem como prêmio uma viagem às Ilhas Falkland, na América do Sul. Podem participar estudantes de graduação regularmente matriculados em instituições de ensino superior do Brasil. Cada candidato deve produzir um vídeo de até um minuto, em inglês, respondendo à pergunta “Por que eu devo conhecer os meus vizinhos das Ilhas Falkland?”.

Os candidatos devem enviar os vídeos por serviços como Youtube, Facebook, WeTransfer, GoogleDrive ou Dropbox, para o e-mail A data final para envio das inscrições é 30 de setembro de 2019, às 23h59min.

O autor do melhor vídeo ganhará uma viagem às Ilhas, onde ficará hospedado por uma semana na casa de uma família local, aprendendo sobre a história, cultura e sociedade da região. Todos os custos da viagem (transporte, alimentação e seguro-viagem) serão financiados pelo Governo das Ilhas Falkland. O concurso é organizado simultaneamente no Brasil, Argentina, Chile e Uruguai

As Falklands são território ultramarino britânico e autônomo, localizado no Atlântico Sul, nas proximidades da Terra do Fogo, a porção de terra mais austral da América do Sul.

Concurso Cultural Faklands – 2019 – Regulamento em Português (PDF, 485KB, 4 pages)

PM call with President Trump: 19 August 2019

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister spoke to President Trump today, ahead of the G7 Summit in Biarritz. They discussed economic issues and our trading relationship, and the Prime Minister updated the President on Brexit. The leaders looked forward to seeing each other at the Summit this weekend.

PM letter to Donald Tusk: 19 August 2019

PM call with Taoiseach Varadkar of Ireland: 19 August 2019

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar spoke by phone for almost an hour this evening.

They shared perspectives on the Withdrawal Agreement. The Prime Minister indicated that the Withdrawal Agreement in its current form will not get through the House of Commons, that the backstop would need to be removed, and that an alternative solution is required. The Taoiseach reiterated the EU27 position that the Withdrawal Agreement cannot be reopened, and emphasised the importance of the legally operable guarantee to ensure no hard border and continued free trade on the island of Ireland.

The Prime Minister made clear that the Common Travel Area, which long predates the UK and Ireland joining the EU, would not be affected by the ending of freedom of movement after Brexit.

The two leaders reiterated their desire to see the Northern Ireland political institutions reinstated urgently, and agreed to work closely to this end. They condemned this morning’s bombing in Fermanagh and urged anyone with relevant information to contact the PSNI.

They agreed that their teams would maintain close contact over the coming weeks, while recognising that negotiations take place between the UK and the EU27 Task Force. They also agreed to meet in Dublin in early September.