PM meeting with Canadian Prime Minister at G7: 24 August 2019

The Prime Minister met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the G7 Summit today.

They discussed their shared priorities for the Summit and the Prime Minister emphasised his commitment to improve education for girls and ensure that every girl in the world can get 12 years of quality education.

The leaders resolved to use their efforts to ensure the trading relationship between our countries continues to grow.

They also discussed the current tensions in Hong Kong and agreed on the importance of deescalation.

FCO statement following North Korea missile tests

We are disappointed that North Korea has conducted further short-range ballistic missile tests, which violate multiple UN Security Council Resolutions.

We urge North Korea to cease these tests and re-engage in talks with the United States. Complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation is the path for a peaceful and more prosperous future for the North Korean people.

Cardiff’s new transport research network receives £1m UK Government cash boost to turn vehicles green

The development of electric aircrafts, hydrogen-fuelled cars and technology to clean up polluting freight vehicles will receive a boost today (Saturday 24 August) – as the UK Government injects £5 million into low carbon transport.

Cardiff has been selected as the home of one of five new transport research networks launched across the UK tasked with identifying solutions to transport pollution. The project, led by Cardiff University, will bring together experts from academia and industry including the University of Bristol and Aston Martin to identify challenges to decarbonisation. Building on the growing partnership between cities in the west of England and south of Wales, universities on both sides of the border will work in collaboration to pioneer green solutions to transport pollution such as electric and hybrid aircraft.

The Secretary of State for Wales, Alun Cairns said:

The UK Government is committed to working with a range of experts to meet its 2050 net zero emissions pledge. As we take on this challenge, it is fantastic to see that Cardiff is taking a lead role in the research and development of green technology.

The transport network launched in Cardiff will fuel growth and productivity right across south Wales, providing a boost to the economy whilst helping to build a greener future.

Energy and Clean Growth Minister Kwasi Kwarteng said:

A modern, advanced transport system is one that connects people to jobs while boosting economic growth and productivity. But with transport representing almost a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gases, the industry has to evolve as we stride towards our 2050 net zero emissions pledge.

Bringing together some of the brightest minds from all corners of the UK, these transport networks will boost the development of technologies that have the potential to clean up our transport systems – so we can cycle, drive and even fly into a greener future.

Each network has been awarded up to £1 million of funding by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), as part of the UK Government funded UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

UK Research and Innovation Chief Executive, Professor Sir Mark Walport said:

Transport is the biggest contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, and globally it is the fastest growing contributor to climate emissions.

Adapting our transport systems to low carbon technologies is vital to the future health of the planet, and the networks today will undertake crucial work in preparing the UK for this transformation.

The expert networks include leading figures across academia, industry and the public sector – with private sector powerhouses such as Hyundai-Kia and Aston Martin joining project teams across the country. Public sector partners include the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for Transport, Transport for London, the Welsh Government and the National Grid.


Notes to editors:

The 5 networks receiving a funding boost are:

Network-H2: A Network for Hydrogen-Fuelled Transportation

  • Led by: Professor Tony Roskilly, Durham University
  • Network-H2 will share research and knowledge to support the development of a hydrogen-fuelled transport network – with the potential to deliver significant environmental benefits.

Decarbonising the UK’s Freight Transport

  • Led by: Dr Tristan Smith, University College London (UCL)
  • Aiming to unleash significant investment for freight decarbonisation, this network will explore how to clean up heavy goods vehicles and other freight vehicles – by using clean technologies and fuels.

Decarbonising Transport through Electrification (DTE), a Whole System Approach

  • Led by: Professor Liana Cipcigan, Cardiff University
  • This network aims to identify challenges to an integrated, cross-sector electrified transport system – looking at energy networks, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, electric and hybrid aircraft and the electrification of the rail network.

NewJet Network+

  • Led by: Dr Simon Blakey, University of Birmingham
  • With low carbon aircraft technology crucial to the future of the industry and the environment, this network will explore the barriers that face the adoption of low carbon, synthetic fuel and the benefits of its adoption for commercial aviation.

DecarboN8 – An Integrated Network to Decarbonise Transport

  • Led by: Professor Gregory Marsden, University of Leeds
  • This network will seek answers to questions on how different places can be rapidly switched to low carbon transport systems and how this transformation can be managed – facilitating new collaborations and test solutions.

About UK Research and Innovation: UKRI is a body which works in partnership with universities, research organisations, businesses, charities, and government to create the best possible environment for research and innovation to flourish. We aim to maximise the contribution of each of our component parts, working individually and collectively. We work with our many partners to benefit everyone through knowledge, talent and ideas. Operating across the whole of the UK with a combined budget of more than £7 billion, UK Research and Innovation brings together the Arts and Humanities Research Council; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Economic and Social Research Council; Innovate UK; Medical Research Council; Natural Environment Research Council; Research England; and Science and Technology Facilities Council.

For further information on the individual projects, please contact James Giles-Franklin, UKRI Media and Communications Manager, on and 01793 234170.

PM’s message to G7 leaders

We are meeting in Biarritz at a critical moment for the world and for Britain. We face unprecedented global challenges at the very time when public trust in the institutions designed to address them risks being undermined.

International tensions and new trade barriers are threatening global growth. Violence and conflict are trapping countries in poverty, depriving children, and particularly girls, of the universal right to education. Climate change is accelerating the devastating and unprecedented loss of habitats and species. My message to G7 leaders this week is this: the Britain I lead will be an international, outward-looking, self-confident nation.

We will be an energetic partner on the world stage. We will stand alongside our G7 allies to solve the most pressing international issues. As a family of nation-states we must reaffirm our core beliefs. Universal values, underpinned by democracy, serve to deliver global prosperity.

Britain will never flinch from the special responsibilities that go with being a pillar and an architect of the international system. Some people question the democratic decision this country has made, fearing that we will retreat from the world. Some think Britain’s best days are behind us. To those people I say: you are gravely mistaken.

We will stand up for liberty, democracy, the rule of law, equality and human rights – the ideals that we share with our friends and allies.

We will remain at the heart of the alliances that span the world. And we will continue to use the breadth of our expertise in diplomacy, defence and development to uphold and safeguard the global order on which peace and prosperity depends.

PM accelerates towards greener travel with new £300 million investment

  • Government announces up to £300 million investment in cleaner flight solutions for people and goods
  • Researchers developing electric planes and cleaner jet fuels will receive additional £5 million boost
  • British businesses to benefit from continued investment in cleaner transport tech to boost our exports around the world

UK innovators will today (Saturday 24 August) be boosted by more than £300 million investment, to develop cleaner, greener forms of transport.

The government will provide £125 million, which will be supported by industry co-investment of up to £175 million to support exciting new technologies including flying urban taxis, electric passenger planes and even freight-carrying drones.

It comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson heads to the G7 Summit in Biarritz to urge greater action to tackle climate change and protect the environment for future generations.

Alongside this, five new transport research networks will receive a £5 million cash injection for their work developing cleaner forms of fuel and other tech innovations to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

The new transport research networks will be led by: the University of Birmingham, the University of Leeds, the University of Durham, Cardiff University and University College London.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

From our shopping choices to planning our holidays, we rightly want to make decisions that protect the planet.

This £300 million investment will help speed up the development of greener flights, and new ways of delivering the goods we order online.

The UK is already recognised around the world as a centre for green tech. Now we will lengthen our lead, supporting our industry and our citizens to reduce their carbon footprint.

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom said:

The possibilities for new ways to transport goods and services – or to get from A to B – are endless.

This investment will help make the most of the exceptional talent and expertise we have in these industries, and ensure the U.K. leads the way internationally in designing and developing technology, from electric taxis to drones delivering parcels.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said:

New technologies like electric and autonomous aircraft can help us tackle climate change, making journeys greener and working better for passengers.

This funding will support the extraordinary talents of UK industry and academia, and demonstrate our country’s position as a world-leading transport innovator.

The Future of Flight Challenge is delivered by UK Research and Innovation. Industry will initially focus on smaller aircraft and drones to ensure the suitability of the new technologies before developing them for larger passenger aircraft.

The additional £5 million of funding has been awarded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Notes to editors

  1. The first Future Flight Challenge competition, to create compelling concept studies will open on 30 September 2019.
  2. There will be a briefing about the competition by video conference on the morning of 5 September; details of how to register for this will be released on the Innovate UK site soon.