UK in JAPAN 2019-20 campaign: details of events

Please see the latest press release for updated information.

The UK in JAPAN 2019-20 campaign was officially announced when Prime Minister Abe visited the UK in January 2019. The campaign aims to strengthen the bilateral relationship further and will aim to deepen our partnership as forward-looking global leaders. A series of events and activities will take place to showcase UK excellence in business, innovation, culture, arts and education in order to build closer relationship between the UK and Japan through networking, sharing knowledge and experiences, and collaborations.

We are proud to welcome Jaguar Land Rover and Standard Chartered Bank as principal partners of the campaign.

On the launch of “UK in JAPAN 2019-20”, British Ambassador to Japan, His Excellency Paul Madden CMG said:

The UK/Japan partnership continues to go from strength to strength and the UK in JAPAN 2019-20 campaign is a unique opportunity to further build on the ties between our two countries. I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead where we can not only showcase UK excellence in business, science, education and culture, but also forge new relationships with Japan in those fields.

We recognise the need to work together to respond to some of the major global challenges facing both our countries; healthy ageing, increased opportunity to use AI and data, climate change and the future of mobility. “Many of the events throughout the campaign will be held within a UK House concept created within the British Embassy and across Japan. I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible through ‘UK in JAPAN 2019-20’.

Business, Science and Innovation

We will organise 5 GREAT Weeks showcasing the UK’s strength and promoting further business and academic collaboration between the UK and Japan through trade missions, seminars, receptions, and panel discussions.

GREAT Weeks calendar

Through 5 ‘GREAT Weeks’ we will discuss mutual approaches to shared global challenges such as financial services, ageing society, and climate change and opportunities in AI (artificial intelligence) and data and the future of mobility.

Sep 2019: Future of financial services

Showcasing the UK’s leading policy areas in financial services, introducing the UK as a global hub and partner for fintech and cyber security

Feb 2020: Clean growth

Promoting UK policy and technical expertise in offshore wind, encouraging decarbonisation as part of a sustainable future

May 2020: Future mobility

A broad focus on mobility, as well as covering core UK strengths such as autonomous driving, CAV, low emissions, cyber security, and development of smart cities. Exploring solutions to issues such as mobility and access for disabled people, linking through to the Paralympics

June 2020: Healthy ageing

Highlighting the scale of the challenge posed by ageing societies and the opportunities it presents, proposing UK-Japan collaboration and future partnership

July 2020: Creativity

Showcasing the UK as a global leader for creativity and how art and design intersects with new technologies such as AI and robotics

Arts, Culture and Education


The campaign will introduce the rich and diverse creativity of British art and will heighten collaboration among artists and arts institutions in Japan and the UK. A wide variety of programs will be held throughout the year:

  • the classical music festival BBC Proms will come to Japan for the first time
  • London’s National Gallery will hold the first ever overseas exhibition anywhere in the world of works from its collection
  • a wide variety of other concerts, exhibitions and stage performances will be held in addition to collaboration projects between Japanese and British artists


In October 2019, the British Council and Ise City will co-host the Ise City Residency, an artists in residence programme in which 6 groups of British artists will be invited to research the Ise Jingu (Ise Grand Shrine) and the surrounding local areas and communities. Also, the London Symphony Orchestra and Japanese musicians will collaboratively host Discovery for 2020, a programme that aims to engage diverse members of the community in the creation of new music. Furthermore, disabled artists from Japan, the UK and Bangladesh will collaborate to perform a new stage version of Shakespeare’s Tempest. UK Food and Drink will be showcased at “Food is GREAT Gallery” at 3 Rugby World Cup host cities for Home Nation’s games – Sapporo (21 to 23 Sep), Kobe (28 to 30 Sep) and Tokyo (12 to 14 Oct) – giving Japanese consumers a taste of Britain, with particular focus on gin, English sparkling wine, and British beef and lamb.


In the area of education, the campaign will support opportunities for young people to be successful as global citizens. The Study UK Japan Exhibition 2019 will take place in October 2019 with 45 UK educational institutions, attending to introduce the various study opportunities they offer. New Directions 2019, an international academic conference, will be hosted by the British Council to introduce innovative approaches to English language assessment in the midst of the reform of university entrance exams in Japan.

During the campaign, the British Embassy will be used as the “UK House” for various programmes such as receptions, conferences, pitch sessions, performances and welcome ceremonies for athletes.

For more details visit the UK in JAPAN 2019-20 official website (Japanese).

Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Dominican Republic and Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Haiti

2019 Full-time Language Training (Spanish and French) 2015 to 2019 Bahrain, Deputy Head of Mission 2014 to 2015 FCO, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to Libya 2013 to 2014 Royal College for Defence Studies, FCO Secondee, International Leadership Programme 2010 to 2013 Cairo, Head of Political Section 2010 Full-time Language Training (Arabic) 2008 to 2010 FCO, Policy Adviser, Counter-Terrorism Department 2005 to 2008 FCO, Policy Adviser, Wider Muslim World, Middle East and North Africa Directorate 2002 to 2004 FCO, Head of Section and Policy Adviser, Information Directorate

Remarks by the High Commissioner during the signing of an MoU with Ministry of iTaukei Affairs

It gives the British High Commission great pleasure in hosting the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs.

The British Government through its International Programme has provided around £10,000 to the Ministry to assist in its Training Programme for Rural Economic Empowerment.

This training programme will assist in raising awareness on financial literacy in 14 provinces around Fiji by using the Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC) training curriculum.

The programme will also offer basic business skills, which will aim at strengthening economic security and livelihoods through better finance literacy, improved business competencies, market access and improved access to financial services.

Why is the British High Commission funding this programme? There are two main reasons:

  • Firstly, inclusive growth means reaching out to rural communities as well as urban areas;

  • Secondly, gender is a key area of focus for us internationally – this programme includes a specific focus on reaching women in rural areas.

We are honoured with this opportunity to work with the iTaukei Affairs Board in aiding this cause, as rural communities often remain the largest unserved market for financial services. Ensuring their financial inclusion can unlock the considerable economic potential of rural areas, as it will empower them to take informed financial decisions in their businesses. Household decisions will also improve – the increase in their income and well-being will extend to their family’s nutrition, education and healthcare.

I would also like to acknowledge the collaboration amongst the financial stakeholders and the various line Ministries who will be engaging with the iTaukei Affairs Board to further the success of this training programme. This is an important partnership of key agencies involved and it reflects their shared commitment to improving the livelihoods of the Fijian people through inclusive financial training and services.

The best financial strategy is close and effective partnerships of key agencies, working together in ensuring that all Fijians have the understanding and the competency to utilise the various financial services that are available to them. The British High Commission is proud to be a part of this partnership.

On behalf of the United Kingdom, we wish the iTaukei Affairs Board the best of luck and commend the efforts of all those who have prepared for, and will participate in what we anticipate will be a fruitful 4 months programme.

We very much look forward to joining the iTaukei Affairs Board and various stakeholders involved in the upcoming financial literacy training.

Thank you & Vinaka Vaka Levu

Chevening Scholarships awarded to Honduran Scholars

The UK is supporting three Honduran scholars to study a one-year Master’s degree in the UK, funded by the UK Government’s prestigious Chevening Scholarship programme. The scholars who are off to study at some of the best universities in the world are:

  • Sofía Alejandra Maradiaga, MSc Behavioural and Economic Science in University of Warwick.

  • Jose Daniel Madrigal Cerrato, MSc Urbanisation and Development in London School of Economics and Political Science.

  • Jose Menelio Bardales Urbina, MSc Structural Engineering in University of Birmingham.

Chevening Scholarships are the UK Government’s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations. The scholarships support study at UK universities –one-year master’s degrees – for individuals with demonstrable potential to become future leaders, decision-makers, and opinion formers.

To mark the farewell event, the British Ambassador to Honduras, Thomas Carter, said:

I am delighted to announce that this year we will be sending three Hondurans to study at some of the best universities in the world, meaning the number of Chevening Scholars in Honduras continues to grow. There are over 50,000 Chevening alumni around the world. I am confident that these scholars will have an enjoyable and rewarding experience and return to contribute to a bright and prosperous future for Honduras.

The application window for the 2020/2021 Chevening Scholarships is now open and applications can be submitted through the online application system until 5 November 2019. For more details, please visit Chevening website

Natural History Museum assina parceria com Museu Nacional

Rio de Janeiro, 28 de agosto de 2019 – Um grupo de representantes sêniores do Natural History Museum, incluindo alguns principais cientistas e o diretor do museu, Sir Michael Dixon, visita o Rio de Janeiro esta semana para compartilhar conhecimento especializado com o Museu Nacional do Brasil, que foi devastado por um incêndio no ano passado. O incêndio consumiu um dos mais importantes acervos antropológicos e de história natural do mundo, deixando o Museu agora com o desafio de cuidar dos espécimes e artefatos recuperados.

Após o incêndio, a Embaixada Britânica no Brasil e o British Council contribuíram para o início do processo de reconstrução do Museu Nacional, por meio do estabelecimento de contatos com organizações parceiras britânicas.

Além disso, como parte do Programa de Capacitação em Museu do British Council, que ocorre no triênio 2019-2021, a instituição concedeu ao Museu Nacional uma doação de cerca de R$ 175 mil para apoiar atividades de digitalização do acervo recuperado e promoção de vínculos entre acadêmicos e pesquisadores do Brasil e do Reino Unido. As oficinas que acontecem esta semana fazem parte desta iniciativa.

A fim de fortalecer também o Memorando de Entendimento celebrado entre o Natural History Museum e Museu Nacional do Brasil esta semana, o British Council anuncia um novo aporte de R$ 100 mil, que ajudará em demais atividades para a recuperação do Museu Nacional.

Segundo Sir Michael Dixon, diretor do Natural History Museum: “O incêndio no Museu Nacional do Brasil não foi apenas uma tragédia para a comunidade global de museus, mas todos que amam o mundo natural. Estamos fazendo esta declaração de apoio a uma de nossas contrapartes internacionais porque entendemos a necessidade global desses acervos para desenvolver ainda mais nosso conhecimento científico do planeta em que vivemos e para ajudar a humanidade a tomar melhores decisões hoje e no futuro”.

O professor Alexander Kellner, diretor do Museu Nacional comentou: “Estamos muito satisfeitos com esta iniciativa e esperamos uma colaboração duradoura, que inclua os aspectos científicos e a reconstrução do nosso acervo a partir de material original”.

O diretor do British Council Brasil, Martin Dowle, acrescentou: “O compromisso do Natural History Museum para colaborar com o Museu Nacional em seu caminho de recuperação após o trágico incêndio em setembro passado é extremamente bem-vindo. Desde o incêndio, o British Council tem estado na vanguarda para angariar apoio ao Museu Nacional de instituições do Reino Unido. Nesta semana, estamos anunciando uma contribuição de aproximadamente R$ 100 mil que ajudará a iniciar a cooperação acadêmica e cultural sob o Memorando de Entendimento de cinco anos e, assim, fortalecer a cooperação entre o Natural History Museum e o Museu Nacional”.

Cindy Parker, diretora de Ciência e Inovação da Embaixada Britânica em Brasília, avaliou: “Reino Unido e Brasil abrigam museus maravilhosos que coletam, preservam e exibem elementos de nosso passado, para inspirar gerações presentes e futuras. Nós compartilhamos a dor do Brasil no terrível incêndio no último ano do Museu Nacional. Foi com grande satisfação que a Embaixada Britânica apoiou o museu para salvar partes do acervo após o incêndio. Este novo Memorando de Entendimento entre o Natural History Museum do Reino Unido e o Museu Nacional do Brasil abre novas oportunidades para futuras colaborações e demonstra a importância que atribuímos à parceria científica entre o Reino Unido e o Brasil”.

Acompanham o diretor Michael Dixon dois cientistas importantes do Natural History Museum: Clare Valentine, diretora de Acervos, que fala sobre seu trabalho de supervisão da conservação e curadoria do acervo de ciências da vida do Natural History Museum, e Vincent Smith, líder de Pesquisa em Informática, que apresenta o processo de digitalização dos 80 milhões de espécimes do Natural History Museum. Desde a introdução desse processo em 2015, 17 bilhões de registros foram baixados de todo o mundo para uso científico. A visita do Natural History Museum ocorre de 26 a 29 de agosto de 2019.

Sobre o Natural History Museum

O Natural History Museum existe para inspirar o amor pelo mundo natural e fornecer as respostas para grandes dilemas que a humanidade e o planeta enfrentam. É um centro de pesquisa científica de ponta no mundo e, por meio do seu acervo sem igual e de uma experiência incomparável, está colaborando com questões como segurança alimentar, erradicação de doenças e gerenciamento da escassez de recursos. Os dados do acervo do Museu são abertos por padrão e liberados no Portal de Dados do Museu, no endereço, que atualmente possui mais de 4,3 milhões de espécimes. Desde 2015, foram baixados 17 bilhões de registros, mais de 220.000 eventos de download e mais de 290 artigos de cientistas e seus trabalhos sobre vários tópicos, da agricultura à saúde humana, biodiversidade e mudanças climáticas. O Natural History Museum é o museu de história natural mais visitado da Europa e a principal atração científica do Reino Unido; recebemos cerca de cinco milhões de visitantes por ano e nosso site recebe mais de 850.000 visitantes únicos por mês. Visitantes de todo o mundo vêm para conhecer nossas galerias e eventos e participar presencialmente e online de nossas atividades científicas e educacionais, por meio de programas inovadores e projetos de ciências para cidadania.

Sobre o Museu Nacional do Brasil

O Museu Nacional, vinculado à Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), é uma instituição científica no Brasil e a primeira instituição museológica do país. Em setembro de 2018, quando grande parte do acervo de mais de 20 milhões de itens foi perdida em um incêndio de grandes proporções, o Museu Nacional era considerado uma das maiores e mais importantes instituições de história natural e antropologia das Américas. Localizado na Quinta da Boa Vista, no norte do Rio de Janeiro, o Museu Nacional está sediado no Palácio São Cristóvão, que durante 13 anos foi a residência da família real portuguesa e mais tarde recebeu a família imperial brasileira. Até o incêndio, o Museu Nacional abrigava um acervo de peças de cinco continentes, em coleções de antropologia, geologia, paleontologia, botânica, zoologia, antropologia biológica, arqueologia e etnologia. O Museu Nacional oferece cursos de extensão, especialização e pós-graduação em diferentes áreas do conhecimento.

Sobre o British Council

O British Council é a organização internacional sem fins lucrativos do Reino Unido para relações culturais e oportunidades educacionais. Seu trabalho busca estabelecer a troca de experiências e criar laços de confiança por meio do intercâmbio de conhecimento e de ideias entre pessoas ao redor do mundo. A organização está presente em mais de 100 países e trabalha com parceiros como governos, organizações não governamentais e iniciativa privada, em ações relacionadas à promoção da língua inglesa, cultura, artes, educação e programas sociais. Informações no site: