PM speech at Convention of the North in Rotherham

It’s great to be here in Rotherham, in the magna centre which is of course the plural of magnum which as every knows is the Latin for ice cream

And great to be at the biggest ever convention of the north

Only right that we are meeting here on the banks of the Don, literally the crucible in which the history of the nation was forged – and indeed of the modern world

When nelson defeated the French at Trafalgar and set this country on course for about 100 years of imperial expansion, the cannons on HMS Victory were forged here at Walker and Company

It was Rotherham pipes that brought fresh drinking water to Hong Kong, Rotherham steel that clad Brunel’s Great Eastern and formed the skeletons of New York skyscrapers and did you know that every fire hydrant in New York was cast in British steel less than two miles from here at the works of Guest and Chrimes.

That was before it occurred to anyone to put tariffs on British steel

This place where we meet was so central to our national life that it was bombed in both the first and second world wars

And so it was entirely fitting that 50 years ago the works here at Templeborough adopted as its logo the phoenix – perpetually rising from the ashes

And across this region you can feel that phoenix-like transformation as the Northern Powerhouse – which Jake just spoke so eloquently – thrums into life with a low-carbon, fuel efficient roar

Look at Catcliffe.

Where a factory that once made superb glass is now being used by McLaren to turn super-light, super-strong Yorkshire carbon fibre into the fastest production cars on earth

Right next door, at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, Xeros Technology are producing the world’s most environmentally friendly washing machine

That’s the spin and I bet it’s true

Boeing chose Sheffield as its first civil aerospace factory in Europe – with nearly half its employees taken on as apprentices.

And did anybody have a bagel this morning? Did you? No?

Well if you did, it was probably made just up the road in Mexborough, where, in the largest bagel factory in Europe produces fully three-quarters of the bagels eaten in Britain every day.

Sheffield is the home of the UK’s largest provider of hybrid and electric vehicle drive systems, a company called Magtec.

A world-first initiative, Magtec is retrofitting Sheffield’s refuse lorries with battery-power, with enough juice to negotiate the seven hills and recharge themselves with energy they generate from the very rubbish they collect.

Rubbish powered rubbish vans – there’s a joke there somewhere which I will leave to you.

I tell you, there is no limit to the imagination, innovation, ingenuity and leadership in the North.

And I have a profound belief that talent and genius are uniformly distributed around the UK.

But opportunity is not, and that is why we need to level up across our amazing country, and we need investment in education, the giant precondition that determines whether you have the freedom and the confidence to make the most of your talent

So this government will give every child the world class education they deserve.

We are levelling up across the country

Investing an extra £14 billion over three years and increasing the minimum level of funding for every pupil in primary and secondary schools.

We’re backing the teachers who change our lives

We are putting up salaries for new teachers, funding pension increases, and giving teachers the backing they need to deal with disruptive pupils.

And we cannot afford any longer the chronic under-funding of our brilliant FE colleges, which do so much to support young people’s skills and our economy.

It is absurd that employers have been driven to import so much skilled labour from abroad, in large part because of the failures of vocational training in our own country.

We have a world class universities sector – we should be very, very, very proud of it -and it is time we aspired to the same status for our further education institutions, to give everyone the opportunity to express their talents.

And of course education is not enough on its own, you need to be able to connect with other people

To get that job interview, to find that customer

And so we in this new government are supporting gigabit broadband – which is a lot I understand – for every home by 2025, eight years earlier than previously promised.

And they can do it Spain. If they can do it in Spain, why can’t we do it in the UK?

We have a new stronger town fund – a £3.6bn stronger town fund

So that local people can invest in libraries, parks, youth clubs areas, places to bring people together

And that kind of intervention cannot come, cannot be redirected, from central government

So let’s be frank about we’re trying to do, what is needed most of all in addition to the technology, the infrastructure and the education we’re suppling,

It’s of course local leadership.

Trusting people, to take back control and run things the way that they want to.

Because of course central government cannot abdicate responsibility, but only local champions can really make a difference for their towns and their communities.

I am the first Prime Minister since Clement Attlee to have been a mayor – and I know the transformative potential of local, accountable leadership.

Someone with the power to sort out what matters most to local people

What we want to see in this region is towns and communities able to represent that gentlemen and sort out his needs, and whether it’s transport they use to get to work, or good housing – whatever it happens to be

Someone to drive big infrastructure projects, to boost investment, to wave the flag for the area and act as a local champion and say: “Come and invest here.”

But of course along with that power, comes responsibility and accountability.

And it’s time we gave more people a say over the places where they live.

We are going to do devolution properly. We are going to maximise the power of the north with more mayors across the whole of the north.

And I know there is real enthusiasm for devolution in Yorkshire and I welcome the establishment of a Yorkshire Committee as a practical step for facilitating greater collaboration on a Yorkshire-wide basis.

In the meantime, we are committed to getting the Sheffield City Region done – and I also want to open up negotiations with Leeds and West Yorkshire so we can make a mayor work there too, whatever the nature of any longer term arrangements in Yorkshire.

But I also want to build on the fantastic job so many mayors are already doing – and ensure you can deliver on ambitious commitments to your communities.

That will mean levelling up powers for existing mayors

And to make sure our great Northern Powerhouse is firing on all its cylinders, to champion investment and opportunity, we are going to work with leaders across the north, the mayors, local businesses and others to create a new, stronger Northern Powerhouse growth body. It will be a genuine partnership across the region, led by a northerner chosen in close consultation with you. I imagine there will be a process to work out who’s going to do but it will be done in close consultation with you.

But if there is one field of policy that can change people’s lives for the better

And level up opportunity – on field of policy that in my view must now be devolved – that policy is transport

Nearly two hundred years ago, this country invented a machine that went on to unite great surfaces, great areas of Great Britain, spread its iron web across the earth and it transformed everywhere it touched.

The North of England gave the world the railway.

And at a time when the rest of the human race could travel no faster than a galloping horse,

40,000 people watched as Locomotion One puffed its way like some fire breathing beast along the tracks between Stockton and Darlington in 1825.

It was ours, a world first, the common ancestor of both the McLaren and the rubbish eating dustcart I just described

And yet two centuries later, in this birthplace of the railways, we can do so much better

Today – coming from London on the train, it took me just over an hour and a half to get to Doncaster.

But if, for example, you travelled from Liverpool to Rotherham – less than half the distance– you might have had to leave an hour earlier than me, and change as many as three times.

Your journey may have been on two and three-carriage trains, some of them built in the early 1980s with a body designed for a bus. And maybe bus seats too.

I love buses – but not when they are supposed to be trains

When I was in Yorkshire last week, I reaffirmed my commitment to Northern Powerhouse Rail

And I eagerly await your plans.

And before we get on with a project of that scale I deeply believe in the absolute importance of everyday ordinary transport that people rely on.

There are some terrific local transport services in the North – from Manchester’s trams and Mersey rail, the most punctual railway in Britain, to the Tyne and Wear Metro.

And there has been some very significant Government investment with 2,000 additional services now operating each week, £500m on new trains, £100m on the refurbishment of the rest – including WiFi and power sockets. And as well as the electrification of the railways in the North West,

And the Pacers will be gone within months.

But still the overall picture is patchy.

All too often, Northern England has to put up with old diesel trains, running once or twice an hour, from stations where the only form of welcome on the platform is yes, a bus shelter.

William Wordsworth campaigned furiously against the railway coming to the Lake District.

Last year, during the timetable meltdown, Northern and Network Rail gave him his wish.

And what’s the difference between the superb services like Merseyrail, the Tyne and Wear Metro, the Manchester Metrolink and the ones let you down far too often.

Well partly the answer is money

But the other difference is accountability – right answer from the mayors in the front.

Each of those well run services is run by, or on behalf of, locally elected politicians.

And they’re always going to care more about their trains and trams than someone in Whitehall.

London was just the same. Before 2000, when London Transport was run by central government, the tube was frankly shabby and neglected. But when my predecessor and I ran it as London Mayor, services improved

Though I can’t speak for the current incumbent

So today I am announcing my intention to give the railways of the north back to the people of the north. Back to the places where they were born. Back to Stockton and to Darlington. Back to Liverpool and Manchester.

In the combined authority or joint transport committee areas in the North East, West Yorkshire, Sheffield City Region, Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region, it is time for the north to run its own trains. Keith Williams, who is leading a review of the railways for us, has I think been in touch with most of the people concerned.

On your local lines in metropolitan areas, we will give greater control over fares, service patterns, rolling stock and stations.

And outside the combined authority areas, I want communities to take control too

That might be through county councils taking on similar roles, in their areas, for stations or branch lines.

Or it might be by transferring local branch line and rural services to community rail partnerships, owned by local people.

And as you have asked, we will give you far greater control over your budgets.

But as well as taking power, this is the kicker, you will have to take responsibility. That means alongside taking the credit, you will be taking the heat.

Just like a mayor has to in London. Nobody blames the government for problems on the Central Line. They blame the Mayor of London.

Now we will be generous on capital spending, but we won’t be able to afford everything that everyone wants. So choices will have to be made. And if you people want more than we can afford, then they will have to raise the money themselves.

And, of course, the north’s railways must still be part of the national network which passengers tell us they want, with many trains obviously running across the boundaries of the region. So there still has to be a role for the centre.

This will be a partnership between the railway and the leaders of the north. And I think it’s a formula that can work and will deliver better services for the people of this country.

And that is how we do it. That is how we level up and unleash the talent of the whole country

Better education,

Gigabit broadband sprouting in every home

Reliable comfortable and affordable transport with someone accountable delivering your service

These are the pumping pistons that will drive the northern powerhouse

And that Northern Powerhouse is turning before our eyes into a new locomotive for the UK economy

Two centuries ago this region literally became the engine that propelled the world to new discoveries and new horizons – bringing people together, bringing countries together and bringing new opportunities for everyone.

That is what the Northern Powerhouse can achieve in the 21st century and this is a Government that will back you to deliver it.

EU Settlement Scheme: letter

UN Human Rights Council 42: General Debate on Item 3

The United Kingdom is committed to ensuring that every girl in the world receives 12 years of quality education by 2030. Educating girls is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals; it curbs infant mortality, eradicates illiteracy, reduces population pressures, and boosts economic growth.

The UK is proud to champion girls’ education through our global campaign to ‘Leave No Girl behind’. The UK is demonstrating international leadership to build political commitment and boost global investment in quality girls’ education.

Through the UK-funded Girls’ Education Challenge – the world’s largest fund dedicated to girls’ education – we are supporting up to 1.5 million marginalised girls in 17 countries.

However, around 131 million girls worldwide remain out of school, and gender inequality in education persists.

We must work together to create an enabling environment, by tackling the barriers that are stopping girls from accessing quality education, including: poverty; gender-based violence; harmful social norms and attitudes; and practices such as child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation. Many girls become mothers before they can finish school. We call on all states to ensure that all women and girls have access to the sexual and reproductive health services they need, and to scale up the provision of comprehensive sexuality education.

For children in countries affected by crisis or conflict, education is lifesaving. We call upon States to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, to prioritise the continuation of education during conflict.

Conflict-related sexual violence stops many girls from accessing education. This November, the UK will proudly host an International Conference, Time for Justice: Putting Survivors First, to galvanise further action to prevent sexual violence in conflict.

The UK will continue to champion gender equality, and stand with the most marginalised women and girls to ensure that no girl is left behind.

Travel advice: Eintracht Frankfurt vs Arsenal FC

Eintracht Frankfurt v. Arsenal FC

Eintracht Frankfurt v. Arsenal FC

Advice for fans travelling to Germany for FC Arsenal match with Eintracht Frankfurt on 19 September 2019.

Date: 19 September 2019

Venue: Commerzbank Arena – Frankfurt

Kick off time: 6.55pm local time

You should also read our travel advice for Germany

Passports and visas

  • you don’t need a visa to travel to Germany, but your passport should be valid for the duration of your trip
  • remember your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) but also take out travel insurance, even if you’re only going for one night – it could save you a lot of money if you get into difficulties
  • carry ID with you at all times
  • if you lose your passport, you will need to get an Emergency Travel Document

Getting to the stadium

The address for the Commerzbank Arena is Mörfelder Landstrasse 362, 60528 Frankfurt. It is located approximately 5km from the city centre and is well connected via public transport.

Arsenal fans are advised to avoid using the S-Bahn lines S7, S8 and S9.

  • alternatively you can take a tram (Lines 20 & 21) from Frankfurt main station and the closest station is Stadion Straßenbahn

  • parking is available for visiting fans. Cars and coaches can be parked in P9; however, it is necessary to register in advance by emailing

At the match

  • turnstiles open 120-minutes prior to kick off (6:55pm local time). You should be inside the stadium no later than 30-minutes before kick-off
  • all away supporters will enter the stadium via E2
  • only valid ticketholders will be admitted to the ground. If you have damaged or forged tickets, or have lost or had tickets stolen, you’ll be turned away
  • access to the stadium can be slow. There will be ticket checks and body searches at the entrance to the turnstiles
  • in addition to items which would usually be prohibited in the UK, the following restrictions apply at the stadium: no bottles and cans are allowed to be brought into the ground and flags and banners with metal poles aren’t allowed


  • beware of pickpockets and bag snatchers at airports, railway stations, around the town centre and when using public transport. Only carry what you need and leave spare cash and valuables in hotel safety deposits
  • change money at a bank, hotel, or in exchange kiosks – not on the street (it’s illegal and holding counterfeit money is punished by a prison sentence in Germany)

Contact the British Consulate-General Düsseldorf

British Consulate-General Düsseldorf
Willi-Becker-Allee 10
40227 Düsseldorf

Telephone: + 49 (0) 211 94480

Consular opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9 to 12 pm (closed Wednesdays)

Please call in advance to arrange an appointment to get an Emergency Travel Document. For more information, please visit British Embassy Berlin website

Emergency services numbers

  • you can contact the police on 110 and all other emergency services including ambulance and fire brigade on 112

Further information

Websites for

Published 13 September 2019

Roots and wings: shaping our culture at BPDTS

Roots and wings

Growing up, I was really lucky to have parents who wholeheartedly believed in the principles of giving us ‘roots’ (= the knowledge we were loved, looked after and safe), and ‘wings’ (so we could fly, explore and be ourselves and, heck, even make a few mistakes along the way!).

I’ve always tried to adopt these principles with every team I’ve led. Giving the grounding necessary so colleagues feel safe to experiment and learn without fearing the predictable-unpredictableness of the workplace. And in return, this sense of learning, autonomy and purpose has resulted in people delivering way beyond expectations, and with a real sense of loyalty.

So, imagine everyone in your organisation feeling like this; like they belonged there, that they could be themselves, dream big, make their own decisions, gain lots of new skills…and were happy? That’s an organisational culture I’m passionate about. I don’t mean somewhere with ping pong tables and bean bags – I’m not saying they’re bad, just that they won’t fix your culture.

This is what we’re committed to achieving at BPDTS.

The approach

In February, after a busy year of significant growth (BPDTS more than doubled in size, very quickly), Loveday and the Executive Team knew the focus needed to shift towards the health of the organisation and I was really pleased to be asked to carry out an initial piece of work to baseline where we were and identify actions to make things even better. We all agreed the following principles were crucial if we were going to be successful:

  1. This had to represent the employee voice (not mine!). It’s really important to me colleagues do not feel ‘done to’ and it’s through our people we need to set the vision for the future. This needed to be driven bottom-up.

  2. We needed to commit to being transformational. This wasn’t about tinkering around the edges and if we were not feeling uncomfortable, then we were not being transformational enough.

  3. We needed to make sure the entire organisational design, every policy and all our processes and practices supported the culture we wanted. This was not just for operations – but HR, Finance, Governance and all our corporate service functions too.

  4. An understanding from everyone that culture sits across everything. It’s not a project on the side for just a few to care about; an optional extra, a tick in a box or something to pay lip service to – this was going to run through the DNA of the organisation or not at all.

  5. We needed to be ready to listen to the feedback. It may be tough to hear but if we were really going to improve, we needed to rip the plaster off and see how bad the wounds might be.

What happened?

We ran workshops across all of our hubs to hear from as many of our colleagues as possible to draw out key challenges, what we can do as individuals to improve our own experiences at work and what actions we want to feed into the implementation going forward, as well as how people wanted to support delivery of that.

I was blown away by how generous people were with their time and just how open and honest everyone was about their experiences. People really cared about this stuff too!

The insight gained from over 200 people, shaped the outputs from the Discovery Work and we were able to develop a set of strategic outcomes, underpinned by our 10 cultural themes:

  1. We support individual career progression and help people to imagine their own future and seek opportunities to fulfil it.

  2. Our approach to recognition motivates all our people to do the right thing, in the right way.

  3. We all focus on customer value in everything we do.

  4. Our role designs inspire curiosity for all our people and help them to see the impact and value they are adding.

  5. We focus on building a strong sense of community for everyone where people feel empowered to learn and share ideas.

  6. Our career conversations harness a spirit of continuous improvement among all our people.

  7. We do effective people planning to respond flexibly to the changing needs of our customers; focused on attracting and retaining the right people.

  8. We encourage leadership behaviours; coaching all our people to deliver organisational outcomes.

  9. We have a strong organisational identity where everyone understands our purpose and unique identity.

  10. Our visible and adaptive governance process breaks down complexity in decision-making.

So how’s it going

I’ve genuinely sensed a real shift across the organisation for the better. I often get asked how you ‘measure’ whether your culture is improving but really, it’s about how it feels.

And it feels better.

We’re blaming less, learning more, there’s a sharper focus on outcomes and behaviours and we’re coming together across the organisation more with a shared sense of purpose and direction.

We now know where we are, where we want to get to and (mostly) how we’re going to get there. We’ll share more in the future about how we’re managing that, the lessons we’ve learned along the way and how we’re measuring our success.

We’ve got a long way to go, in fact, culture transformation is never done. We know that lasting and meaningful change won’t happen overnight, however, we can recognise the positive path we’re on and the steps we’ve already taken.

I’m just really proud to be working with an organisation where the importance of roots and wings is so prevalent. It’s here where the magic happens.

If you would like more information or would like to share your own experiences with us (we’re always keen to learn), please get in touch and we’ll get back to you.