Iain Clarkson to join National Nuclear Laboratory Board

NNL welcomes the announcement by government that Iain Clarkson has been appointed as a non-executive member of the NNL Board, commencing from 2 October 2019.

Until recently Iain was Chief Financial Officer of WYG plc, an international consulting, engineering and project management business. Previously he was Finance Director for Amec Foster Wheeler’s (now Wood Group’s) Clean Energy business. Prior to that Iain held various Finance Director positions in Westinghouse Electric Company, a global nuclear technology provider, including 2 periods spent working in the United States.

Iain started his career with Coopers & Lybrand where he qualified as an ACA before moving into corporate finance to work on mergers and acquisitions. He moved across into industry in 1996 and now has over 20 years’ financial leadership experience in international consulting and engineering businesses and has a particular specialism in the international energy sector.

Paul Howarth, NNL’s Chief Executive Officer, said:

I’m delighted that Iain is joining the board as he brings extensive experience, having held senior executive level financial roles in BNFL, Westinghouse, Wood Group and WYG. He therefore combines both nuclear industry sector knowledge with financial and commercial experience covering both public and private sector organisations. At this exciting time for NNL’s development, Iain’s experience will be a most welcome addition.

NNL also welcomes the announcement that Claire Flint is re-appointed to the Board for a further 3 year period from 22 October 2019. Claire was formally appointed as a non-executive member of NNL’s Board on 21 April 2017, having previously served as an associate non-executive director on the NNL Board from 2014 to 2016, under the government’s ‘Women on Board’ scheme.

Are you a customer or employee affected by Thomas Cook?

The Insolvency Service has confirmed that winding up orders were made against Thomas Cook Group plc and associated companies. All Thomas Cook bookings, including flights and holidays, have now been cancelled. All of Thomas Cook’s retail shops will close with immediate effect.

This will be a hugely worrying time for employees of Thomas Cook, as well as their customers. Government will do all it can to support them.

If you are an employee or customer of Thomas Cook, this page will provide you with the advice and information.


All Thomas Cook bookings, including flights and holidays, have now been cancelled. All of Thomas Cook’s retail shops will close with immediate effect.

We are working with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to help passengers return to the UK. Depending on your location, this will be either on CAA-operated flights or by using existing flights with other airlines. This will apply to both ATOL protected passengers and those who are not protected.

If you are already abroad you will find all the information you need about your arrangements to return to the UK on the CAA website.

If you are due to depart from a UK airport with Thomas Cook Airlines, please do not travel to your UK airport as your flight will not be operating and you will not be able to travel.


Passengers with ATOL protection who are yet to travel are entitled to a full refund on any future bookings. Customers without ATOL protection should speak to their credit card provider or the company they booked their holiday with. You can also speak to your travel insurance provider to see if you are able to claim back any of their costs.

The Post Office is offering a full refund on money spent purchasing currency from Post Office Travel Money for cancelled holidays. To qualify for a refund, you need to submit:

  • your currency purchase and receipts
  • evidence that your holiday was cancelled

Be alert to scams

You should be vigilant and on the lookout for scams, particularly if you receive unsolicited contact from companies suggesting you rebook a Thomas Cook holiday through them.

It might be a scam if:

  • it seems too good to be true – for example, a holiday that’s significantly cheaper than you’d expect it to be
  • someone you don’t know contacts you unexpectedly
  • you suspect you’re not dealing with a real company – for example, if there’s no postal address
  • you’ve been asked to transfer money quickly
  • you’ve been directed away from trusted sites for payment
  • you’ve been asked to pay in an unusual way – for example, by iTunes vouchers or through a transfer service like MoneyGram or Western Union
  • you’ve been asked to give away personal information like passwords or PINs
  • you haven’t had written confirmation of what’s been agreed

Further advice on what to do if you’ve been scammed and how to report it is available on the Citizens Advice website.


If you work for Thomas Cook and have been told that you are being made redundant, the Insolvency Service has advice about claiming money you’re owed and information about where you can seek support.

The government’s Jobcentre Plus Rapid Response Service stands ready to help people find a new job as soon as possible by offering tailored support.

The government also intends to convene a cross-government taskforce to support employees, alongside local stakeholders. The taskforce will consider existing support schemes and will also monitor the impact on local businesses.

Sale of Thomas Cook’s UK retail estate

An agreement has been reached with Hays Travel Limited to acquire Thomas Cook’s entire UK retail estate.

Hays Travel will acquire a total of 555 stores around the UK, providing re-employment opportunities for former employees of Thomas Cook’s retail operations who were made redundant following the appointment of the Official Receiver as liquidator on 23 September 2019.

Following the appointment of the Official Receiver, Hays Travel have recruited 421 former Thomas Cook personnel and there are further offers to former employees.

Former employees reemployed by Hays Travel will not have their eligibility for redundancy payments affected.

Former employees of Thomas Cook interested in job opportunities are invited to contact Hays Travel on 0800 215 5995 or visit Hays Travel website.

Support for business

If your company is facing challenges as a result of Thomas Cook’s liquidation process, these links may be useful:

  • National Business Support Helpline – advice on a range of business-related issues
    Tel: 0300 456 3565
    Email: enquiries@businesssupporthelpline.org
  • statement from UK Finance, the body representing high street banks:
    “The banking industry recognises that suppliers may be impacted by Thomas Cook’s liquidation and may be worried about the prospect of getting paid and the impact of loss of future business. Small business customers who are worried about cashflow issues should contact their bank as soon as possible to discuss the support that is available to them.”
  • HMRC Business Payment Support Service – provides tax support to businesses
  • Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub – signposts to a range of business support information and organisations providing services such as funding, training courses, events, support, advice, mentoring
  • Signpost 2 Grow – connects your business to help, support and funding. Covers Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Rutland, West Norfolk, West Suffolk, North Hertfordshire, South Holland, South Kesteven and Uttlesford in Essex
  • Growth hubs

What BEIS is doing

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom said:

This will be a hugely worrying time for employees of Thomas Cook, as well as their customers. Government will do all it can to support them. I will be setting up a cross-government taskforce to monitor local impacts, will write to insurance companies to ask them to process claims quickly, and stand ready to provide assistance and advice.

I will also be writing to the Insolvency Service to ask them to prioritise and fast-track their investigation into the circumstances surrounding Thomas Cook going into liquidation.

The Business Secretary has written to the Insolvency Service to ask them to prioritise and fast-track their investigation into the circumstances surrounding Thomas Cook going into liquidation. The investigation will also consider the conduct of the directors.

She has also written to the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), the Association of British Insurers (ABI), UK Finance and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC).

The National Taskforce for Thomas Cook has now met 3 times with the most recent meeting chaired by Business Minister Kelly Tolhurst on Wednesday 9 October 2019. The Taskforce continues to consider support available for employees looking for new opportunities, and for individuals and families needing access to benefits.

The Taskforce will also continue to review recovery for local communities including Peterborough, where the firm had its retail headquarters, and Greater Manchester, where many employees were based, exploring backing for local businesses and high streets through discussions with local growth hubs and authorities. It will continue to meet on a regular basis.

British scientists to help tackle climate change through new £1 billion fund

British scientists and innovators will be able to access up to £1 billion of aid funding to develop and test new technology targeted at tackling climate change in developing countries, Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce at the UN General Assembly today.

The Prime Minister will launch the innovative new Ayrton Fund to give developing countries access to the latest cutting-edge tech to help reduce their emissions and meet global climate change targets.

British expertise is already at the forefront of clean energy and global efforts to fight climate change. In the UK we have harnessed the power of renewable energy to cut our emissions by over 40 per cent – faster than any other G20 country – while growing our economy by more than two thirds.

British engineers are also helping revolutionise zero-emission transport at home and abroad. Last year, one in five electric vehicles sold in Europe was made in the UK.

The new fund is named after leading British scientist and suffragette Hertha Ayrton – a pioneering physicist, mathematician and inventor whose work contributed to major scientific advancements at the turn of the 20th century, including in electricity.

Her research into the flow of water and air also inspired the Ayrton fan which was used on the Western Front in the First World War to dispel poison gas from British soldiers in the trenches.

The UK is home to some of the world’s best innovators in clean energy technology. Through the Ayrton Fund they and other scientists from around the world can work in partnership with developing countries to transform their energy sectors and reduce emissions by:

  • providing affordable access to electricity for some of the 1 billion people who are still off the grid, including through innovative solar technology for their homes
  • enhancing large-scale battery technology to replace polluting diesel generators and ensure clean energy can be stored and not lost
  • designing clean stoves like electric pressure cookers for some of the 2.7 billion people who still rely on firewood – with the smoke damaging their health as well as the environment
  • working with factories in major polluting industries like iron and steel, petrochemicals and cement to reduce their carbon output
  • improving the technology behind cooling systems so energy isn’t wasted – residential air conditioning alone is expected to raise global temperatures by 0.5°C in the years ahead; and
  • designing low-emission and electric vehicles to cut pollution and make transport systems cleaner and greener

Speaking ahead of today’s climate change event at the UN, the Prime Minister said:

Britain is a nation of innovators. Our scientists have been at the forefront of technological advancement for generations, pioneering world-changing inventions like the jet engine, the television and the lightbulb.

I have always been deeply optimistic about the potential of technology to make the world a better place. If we get this right, future generations will look back on climate change as a problem that we solved by determined global action and the prowess of technology.

The new fund I’m launching today rightly honours Hertha Ayrton – one of Britain’s most extraordinary minds who drove relentlessly to improve our scientific understanding and left a legacy of innovation and creativity for which the world owes an immeasurable debt.

This innovative use of aid money benefits all of us and shows how we can use our aid budget to tackle climate change. The Ayrton Fund will back scientists and our world-leading tech industry – reducing emissions in the poorest countries with the help of our home-grown talent.

Business and Energy Secretary Andrea Leadsom said:

The UK is leading the world in tackling climate change – cutting emissions further than any other G20 country, becoming the first major economy to legislate to end our contribution to global warming and being nominated to host crucial UN climate talks next year.

Having successfully decarbonised while growing our economy, we’re proud to work with the poorest countries, who suffer most from the impacts of climate change, to develop and deploy wind, solar and battery technology to help drive the clean energy transition.

International Development Secretary Alok Sharma said:

Climate Change will hit the poorest communities hardest and fastest. The UK’s pioneering work through the Ayrton Fund will find innovative ways to develop clean energy solutions for homes, which will transform the lives of the most vulnerable.

Thomas Cook: information for customers, personal injury claimants, employees, creditors and shareholders

Appointment of liquidator

Special Manager update

Notice to Creditors and Report to Creditors and Contributories

Creditor claims site

Sales and transfers

Information for customers

Information for employees

Thomas Cook Aircraft Engineering Ltd

Income protection insurance

Information for creditors

Outstanding personal injury claims

Information for shareholders

Companies in liquidation and Special Manager appointments

Appointment of liquidator

On 23 September 2019, winding up orders were made against Thomas Cook Group plc and associated companies. The court appointed the Official Receiver as the Liquidator.

The court has appointed Special Managers to assist the Official Receiver with the liquidation. Insolvency Practitioners from AlixPartners have been appointed as Special Managers over the airline and tour operator companies. Insolvency Practitioners from Interpath Advisory have been appointed as Special Managers to the Group’s retail division and to its aircraft maintenance companies.

You can subscribe to receive an email alert when updates are available.

Special Manager update

On 4 May KPMG LLP sold its UK Restructuring business to Interpath Ltd (trading as Interpath Advisory). The Special Managers appointed by the court to support the Official Receiver carry out his duties as Liquidator have transferred from KPMG to Interpath Advisory and remain in office. Further details of the sale from KPMG to Interpath.

Notice to Creditors and Report to Creditors and Contributories

By the order of the court, the Official Receiver has made available the report on the Thomas Cook Companies in liquidation. Creditor claims site

A dedicated and secure claims site has been launched to assist creditors submit their claims for money they are owed in the liquidations of the Thomas Cook group of companies.

The external claims site includes extensive Q&As and further guidance about how to make claims in the liquidation.

Report to Creditors (November 2021) (PDF, 222KB, 5 pages)

Notice to Creditors (PDF, 119KB, 2 pages)

Report to Creditors and Contributories (PDF, 225KB, 11 pages)

Creditor Information Sheet (PDF, 278KB, 14 pages)

Currency conversion rates notice (PDF, 52.1KB, 2 pages)

Documentation will not be sent to Creditors and Contributories by post or email.

Creditor claims site

A dedicated and secure claims site has been launched to assist creditors submit their claims for money they are owed in the liquidations of the Thomas Cook group of companies.

The external claims site https://www.thomascookukliquidations.com/ includes extensive Q&As and further guidance about how to make claims in the liquidation.

Sales and transfers

Transfer of the Thomas Cook archive

The Official Receiver has agreed to transfer the Thomas Cook archive to The Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland.

The Record Office is a service provided by Leicestershire County Council in partnership with Leicester City Council and Rutland County Council and will be legally responsible for all the items in the archive, including their maintenance.

Items in the archive include financial records and annual reports, memoirs, personal papers, and artefacts. Requests to view the archive should be made to The Record Office via recordoffice@leics.gov.uk.

Sale of Thomas Cook’s UK airport slots at Gatwick and Bristol to easyJet

The Official Receiver and Special Managers from Interpath Advisory have confirmed that airport slots at London Gatwick (LGW) and Bristol Airport (BRS) belonging to Thomas Cook have been sold and transferred to easyJet.

This transaction marks the first to be announced in relation to Thomas Cook’s UK airport slots portfolio. The sale price was £36 million.

This outcome has been facilitated by the collaborative approach of Thomas Cook’s commercial partners at UK airports and the support of both internal and external slot co-ordinators.

Sale of Thomas Cook’s UK airport slots at Manchester, Birmingham and Stansted to Jet2.com

The Official Receiver and Special Managers from Interpath Advisory have today confirmed that key UK airport slots belonging to Thomas Cook have been sold and transferred to Jet2.com.

The agreement sees Jet2.com acquire the UK slots at Manchester Airport (MAN), Birmingham Airport (BHX) and London Stansted Airport (STN), with this transaction being the second announced in relation to Thomas Cook’s UK slots portfolio. The sale price was not disclosed.

This outcome has been facilitated by the collaborative approach of Thomas Cook’s commercial partners at UK airports and the support of both internal and external slot co-ordinators.

Sale of Thomas Cook’s UK retail estate

An agreement has been reached with Hays Travel Limited to acquire Thomas Cook’s entire UK retail estate.

Hays Travel will acquire a total of 555 stores around the UK, providing re-employment opportunities for former employees of Thomas Cook’s retail operations who were made redundant following the appointment of the Official Receiver as liquidator on 23 September 2019.

Following the appointment of the Official Receiver, Hays Travel have recruited 421 former Thomas Cook personnel and there are further offers to former employees.

Former employees reemployed by Hays Travel will not have their eligibility for redundancy payments affected.

Former employees of Thomas Cook interested in job opportunities are invited to contact Hays Travel on 0800 215 5995 or visit Hays Travel website.

Information for customers

All Thomas Cook bookings, including flights and holidays, have now been cancelled. All of Thomas Cook’s retail shops will close with immediate effect.

The Government is working with the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to help passengers return to the UK. Depending on your location, this will be either on CAA-operated flights or by using existing flights with other airlines. This will apply to both ATOL protected passengers and those who are not protected.

If you are already abroad you will find all the information you need about your arrangements to return to the UK on the CAA website.

If you are due to depart from a UK airport with Thomas Cook Airlines, please do not travel to your UK airport as your flight will not be operating and you will not be able to travel. Further information is available on the CAA’s website.

If you have paid the Thomas Cook companies in liquidation for goods or services that you haven’t received, you will need to register as a creditor in the liquidation.

Claiming refunds

If you have unredeemed Thomas Cook gift cards, please register as a creditor.

Further information on claiming a refund for an ATOL protected holiday is available on the CAA’s website.

If you have booked Thomas Cook flights only and are not ATOL protected, you may be able to get your money back by claiming a refund from your card issuer. Please contact your card issuer as soon as possible and further information, including time limits that apply, is available from the UK Cards Association’s Credit and debit cards: A consumer guide.

Unsolicited refund approaches

The Official Receiver is aware that Thomas Cook customers are being offered refunds in exchange for an upfront payment and bank details. Do not engage with any such approaches and report them immediately to the Official Receiver via ThomasCook.Liquidator@insolvency.gov.uk and Action Fraud UK.

Information for employees

If you have been told that you are being made redundant, the information in this section provides advice about claiming money you’re owed and where you can seek support.

Who is eligible?

You can apply to the Insolvency Service for redundancy and other payments if:

  • you worked for these companies under an employment contract
  • you live in England, Scotland or Wales

You can’t apply to the Insolvency Service if you live in Northern Ireland. Find out about your rights in Northern Ireland if your employer is insolvent.

If you live outside of England, Scotland and Wales, and also spent the majority of your employment outside of England, Scotland, and Wales, you will need to apply to the redundancy scheme in that jurisdiction.

How to apply

The Special Managers will give you details about how to apply and will also give you a case reference number (for example CN12345678).

Once you have this information you can apply online.

What you can apply for

What you can apply for depends on your circumstances. The Insolvency Service can pay:

  • redundancy pay: if you’ve worked for Thomas Cook for at least 2 years
  • pro rata holiday pay (known as ‘holiday pay accrued’): the leave you were entitled to take between the start of your leave year and the date you were made redundant

If you have already taken the leave you are entitled to, you will not be due a holiday pay accrued (HPA) payment

  • holiday pay taken (HPT): if Thomas Cook hasn’t paid you for annual leave you took before being made redundant
  • money you’re owed by Thomas Cook, for example unpaid wages, overtime and commission
  • statutory notice pay: if you’ve worked for Thomas Cook for at least 1 month

There are caps on what we can pay you for each type of claim. Find out how much we can pay you.

More information about holiday pay

We process and pay HPT and HPA payments separately, so you may receive two separate letters at different times about these payments.

Some employees have received a letter telling them that they will not be paid holiday pay. This may be because the information we have so far received from Thomas Cook doesn’t say that you are owed holiday pay. Claims rejected for this reason are being individually reviewed, without the need for re-submission and will be paid as soon as we can verify what is owed.

Paying your claim

On average the Insolvency Service’s redundancy payments service pays redundancy and related claims within 14 days of receipt of information.

Special arrangements are being put in place to pay sooner if practicable to do so.

Find more information about what we can pay.

Redundancy: help finding work and claiming benefits.

Employees of Thomas Cook’s airline and tour operator companies should approach AlixPartners for further information about how to make a claim via their dedicated website.

Employees of Thomas Cook’s retail and aircraft maintenance companies should approach Interpath Advisory via the dedicated website or via the following email addresses:

Please don’t contact us about how to claim or to check the status of your application. This will help us deal with everyone’s application as quickly as possible.

Thomas Cook Aircraft Engineering Ltd

Thomas Cook Aircraft Engineering Ltd is being wound-down as part of the liquidation of the group and will close. The Special Managers will provide staff with the information they will need to make a claim for the redundancy and other related payments that are due when they are made redundant.

Income protection insurance

Thomas Cook employees not able to work on a long-term basis due to illness or incapacity who had been off work for more than six months and in receipt of income protection insurance payments were made redundant on 23 September 2019. Affected employees have been contacted by the Special Managers with information about the consequences of the liquidation for their payments.

The Official Receiver is aware that some employees have not received the insurance payment they were expecting for September and is looking into this with insurers. Former employees who have not received their September payment are advised to claim for outstanding payments from the Redundancy Payments Service. Claims are subject to statutory limits.

As Thomas Cook is now in liquidation no further income protection payments will be made by the company. Enquiries about future payments should be directed to the relevant insurance companies.

Information for creditors

You will need to register as a creditor in the liquidation if:

  • you have unredeemed Thomas Cook gift cards
  • you haven’t been paid for goods or services you’ve supplied to the Thomas Cook companies in liquidation
  • you have paid the Thomas Cook companies in liquidation for goods or services that you haven’t received
  • you are a worker or self-employed contractor who provided services to any of the Thomas Cook companies in liquidation

To register as a creditor you will need to complete a Proof of Debt form which you should then email to the Special Managers.

Creditors of Thomas Cook’s airline and tour operator companies will need to complete a Proof of Debt form and submit to AlixPartners. Further information can be found on AlixPartners’ dedicated website.

Creditors of Thomas Cook’s retail and aircraft maintenance companies will need to complete a Proof of Debt form and submit to Interpath Advisory. Further information be found on the dedicated website.

Once you have registered and the Special Manager receives your Proof of Debt form they will add you to the list of creditors and include you on future correspondence about the case.

Outstanding personal injury claims

Thomas Cook was managing a large number of personal injury claims from former customers. Generally these claims are not covered by insurance and they will be treated as unsecured creditors in the liquidation. It is very unlikely that sufficient funds will be realised from the sale of assets to make payments against these claims.

The government has announced that it intends to develop a statutory compensation scheme to provide for those customers facing the most serious hardship as a result of injuries or loss of life. Further details of the scheme, including eligibility, will be announced when Parliament returns after the general election.

If you need emergency financial assistance, there are a number of options depending on your situation. (PDF, 172KB, 3 pages)

Read the Business Secretary’s statement to Parliament

Information for shareholders

Thomas Cook Group plc’s listing with the London Stock Exchange has been suspended. At the present time Thomas Cook shares cannot be traded on the exchange.

Unfortunately, as a result of the liquidation appointments, there is no prospect of a return to Thomas Cook’s shareholders.

Shareholders should be aware of any approaches in the form of third parties offering to dispose of their shares, in exchange for the up-front payment of fees. The FCA website has information about how to avoid and report share scams.

Companies in liquidation and Special Manager appointments

On 23 September 2019 Simon Appell, Alastair Beveridge, Dan Imison and Ben Browne of AlixPartners were appointed Special Managers to assist the Official Receiver carry out his duties in the following airline and tour operator companies in liquidation:

Thomas Cook Airlines Limited

Thomas Cook Group Treasury Limited

Thomas Cook Tour Operations Limited

Thomas Cook Airlines Treasury plc

Thomas Cook In Destination Management Limited

Thomas Cook Group Tour Operations Limited

Thomas Cook Group plc

Thomas Cook Money Limited

Thomas Cook Services Limited

My Travel Group Limited

Thomas Cook Investments (2) Limited

Thomas Cook Continental Holdings Limited

Blue Sea Overseas Investments Limited

Thomas Cook Group UK Limited

Thomas Cook Finance 2 Plc

Thomas Cook Group Airlines Limited

Thomas Cook West Investments Limited

Thomas Cook UK Limited

Thomas Cook UK Travel Limited

Further information is available on AlixPartners dedicated website.

On 23 September 2019 Blair Nimmo, Jim Tucker, David Pike, Mike Pink and Ben Leith of Interpath Advisory were appointed Special Managers to assist the Official Receiver carry out his duties in the following retail and aircraft maintenance companies in liquidation:

Thomas Cook Aircraft Engineering Limited

Thomas Cook Retail Limited

TCCT Retail Limited

The Freedom Travel Group Limited

Future Travel Limited

Travel and Financial Services Limited

Retail Travel Limited

  • On 22 May 2020, Ben Leith’s appointment as Special Manager ceased

Further information is available.

On 8 November 2019, winding up orders were made against a further 27 companies in the Thomas Cook Group of companies; this was upon the petition of the Directors. The court appointed David Chapman, the Official Receiver as Liquidator.

Winding up orders were made against:

1841 Limited (10363855)

Airtours Holidays Transport Limited (03333295)

Buzzard Leisure Limited (03228350)

Close Number 6 Limited (03234895)

Co-op Group Travel 2 Holdings Limited (07413809)

Inspirations Limited (02817539)

MyTravel Luxembourg UK Unlimited (04998481)

MyTravel North America Limited (04184683)

MyTravel Pioneer Limited (04424659)

Parkway Hellas Holdings Limited (05273788)

Parkway I P R Limited (03978212)

Sandbrook Overseas Investments Limited (06395258)

Sandbrook UK Investments Limited (06304749)

Sun International (UK) Limited (00632364)

TCCT Holdings UK Limited (07714007)

TCGH Holdings Limited (08587707)

Thomas Cook Airlines Leasing Limited (11099988)

Thomas Cook Brands Limited (11326414)

Thomas Cook Finance Limited (06406717)

Thomas Cook Group Hedging Limited (08024061)

Thomas Cook Hotel Management Limited (11339592)

Thomas Cook Indian IP Limited (08128794)

Thomas Cook Investments 3 Limited (11100225)

Thomas Cook Pension Trust Limited (01453782)

Thomas Cook Treasury Limited (04037933)

Thomas Cook West Holdings Limited (09236738)

Tourmajor Limited (01450464)

Government and UK CAA launches largest repatriation in peacetime history after collapse of Thomas Cook

Following the collapse of Thomas Cook and the cancellation of all its flights, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has announced that the government and UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has hired dozens of charter planes to fly customers home free of charge.

All customers currently abroad with Thomas Cook who are booked to return to the UK over the next 2 weeks will be brought home as close as possible to their booked return date.

The flights will start operating from today (23 September 2019). All the details of each flight will be posted on a special website, thomascook.caa.co.uk, as soon as they are available.

The government and the UK CAA aim to fly people as close as possible to their booked return date – so customers are being strongly advised not to cut short their holiday or go to the airport without checking the website for information about their return journey.

The UK CAA is also contacting hotels accommodating Thomas Cook customers, who have booked as part of a package, to tell them that the cost of their accommodation will also be covered by the government, through the Air Travel Trust Fund/ATOL cover.

All Thomas Cook customers wherever they are around the world, will be brought back to the UK on special free flights or booked onto another scheduled airline at no extra cost. The dedicated website will provide all the information customers need to access these flights. A small number of passengers may need to book their own flight home and reclaim the costs.

For flights back to the UK, it doesn’t matter whether customers are ATOL protected or not, or what their nationality is. Everyone on a Thomas Cook holiday with a return flight to the UK within the 2 weeks will be brought home.

Under normal circumstances, passengers who are not ATOL protected would be asked to find, and pay for, their own way home. However, given the extent of the disruption the government is stepping in to assist impacted passengers and get people home.

Hundreds of staff from many government departments and agencies, including the UK CAA, the Department for Transport (DfT), and the Foreign Office (FCO), will be deployed in call centres and at airports to help people.

Customers who haven’t already left the UK, should not go to the airport, as there will be no further outbound flights operated by Thomas Cook. The dedicated website will let customers know how to get their money back.

The Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, said:

Thomas Cook’s collapse is very sad news for staff and holidaymakers. The government and UK CAA is working round the clock to help people. Our contingency planning has helped acquire planes from across the world – some from as far away as Malaysia – and we have put hundreds of people in call centres and at airports.

But the task is enormous, the biggest peacetime repatriation in UK history. So, there are bound to be problems and delays. Please try to be understanding with the staff who are trying to assist in what is likely to be a very difficult time for them as well.

Following the announcement that the company has been put into compulsory liquidation, various support schemes have been set up to assist UK based employees and customers – including a dedicated government webpage and helpline to advise on rights and protections and the Jobcentre Plus Rapid Response Service.

The Insolvency Service is taking steps to prepare for payment of statutory redundancy to employees (except in Northern Ireland where different rules apply).

The government also intends to convene a cross-government taskforce to support employees, alongside local stakeholders. The taskforce will consider existing support schemes and will also monitor the impact on local businesses.

The Business Secretary will write to the Insolvency Service to ask them to prioritise and fast-track their investigation into the circumstances surrounding Thomas Cook going into liquidation. The investigation will also consider the conduct of the directors.

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom said:

This will be a hugely worrying time for employees of Thomas Cook, as well as their customers. Government will do all it can to support them. I will be setting up a cross-government taskforce to monitor local impacts, will write to insurance companies to ask them to process claims quickly, and stand ready to provide assistance and advice.

I will also be writing to the Insolvency Service to ask them to prioritise and fast-track their investigation into the circumstances surrounding Thomas Cook going into liquidation.

The government has held a series of meetings to plan the operation, which is codenamed Operation Matterhorn. Further ministerial meetings will be held today.

The operation is led by the UK CAA but also involves DfT, FCO, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and other departments.

There are more than 150,000 holidaymakers abroad with Thomas Cook who are booked to return to the UK at some point over the next 2 weeks. The vast majority will not need to return today.

The operation is modelled on the successful repatriation of passengers after the collapse of Monarch Airways. The final cost of that operation to taxpayers was about £50 million. The repatriation effort with Thomas Cook is about twice the size.

All the charter aircraft meet full UK safety standards.

A minority of passengers will be returned to a different UK airport from the one they left. Where this happens, we will provide coaches and taxis to get passengers to their original departure airport.

Thomas Cook’s financial problems are substantial, long-standing and well documented and government financial assistance would not have resolved them.

The operation is only intended for passengers who were due to return to the UK within the next 2 weeks.